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Releases: oslokommune/okr-tracker

[3.5.0] 2023-04-03

03 Apr 10:56
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  • Added mini graphs to KPI cards.
  • A new site admin API for updating user details has been added.


  • The period selector is moved to a more prominent position in the item tab bar. It also includes two more pre-defined periods: current and previous quarter.
  • The API endpoints for updating key result and KPI progression values now accept an optional comment parameter.
  • The measurements tab has been redesigned and now integrates the previous measurement details page. This in order to provide an improved overview of all measurements.
  • Upgraded from Vue 2.6 to 2.7.


  • Fixed a bug that caused KPI trend indicators to be displayed in inverse.
  • The date picker on the KPI details page no longer disappears when the selected period doesn't contain any measurements.
  • The admin link is no longer displayed in the item tab bar for users without edit rights.
  • The item tab bar is now more responsive.

[3.4.0] 2023-03-03

03 Mar 13:58
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  • Fixed a bug where document references in a KPI document would be overwritten by resolved document data. This also includes a fix to the API which would fail while attempting to resolve these invalid document references.
  • The state of an opened measurement edit form is now kept as is, even if the document has been updated in the background (e.g. while setting goals). This also prevents other data fields of the document, that might have been updated separately, from being overwritten with outdated data when saving the form (e.g. cached progress and goals).
  • When deleting a user, all references to the user are now also removed from organization and department member lists, like it is for products.
  • Date pickers used throughout the app now respect the selected language and are translated accordingly.


  • The admin link on the OKR page has been removed and is replaced by a separate tab in the item tab bar.
  • Tag to indicate trend has been added to all KPI cards.
  • The layout of most pages are now more unified. Some widgets previously found in the sidebars of each page has been removed and their contents moved elsewhere.
  • The period selector now affects all measurements under the "Measurements" tab. It is also moved outside the result indicator box.
  • Custom alerts have been replaced by the equivalent component from the Punkt design system.
  • The page scroll manipulation when administrating measurements have been somewhat relaxed. When viewing details of a specific measurement, the admin tab now also links directly to the measurement in question.

[3.3.0] 2023-02-03

03 Feb 13:22
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  • A tab bar has been added to the main item view (organization, department, product) to facilitate easier navigation between relevant sections: OKRs, measurements (previously called "Dashboard") and general about information.
  • Tooltips are now also enabled for values and comments in the key result line chart.


  • All custom icon components are now replaced by counterparts from the Punkt design system.
  • KPIs are now generally called "measurements" in the app. The different types of KPIs are kept as respectively "result indicators", "key figures" and (plain) "measurements".
  • Any currently active period is now focused by default, instead of most recent, when visiting the OKR view.
  • Progress bar styling has been improved for better differentiation between the empty and filled state.
  • Dates in the period selector for measurements are now formatted to a more natural language in order to increase readability.
  • In order to be more Punkt-compliant, the line chart area filler is no longer a gradient. It is instead replaced by a an opaque version of the current value line color.


  • Support for cookie based authentication has been removed from our APIs.


  • Period progression is now updated when an objective is moved between periods.
  • Fixed a bug causing text to sometimes overflow in tooltips and progress history tables.
  • Fixed a bug where the key result details view in some cases would display the incorrect (parent) period if visited directly.
  • The y axis of the key result progress graph now adapts to values outside its defined range instead of drawing outside the visible graph area.
  • Fixed a bug in how error responses were returned from the access request API.


  • Restricted the accept and delete endpoints in the request access API to ensure super admin status.

[3.2.0] 2023-01-16

16 Jan 12:17
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  • A green checkmark icon is shown beneath the dashboard result indicator graph when the current goal has been reached within the period.


  • Google Sheets integrations now expect full Google Sheets URLs instead of the sheet IDs.
  • Node 16 is now the default runtime for all Cloud Functions and when running the app locally.
  • More informative error page views.
  • Added contextual link to API documentation below curl example.
  • Statistics shown beneath the dashboard result indicator graph (latest value and goal) now reflects the selected period.


  • The green color theme has been removed. It hasn't received much love lately, and our focus will rather be to better align the default blue theme with the Punkt design system going forward.
  • Removed built-in Google Analytics integration. It was just default settings. Will probably be replaced by some other analytics tool once we select one that is compliant.


  • Fixed a bug where saving a placeholder OKR period without changes would result in it being set to unix epoch.
  • Fixed an incorrect admin rights check in the team widget.
  • Charts now support displaying a single measurement.

[3.1.0] 2022-12-15

15 Dec 12:52
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  • The result indicator graph now defaults to showing all registered measurements in the dashboard.
  • Values for key result progress are now rounded to maximum two decimal places when displayed.
  • Renamed the heading and admin tab for "KPIs" to "measurements".
  • The graphs trend tag does now differ on display type 'integer' and 'percentage' when displaying the increase/decrease for period.
  • Current goals are now listed on the KPI admin page.
  • Line chart tooltips have been redesigned.
  • Usability improvements in the goal editing modal dialogue.
  • Form validation improvements by displaying more detailed user feedback and preventing submit on form errors.


  • Removed the (unused) icon option field from the OKR objective edit menu.


  • Fixed a bug where the right column on department pages would be hidden unintentionally.
  • Fixed a bug where line charts would sometimes be rendered without goal lines.
  • Added a missing Firestore index to make the admin feasibly fast again.


  • Fixed a vulnerability regarding encoding of query strings to Firestore.

[3.0.0] 2022-11-25

25 Nov 12:31
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This release comprises nearly half a year of work and marks a change in how development and releases will be handled onward.

The previous master, develop, and long lived feature branches are scrapped in favor of a trunk based development workflow on the new main branch. From here we will run continuous deployments toward our own instance of the OKR Tracker, and strive to make new releases more frequently than before.


  • The biggest change in this release is the new dashboard which is available for departments, displaying a summaries of their missions, target groups, products, KPI- and OKR statuses. The dashboard is reached from the "Dashboard" link in the right column on a department's front page.
  • The update frequency, preferred trend, and type of a KPI can now be declared.
  • New API endpoints have been added for listing, updating, and deleting KPI progression values.
  • Added the ability to create, update, and delete progression values in the admin interface.
  • Comments can now be added to measurements.
  • Goals can now be set for KPIs.
  • The curl command example can now be copied by using a button.
  • A new npm run deploy:feature_branch command for easy deployment to Firebase preview channels.
  • A new npm run export_mock_data command for exporting mock data from the Firebase emulator to the local file system.


  • More functional and accessible tabs on item admin and item home pages.
  • More uniform styling of modal dialogues.
  • Made modal dialogues easier to navigate by keyboard.
  • An arbitrary number of KPIs can now be created for organizations/departments/products.
  • Changed the resolution of measurements to daily. When multiple measurements exist on a single day, only the last measurement is taken into account.
  • Improved number shortening/formatting.
  • The KPI grid is made more compact and more responsive.
  • The KPI admin page uses collapsible panels.
  • The home page styling has been changed to accommodate displaying an arbitrary number of KPIs.
  • More flexible team member listing – all roles can now be owned by more than one team member.
  • KPIs can be updated by a Google Sheet integration and via the API simultaneously.
  • Line chart styling and usability has been improved.
  • The admin link section has been simplified by removing the shortcuts and having a single large link to the admin page instead.


  • Removed the previous dashboard view and all related code.
  • Removed API endpoint returning the current user's authentication token.


  • Various text and translation fixes.
  • Fixed a display bug for radio buttons.
  • Fixed listing of developers and designers.


  • Fixed a vulnerability where users could escalate themselves to superusers.
  • Fixed vulnerabilities in the key result and KPI APIs regarding how the team secret was verified.
  • A bunch of security updates in dependencies.

[2.7.5] 2022-06-17

17 Jun 08:48
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  • Made archive options less prominent
  • Made profile view as a right drawer
  • Remove unused dependencies.
  • Add rate limit to backend route handler.
  • Use fetch instead of axios.
  • Remove unused code for image upload.


  • Fix can't read property position of null error for unauthenticated users.
  • Set normalizeEmail gmail_remove_dots option to false
  • Enable wrongly disabled update key result button

[v2.7.4] 2022-03-31

31 Mar 14:23
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What's Changed


  • Change label and button color in AddKPIModal to make it visible. Ref. issue #345.

Full Changelog: v.2.7.3...v2.7.4

[2.7.3] 2022-03-21

21 Mar 13:47
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What's Changed

  • Auto accept access requests from whitelisted domains. To whitelist a domain create a domainWhitelist collection.

Full Changelog: v2.7.2...v.2.7.3

[2.7.2] 2022-01-27

27 Jan 13:17
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.7.1...v2.7.2