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1426 lines (959 loc) · 47.2 KB

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1426 lines (959 loc) · 47.2 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Updated dependencies.

[4.2.1] 2024-07-19


  • Updated dependencies.

[4.2.0] 2024-05-29


  • The API endpoints for listing and fetching KPI details now include KPI description and parent information.


  • Upgraded to Firebase 10.


  • The Google Sheets integration has been completely removed, both for key results and measurements. Please refer to our API documentation for instructions on how to update progression programmatically, e.g. by using Google Apps Script for Google Sheets.


  • Fixed a bug that made organization admins unable to add new users.
  • Improved error reporting from backup and restore Cloud Functions.


  • Updated dependencies.

[4.1.1] 2024-02-09


  • Fixed a bug making it impossible to create or update organization level objectives.


  • Updated dependencies.

[4.1.0] 2024-01-15


  • "Lifting" objectives are now also allowed during the creation flow, not only when edited.

Breaking changes

  • The API endpoint for listing KPIs (measurements) now uses cursor-based pagination to alleviate scalability issues in the previous implementation.
  • The status API endpoint providing certain global KPI metrics was broken and have been removed.


  • Enhanced the responsiveness of OKR pane views for a better user experience.
  • Enhanced the responsiveness of all drawers. They are now more compact and fill the entire viewport on mobile.
  • Drag and drop ordering of measurements and key results are now triggered by using a specific handle (the "drag icon"). This prevents accidental dragging, especially on mobile devices.
  • Replaced D3.js with a more high-level charting and visualization library. This change is aimed at improving future maintainability, streamlining chart creation, and enhancing the overall visualization experience.


  • Fixed disappearing navigation header for mobile users.
  • Added missing ARIA roles and attributes for navbar components.


  • Updated dependencies.

[4.0.0] 2023-12-06


  • The team member listing on the about page has been reintroduced, but is now only visible to members of the same organization.
  • The selected period for OKRs and KPIs is now remembered between visits.


  • Detail views for both objectives and key results are now shown as panes in the OKR timeline view. The number of simultaneously visible panes depends on the viewport size (and is otherwise stacked). Clicking objectives in the timeline now toggles the detail pane rather than adding objectives to a list. To group objectives in a list (and see combined progression), the meta key must now be pressed while selecting one or more objectives.
  • Key results can now be rearranged by drag and drop.
  • New key results are now given a start value of 0, a target value of 100, and percentage as unit of measurement by default.
  • Objectives can now be "lifted" from a product or department to the level above (to a department or organization, respectively).
  • The API authorization mechanism has been reworked. The API now accepts a pair of okr-client-id and okr-client-secret headers to authorize clients. The interface for managing client credentials can be found in the item navigation bar.
  • The period selected for the OKR and measurement views are no longer synchronized and can be adjusted individually.
  • The default OKR period is now "all". Objectives outside a set period are now dimmed.


  • The okr-team-secret header is deprecated and users should migrate to the new okr-client-id and okr-client-secret headers as described above. Existing okr-team-secret values will continue to work until they've been migrated.


  • The Slack integration has been removed.


  • Fixed Markdown rendering of descriptions on objective, key result, and measurement detail pages.
  • Product result indicators and key figures are now correctly included as part of parent measurements when switching between items.
  • The edit button for key result values is now only visible to users with the appropriate permissions.
  • Fixed overlapping dates on the x-axis of some line plots on small screens.
  • Organizations, departments, and products in the admin panel are now filtered based on the admin level of the current user.
  • Organization admins should now be allowed to edit own organizations including child departments and products.
  • The link to the admin page is no longer visible to non-admin users.


  • More security headers are now set: Content-Security-Policy, Referrer-Policy, X-Content-Type-Options, and X-Frame-Options.
  • Updated dependencies.

[3.10.0] 2023-10-10


  • Organization, department and product details are now edited from within the current item's about page.
  • Made links clickable in the description of objectives, key results and measurements.
  • It is no longer possible to close open modals or drawers by clicking outside them. This is meant to prevent accidental data loss in unsaved forms. Drawers can however still be closed by outside click after form submission.
  • Items in the admin panel now link directly to each respective item about page with the edit drawer opened.
  • The currently active item tab is now kept when navigating between organizational items.
  • Validation in forms is now less "eager" and errors are only displayed after attempted form submissions.
  • Administration of measurements has been moved to drawers and follows the same pattern as when editing OKRs and other items.
  • It is now again possible to adjust the weight of each key result used in the calculation of overall progression of an objective.


  • The admin panel tab has been completely removed from the item tab bar (all functionality moved to drawers).


  • Fixed create/edit/delete rights for organization admins.
  • Organization, department and product filters in the admin panel should no longer disappear when the search result count reaches a certain threshold.
  • Improved WCAG compliance with respect to text color contrast.
  • Fixed a problem that would sometimes cause an "infinite spinner" when a new version of the app was deployed.
  • Fixed cropping of dropdown menus when creating new organizations/departments/products.
  • Unauthorized users can no longer attempt to drag and drop reorder measurements.


  • Fixed an XSS issue with the rendering of tooltips.
  • Updated dependencies.

[3.9.0] 2023-09-01


  • Added a shortcut to quickly select the last used period when creating a new objective.


  • Measurements can now be rearranged by drag and drop on the measurement list and detail pages.
  • The date column now comes first in progress tables and CSV exports.
  • Export of progress graph (png) and raw data (csv) are now triggered from its respective widgets in the measurement details page.
  • Improved "not found" pages.
  • All icons are now provided by Punkt and the previous icon provider, Font Awesome, is no longer loaded.
  • Node.js 18 is now the default runtime for all Cloud Functions and when running the app locally.
  • Upgraded to Firebase 9.
  • Progression values are now required to be positive on entry, both from the web interface and from the API.
  • The design of the period selector has been refreshed.


  • Dropped support for Node.js 16 and below.


  • Removed flickering on the measurement details page when moving between measurements.
  • Logging in by email and password is now possible again.
  • Fixed an error when editing measurement progress values.
  • Fixed ordering of items in the main menu (by respecting the user locale when sorting).
  • Fixed the API base URL on the API spec page.
  • Fixed outside click detection for dropdown menus.
  • Regular team members are now also allowed to update key results within ended periods. This is a simplification and fixes a bug where some users couldn't update key results for objectives with an individual start and end date.


  • Updated dependencies.

[3.8.0] 2023-07-03


  • New flow for registering and editing of objectives and key results.
  • Introduced individual start- and end dates on objectives instead of them being tied to a predefined period.
  • The timeline view is now the default (and only) view on the OKR page.
  • A sidebar has been added to the timeline view that provides an optional at-a-glance summary of one or more selected objectives.
  • The timeline view now always displays all objectives. The period selector puts a specified period in focus instead of filtering the objectives. The date range can now also be set freely, and the period choice is made persistent between the OKR page and the measurements page.
  • The timeline view now fills all available screen space when browsing OKRs.
  • Goals in the timeline view now fills up horizontally instead of having one goal per row.
  • All buttons are now Punkt-styled.
  • Graphs for percentage measurements are no longer locked to 100% on the y-axis by default.
  • The main navigation menu icon has been replaced by a more generic one.
  • The design of empty states and error pages have been refreshed.
  • The CSV export of measurements no longer includes the time part of the timestamps, as only one measurement can exist per day anyway.
  • Line breaks in measurement comments are now rendered.
  • Users are no longer redirected after archiving objectives and key results. It is now possible to restore these objects from their respective detail pages.


  • The compact and detailed objective list views have been removed.


  • Fixed a bug causing dropdown toggles in the navigation bar not working.
  • Fixed handling forms when pressing the Enter button.


  • Updated dependencies.

[3.7.0] 2023-06-06


  • A new "neutral" choice for the preferred trend of measurements.
  • A download button has been added to the measurements overview page for downloading an image of multiple measurements simultaneously.


  • The option of where to start measurement y-axes has been set to zero by default for existing measurements too.
  • The initial value of OKR key results are now plotted on the OKR period's start date in the line chart.
  • Typography across the app is now more Punkt-styled.
  • The help page has been reworked.
  • The list view is now the default view on the measurements page.
  • The site header and navigation bar has been integrated while more view specific options are kept in a separate toolbar.
  • The about page has been redesigned.
  • The layout of pages are now based on the Punkt grid.
  • The home page has been redesigned. The selected organization are now persisted as a user preference between visits.


  • The team member listing on the about page has been removed.


  • Fixed a bug that made pressing Enter on the access request page clear the form instead of submitting it.
  • Fixed anchor link positioning.
  • Fixed a bug causing the goal reach icon to be halfway drawn when the goal isn't reached yet.
  • Fixed the CSV download function for measurement data (regression introduced in version 3.5.0).
  • Fixed misleading percentage change numbers.


  • Updated dependencies.

[3.6.0] 2023-05-05


  • A new timeline view for objectives has been added (visualized in a Gantt chart).
  • A separate list view has been added to the measurements tab.


  • The OKR period selection tabs have been moved into a dropdown menu in the top bar matching the period selector on the measurements page.
  • Improved OKR overview page styling.
  • Improved tooltip styling.
  • All forms now use Punkt-styled input fields.
  • Y-axes in measurement graphs now start counting from zero by default. It's possible to revert individual measurements to the old behavior of starting the y-axis around the lowest measured value in the measurement admin settings.
  • The change within a selected period (first and latest progress value) is now displayed beneath the progress graph for measurements.


  • Fixed rendering of charts containing goals with missing values.
  • Fixed a bug in the measurement goal value input field.
  • The period selector dropdown menu has been made more responsive.
  • The key result progression update form is now cleared on submit to prevent double submission.
  • Top bar content centering has been fixed on public pages.

[3.5.0] 2023-04-03


  • Added mini graphs to KPI cards.
  • A new site admin API for updating user details has been added.


  • The period selector is moved to a more prominent position in the item tab bar. It also includes two more pre-defined periods: current and previous quarter.
  • The API endpoints for updating key result and KPI progression values now accept an optional comment parameter.
  • The measurements tab has been redesigned and now integrates the previous measurement details page. This in order to provide an improved overview of all measurements.
  • Upgraded from Vue 2.6 to 2.7.


  • Fixed a bug that caused KPI trend indicators to be displayed in inverse.
  • The date picker on the KPI details page no longer disappears when the selected period doesn't contain any measurements.
  • The admin link is no longer displayed in the item tab bar for users without edit rights.
  • The item tab bar is now more responsive.

[3.4.0] 2023-03-03


  • The admin link on the OKR page has been removed and is replaced by a separate tab in the item tab bar.
  • Tag to indicate trend has been added to all KPI cards.
  • The layout of most pages are now more unified. Some widgets previously found in the sidebars of each page has been removed and their contents moved elsewhere.
  • The period selector now affects all measurements under the "Measurements" tab. It is also moved outside the result indicator box.
  • Custom alerts have been replaced by the equivalent component from the Punkt design system.
  • The page scroll manipulation when administrating measurements have been somewhat relaxed. When viewing details of a specific measurement, the admin tab now also links directly to the measurement in question.


  • Fixed a bug where document references in a KPI document would be overwritten by resolved document data. This also includes a fix to the API which would fail while attempting to resolve these invalid document references.
  • The state of an opened measurement edit form is now kept as is, even if the document has been updated in the background (e.g. while setting goals). This also prevents other data fields of the document, that might have been updated separately, from being overwritten with outdated data when saving the form (e.g. cached progress and goals).
  • When deleting a user, all references to the user are now also removed from organization and department member lists, like it is for products.
  • Date pickers used throughout the app now respect the selected language and are translated accordingly.

[3.3.0] 2023-02-03


  • A tab bar has been added to the main item view (organization, department, product) to facilitate easier navigation between relevant sections: OKRs, measurements (previously called "Dashboard") and general about information.
  • Tooltips are now also enabled for values and comments in the key result line chart.


  • All custom icon components are now replaced by counterparts from the Punkt design system.
  • KPIs are now generally called "measurements" in the app. The different types of KPIs are kept as respectively "result indicators", "key figures" and (plain) "measurements".
  • Any currently active period is now focused by default, instead of most recent, when visiting the OKR view.
  • Progress bar styling has been improved for better differentiation between the empty and filled state.
  • Dates in the period selector for measurements are now formatted to a more natural language in order to increase readability.
  • In order to be more Punkt-compliant, the line chart area filler is no longer a gradient. It is instead replaced by a an opaque version of the current value line color.


  • Support for cookie based authentication has been removed from our APIs.


  • Period progression is now updated when an objective is moved between periods.
  • Fixed a bug causing text to sometimes overflow in tooltips and progress history tables.
  • Fixed a bug where the key result details view in some cases would display the incorrect (parent) period if visited directly.
  • The y axis of the key result progress graph now adapts to values outside its defined range instead of drawing outside the visible graph area.
  • Fixed a bug in how error responses were returned from the access request API.


  • Restricted the accept and delete endpoints in the request access API to ensure super admin status.

[3.2.0] 2023-01-16


  • A green checkmark icon is shown beneath the dashboard result indicator graph when the current goal has been reached within the period.


  • Google Sheets integrations now expect full Google Sheets URLs instead of the sheet IDs.
  • Node 16 is now the default runtime for all Cloud Functions and when running the app locally.
  • More informative error page views.
  • Added contextual link to API documentation below curl example.
  • Statistics shown beneath the dashboard result indicator graph (latest value and goal) now reflects the selected period.


  • The green color theme has been removed. It hasn't received much love lately, and our focus will rather be to better align the default blue theme with the Punkt design system going forward.
  • Removed built-in Google Analytics integration. It was just default settings. Will probably be replaced by some other analytics tool once we select one that is compliant.


  • Fixed a bug where saving a placeholder OKR period without changes would result in it being set to unix epoch.
  • Fixed an incorrect admin rights check in the team widget.
  • Charts now support displaying a single measurement.

[3.1.0] 2022-12-15


  • The result indicator graph now defaults to showing all registered measurements in the dashboard.
  • Values for key result progress are now rounded to maximum two decimal places when displayed.
  • Renamed the heading and admin tab for "KPIs" to "measurements".
  • The graphs trend tag does now differ on display type 'integer' and 'percentage' when displaying the increase/decrease for period.
  • Current goals are now listed on the KPI admin page.
  • Line chart tooltips have been redesigned.
  • Usability improvements in the goal editing modal dialogue.
  • Form validation improvements by displaying more detailed user feedback and preventing submit on form errors.


  • Removed the (unused) icon option field from the OKR objective edit menu.


  • Fixed a bug where the right column on department pages would be hidden unintentionally.
  • Fixed a bug where line charts would sometimes be rendered without goal lines.
  • Added a missing Firestore index to make the admin feasibly fast again.


  • Fixed a vulnerability regarding encoding of query strings to Firestore.

[3.0.0] 2022-11-25

This release comprises nearly half a year of work and marks a change in how development and releases will be handled onward.

The previous master, develop, and long lived feature branches are scrapped in favor of a trunk based development workflow on the new main branch. From here we will run continuous deployments toward our own instance of the OKR Tracker, and strive to make new releases more frequently than before.


  • The biggest change in this release is the new dashboard which is available for departments, displaying a summaries of their missions, target groups, products, KPI- and OKR statuses. The dashboard is reached from the "Dashboard" link in the right column on a department's front page.
  • The update frequency, preferred trend, and type of a KPI can now be declared.
  • New API endpoints have been added for listing, updating, and deleting KPI progression values.
  • Added the ability to create, update, and delete progression values in the admin interface.
  • Comments can now be added to measurements.
  • Goals can now be set for KPIs.
  • The curl command example can now be copied by using a button.
  • A new npm run deploy:feature_branch command for easy deployment to Firebase preview channels.
  • A new npm run export_mock_data command for exporting mock data from the Firebase emulator to the local file system.


  • More functional and accessible tabs on item admin and item home pages.
  • More uniform styling of modal dialogues.
  • Made modal dialogues easier to navigate by keyboard.
  • An arbitrary number of KPIs can now be created for organizations/departments/products.
  • Changed the resolution of measurements to daily. When multiple measurements exist on a single day, only the last measurement is taken into account.
  • Improved number shortening/formatting.
  • The KPI grid is made more compact and more responsive.
  • The KPI admin page uses collapsible panels.
  • The home page styling has been changed to accommodate displaying an arbitrary number of KPIs.
  • More flexible team member listing – all roles can now be owned by more than one team member.
  • KPIs can be updated by a Google Sheet integration and via the API simultaneously.
  • Line chart styling and usability has been improved.
  • The admin link section has been simplified by removing the shortcuts and having a single large link to the admin page instead.


  • Removed the previous dashboard view and all related code.
  • Removed API endpoint returning the current user's authentication token.


  • Various text and translation fixes.
  • Fixed a display bug for radio buttons.
  • Fixed listing of developers and designers.


  • Fixed a vulnerability where users could escalate themselves to superusers.
  • Fixed vulnerabilities in the key result and KPI APIs regarding how the team secret was verified.
  • A bunch of security updates in dependencies.

[2.7.5] 2022-06-17


  • Made archive options less prominent
  • Made profile view as a right drawer
  • Remove unused dependencies.
  • Add rate limit to backend route handler.
  • Use fetch instead of axios.
  • Remove unused code for image upload.


  • Fix can't read property position of null error for unauthenticated users.
  • Set normalizeEmail gmail_remove_dots option to false
  • Enable wrongly disabled update key result button

[2.7.4] 2022-03-31


  • Change label and button color in AddKPIModal to make it visable. Ref. issue #345.

[2.7.3] 2022-03-21

  • Auto accept access requests from whitelisted domains

[2.7.2] 2022-01-27


  • Minor style changes


  • Bugs in key result progress info

[2.7.1] 2021-12-30


  • All text colors follow the chosen theme
  • Use the only blue hover color the Oslo design system has to offer on both green and blue themes
  • Line chart changes colors together with the theme


  • Header title disappeared when opening the side drawer

[2.7.0] 2021-12-29

OKR-tracker has been redesigned!

We have been working tirelessly for the last couple of months to give you a new design. We have tried to make it more robust, better UX for our users and a better navigation. Some information has been lifted, to give the user better information for their objectives and key results, and easier to update them respectively.


  • Redesign: new design in all the right places. Giving the users a better way of showing the Objectives and Key Results
  • Content Loaders! We have added content loaders to some of our components and hopefully this will increase the UX for our users
  • Side menu has been changed to a drawer


  • Removed rights to update key results after a period has ended
  • User page has been changed to a modal instead
  • Reverted stylelint back to v13
  • Updated dependencies


  • Breadcrumbs: it has been fun, but you are no longer welcome

[2.6.2] 2021-12-09


  • Cloud Functions: automatic backup and restore of the database has apparently not been working for a month

[2.6.1] 2021-11-10


  • Small bug with the public api after the big rewrite of Cloud Functions to ES Modules

[2.6.0] 2021-11-09

Last minor update before releasing our new design. New updates from now on will only be small bug fixes.


  • Rewritten sass rules from @import to @use/@forward - hopefully easier to implement the new Oslo Design System
  • Rewritten all the Cloud Functions to es modules - we can now write more future-proof code.
  • Updated all dependencies of Cloud Functions
  • Updated dependencies
  • Updated stylelint to v14 and fixed all the breaking changes


  • Not allowed to update Period if you only changed the name.
  • Showing loading spinner when fetching KPI/KeyResult progress
  • Moved widgets around for a better UX experience for mobile users
  • When updating Org/Dep/Prod, the state store would get corrupt and only refresh fixed it. Double documents would show because vuexfire does not handle hundreds of documents that well.
  • functions: config to active slackbot or not actually works

[2.5.3] 2021-10-27


  • KPI graph did not show if one progress object had a value equal to 0

[2.5.2] 2021-10-19


  • Actually fixed the bug showing Update value-button even if you did not have access


  • Small style changes for a better UX experience - in a series of different changes coming

[2.5.1] 2021-10-19


  • Update value-button in KeyResultHome was shown even though you did not have access to update


  • Removed sass-variables for colors, using CSS Variables instead
  • Updated README with more information when deploying to prod for the first time
  • Updated dependencies

[2.5.0] 2021-10-14

We have added another slackbot integration. The new slackbot integration pushes changes to organizations/departments/products.

You can call the slack bot with the command /okr. The different commands to the slack bot are:

  • subscribe organization/department/product slug - subscribe to a specific org/dep/prod
  • unsubscribe organization/department/product slug - unsubscribe
  • subscribe/all organization/department slug - subscribe to a specific org/dep/prod and all its children (departments/products)
  • unsubscribe/all organization/department slug - unsubscribe to everything

What types of updates does the bot push? Changes to the:

  • name
  • mission statement

Creation of:

  • Objectives
  • Key Results


  • If you run subscribe/all once on an organization/department and create a new product after that
    • run subscribe/all again, because we don't add new children to the parent subscription


  • Slack bot integration with channels in your slack organization. Push updates to a slack channel. (Read the readme about the changes and how to implement it)

Example: /okr subscribe product dataspeilet

Now we would get updates to our slack channel with changes to our product, dataspeilet. (Mountain Peach is the name of our test user)






  • Save-buttons are disabled until changes have been made.
  • Updated instructions on how to initialize a new okr-tracker instance
  • KeyResultHome: moved widgets around for easier access to the edit button
  • Updated dependencies

[2.4.1] 2021-10-05


  • Format numbers to norwegian locale - thousands are separated with a space (atm we do not support other formatting locales for numbers)
  • Moved some util-functions around
  • Updated dependencies


  • Team members could not create/update Periods/Objectives/KeyResults because of firestore rules
  • Toaster for errors from creating Periods/Objectives/KeyResults did not show correctly

[2.4.0] 2021-10-04


  • Log in with Microsoft (Thank you, @knowit, for the changes)


  • Removed keycloak integration

[2.3.1] 2021-09-28


  • Normal team members were not actually allowed to update their own organization/department/product

[2.3.0] 2021-09-28

We have added another lever of admin, called super admin. We are sorry, but you need to update some database documents to make this work.

Super Admin can:

  • do the same things as an admin and normal member
  • restore backups
  • promote or demote admins
  • migrate data
  • create/restore/change organizations

Admins can:

  • do the same things as a member
  • add new users to the OKR-tracker
  • administrate an organization they are apart of
  • administrate multiple products within the same organization
  • administrate multiple departments within the same organization

Member of a product or department or organization

  • has rights to administrate its own product/org/departments
  • ... such as add/remove members from a product/org/department
    • or update/delete/archive


  • Added another lever of admin - super admin.
    • Add superAdmin-property to one user, and then that person can give others superAdmin-access
    • Super admin needs to go and update every single product/department/organization to support the new RBAC system (sorry for the inconvenience)


  • Users were not allowed to archive its own product or department

[2.2.1] 2021-09-23


  • Job positions: added Storyteller


  • i18n corrections
  • Dashboard: PieChart not rendering correctly

[2.2.0] 2021-09-14


  • Users can choose what type of user they are from a predefined list of job positions. This is done in the My Profile-page
  • PieChart follows color scheme


  • Styles
  • TeamWidget: Multiple job positions are grouped into a parent position, i.e.: backend-, frontend-, mobile-, hardware-developers are grouped into Developers
  • Updated dependencies
  • Removed redundant firebase config environment keys
  • Updated readme for a better understanding of firebase private keys


  • Removed sass-loader because we don't use webpack anymore

[2.1.2] 2021-09-02


  • Nothing happened when trying to archive Periods/Objectives/Key Results

[2.1.1] 2021-08-31


  • Tab title changes together with the navbar title

[2.1.0] 2021-08-30

We have removed vue-cli and moved to vitejs for better develop experience and faster build and deploy times. This also means that from now on that we won't support IE11 at all. The chance that IE11 shows only a white screen is highly possible. We only support evergreen/modern browsers


  • Use Firebase auth emulator to emulate authentication (only for developers)


  • Moved from vue-cli to vitejs for our frontend build tool 🎉⚡🔥 Better, faster and leaner developer experience 🎉⚡🔥
  • Removed collapse-icon if the item has no children

[2.0.1] 2021-08-25


  • Sort KeyResults when in ObjectiveHome-view
  • Removed some unnecessary code duplication
  • Updated dependencies

[2.0.0] 2021-08-23

We've decided to release v2 out of RC after almost a year of updates. We feel like the code is stable enough to warrant a v2 release. We haven't managed to develop all the features that we wanted, but we have already been working on a redesign for v2.1 for a couple of months now.

Our next steps are continuing to rewrite the way data is written to the database, move more and more out to a better API and hopefully open up our APIs to our users. And to look at a more robust RBAC with different levels.

See release notes.


  • Add team members to Organizations and Departments to offload admin access

[2.0.0-rc.12] 2021-08-19


  • Keycloak: User met with infinite spinner if the user was not whitelisted in the database
  • Sort organizations by name
  • Small style fixes
  • Correct modal size


  • Updated dependencies

[2.0.0-rc.11] 2021-04-27


  • Removed svg-loader - Icons were not showing correctly for some users
  • Fixed SiteHeader not showing correct Prod/Dep/Org-name when doing changes to KPIs/OKRs
  • Small fixes to components not using the correct color-styles

[2.0.0-rc.10] 2021-04-27

We are looking at doing some design changes to the Objective/KeyRes-view, which means that some changes need to be made beforehand. We have therefore implemented a Theme Toggle! You can now toggle between Blue, Yellow and Green color themes.


  • (Beta) Theme Toggle: toggle between Blue, Green or Yellow color themes
    • Switch color theme at the bottom of the sidebar or in the user-menu in the top right corner


  • Updated dependencies

[2.0.0-rc.9] 2021-04-19


  • ItemAdmin(org/dep/prod): Update failed if API Secret was empty


  • Updated dependencies

[2.0.0-rc.8] 2021-03-26


  • Added a security UUID for each team that needs to be sent with the api-call if you want to update KPI/KeyRes for better security.
    • Go to your Org/Dep/Product and add a secret under API Secret-input
  • KPI: Show curl-example after adding a new KPI and toggled on updated via API
  • Key Result: Show curl-example if you toggle the option "update via API"
  • CF/API: better logging with express middleware morgan


  • KeyRes-Graph: if target value is higher than the current value, then expand the y-axis to not go under the x-axis or over the top of the y-axis
  • KPIHome: format all values to correct format. Instead of floats -> format to percentage
  • Better OpenSpec and API-gateway support.
  • Moved API-KEY for Gateway from query-param to header


  • CF/API: save progress (KPI/KeyRes) as a number and not a string
  • CF/API: Fixed a bug with the KeyRes GET return two responses on the same GET-call which caused the API to crash

[2.0.0-rc.7] 2021-03-23


  • Cloud Functions: CRUD API for KPI and Key Results. It is now possible to call an end point if you want to update progress through the API and not through the frontend. Locked behind API Gateway with API key, get in contact to get a key.
  • API Gateway: added gateway for users to call if they want access to API for KPI and Key Results. Needs API Key from us, contact us to get a key for your own team
  • Swagger doc: read more about the new open API end points at


  • Disable KPI auto update functionality if you would rather update through the API yourself
  • Updated dependencies


  • Key result progress "registered by" never showed anything if it was registered automatically by Cloud Functions

[2.0.0-rc.6] 2021-03-17

OKR-tracker will get out of beta/RC by the end of June 2021. It has been in a beta-state for quite some time now, and we feel it has matured enough for a full release. This does not mean we will stop working on it, since we do have some milestones we would like to hit.

  • Remove all client side db-changes. Move everything to a Cloud Function, in that way we can set up a more normal API CRUD backend and not rely on the client db-access.
  • Most importantly: refactor RBAC - add different roles with different accesses


  • Cloud Function: CRUD API for requestAccess and creation of user


  • Drop node-sass support
  • Add dart-sass support

[2.0.0-rc.5] 2021-03-01


  • Dev-environment for users outside of Oslo kommune to test our application before forking/using
  • Show User UID in profile
  • Custom personalized sign in text for the keycloak sign-in button (default is Sign in with keycloak, new environment variable)


  • Firestore rules: KeyRes were only allowed for uid-objects and not email-objects

[2.0.0-rc.4] 2021-02-19


  • Service account private key is not optional - it is required to add the private key json-file to firebase functions config (check out the README)
  • Changes to environment variables - please read the README
  • Dropped support for Node < 14.x
  • Required Node >= 14.x


  • Keycloak integration: sign in using keycloak and use the keycloak token to create a custom token for firebase


  • Keycloak integration
  • Functions: tokenCreator - create custom tokens for custom auth integration with firebase
  • LoadingSmall-component: a loading-animation that is smaller than the normal one
  • Logout page: user is redirected here if there is a problem with signing in
  • Store new unique id's to user-object for later migration to uid-control
  • Alert-components


  • firestore-rules: Not allowed to read the user-objects without being signed in
  • Better support to handling errors or if user does not have access to a resource
  • Design of login page


  • Support for Node < 14.x

[2.0.0-rc.3] 2021-01-26


  • Drop IE 11 support


  • Meta-tags for fb/twitter/open graph
  • robots.txt


  • Line chart should handle higher values even if it is higher than target value


  • Cron job changes to scheduled cloud functions
  • Set time zone to Europe/Oslo for scheduled cloud functions
  • Updated dependencies

[2.0.0-rc.2] - 2021-01-20


  • Show all comments in progression list for a key result


  • Loading loop when trying to access site without credentials
  • Automated key results not actually running automatically (cron job set to once a day)
  • Line graph handling numbers >100k
  • Progression not updating when archiving key results


  • Give cloud functions more memory and a longer timeout
  • Better filter support in details page of a kpi

[2.0.0-rc.1] - 2021-01-19


  • Collapse rows of organizations and departments on the front page - save to user objects (everyone starts with collapsed)
  • Search through items in the admin panel - if there are over 15 items respectively


  • KeyResult: allow target value to be 0
  • Allow decimals on inputs
  • Show team members even though a period is not present


  • Items in the admin panel are sorted by name
  • Departments and products are sorted by name in ASC order
  • Small change to KPI for users - no number formatting when in ItemHome-view only in Home-view
  • Updated dependencies

[2.0.0-beta.9] - 2021-01-15


  • Typo in cloud function code for KPIs
  • Call cloud function in correct region - change from central1 to europe-west2


  • Updated dependencies

[2.0.0-beta.8] - 2020-12-18


  • Access to Team Drives for service accounts (if strict domain policy is enabled)


  • Better explanation about the Google Sheets information when adding KPIs
  • Objectives/KeyResults are ordered alphabetically
  • Updated dependencies
  • Updated firestore indexes

[2.0.0-beta.7] - 2020-12-14


  • Admin OKRs component - No need to fetch data every single time
  • Updated dependencies

[2.0.0-beta.6] - 2020-12-14


  • Components in admin-okr not updating correctly

[2.0.0-beta.5] - 2020-12-11


  • Information about enabling Google Sheets API
  • Allow use of decimal-numbers


  • vue-resize is not used
  • Unused css-styles


  • Updated Firebase to 8.1.2
  • More consistent BEM-naming
  • Updated dependencies

[2.0.0-beta.4] - 2020-11-29


  • Updated firebase storage rules to v2

[2.0.0-beta.3] - 2020-11-29


  • Filter KPI-progression
  • E2E-tests (alpha)


  • Updated the design of KpiHome.vue
  • Moved duplicate css-code to global
  • Renamed html-tags to kebab-case
  • Minor improvements to the code
  • Updated prettier-config arrowParens from avoid to always

[2.0.0-beta.2] - 2020-11-05


  • English locale
  • Store language preference on user
  • Change language preference on profile page
  • Markdown support on mission statements and key result notes
  • Force order of KPIs + include non-existent KPIs on ItemHome


  • Fix issue with findSlugAndRedirect-method - returns redirect and increased delay
  • Add defaultPreferences on user if not existing (simplifies mock data creation)
  • Remove misplaced markup on objective details widget
  • Add missing translations
  • Replaced 'deleted' with 'archived' in toaster
  • Automatically archives related objectives and key results when archiving periods and objectives
  • Improved Google Sheets integration guide on help page
  • Display startValue if no currentValue is set on key result home view

[2.0.0-beta] - 2020-11-03

Several breaking changes. See release notes.

[1.4.2] - 2020-04-22


  • MIT License


  • Improve documentation


  • Fix issue regarding saving longDescription for key results

[1.4.1] - 2020-04-17


  • Description-field for key-result. Ref. issue #106.


  • Upgrade dependencies


  • User-search: sum of weighted keys is not allowed to exceed 1
  • Typo in nb-no translation
  • Objective-progression was always 0
  • Products did not update accordingly when changing routes
  • keyResultPage did not show longDescription correctly

[1.4.0] - 2020-03-25


  • Dynamic <title>s with vue-meta
  • Ability to add comments when updating progress for a key result via toaster
  • Display comments as tooltips on progressions list for a key result
  • Fuzzy search for user list on admin panel with Fuse.js


  • Increase modal size for members chart
  • Sortable columns for user list on admin panel


  • Layout issue on key result page on certain page widths
  • A few locale strings that were not mapped correctly
  • Remove random word space before 'Home' in breadcrumbs
  • Fix issue where progression for an empty objective shows as 'NaN'
  • Fix z-index issue with the members modal

[1.3.1] - 2020-03-18


  • Removed padding around force graph
  • Better handling of responsive sizes for force graph

[1.3.0] - 2020-03-18


  • Visualising members of a department as a network graph
  • Localization for nb-no with vue-i18n


  • Refactor all Cloud Functions
  • Better documentation (jsdoc) for all Cloud Functions
  • Show progress next to an objective also when it's empty (0%)


  • Fix bug where progression for objectives and periods did not get updated when a new (empty) key result was created
  • Hide dashboard view for departments and organisations
  • Fix error logged when toggling archived documents on admin panel

[1.2.0] - 2020-03-11

OKRs are now supported on organisation level. This will allow administrators to create and manage details (name, mission statement), objectives and key results for organisations.

Organisations will work in a similar fashion as departments and products, whereas the child departments will be displayed on an organisation’s page. Please note that creating and/or deleting organisations is not included in this version.

What’s new

  • OKRs for organisation level
  • Character limits for user inputs


  • OKRs for organisation level
    • Edit existing organisations from the admin panel
    • Page to view organisations under route /organization/<slug>
    • Manage objectives and key results for organisation at /organization/<slug>/edit
    • Cloud functions to handle progression for organisation
  • Supporting Markdown for mission statements


  • Convert the organisation in breadcrumbs to a link
  • Use placeholder-image.svg instead of placeholder-user.svg for departments and products that do not have an image
  • Consistently use American organization instead of organisation as function and variable names
  • Reduce font weight on table of contents on help page
  • Limit character count on various user inputs
    • profile/displayName <= 32 char
    • organization/name <= 64 char
    • department/name <= 64 char
    • product/name <= 64 char
    • period/name <= 12 char
    • objective/description <= 320 char
    • objective/name <= 160 char
    • missionStatement <= 320 char
    • keyResult/description <= 120 char
    • keyResult/unit <= 32 char
  • Improved design on members and products lists (include name next to its image)
  • Improved content on
    • Managing products
    • Managing organisations
    • Managing dynamic periods
  • Reduce size of image preview on forms for editing organisations, departments and products
  • Visualise the (positive or negative) change on the newsfeed card for updating progress on a key result


Migrating data from Google Sheets: Functionality for migrating data from Google Sheets should no longer be necessary. The scripts for handling this will remain in the codebase for now, but will soon be removed. The description and file upload will be removed in the UI.


  • Form for migrating data from Google Sheets


  • Fix JSDoc errors in db.js

[1.1.0] - 2020-03-09

This release introduces dynamic date periods that replace static annual quarters for objectives. This means that custom date periods need to be manually created on each department and product onwards.

Under the ‘Danger Zone’ section on the admin view there is an action that automates the convertion of currently existing objecties onto dyamic date periods. This should only be triggered once in production after release of this version to prevent data loss.

This change adds a /periods subcollection on the departments and products collections that holds the details for the periods as well as the progression for that period.


  • Show callout to team members when a product image is missing
  • Documentation for managing departments on Help page
  • Automated backup of the firebase database
  • Automated restore of backup for the firebase database


  • Converting static annual quarters to dynamic and custom date periods
    • Users can now create unlimited future (and past) periods
    • Users must give name date periods
    • Navigating between periods using URL query parameters
    • Adjustments in Cloud Functions to handle progression for dynamic periods
  • Refactoring some Firestore handling – introducing the serializeList function to make the codebase a bit more DRY.
  • Hide progress visualisation when department or product does not have any objectives


  • Legacy dashboard component


  • Fix issue where progress graphic did not always update when navigating between pages
  • Force the submenu to appear even when no periods are available
  • Minor layout adjustment on the page header (less white space below page name on desktop)
  • Allow floating point numbers as key result progress
  • Replace ninjas with cubes when a department has zero products

[1.0.2] - 2020-02-25


  • Upgrade dependencies

[1.0.1] - 2020-02-24


  • Table of contents on help page


  • Fixed misleading text on help page for updating profile image
  • Hide notes on key result page for non-members
  • Improve styling of line chart (gradient fill)
  • Increase size and quality for uploaded images
  • Updated with correct data


  • Navigating to products/departments didn’t load the correct data
  • Updating/changing a migrated key results

[1.0.0] - 2020-02-21

First official release.