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Overlay Icons

Klaas Freitag edited this page Jun 30, 2014 · 8 revisions

One of the next major features of the sync client will be overlay icons (OLI).

There will be two basic types of OLI: Icons to display the sharing state (see mirall ) and icons to visualize the sync state (see ).

This page is to summarize the technical specification, for discussion, errors and stuff please use the issue tracker with the according issues.

Technical details:

To display OLI there will be plugins in the "Shells", ie. Nautilus, Dolphin, Finder and Explorer. The plugins need to communicate to Mirall to get information about the either sync- or share state of the files the shell should display.

For the inter process communication between shell and Mirall we use a simple socket protocol. Mirall acts as a server, and the plugins will connect to that server.

The following protocol is defined:

  1. Shell sends RETRIEVE_FOLDER_STATUS:<foldername>\n Mirall sends STATUS:<statusString>:<foldername>\n

    This returns the recursive sync state of the folder. If the folder is not synced, NOP is returned.

  2. Shell sends RETRIEVE_FILE_STATUS:<filename>\n Mirall sends STATUS:<statusString>:<foldername>\n

    This returns the sync state of the file. If the file is not synced, NOP is returned.

where statusString is one of

  • NOP: Folder either does not exist or nothing is to be displayed because the client is offline for example.
  • NONE: the file or folder status is "NONE", should not happen
  • NEED_SYNC: The file or folder is new and needs to be synced
  • IGNORE: The file or folder is ignored
  • OK: The file or folder is properly synced
  • ERROR: There is a sync error
  • SHARED: The file is shared.

Apart from these Shell-to-Mirall initiated messages, there are some messages Mirall can broadcast one way to the shells:

  1. Update View: The Shell should update the current view. This happens after the sync state of a folder changed.

    Mirall sends: UPDATE_VIEW\n

    FIXME: should we pass the root folder of the folder which changed to let the plugin decide if it really wants to update the view?

  2. Propagate Job finished: The propagation (ie. upload, download etc) of a specific file is finished.

    Mirall sends: BROADCAST:<OK|ERROR>:<filename>

    to indicate the jobs result as ok or error.


  • Unify message format, ie. BROADCAST keyword yes/no
  • The shared status must be and additional flag, that means: The file has a sync state AND a share state.