Step 1. Clone the repo Step 2. In each microservice rename .env.example to env and add any missing env variables only.
Step 3: Now We have 2 compose files to Run the Project
A: docker-compose.yml: Use Compose and then start containers manually in devcontainers (recommended)
- Run
docker compose up --build
- Using devcontainer remote explorer open each microservice in separate window and run
make dev
or copy dev command from Makefile.
B. Using Compose
You can also spin up everything using the other docker-compose-yml file.
- docker-compose-dev-yaml file
Use it to run compose and everything will be auto started.
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up --build
NOTE: Review is pending to sync this file with the other compose file
- During Development: We have used the 1st option.
After setup and getting in devcontainers Open a New Terminal for each microservice and run pytest
for each micro service
To Attempt quizzes from Frontend
- cd quiz-assessment-platform
- pnpm install
- pnpm build
- http://localhost:8000/docs
- http://localhost:8001/docs
- http://localhost:8002/docs
- http://localhost:8003/docs
- http://localhost:3000/
The Default Super Admin Credentials are:
EMAIL: [email protected]
PASSWORD: changethis
PGADMIN: http://localhost:8010/ Credentials: - EMAIL=[email protected] - PASSWORD=SuperSecret
You can change them in user-management/.env file and signup as regular user/student. More SuperAdmins can be added by 1st superadmin only.