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File metadata and controls

129 lines (96 loc) · 4.68 KB


Quickly produce Petrarch-coded event data from a database of CoreNLP-processed text.

Birdcage fits within an ecosystem of Open Event Data Alliance tools for producing political event data from text at scale.

The overall process of producing event data with the OEDA tools consists of three steps:

  1. parsing text using CoreNLP
  2. extracting and coding actors and events using an event coder like Petrarch2
  3. postprocessing, including enhancing with geolocation information and formatting the event

The code in this repo performs steps 2 and 3. It takes in documents that have been processed by CoreNLP using our distributed processing code, biryani and produces final event data from it. The code assumes you have produced CoreNLP-type parses using biryani.

Tools for making a small amount of event data (from less than, say, a half million articles) can use a well tested and reliable set of 2014-era tools provided by the Open Event Data Alliance. The process of producing event data with those tools is documented in a blog post.

For larger collections of text, these existing tools are too slow to be feasible. For instance, in processing a collection of historical news text, we needed to parse and code around 300 million news stories, which was simply not feasible with single-machine techniques. birdcage uses GNU parallel to distribue the processing task across cores on a machine and across machines in a cluster.


You should have the following installed (installed by default in most Linux systems).

  • GNU Parallel
  • sqlite3 # (with json support)
  • python3.6 # or greater
  • pip3 # apt install python3-pip

Next, install the Python packages required, which includes Petrarch2.

pip3 install --upgrade pip3
pip3 instal --user -r requirements.txt

Finally, install some required utlities. The first line may be omitted if you're not experimenting on the speed of the system.

sudo apt install speedtest-cli iperf
sudo apt install jq


Be sure to add a myservers file in the same directory. This file should list : and the IP address of every other remote server. You will need passwordless (i.e. public key) access to each server. More information here.

echo ":" > myservers

If you'd like to perform geolocation on your events, make sure Mordecai is running and accessible. Then, inside, set GEOLOCATION = True.


Birdcage has example scripts to run the pipeline. The file runs the pipeline overall database input using bash.

This file contains several steps:

First, it defines a variable dbfiles, which is a list of the location of all the Petrarch-encoded database files. In this example all the files are local to the filesystem.

Next, a bash function called myrun is created. The myrun function takes one parameter (the file to be processed). The function creates an output file the in the outfile/ directory. You should ensure that this file exists. This function then runs the main processing line.

nice -n19 \
    sqlite3 $item "select json_object('doc_id', doc_id, 'phrases', phrases, 'mongo_id', mongo_id, 'date', date) from petrarch_table" |\
    parallel --no-notice --jobs +0 --pipe "python3 --data '-' \
    >> $outfile"

The first line, nice -n19 gives this script low priority in the list of running tasks. This is an IO-bound tasks so it is best to not also dominate the cores. Next, sqlite3 extracts the data from the petrarch tables in the database file. The file was passed in as a parameter. They query constructs a json object for each returned row. A list of json objects is passed, via pipes, to gnu parallel. Then parallel runs on the sets of json rows, with each run of birdcage taking a chunk of data from each process. The result events are written to std out and then to the declared outfile.

This process is looped over for each file in the dbfiles list.


birdcage makes extensive use of GNU Parallel. Below is the .bib citation.

      author       = {Tange, Ole},
      title        = {GNU Parallel 2018},
      publisher    = {Ole Tange},
      month        = Mar,
      year         = 2018,
      ISBN         = {9781387509881},
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.1146014},
      url          = {}