Thanks for taking the time to contribute!!
GoRequest welcomes any kind of contributions including documentation, bug reports, issues, feature requests, feature implementations, pull requests, helping to manage and answer issues, etc.
To make the contribution process as seamless as possible, we ask for the following:
- Go ahead and fork the project and make your changes. We encourage pull requests to allow for review and discussion of code changes.
- When you’re ready to create a pull request, be sure to:
- Have test cases for the new code.
- Follow GoDoc guideline and always add documentation for new function/variable definitions.
- Run
go fmt
. - Additonally, add documentation to if you are adding new features or changing functionality.
- Squash your commits into a single commit.
git rebase -i
. It’s okay to force update your pull request withgit push -f
. - Make sure
go test ./...
passes, andgo build
completes. - Follow the Git Commit Message Guidelines below.
Follow this blog article. It is a good resource for learning how to write good commit messages, the most important part being that each commit message should have a title/subject in imperative mood starting with a capital letter and no trailing period: "Return error when sending incorrect JSON format", NOT "returning some error." Also, if your commit references one or more GitHub issues, always end your commit message body with See #1234 or Fixes #1234. Replace 1234 with the GitHub issue ID. The last example will close the issue when the commit is merged into master.
Due to the way Go handles package imports, the best approach for working on a fork is to use Git Remotes. You can follow the instructions below:
Get the latest sources:
go get -u -t
Change to the GoRequest source directory:
cd $GOPATH/src/
Create a new branch for your changes (the branch name is arbitrary):
git checkout -b issue_1234
After making your changes, commit them to your new branch:
git commit -a -v
Fork GoRequest in Github.
Add your fork as a new remote (the remote name, "fork" in this example, is arbitrary):
git remote add fork git://
Push the changes to your new remote:
git push --set-upstream fork issue_1234
You're now ready to submit a PR based upon the new branch in your forked repository.