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208 lines (134 loc) · 6.08 KB

Throttle plugin

It discards the events if pipeline throughput gets higher than a configured threshold.

Config params

throttle_field cfg.FieldSelector

The event field which will be used as a key for throttling. It means that throttling will work separately for events with different keys. If not set, it's assumed that all events have the same key.

time_field cfg.FieldSelector default=time

The event field which defines the time when event was fired. It is used to detect the event throughput in a particular time range. If not set, the current time will be taken.

time_field_format string default=rfc3339nano options=ansic|unixdate|rubydate|rfc822|rfc822z|rfc850|rfc1123|rfc1123z|rfc3339|rfc3339nano|kitchen|stamp|stampmilli|stampmicro|stampnano|unixtime|nginx_errorlog

It defines how to parse the time field format.

default_limit int64 default=5000

The default events limit that plugin allows per bucket_interval.

limit_kind string default=count options=count|size

It defines subject of limiting: number of messages or total size of the messages.

limiter_backend string default=memory options=memory|redis

Defines kind of backend. When redis backend is chosen and if by any reason plugin cannot connect to redis, limiters will not start syncing with redis until successful reconnect.

redis_backend_config RedisBackendConfig

It contains redis settings

buckets_count int default=60

How much time buckets to hold in the memory. E.g. if buckets_count is 60 and bucket_interval is 5m, then 5 hours will be covered. Events with time later than now() - 5h will be dropped even if threshold isn't exceeded.

bucket_interval cfg.Duration default=1m

Time interval to check event throughput.

rules []RuleConfig

Rules to override the default_limit for different group of event. It's a list of objects. Each object has the limit, limit_kind and conditions fields as well as an optional limit_distribution field.

  • limit – the value which will override the default_limit, if conditions are met.
  • limit_kind – the type of limit: count - number of messages, size - total size from all messages
  • conditions – the map of event field name => event field value. The conditions are checked using AND operator.
  • limit_distribution – see LimitDistributionConfig for details.

limiter_expiration cfg.Duration default=30m

Time interval after which unused limiters are removed.

limit_distribution LimitDistributionConfig

It allows to distribute the default_limit between events by condition.

LimitDistributionConfig params:

  • field - the event field on which the distribution will be based.
  • ratios - the list of objects. Each object has:
    • ratio - distribution ratio, value must be in range [0.0;1.0].
    • values - the list of strings which contains all field values that fall into this distribution.
  • metric_labels - list of metric labels.


  1. Sum of ratios must be in range [0.0;1.0].
  2. If sum of ratios less than 1, then adding default distribution with ratio 1-sum, otherwise default distribution isn't used. All events for which the value in the field doesn't fall into any of the distributions:
  • fall into default distribution, if it exists
  • throttled, otherwise
  1. default distribution can "steal" limit from other distributions after it has exhausted its. This is done in order to avoid reserving limits for explicitly defined distributions.

LimitDistributionConfig example:

field: log.level
  - ratio: 0.5
    values: ['error']
  - ratio: 0.3
    values: ['warn', 'info']

For this config and the default_limit=100:

  • events with log.level=error will be NO MORE than 50
  • events with log.level=warn or log.level=info will be NO MORE than 30
  • there will be AT LEAST 20 other events (can be up to 100 if there are no events with log.level=error/warn/info)

endpoint string

password string

Password to redis server.

sync_interval cfg.Duration default=5s

Defines sync interval between global and local limiters.

worker_count int default=32

Defines num of parallel workers that will sync limits.

timeout cfg.Duration default=1s

Defines redis timeout.

max_retries int default=3

Defines redis maximum number of retries. If set to 0, no retries will happen.

min_retry_backoff cfg.Duration default=8ms

Defines redis minimum backoff between each retry. If set to 0, sets default 8ms. If set to -1, disables backoff.

max_retry_backoff cfg.Duration default=512ms

Defines redis maximum backoff between each retry. If set to 0, sets default 512ms. If set to -1, disables backoff.

limiter_key_field cfg.FieldSelector

Defines the event field from which values are used as limiter keys. Serves as an override of the default limiter keys naming pattern. If not set limiter keys are formed using pipeline name, throttle field and throttle field value.

limiter_value_field string

Defines field with limit inside json object stored in value (e.g. if set to "limit", values must be of kind {"limit":"<int>",...}). If not set limiter values are considered as non-json data.

limiter_distribution_field string

Defines field with limit distribution inside json object stored in value (e.g. if set to "distribution", value must be of kind {"distribution":{<object>},...}). Distribution object example:

  "field": "log.level",
  "ratios": [
      "ratio": 0.5,
      "values": ["error"]
      "ratio": 0.3,
      "values": ["warn", "info"]
  "enabled": true

If limiter_value_field and limiter_distribution_field not set, distribution will not be stored.

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