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905 lines (591 loc) · 40 KB

File metadata and controls

905 lines (591 loc) · 40 KB



Patch Changes

  • prevent invalid default rule in legacy browsers (ccc9c9a9)


Patch Changes

  • do not replace window and document for deno bundles (5fd4bb08)


Patch Changes

  • create dedicated worker and deno bundles, and downgrade module to es2019 (fixes #426) (02ea227a)

  • add @twind/with-react package with support for React v18 streamed responses (fixes #409) (6521e678)

  • ensure that all functions from the internal context are destructurable (fixes #423) (c832b338)


Minor Changes

  • automatically add content: '' to before and after variant styles (closes #405, related to #414) (58c87006)

  • Add support for configuring default font-feature-settings for a font-family (b24af095)

  • add supports-* variant (9254d208)

Patch Changes

  • support observing shadow dom (fixes #421) (1e16652d)

  • add new web components integration (c64fb457)

  • add Lit example (e06a4830)

  • workaround webpack accessing the prototype in dev mode (64f1ea37)


Patch Changes

  • Fixes "warn" message doesn't respect event.preventDefault() (#403) (#412) 🙏🏽 @wzulfikar!


Patch Changes

  • add @twind/preset-container-queries (0ba8cca0)

  • respect modifier and non-alphanumeric chars in precedence (0ba8cca0)

  • improve slotting based on at-rule width (0ba8cca0)


Patch Changes

  • introduce new @twind/core package to prevent issue with existing code that imports from CDNs without a version (4cab9d2f)

  • prevent name mangling of toplevel variables when creating a iife script (4cab9d2f)


Patch Changes

  • helpful error message during dev when no active twind instance is found (fe891f9c)

  • big documentation update (a63ca2cb)

  • allow for cssom and dom to accept a selector string to find the server rendered stylesheet (e2c17a2e)

  • BREAKING: use install instead of setup for cdn configuration to align with other integrations (d481948b)

  • handle hex encoded ampersand (a61e0d1d)

  • warn about invalid classes and invalid css during development (e6acbea2)

    When run in development mode, which is determined by the export condition development, twind notifies about invalid classes and invalid css.

    Further reading:

    In the the browser a warning event is emitted on the window object and, in case there is no event listener or the event listener did not call event.preventDefault(), a warning is logged to the console.

    addEventListener('warning', (event) => {
      // prevent default console.warn(`[<code>] <message>: <detail>`) logging
      const warning = event.detail
      // { message: '...', code: 'TWIND_INVALID_CLASS', detail: '<className>'}
      // { message: '...', code: 'TWIND_INVALID_CSS', detail: '<css>'}

    In Node.js a warning is emitted using process.emitWarning.

    If there is no warning event listener, the warning is printed to stderr.

    (node:56338) [TWIND_INVALID_CLASS] Warning: ...

    Alternatively, you can use the process.on('warning', ...) to handle warnings.

    import process from 'node:process'
    process.on('warning', (warning) => {
      console.warn(warning.message) // Print the warning message
      console.warn(warning.code) // 'TWIND_INVALID_CLASS' | 'TWIND_INVALID_CSS'
      console.warn(warning.detail) // '<className>' | '<css>'
  • initial intellisense support (2ac8e695)

  • stringify in user config always wins (0705e419)


Patch Changes

  • helpful error message during dev when no active twind instance is found (fe891f9c)

  • allow for cssom and dom to accept a selector string to find the server rendered stylesheet (e2c17a2e)

  • BREAKING: use install instead of setup for cdn configuration to align with other integrations (d481948b)

  • warn about invalid classes and invalid css during development (e6acbea2)

    When run in development mode, which is determined by the export condition development, twind notifies about invalid classes and invalid css.

    Further reading:

    In the the browser a warning event is emitted on the window object and, in case there is no event listener or the event listener did not call event.preventDefault(), a warning is logged to the console.

    addEventListener('warning', (event) => {
      // prevent default console.warn(`[<code>] <message>: <detail>`) logging
      const warning = event.detail
      // { message: '...', code: 'TWIND_INVALID_CLASS', detail: '<className>'}
      // { message: '...', code: 'TWIND_INVALID_CSS', detail: '<css>'}

    In Node.js a warning is emitted using process.emitWarning.

    If there is no warning event listener, the warning is printed to stderr.

    (node:56338) [TWIND_INVALID_CLASS] Warning: ...

    Alternatively, you can use the process.on('warning', ...) to handle warnings.

    import process from 'node:process'
    process.on('warning', (warning) => {
      console.warn(warning.message) // Print the warning message
      console.warn(warning.code) // 'TWIND_INVALID_CLASS' | 'TWIND_INVALID_CSS'
      console.warn(warning.detail) // '<className>' | '<css>'
  • initial intellisense support (2ac8e695)

  • stringify in user config always wins (0705e419)


Patch Changes

  • configurable Dark Mode ClassName (774e2bb4)
  • prevent orphaned style tag when calling setup multiple times (closes #321) (0e2aa5c4)
  • Add <alpha-value> placeholder support for custom colors (closes #349) (0a63948e)
  • support alpha values for theme() function (bdc0a7a1)
  • fix missing spaces around arithmetic operators (f74163ba)


Patch Changes

  • fix: replace escaped quotes within class names during SSR (b212b52f)
  • Rewrites HTML entity & when self-referenced groups are used with (p)react (782f93df) 🙏🏽 @rschristian!
  • feat: preserve classes created by explicit tw calls during SSR (fe88051d)

    Previously inline and extract cleared the tw instance before parsing the html assuming that all classes are available via class attributes. That led to missing styles from injectGlobal or explicit tw calls.

    This change introduces a snaphot method on tw and sheet instances which allows to preserve the classes that are created by explicit tw calls.

    Default Mode (nothing changed here)

    import { inline } from '@twind/core'
    function render() {
      return inline(renderApp())

    Library Mode

    import { tw, stringify } from '@twind/core'
    function render() {
      // remember global classes
      const restore = tw.snapshot()
      // generated html
      const html = renderApp()
      // create CSS
      const css = stringify(
      // restore global classes
      // inject as last element into the head
      return html.replace('</head>', `<style data-twind>${css}</style></head>`)
  • fix: gradients with arbitrary color stop positions (#296) (77954405)


Patch Changes

  • fix: workaround for replaced ' and " when using react renderToString (08c66ee8)


Patch Changes

  • relax some typings where the actual generic type does not matter (28cbaef5)
  • fix: ensure colors DEFAULT values override nested objects (43d61076)
  • refactor: include full precendence in resume data (80ce410a)
  • fix: move styles generated by animation() into components layer — this allows to override animation properties using utilities (39b45125)
  • feat: auto dark colors (2f8f69d2)

    If enabled, automatic dark colors are generated for each light color (eg no dark: variant is present). This feature is opt-in and twind provides a builtin function that works with tailwind color palettes (50, 100, 200, ..., 800, 900).

    import { autoDarkColor } from '@twind/core'
      // for tailwind color palettes: 50 -> 900, 100 -> 800, ..., 800 -> 100, 900 -> 50
      darkColor: autoDarkColor,
      // other possible implementations
      darkColor: (section, key, { theme }) => theme(`${section}.${key}-dark`) as ColorValue,
      darkColor: (section, key, { theme }) => theme(`dark.${section}.${key}`) as ColorValue,
      darkColor: (section, key, { theme }) => theme(`${section}.dark.${key}`) as ColorValue,
      darkColor: (section, key, context, lightColor) => generateDarkColor(lightColor),

    Example css for text-gray-900:

    .text-gray-900 {
      --tw-text-opacity: 1;
      color: rgba(15, 23, 42, var(--tw-text-opacity));
    @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
      .text-gray-900 {
        --tw-text-opacity: 1;
        color: rgba(248, 250, 252, var(--tw-text-opacity));

    The auto-generated dark color can be overridden by the usual dark:... variant: text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100.

    .text-gray-900 {
      --tw-text-opacity: 1;
      color: rgba(15, 23, 42, var(--tw-text-opacity));
    @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
      .text-gray-900 {
        --tw-text-opacity: 1;
        color: rgba(248, 250, 252, var(--tw-text-opacity));
    @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
      .dark\\:text-gray-100 {
        --tw-text-opacity: 1;
        color: rgba(241, 245, 249, var(--tw-text-opacity));
  • fix: handle color function in replacement for theme(...) (9fc5baec)
  • refactor: move hashing of vars (--tw-<...>) from preset-tailwind into core — this allows var hashing without the tailwind preset (ae979d12)
  • fix: prevent double class name hashing (fc9b0c27)
  • fix: use text-decoration-line (346efc4e)
  • fix: ensure theme returns all sections (8bbc2a42)
  • fix: use same color section detection (8dfd105b)


Patch Changes

  • chore: cleanup eslint rules (009594c6)


Patch Changes

  • add animation helper (b56b7282)

    import { animation, keyframes } from '@twind/core'
    const fadeIn = animation(
      '1s ease-out',
        0% {
          opacity: 0;
        100% {
          opacity: 1;
  • BREAKING: removed support for single line comments (//) — CSS comments (/* ... */) are supported (a3191b5f)
  • adjust typings for injectGlobal, keyframes, and tx to handle .call and .apply correctly (b9da668c)
  • support arrays for @font-face, @import, and @apply in object notation (a3191b5f)


Patch Changes

  • server side generated styles are resumed in the browser (b223e5bb)

    Server side generated styles now include resume data that allows twind in the browser to know which styles are already included in the stylesheet. This change significantly reduces the time to interactive, supports hashed classes, and prevents missing classes that have been generated by css or style and are not yet registered.

    Resuming styles is enabled by default for setup (Shim Mode).

    import { setup } from '@twind/core'
    import config from './twind.config'
    // styles are resumed!

    If you want to used the dom sheet during development or if you currently pass a sheet as the second argument, please switch to the new getSheet(useDOMSheet?: boolean, disableResume?: boolean) function. This function returns a Sheet for the current environment — virtual on server, either dom or cssom in browsers.

    import { setup, getSheet } from '@twind/core'
    import config from './twind.config'
    setup(config, getSheet(process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production'))

    If you want to use resuming styles with Library Mode you need to adjust your code to use getSheet:

    import { twind, getSheet } from '@twind/core'
    import config from './twind.config'
    export const tw = twind(config, getSheet(process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production'))

    To generate server side styles use either inline or extract:

    import { inline, extract } from '@twind/core'
    // 1. using inline
    const html = inline(renderApp())
    // 2. using extract
    const { html, css } = extract(renderApp())
    // add the css to the head using <style data-twind>{css}</style>

    The signature of virtual(includeResumeData?: boolean) has changed as well. This is technically a breaking change, but I doubt anybody has used the previous possible virtual([]).

  • expose the used config via tw.config (92037344)


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • mark the twind style sheet (39001d2a)

    <!-- the SSR stylesheet -->
    <style data-twind="ssr"></style>
    <!-- the client stylesheet -->
    <style data-twind></style>


Patch Changes

  • ensure dark class condition is always applied last (a15d2655)
  • fix: native methods such as bind not working properly when used on twind's apply helper (#269) 🙏🏽 Thanks @IgnusG!
  • keyframes can be use within arbitrary values ​ `animate-[1s_${fadeIn}_ease-out]`​ (e1d3433a)
  • merge multiple group and peer classes (2c823293)


    ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

      ~ .group:focus:hover
      > :not([hidden])
      ~ :not([hidden]) {
      --tw-space-x-reverse: 0;
      margin-left: calc(1rem * calc(1 - var(--tw-space-x-reverse)));
      margin-right: calc(1rem * var(--tw-space-x-reverse));
  • Fix: keyframes Proxy now passthrough Function's own properties (#270) 🙏🏽 Thanks @danielweck!


Patch Changes

  • BREAKING: changed the definition of shortcuts within config.rules (24b095af)

    The new format should be more readable and clear about what is happening.

    // defineConfig is optional but helps with type inference
      rules: [
        /* Some aliases */
        // shortcut: styles are generated as defined by twind — same as if they where used alone
        // shortcut to multiple utilities
        ['card', 'py-2 px-4 font-semibold rounded-lg shadow-md'],
        // dynamic shortcut — `$` is everything after the match eg `btn-red` -> `red`
        ['card-', ({ $ }) => `bg-${$}-400 text-${$}-100 py-2 px-4 rounded-lg`],
        // single utility alias — need to use `~(...)` as it would be otherwise recognized as a CSS property
        ['red', '~(text-red-100)'],
        // apply: styles are generated in order they are declared
        // apply to multiple utilities
        ['btn-green', '@(bg-green-500 hover:bg-green-700 text-white)'],
        // dynamic apply
        ['btn-', ({ $ }) => `@(bg-${$}-400 text-${$}-100 py-2 px-4 rounded-lg)`],
        /* Some rules */
        ['hidden', { display: 'none' }],
        // Table Layout
        // .table-auto { table-layout: auto }
        // .table-fixed { table-layout: fixed }
        ['table-(auto|fixed)', 'tableLayout'],
        // dynamic
        ['table-', (match, context) => /* ... */],
  • allow css(), cx(), and style() to be used for rule definition (b7280003)

      rules: [
        // Using css
            target-name: new;
            target-new: tab;
        // dynamic
          ({ 1: $1 }) => css`
            target-name: new;
            target-new: ${$1};
        // Using cx
        ['highlight(-rounded)?', ({ 1: rounded }) => cx({ 'bg-yellow-200': true, rounded })],
        // Using style
        // `box?color=coral` -> `.box\\?color\\=coral{background-color:coral}`
        // `box?rounded` -> `.box\\?rounded{border-radius:0.25rem}`
        // `box?color=coral&rounded` -> `.box\\?color\\=coral\\&rounded{background-color:coral;border-radius:0.25rem}`
        // `box?color=purple&rounded=md` -> `.box\\?color\\=purple\\&rounded\\=md{background-color:purple;border-radius:0.375rem}`
            props: {
              color: {
                coral: css({
                  backgroundColor: 'coral',
                purple: css`
                  background-color: purple;
              rounded: {
                '': 'rounded',
                md: 'rounded-md',


Patch Changes

  • fix: ensure sources are included in sourcemap (bbbbd88e)
  • add ssr marker to server render twind style (e8eaae8b)
  • perf: remove unnecessary conditions compare (b526c888)


Patch Changes

  • keyframes: access global tw on usage eg lazily (bb288434)
  • rewritten token parser to better supported nested brackets (063b002b)
  • filter rules can be used alone and modify defaults selector to include ::before and ::after (966fcb93)
  • ensure tw returned by observe is callable (f1fe9a81)
  • enhance typings for config.theme (2b91cf29)
  • cssom: the ownerNode might have already been removed (49002cac)


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • ensure dark variant is handled correctly within nested groups (18f0caff)
  • add keyframes function that lazily injects the keyframes into the sheet and return a unique name (a415d389)
  • add injectGlobal which allows to add CSS to the base layer (1800dec7)
  • ensure each varaiant occurs only onces eg is unique (90da3bbc)


Patch Changes

  • allow CSS to be used in preflight and rules (#252)

      preflight: css`
        body {
          background: theme(colors.gray.100);
      rules: [
          // bg-red, bg-#ccc, bg-transparent
          ({ $ }) =>
              background-color: ${$};
  • refactor: handling of nested (shortcuts atm) groups (#252)
  • add apply and @(...) that uses the given order (#252)
  • inline: pass html to minify function — allows to only include above-the-fold CSS (#252)


Patch Changes

  • add tx as convenient helper for tw(cx(...)) (877152d1)
  • BREAKING: tw accepts only a single string argument (use cx for more feature) this reduces the bundle size for the shim mode by 0.25kb (#251)
  • ensure that dark variant is always applied first (#251)
  • BREAKING: move darkMode into twind core (#251)
  • inline can accept an options object with a minify to minify the resulting CSS before injecting it (#251)


Patch Changes

  • a custom hash function receives the default hash (0a2daf0f)
  • BREAKING: rename inject to inline (762c5153)


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • fix variant cache condition (1f578c9e)


Patch Changes

  • add inject(html) helper to simplify extracting CSS and injecting it into the head element (#247)


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • BREAKING(@twind/runtime): renamed init to setup to better align with other APIs (#245)


Patch Changes

  • ensure globale twind_core variable points to bundled @twind/core which allows presets to uses it (#244)
  • all bundles should use the same globalName twind (#244)
  • BREAKING(preset authors): removed preset() helper to simplify config merging — What needs to change? instead calling preset, return your preset (#244)
  • add comsume(html, tw) to process static HTML (#244)


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • BREAKING: a twind instance is now callable tw('...') instead of tw.inject('...') (#239)


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • revert to observing document.documentElement and describe a solution to prevent FOUC (2a9f1685)


Patch Changes

  • allow twind and @twind/runime package to be used outside of a DOM environment (d8705f9d)


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • expose tw and apply for twind v0.16 compatibility (79c63ef9)
  • expose setup function to configure twind (79c63ef9)


Patch Changes