diff --git a/docs/wiki/v1/streams.md b/docs/wiki/v1/streams.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4fac790da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/wiki/v1/streams.md
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# PartiQL Data Streams
+*This document defines the PSink and PSource in relation to Datum and Java primitives*
+* * *
+### Background
+We have defined
+an [encoding of PartiQL values using the Ion data format](https://quip-amazon.com/5Su8AQhKG5xA/PartiQL-Values-in-Ion),
+but how does this fit in? Let’s look at two questions.
+1. How does PartiQL represent values in memory?
+2. How does PartiQL read values from a stream into memory?
+An in-memory PartiQL value has a layer of indirection between the Java primitive and its view to the rest of the
+program. This is called the “Datum” and is a fat interface which allows the partiql-lang-kotlin engine to not worry
+about a value’s Java type, and instead switch on an int tag (ptype) to then pull out a value. Effectively the fat
+interface removes checking classes and casting with tag checking then accessing without a cast. It’s effectively a
+unifying interface over the old values, so how does the variant fit in?
+A variant is an implementation of a Datum whose value is opaque to the rest of the system. When the system checks the
+tag, it simply gets back “variant” where T might tell us a set of capabilities (or traits) this type system / value
+has. This value is not lowered into a PartiQL value such as an INT or ARRAY, but is kept in its “container” or “box”.
+Think of the variant types of other engines or jsonb of PostgreSQL.
+So how does PartiQL read values from a stream into Datums, and how does it handle variants? It depends because an
+encoding may include a data type or it may not. Also, the reader itself may expect a type (or not). Consider that a
+PartiQL value carries a type with it along with the value itself.
+## Writing Data
+### PSink
+The PSink interface is used to write PartiQL data. It has APIs just like the IonWriter, and similarly, it has different
+implementations for the actual encoding like how Ion has both a text and a binary encoding. A PSink is used without any
+assumptions about the actual encoding.
+### DatumWriter
+The DatumWriter is a class which facilitates writing datums via a PSink implementation; it is handles materializing a
+datum and calling the appropriate sink methods.
+val writer = DatumWriter.standard(sink)
+### IonSink
+This example shows how to encode a datum as Ion; type decorations are omitted where possible.
+val sink = IonSink(System.out) // printing
+val writer = DatumWriter(sink)
+// bool
+writer.write(Datum.bool(true)) // >> true
+// ints
+writer.write(Datum.smallint(1)) // >> smallint::1
+writer.write(Datum.int(2)) // >> int::2
+writer.write(Datum.bigint(3)) // >> 3
+// exact and approx numeric
+writer.write(Datum.decimal(BigDecimal("3.14"), 3, 2)) // >> ((decimal 3 2) 3.14)
+writer.write(Datum.real(3.14f)) // >> real::3.14e0
+writer.write(Datum.doublePrecision(3.14)) // >> 3.14e0
+// char strings
+writer.write(Datum.char("abc", 3)) // >> ((char 3) "abc")
+writer.write(Datum.varchar("abc", 3)) // >> ((varchar 3) "abc")
+writer.write(Datum.string("abc")) // >> "abc"
+// lobs
+writer.write(Datum.clob("hello".toByteArray()), 5) // >> {{ "hello" }}
+writer.write(Datum.blob("hello".toByteArray()), 5) // >> {{ aGVsbG8= }}
+// datetime
+// TODO blocked on https://github.com/partiql/partiql-lang-kotlin/pull/1656
+// ion
+## Reading Data
+### DatumReader
+### PSource
diff --git a/partiql-spi/api/partiql-spi.api b/partiql-spi/api/partiql-spi.api
index 4744da603..ef15a2698 100644
--- a/partiql-spi/api/partiql-spi.api
+++ b/partiql-spi/api/partiql-spi.api
@@ -464,8 +464,67 @@ public final class org/partiql/spi/function/Routine$DefaultImpls {
public static fun getParameters (Lorg/partiql/spi/function/Routine;)[Lorg/partiql/spi/function/Parameter;
+public abstract interface class org/partiql/spi/stream/PSink {
+ public fun close ()V
+ public fun finish ()V
+ public fun flush ()V
+ public abstract fun setType (Lorg/partiql/types/PType;)V
+ public abstract fun stepIn (I)V
+ public abstract fun stepOut ()V
+ public abstract fun writeBigint (J)V
+ public abstract fun writeBlob ([B)V
+ public abstract fun writeBool (Z)V
+ public abstract fun writeChar (Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ public abstract fun writeClob ([B)V
+ public abstract fun writeDate (Lorg/partiql/value/datetime/Date;)V
+ public abstract fun writeDecimal (Ljava/math/BigDecimal;)V
+ public abstract fun writeDouble (D)V
+ public abstract fun writeField (Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ public abstract fun writeInt (I)V
+ public abstract fun writeMissing ()V
+ public abstract fun writeNull ()V
+ public abstract fun writeNumeric (Ljava/math/BigDecimal;)V
+ public abstract fun writeReal (F)V
+ public abstract fun writeSmallint (S)V
+ public abstract fun writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ public abstract fun writeTime (Lorg/partiql/value/datetime/Time;)V
+ public abstract fun writeTimestamp (Lorg/partiql/value/datetime/Timestamp;)V
+ public abstract fun writeTimestampz (Lorg/partiql/value/datetime/Timestamp;)V
+ public abstract fun writeTimez (Lorg/partiql/value/datetime/Time;)V
+ public abstract fun writeTinyint (B)V
+ public abstract fun writeVarchar (Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ public abstract fun writeVariant (Ljava/lang/Object;)V
+public abstract interface class org/partiql/spi/stream/PSource {
+ public fun close ()V
+ public abstract fun next ()Lorg/partiql/types/PType;
+ public abstract fun readBigint ()J
+ public abstract fun readBlob ()[B
+ public abstract fun readBool ()Z
+ public abstract fun readChar ()Ljava/lang/String;
+ public abstract fun readClob ()[B
+ public abstract fun readDate ()Lorg/partiql/value/datetime/Date;
+ public abstract fun readDecimal ()Ljava/math/BigDecimal;
+ public abstract fun readDouble ()D
+ public abstract fun readField (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
+ public abstract fun readInt ()I
+ public abstract fun readReal ()F
+ public abstract fun readSmallint ()S
+ public abstract fun readString ()Ljava/lang/String;
+ public abstract fun readTime ()Lorg/partiql/value/datetime/Time;
+ public abstract fun readTimestamp ()Lorg/partiql/value/datetime/Timestamp;
+ public abstract fun readTimestampz ()Lorg/partiql/value/datetime/Timestamp;
+ public abstract fun readTimez ()Lorg/partiql/value/datetime/Time;
+ public abstract fun readTinyint ()B
+ public abstract fun readVarchar ()Ljava/lang/String;
+ public abstract fun stepIn ()V
+ public abstract fun stepOut ()V
public abstract interface class org/partiql/spi/value/Datum : java/lang/Iterable {
public static fun array (Ljava/lang/Iterable;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/Datum;
+ public static fun array (Ljava/lang/Iterable;Lorg/partiql/types/PType;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/Datum;
public static fun bag (Ljava/lang/Iterable;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/Datum;
public static fun bigint (J)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/Datum;
public static fun blob ([B)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/Datum;
@@ -538,8 +597,10 @@ public class org/partiql/spi/value/DatumReader$Builder {
public fun register (Lorg/partiql/spi/value/Encoding;Lorg/partiql/spi/value/DatumReader;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/DatumReader$Builder;
-public abstract interface class org/partiql/spi/value/DatumWriter : java/lang/AutoCloseable {
- public abstract fun write (Lorg/partiql/spi/value/Datum;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/DatumWriter;
+public final class org/partiql/spi/value/DatumWriter : java/lang/AutoCloseable {
+ public fun (Lorg/partiql/spi/stream/PSink;)V
+ public fun close ()V
+ public final fun write (Lorg/partiql/spi/value/Datum;)V
public class org/partiql/spi/value/Encoding : org/partiql/spi/Enum {
@@ -555,6 +616,72 @@ public abstract interface class org/partiql/spi/value/Field {
public static fun of (Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/partiql/spi/value/Datum;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/Field;
+public final class org/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink : org/partiql/spi/stream/PSink {
+ public static final field Companion Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink$Companion;
+ public fun (Lcom/amazon/ion/IonWriter;Ljava/util/BitSet;)V
+ public static final fun binary (Ljava/io/OutputStream;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public static final fun binary (Ljava/io/OutputStream;[I)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public fun close ()V
+ public static final fun decorated ()Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink$Builder;
+ public static final fun elided ()Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink$Builder;
+ public fun finish ()V
+ public fun flush ()V
+ public static final fun pretty (Ljava/lang/Appendable;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public static final fun pretty (Ljava/lang/Appendable;[I)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public fun setType (Lorg/partiql/types/PType;)V
+ public static final fun standard ()Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink$Builder;
+ public static final fun standard (Lcom/amazon/ion/IonWriter;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public fun stepIn (I)V
+ public fun stepOut ()V
+ public static final fun text (Ljava/lang/Appendable;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public static final fun text (Ljava/lang/Appendable;[I)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public fun writeBigint (J)V
+ public fun writeBlob ([B)V
+ public fun writeBool (Z)V
+ public fun writeChar (Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ public fun writeClob ([B)V
+ public fun writeDate (Lorg/partiql/value/datetime/Date;)V
+ public fun writeDecimal (Ljava/math/BigDecimal;)V
+ public fun writeDouble (D)V
+ public fun writeField (Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ public fun writeInt (I)V
+ public fun writeMissing ()V
+ public fun writeNull ()V
+ public fun writeNumeric (Ljava/math/BigDecimal;)V
+ public fun writeReal (F)V
+ public fun writeSmallint (S)V
+ public fun writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ public fun writeTime (Lorg/partiql/value/datetime/Time;)V
+ public fun writeTimestamp (Lorg/partiql/value/datetime/Timestamp;)V
+ public fun writeTimestampz (Lorg/partiql/value/datetime/Timestamp;)V
+ public fun writeTimez (Lorg/partiql/value/datetime/Time;)V
+ public fun writeTinyint (B)V
+ public fun writeVarchar (Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ public fun writeVariant (Ljava/lang/Object;)V
+public final class org/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink$Builder {
+ public final fun build (Lcom/amazon/ion/IonWriter;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public final fun decorate (I)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink$Builder;
+ public final fun elide (I)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink$Builder;
+public final class org/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink$Companion {
+ public final fun binary (Ljava/io/OutputStream;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public final fun binary (Ljava/io/OutputStream;[I)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public static synthetic fun binary$default (Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink$Companion;Ljava/io/OutputStream;[IILjava/lang/Object;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public final fun decorated ()Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink$Builder;
+ public final fun elided ()Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink$Builder;
+ public final fun pretty (Ljava/lang/Appendable;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public final fun pretty (Ljava/lang/Appendable;[I)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public static synthetic fun pretty$default (Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink$Companion;Ljava/lang/Appendable;[IILjava/lang/Object;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public final fun standard ()Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink$Builder;
+ public final fun standard (Lcom/amazon/ion/IonWriter;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public final fun text (Ljava/lang/Appendable;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public final fun text (Ljava/lang/Appendable;[I)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
+ public static synthetic fun text$default (Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink$Companion;Ljava/lang/Appendable;[IILjava/lang/Object;)Lorg/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink;
public abstract class org/partiql/value/BagValue : org/partiql/value/CollectionValue {
public fun ()V
public abstract fun copy (Ljava/util/List;)Lorg/partiql/value/BagValue;
diff --git a/partiql-spi/src/main/java/org/partiql/spi/stream/PSink.java b/partiql-spi/src/main/java/org/partiql/spi/stream/PSink.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e083d583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-spi/src/main/java/org/partiql/spi/stream/PSink.java
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+package org.partiql.spi.stream;
+import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
+import org.partiql.types.PType;
+import org.partiql.value.datetime.Date;
+import org.partiql.value.datetime.Time;
+import org.partiql.value.datetime.Timestamp;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+ * This is a PartiQL value stream sink.
+ *
+ * Each value can be written with or without type decoration based upon the actual encoding.
+ */
+public interface PSink {
+ default void close() {
+ // no-op
+ }
+ default void finish() {
+ // no-op
+ }
+ default void flush() {
+ // no-op
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the PType for the next written value; cleared after write.
+ */
+ void setType(@NotNull PType type);
+ /**
+ * Write NULL value.
+ */
+ void writeNull();
+ /**
+ * Write MISSING value.
+ */
+ void writeMissing();
+ /**
+ * Write BOOL value.
+ */
+ void writeBool(boolean value);
+ /**
+ * Write TINYINT value.
+ */
+ void writeTinyint(byte value);
+ /**
+ * Write SMALLINT value.
+ */
+ void writeSmallint(short value);
+ /**
+ * Write INT value.
+ */
+ void writeInt(int value);
+ /**
+ * Write BIGINT value.
+ */
+ void writeBigint(long value);
+ /**
+ * Write NUMERIC value.
+ */
+ void writeNumeric(@NotNull BigDecimal value);
+ /**
+ * Write DECIMAL value.
+ */
+ void writeDecimal(@NotNull BigDecimal value);
+ /**
+ * Write REAL value.
+ */
+ void writeReal(float value);
+ /**
+ * Write DOUBLE PRECISION value.
+ */
+ void writeDouble(double value);
+ /**
+ * Write CHAR value.
+ */
+ void writeChar(@NotNull String value);
+ /**
+ * Write VARCHAR value.
+ */
+ void writeVarchar(@NotNull String value);
+ /**
+ * Write STRING value.
+ */
+ void writeString(@NotNull String value);
+ /**
+ * Write BLOB value.
+ */
+ void writeBlob(@NotNull byte[] value);
+ /**
+ * Write CLOB value.
+ */
+ void writeClob(@NotNull byte[] value);
+ /**
+ * Write DATE value.
+ */
+ void writeDate(@NotNull Date value);
+ /**
+ * Write TIME value.
+ */
+ void writeTime(@NotNull Time value);
+ /**
+ * Write TIMEZ value.
+ */
+ void writeTimez(@NotNull Time value);
+ /**
+ * Write TIMESTAMP value.
+ */
+ void writeTimestamp(@NotNull Timestamp value);
+ /**
+ * Write TIMESTAMPZ with given precision.
+ */
+ void writeTimestampz(@NotNull Timestamp value);
+ /**
+ * Write a VARIANT type.
+ */
+ void writeVariant(@NotNull T value);
+ /**
+ * Write STRUCT or ROW field name.
+ */
+ void writeField(@NotNull String name);
+ /**
+ * Step into container, given as PType code.
+ */
+ void stepIn(@NotNull int container);
+ /**
+ * Step out of container type.
+ */
+ void stepOut();
diff --git a/partiql-spi/src/main/java/org/partiql/spi/stream/PSource.java b/partiql-spi/src/main/java/org/partiql/spi/stream/PSource.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f45e8ae4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-spi/src/main/java/org/partiql/spi/stream/PSource.java
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+package org.partiql.spi.stream;
+import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
+import org.partiql.types.PType;
+import org.partiql.value.datetime.Date;
+import org.partiql.value.datetime.Time;
+import org.partiql.value.datetime.Timestamp;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+ * This is a PartiQL value stream source.
+ *
+ * Developer Note:
+ * - There should be a method for every Datum *java* value and all PType arguments.
+ * - Method names are derived from PType.Kind as pascal case.
+ */
+public interface PSource {
+ default void close() {
+ // no-op
+ }
+ /**
+ * Positions the source internal pointer to the next value, return its type.
+ */
+ @NotNull
+ PType next();
+ boolean readBool();
+ byte readTinyint();
+ short readSmallint();
+ int readInt();
+ long readBigint();
+ @NotNull
+ BigDecimal readDecimal();
+ float readReal();
+ double readDouble();
+ @NotNull
+ String readChar();
+ @NotNull
+ String readVarchar();
+ @NotNull
+ String readString();
+ @NotNull
+ byte[] readBlob();
+ @NotNull
+ byte[] readClob();
+ @NotNull
+ Date readDate();
+ @NotNull
+ Time readTime();
+ @NotNull
+ Time readTimez();
+ @NotNull
+ Timestamp readTimestamp();
+ @NotNull
+ Timestamp readTimestampz();
+ @NotNull
+ String readField(@NotNull String name);
+ void stepIn();
+ void stepOut();
diff --git a/partiql-spi/src/main/java/org/partiql/spi/value/Datum.java b/partiql-spi/src/main/java/org/partiql/spi/value/Datum.java
index 0f3647a8c..6c31d8a92 100644
--- a/partiql-spi/src/main/java/org/partiql/spi/value/Datum.java
+++ b/partiql-spi/src/main/java/org/partiql/spi/value/Datum.java
@@ -23,30 +23,7 @@
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Objects;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.DYNAMIC;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.BOOL;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.TINYINT;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.SMALLINT;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.INTEGER;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.BIGINT;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.NUMERIC;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.DECIMAL;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.REAL;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.DOUBLE;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.CHAR;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.STRING;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.BLOB;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.CLOB;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.DATE;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.TIME;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.TIMEZ;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.TIMESTAMP;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.TIMESTAMPZ;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.ARRAY;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.BAG;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.ROW;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.STRUCT;
-import static org.partiql.types.PType.UNKNOWN;
+import static org.partiql.types.PType.*;
* This is an EXPERIMENTAL representation of a value in PartiQL's type system. The intention of this modeling is to
@@ -129,6 +106,7 @@ default boolean getBoolean() {
* ! ! ! EXPERIMENTAL ! ! ! This is an experimental API under development by the PartiQL maintainers.
+ *
* @return the underlying value applicable to the types:
* {@link PType#BLOB},
* {@link PType#CLOB}
@@ -137,7 +115,7 @@ default boolean getBoolean() {
* will throw this exception upon invocation.
* @throws NullPointerException if this instance also returns true on {@link #isNull()}; callers should check that
* {@link #isNull()} returns false before attempting to invoke this method.
- * Please abstain from using this API until given notice otherwise. This may break between iterations without prior notice.
+ * Please abstain from using this API until given notice otherwise. This may break between iterations without prior notice.
* @deprecated BINARY doesn't exist in SQL or Ion. This is subject to deletion. BLOB and CLOB are typically represented
* in a fashion that can support much larger values -- this may be modified at any time.
@@ -148,6 +126,7 @@ default byte[] getBytes() {
* ! ! ! EXPERIMENTAL ! ! ! This is an experimental API under development by the PartiQL maintainers.
+ *
* @return the underlying value applicable to the types:
* {@link PType#TINYINT}
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the operation is not applicable to the type returned from
@@ -155,7 +134,7 @@ default byte[] getBytes() {
* will throw this exception upon invocation.
* @throws NullPointerException if this instance also returns true on {@link #isNull()}; callers should check that
* {@link #isNull()} returns false before attempting to invoke this method.
- * Please abstain from using this API until given notice otherwise. This may break between iterations without prior notice.
+ * Please abstain from using this API until given notice otherwise. This may break between iterations without prior notice.
* @deprecated BYTE is not present in SQL or Ion. This is subject to deletion.
@@ -207,6 +186,7 @@ default Timestamp getTimestamp() {
* ! ! ! EXPERIMENTAL ! ! ! This is an experimental API under development by the PartiQL maintainers.
+ *
* @return the underlying value applicable to the types:
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the operation is not applicable to the type returned from
@@ -214,7 +194,7 @@ default Timestamp getTimestamp() {
* will throw this exception upon invocation.
* @throws NullPointerException if this instance also returns true on {@link #isNull()}; callers should check that
* {@link #isNull()} returns false before attempting to invoke this method.
- * Please abstain from using this API until given notice otherwise. This may break between iterations without prior notice.
+ * Please abstain from using this API until given notice otherwise. This may break between iterations without prior notice.
* @deprecated This implementation is likely wrong and is not recommended for use.
@@ -573,6 +553,7 @@ static Datum nullValue(@NotNull PType type) {
* Returns a typed missing value
* ! EXPERIMENTAL ! This is subject to breaking changes and/or removal without prior notice.
+ *
* @param type the type of the value
* @return a typed missing value
* @deprecated this may not be required. This is subject to removal.
@@ -610,6 +591,9 @@ static Datum bigint(long value) {
return new DatumLong(value);
+ /**
+ * TODO implement or remove NUMERIC.
+ */
static Datum numeric(@NotNull BigInteger value) {
@@ -649,7 +633,6 @@ static Datum string(@NotNull String value) {
- *
* @param value the string to place in the varchar
* @return a varchar value with a default length of 255
@@ -659,7 +642,6 @@ static Datum varchar(@NotNull String value) {
- *
* @param value the string to place in the varchar
* @return a varchar value
* TODO: Error or coerce here? Right now coerce, though I think this should likely error.
@@ -681,7 +663,6 @@ static Datum varchar(@NotNull String value, int length) {
- *
* @param value the string to place in the char
* @return a char value with a default length of 255
@@ -691,7 +672,6 @@ static Datum character(@NotNull String value) {
- *
* @param value the string to place in the char
* @return a char value
@@ -762,6 +742,11 @@ static Datum array(@NotNull Iterable values) {
return new DatumCollection(values, PType.array());
+ @NotNull
+ static Datum array(@NotNull Iterable values, @NotNull PType typeParam) {
+ return new DatumCollection(values, PType.array(typeParam));
+ }
@@ -784,6 +769,7 @@ static Datum struct(@NotNull Iterable values) {
* {@link java.util.TreeSet} in combination with this {@link Comparator} to implement the before-mentioned
* operations.
+ *
* @return the default comparator for {@link Datum}. The comparator orders null values first.
* @see Datum
* @see java.util.TreeSet
@@ -804,6 +790,7 @@ static Comparator comparator() {
* {@link java.util.TreeSet} in combination with this {@link Comparator} to implement the before-mentioned
* operations.
+ *
* @param nullsFirst if true, nulls are ordered before non-null values, otherwise after.
* @return the default comparator for {@link Datum}.
* @see Datum
diff --git a/partiql-spi/src/main/java/org/partiql/spi/value/DatumWriter.java b/partiql-spi/src/main/java/org/partiql/spi/value/DatumWriter.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f68b45f2b..000000000
--- a/partiql-spi/src/main/java/org/partiql/spi/value/DatumWriter.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-package org.partiql.spi.value;
- * The {@link DatumWriter} interface is a low-level writer interface for writing streams of PartiQL data.
- *
- * @see java.io.Writer
- */
-public interface DatumWriter extends AutoCloseable {
- /**
- * Like java.io.Reader with combined `append` and `write` since this does not implement Appendable.
- *
- * @param datum to write.
- */
- public DatumWriter write(Datum datum);
diff --git a/partiql-spi/src/main/kotlin/org/partiql/spi/value/DatumWriter.kt b/partiql-spi/src/main/kotlin/org/partiql/spi/value/DatumWriter.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d9d4a5a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-spi/src/main/kotlin/org/partiql/spi/value/DatumWriter.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+package org.partiql.spi.value
+import org.partiql.spi.stream.PSink
+import org.partiql.types.PType
+ * The {@link DatumWriter} provides a high-level interface for writing to a {@link PSink} implementation.
+ */
+public class DatumWriter : AutoCloseable {
+ /**
+ * The underlying value encoder.
+ */
+ private val sink: PSink
+ /**
+ * Create a DatumWriter (private)
+ */
+ @Suppress("ConvertSecondaryConstructorToPrimary")
+ public constructor(sink: PSink) {
+ this.sink = sink
+ }
+ /**
+ * Like java.io.Writer with combined `append` and `write` since this does not implement Appendable.
+ */
+ public fun write(datum: Datum) {
+ write(datum, true)
+ }
+ /**
+ * TODO
+ *
+ * @param datum
+ * @param typed
+ */
+ private fun write(datum: Datum, typed: Boolean) {
+ val type = datum.getType()
+ val code = type.code()
+ // always check MISSING
+ if (datum.isMissing) {
+ sink.writeMissing()
+ return
+ }
+ // types can be omitted in homogenous collections (heterogeneous is array)
+ if (typed) {
+ sink.setType(type)
+ }
+ // always check NULL
+ if (datum.isNull) {
+ sink.writeNull()
+ return
+ }
+ // delegate to sink
+ when (code) {
+ PType.DYNAMIC -> error("Unexpected runtime dynamic")
+ PType.BOOL -> sink.writeBool(datum.boolean)
+ PType.TINYINT -> sink.writeTinyint(datum.byte)
+ PType.SMALLINT -> sink.writeSmallint(datum.short)
+ PType.INTEGER -> sink.writeInt(datum.int)
+ PType.BIGINT -> sink.writeBigint(datum.long)
+ PType.NUMERIC -> sink.writeNumeric(datum.bigDecimal)
+ PType.DECIMAL -> sink.writeDecimal(datum.bigDecimal)
+ PType.REAL -> sink.writeReal(datum.float)
+ PType.DOUBLE -> sink.writeDouble(datum.double)
+ PType.CHAR -> sink.writeChar(datum.string)
+ PType.VARCHAR -> sink.writeVarchar(datum.string)
+ PType.STRING -> sink.writeString(datum.string)
+ PType.BLOB -> sink.writeBlob(datum.bytes)
+ PType.CLOB -> sink.writeClob(datum.bytes)
+ PType.DATE,
+ PType.TIME,
+ PType.TIMEZ,
+ -> {
+ TODO("datetime blocked on https://github.com/partiql/partiql-lang-kotlin/pull/1656")
+ }
+ PType.ARRAY,
+ PType.BAG,
+ -> {
+ sink.stepIn(code)
+ val dynamic = type.typeParameter.code() == PType.DYNAMIC
+ for (child in datum.iterator()) {
+ write(child, dynamic)
+ }
+ sink.stepOut()
+ }
+ else -> {
+ TODO("unsupported PTYPE")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override fun close() {
+ sink.close()
+ }
diff --git a/partiql-spi/src/main/kotlin/org/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonDatumWriter.kt b/partiql-spi/src/main/kotlin/org/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonDatumWriter.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 92b6374a7..000000000
--- a/partiql-spi/src/main/kotlin/org/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonDatumWriter.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-package org.partiql.spi.value.ion
-import org.partiql.spi.value.Datum
-import org.partiql.spi.value.DatumWriter
-internal class IonDatumWriter : DatumWriter {
- override fun close() {
- TODO("Not yet implemented")
- }
- override fun write(datum: Datum?): DatumWriter {
- TODO("Not yet implemented")
- }
diff --git a/partiql-spi/src/main/kotlin/org/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink.kt b/partiql-spi/src/main/kotlin/org/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb0eb2e7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-spi/src/main/kotlin/org/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonSink.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+package org.partiql.spi.value.ion
+import com.amazon.ion.IonType
+import com.amazon.ion.IonWriter
+import com.amazon.ion.system.IonBinaryWriterBuilder
+import com.amazon.ion.system.IonTextWriterBuilder
+import org.partiql.spi.stream.PSink
+import org.partiql.types.PType
+import org.partiql.value.datetime.Date
+import org.partiql.value.datetime.Time
+import org.partiql.value.datetime.Timestamp
+import java.io.OutputStream
+import java.lang.Double.parseDouble
+import java.math.BigDecimal
+import java.util.BitSet
+ * IonSink is an encoder for PartiQL values using an IonWriter.
+ */
+public class IonSink : PSink {
+ /**
+ * The underlying IonWriter
+ */
+ private val writer: IonWriter
+ /**
+ * The type elisions.
+ */
+ private val elisions: BitSet
+ /**
+ * Create an IonSink from an IonWriter
+ */
+ @Suppress("ConvertSecondaryConstructorToPrimary")
+ public constructor(writer: IonWriter, elisions: BitSet) {
+ this.writer = writer
+ this.elisions = elisions
+ }
+ public companion object {
+ /**
+ * The standard Ion elisions.
+ */
+ @JvmStatic
+ private val elisions = intArrayOf(
+ PType.BOOL,
+ PType.CLOB,
+ PType.BLOB,
+ PType.ARRAY,
+ )
+ /**
+ * Create a standard IonSink backed by an Ion text writer.
+ */
+ @JvmStatic
+ @JvmOverloads
+ public fun text(out: Appendable, elisions: IntArray? = null): IonSink {
+ return Builder(elisions ?: this.elisions).build((IonTextWriterBuilder.standard().build(out)))
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create an IonSink backed by an Ion pretty text writer.
+ */
+ @JvmStatic
+ @JvmOverloads
+ public fun pretty(out: Appendable, elisions: IntArray? = null): IonSink {
+ return Builder(elisions ?: this.elisions).build((IonTextWriterBuilder.pretty().build(out)))
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create an IonSink backed by an Ion binary writer.
+ */
+ @JvmStatic
+ @JvmOverloads
+ public fun binary(out: OutputStream, elisions: IntArray? = null): IonSink {
+ return Builder(elisions ?: this.elisions).build((IonBinaryWriterBuilder.standard().build(out)))
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create an IonSink backed by the given IonWriter with standard type decorators.
+ */
+ @JvmStatic
+ public fun standard(writer: IonWriter): IonSink {
+ return standard().build(writer)
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return a new IonSink.Builder with standard type decorators.
+ */
+ @JvmStatic
+ public fun standard(): Builder = Builder(elisions)
+ /**
+ * @return a new IonSink.Builder with all type decorators.
+ */
+ @JvmStatic
+ public fun decorated(): Builder {
+ return Builder(intArrayOf())
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return a new IonSink.Builder with all type elisions.
+ */
+ @JvmStatic
+ public fun elided(): Builder {
+ return Builder(PType.codes())
+ }
+ }
+ override fun close() {
+ this.writer.close()
+ }
+ override fun finish() {
+ this.writer.finish()
+ }
+ override fun flush() {
+ this.writer.flush()
+ }
+ override fun setType(type: PType) {
+ if (type.code() == PType.UNKNOWN) {
+ return // skip
+ }
+ this.writer.setTypeAnnotations(symbol(type))
+ }
+ override fun writeNull() {
+ this.writer.writeNull()
+ }
+ override fun writeMissing() {
+ this.writer.writeSymbol("missing")
+ }
+ override fun writeBool(value: Boolean) {
+ if (elisions[PType.BOOL]) {
+ this.writer.setTypeAnnotations()
+ }
+ this.writer.writeBool(value)
+ }
+ override fun writeTinyint(value: Byte) {
+ if (elisions[PType.TINYINT]) {
+ this.writer.setTypeAnnotations()
+ }
+ this.writer.writeInt(value.toLong())
+ }
+ override fun writeSmallint(value: Short) {
+ if (elisions[PType.SMALLINT]) {
+ this.writer.setTypeAnnotations()
+ }
+ this.writer.writeInt(value.toLong())
+ }
+ override fun writeInt(value: Int) {
+ if (elisions[PType.INTEGER]) {
+ this.writer.setTypeAnnotations()
+ }
+ this.writer.writeInt(value.toLong())
+ }
+ override fun writeBigint(value: Long) {
+ if (elisions[PType.BIGINT]) {
+ this.writer.setTypeAnnotations()
+ }
+ this.writer.writeInt(value)
+ }
+ override fun writeNumeric(value: BigDecimal) {
+ if (elisions[PType.NUMERIC]) {
+ this.writer.setTypeAnnotations()
+ }
+ this.writer.writeDecimal(value)
+ }
+ override fun writeDecimal(value: BigDecimal) {
+ if (elisions[PType.DECIMAL]) {
+ this.writer.setTypeAnnotations()
+ }
+ this.writer.writeDecimal(value)
+ }
+ override fun writeReal(value: Float) {
+ if (elisions[PType.REAL]) {
+ this.writer.setTypeAnnotations()
+ }
+ // IonWriter expects a double,
+ // 1. parseDouble((3.14f).toString()) -> PASS: real:3.14e0
+ // 2. (3.14f).toDouble() -> FAIL: Expected: real::3.14e0, Actual: real::3.140000104904175e0
+ val v = parseDouble(value.toString())
+ this.writer.writeFloat(v)
+ }
+ override fun writeDouble(value: Double) {
+ if (elisions[PType.DOUBLE]) {
+ this.writer.setTypeAnnotations()
+ }
+ this.writer.writeFloat(value)
+ }
+ override fun writeChar(value: String) {
+ if (elisions[PType.CHAR]) {
+ this.writer.setTypeAnnotations()
+ }
+ this.writer.writeString(value)
+ }
+ override fun writeVarchar(value: String) {
+ if (elisions[PType.VARCHAR]) {
+ this.writer.setTypeAnnotations()
+ }
+ this.writer.writeString(value)
+ }
+ override fun writeString(value: String) {
+ if (elisions[PType.STRING]) {
+ this.writer.setTypeAnnotations()
+ }
+ this.writer.writeString(value)
+ }
+ override fun writeBlob(value: ByteArray) {
+ if (elisions[PType.BLOB]) {
+ this.writer.setTypeAnnotations()
+ }
+ this.writer.writeBlob(value)
+ }
+ override fun writeClob(value: ByteArray) {
+ if (elisions[PType.CLOB]) {
+ this.writer.setTypeAnnotations()
+ }
+ this.writer.writeClob(value)
+ }
+ override fun writeDate(value: Date) {
+ TODO("datetime blocked on https://github.com/partiql/partiql-lang-kotlin/pull/1656")
+ }
+ override fun writeTime(value: Time) {
+ TODO("datetime blocked on https://github.com/partiql/partiql-lang-kotlin/pull/1656")
+ }
+ override fun writeTimez(value: Time) {
+ TODO("datetime blocked on https://github.com/partiql/partiql-lang-kotlin/pull/1656")
+ }
+ override fun writeTimestamp(value: Timestamp) {
+ TODO("datetime blocked on https://github.com/partiql/partiql-lang-kotlin/pull/1656")
+ }
+ override fun writeTimestampz(value: Timestamp) {
+ TODO("datetime blocked on https://github.com/partiql/partiql-lang-kotlin/pull/1656")
+ }
+ override fun writeVariant(value: T) {
+ TODO("Not yet implemented")
+ }
+ override fun writeField(name: String) {
+ this.writer.setFieldName(name)
+ }
+ override fun stepIn(container: Int) {
+ when (container) {
+ PType.ARRAY -> this.writer.stepIn(IonType.LIST)
+ PType.BAG -> this.writer.stepIn(IonType.LIST)
+ PType.ROW -> this.writer.stepIn(IonType.STRUCT)
+ PType.STRUCT -> this.writer.stepIn(IonType.STRUCT)
+ else -> error("Expected ARRAY, BAG, ROW, or STRUCT, found code: $container")
+ }
+ }
+ override fun stepOut() {
+ this.writer.stepOut()
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes a PartiQL type as an Ion symbol.
+ */
+ private fun symbol(type: PType): String = when (type.code()) {
+ PType.BOOL -> "bool"
+ PType.TINYINT -> "tinyint"
+ PType.SMALLINT -> "smallint"
+ PType.INTEGER -> "int"
+ PType.BIGINT -> "bigint"
+ PType.NUMERIC -> "numeric(${type.precision},${type.scale})"
+ PType.DECIMAL -> "decimal(${type.precision},${type.scale})"
+ PType.REAL -> "real"
+ PType.DOUBLE -> "double"
+ PType.CHAR -> "char(${type.length})"
+ PType.VARCHAR -> "varchar(${type.length})"
+ PType.STRING -> "string"
+ PType.BLOB -> "blob(${type.length})"
+ PType.CLOB -> "clob(${type.length})"
+ PType.DATE -> "date"
+ PType.TIME -> "time(${type.precision})"
+ PType.TIMEZ -> "timez(${type.precision})"
+ PType.TIMESTAMP -> "timestamp(${type.precision})"
+ PType.TIMESTAMPZ -> "timestampz(${type.precision})"
+ PType.ARRAY -> "array<${symbol(type.typeParameter)}>"
+ PType.BAG -> "bag"
+ PType.ROW -> "row"
+ PType.STRUCT -> "struct"
+ PType.DYNAMIC -> "dynamic"
+ PType.UNKNOWN -> error("Unexpected UNKNOWN type")
+ else -> error("Unexpected ptype code: ${type.code()}")
+ }
+ /**
+ * A builder to configure an IonSink.
+ */
+ public class Builder internal constructor(elisions: IntArray) {
+ /**
+ * You could make this a bit flag for some throughput gains (maybe).
+ */
+ private val elisions = BitSet()
+ init {
+ for (code in elisions) {
+ this.elide(code)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds a type elision (removes the type decorator if it exists).
+ *
+ * @return this builder
+ */
+ public fun elide(code: Int): Builder {
+ elisions[code] = true
+ return this
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds a type decorator (removes the type elision if it exists).
+ *
+ * @return this builder
+ */
+ public fun decorate(code: Int): Builder {
+ elisions[code] = false
+ return this
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return a new IonSink instance.
+ */
+ public fun build(writer: IonWriter): IonSink {
+ // impls could be smart about which direction to put branches or omit them altogether
+ return IonSink(writer, elisions)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/partiql-spi/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonStreamTest.kt b/partiql-spi/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonStreamTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b5f01050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/partiql-spi/src/test/kotlin/org/partiql/spi/value/ion/IonStreamTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+package org.partiql.spi.value.ion
+import com.amazon.ionelement.api.loadSingleElement
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
+import org.partiql.spi.value.Datum
+import org.partiql.spi.value.DatumWriter
+import org.partiql.types.PType
+import java.math.BigDecimal
+ * Round-trip tests for encoding PartiQL values in Ion; this currently uses all decorators.
+ */
+class IonStreamTest {
+ /**
+ * Apply all directions and round-trip.
+ */
+ private fun case(ion: String, datum: Datum) {
+ // assertRead(ion, datum)
+ assertWrite(ion, datum)
+ // assertRoundTrip(datum)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testNull() {
+ case("null", Datum.nullValue())
+ case("'bool'::null", Datum.nullValue(PType.bool()))
+ case("'decimal(2,0)'::null", Datum.nullValue(PType.decimal(2, 0)))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testBool() {
+ case("'bool'::null", Datum.nullValue(PType.bool()))
+ case("'bool'::true", Datum.bool(true))
+ case("'bool'::false", Datum.bool(false))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testNumbers() {
+ // tinyint
+ case("'tinyint'::42", Datum.tinyint(42))
+ case("'tinyint'::-42", Datum.tinyint(-42))
+ // smallint
+ case("'smallint'::42", Datum.smallint(42))
+ case("'smallint'::-42", Datum.smallint(-42))
+ // int
+ case("'int'::42", Datum.integer(42))
+ case("'int'::-42", Datum.integer(-42))
+ // bigint
+ case("'bigint'::42", Datum.bigint(42))
+ case("'bigint'::-42", Datum.bigint(-42))
+ // decimal
+ case("'decimal(3,1)'::10.5", Datum.decimal(BigDecimal("10.5"), 3, 1))
+ case("'decimal(3,1)'::-10.5", Datum.decimal(BigDecimal("-10.5"), 3, 1))
+ // real
+ case("'real'::3.14e0", Datum.real(3.14f))
+ case("'real'::-3.14e0", Datum.real(-3.14f))
+ // double
+ case("'double'::3.1415e0", Datum.doublePrecision(3.1415))
+ case("'double'::-3.1415e0", Datum.doublePrecision(-3.1415))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testText() {
+ // char
+ case("'char(1)'::\"a\"", Datum.character("a", 1))
+ case("'char(3)'::\"abc\"", Datum.character("abc", 3))
+ // varchar
+ case("'varchar(3)'::\"abc\"", Datum.varchar("abc", 3))
+ case("'varchar(5)'::\"abc \"", Datum.varchar("abc ", 5))
+ // string
+ case("'string'::\"hello\"", Datum.string("hello"))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testLob() {
+ // clob
+ case("'clob(7)'::{{\"goodbye\"}}", Datum.clob("goodbye".toByteArray(), 7))
+ // blob
+ case("'blob(5)'::{{aGVsbG8=}}", Datum.blob("hello".toByteArray(), 5))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testDatetime() {
+ // TODO blocked on https://github.com/partiql/partiql-lang-kotlin/pull/1656
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testArray() {
+ case(
+ "'array'::[int::1, int::2, int::3]",
+ Datum.array(listOf(Datum.integer(1), Datum.integer(2), Datum.integer(3)))
+ )
+ // INT ARRAY (should omit element types)
+ case(
+ "'array'::[1,2,3]",
+ Datum.array(listOf(Datum.integer(1), Datum.integer(2), Datum.integer(3)), PType.integer())
+ )
+ // ARRAY>
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert ion -> datum via IonSource (PSource).
+ */
+ private fun assertRead(ion: String, datum: Datum) {
+ TODO()
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert datum -> ion via IonSink (PSink).
+ *
+ * @param ion
+ * @param datum
+ */
+ private fun assertWrite(ion: String, datum: Datum) {
+ assertEquals(ion, write(datum))
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert round-trip datum->ion->datum with no loss of information.
+ *
+ * @param datum
+ */
+ private fun assertRoundTrip(datum: Datum) {
+ val e: Datum = datum
+ val a: Datum = read(write(e))
+ assertEquals(e, a)
+ }
+ private fun write(datum: Datum): String {
+ val sb = StringBuilder()
+ val sink = IonSink.text(sb, elisions = IntArray(0))
+ val writer = DatumWriter(sink)
+ writer.write(datum)
+ return sb.toString()
+ }
+ private fun read(ion: String): Datum {
+ // val source = IonSource.decorated().build(ion)
+ // val reader = DatumReader(source)
+ // return reader.read()
+ return Datum.nullValue()
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert ion elements are equal.
+ */
+ private fun assertEquals(expected: String, actual: String) {
+ val e = loadSingleElement(expected)
+ val a = loadSingleElement(actual)
+ if (e != a) {
+ throw AssertionError("Expected: $expected, Actual: $actual")
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert ion elements are equal.
+ */
+ private fun assertEquals(expected: Datum, actual: Datum) {
+ val comparator = Datum.comparator()
+ if (comparator.compare(expected, actual) != 0) {
+ val e = write(expected)
+ val a = write(actual)
+ throw AssertionError("Expected: $e, Actual: $a")
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/partiql-types/src/main/java/org/partiql/types/PType.java b/partiql-types/src/main/java/org/partiql/types/PType.java
index afc74138a..3de85921b 100644
--- a/partiql-types/src/main/java/org/partiql/types/PType.java
+++ b/partiql-types/src/main/java/org/partiql/types/PType.java
@@ -659,6 +659,7 @@ public static PType array() {
public static PType array(@NotNull PType typeParam) {
+ // TODO optional length https://github.com/partiql/partiql-lang-kotlin/issues/1686
return new PTypeCollection(ARRAY, typeParam);
@@ -676,6 +677,7 @@ public static PType bag() {
public static PType bag(@NotNull PType typeParam) {
+ // TODO optional length https://github.com/partiql/partiql-lang-kotlin/issues/1686
return new PTypeCollection(BAG, typeParam);