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PHP Sample App using Redis Instance Session Handler

This app leverages a PHP session handler for a redis instance by providing a binding of type php-redis-session. In order to use this app, you will need to set up a redis instance and enable basic container to container networking as shown below.


  1. Run a Redis instance, in this example we are using the default Redis Docker image: docker run -it -p 6379 redis:latest

  2. Get the Redis container bridge network IP address: docker inspect <container ID> | jq -r 'map(.NetworkSettings.Networks.bridge.IPAddress) []' You should get something like back.

  3. Create a host file inside of the app binding directory with the value set to the IP address from step 2. The binding directory should now contain: type: php-redis-session host: <IP address from step 2>

  4. Build the app with the service binding:

pack build php-redis-handler-sample \
--env BP_PHP_WEB_DIR=htdocs \
--env SERVICE_BINDING_ROOT=/bindings \
--volume $PWD/binding:/bindings/php-redis-session \
--buildpack paketo-buildpacks/php \
--builder paketobuildpacks/builder-jammy-full


docker run --interactive --tty --env PORT=8080 --publish 8080:8080 php-redis-handler-sample


You can observe the stored state from the session handler by reaching the app twice, using a cookie in the request.

  1. curl localhost:8080 --cookie-jar /tmp/cookie

Observe the counter that displays the number of hits the page has had serving 1.

  1. curl localhost:8080 --cookie /tmp/cookie Observe the counter that displays the number of hits the page has had serving 2.

Alternatively, view localhost:8080 in your browser a few times adn see the page count increment.

Stack Support

The Paketo PHP buildpack requires the Full Jammy Stack. See stack docs for more details