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Releases: partiql/partiql-lang-kotlin


26 Jan 21:05
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v0.12.2 Pre-release


  • Upgrade IonJava dependency to v1.11.1


Thank you to all who have contributed!

List of commits: v0.12.1-alpha...v0.12.2


16 Jan 17:12
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Release v0.2.8

This release adds support for thread interruption of the CompilerPipeline during compilation and evaluation of long-running queries. To consume this capability, you must opt-in by setting interruptible to true in the CompileOptions. The changes ensure that evaluation of long-running scans and joins can be interrupted as well as the compilation of long-running aggregations.

Other Notes

  • The interruption of compilation of aggregations was specifically catered for as there is a bug in the compilation of aggregations that causes premature materialization of the data. Therefore, if you intend on interrupting your queries, it may also be a good idea to interrupt at the compilation phase. You may still interrupt at evaluation.
  • This addition is NOT added in later versions. If you plan on migrating to a later version, these changes are only present in v0.13.1+. To upgrade, please see the CHANGELOG of v0.13.1 which talks about the addition of thread interruption.

Here are the list of commits.


03 Jan 19:04
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  • Adds the ability to define a user-defined-function in ConnectorMetadata
  • Move ConnectorMetadata map from PartiQLPlanner to PartiQLPlanner.Session for planner re-use.
    • Deprecates 2 APIs in org.partiql.planner.PartiQLPlannerBuilder in favor of using the ConnectorMetadata map in PartiQLPlanner.Session.


  • See the "Added" section.


Thank you to all who have contributed!

List of commits: v0.14.0-alpha...v0.14.1.


16 Dec 01:34
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v0.14.0-alpha Pre-release

Release v0.14.0-alpha


  • Adds top-level IR node creation functions.
  • Adds componentN functions (destructuring) to IR nodes via Kotlin data classes
  • Adds public tag field to IR nodes for associating metadata
  • Adds AST Normalization Pass.
  • Adds PartiQLPlanner Interface, which is responsible for translate an AST to a Plan.
  • EXPERIMENTAL Evaluation of EXCLUDE in the EvaluatingCompiler
  • EXPERIMENTAL: Adds support for EXCLUDE in the default SqlDialect.


  • StaticTypeInferencer and PlanTyper will not raise an error when an expression is inferred to NULL or unionOf(NULL, MISSING). In these cases the StaticTypeInferencer and PlanTyper will still raise the Problem Code ExpressionAlwaysReturnsNullOrMissing but the severity of the problem has been changed to warning. In the case an expression always returns MISSING, problem code ExpressionAlwaysReturnsMissing will be raised, which will have problem severity of error.
  • BREAKING The default integer literal type is now 32-bit; if the literal can not fit in a 32-bit integer, it overflows to 64-bit.
  • BREAKING PartiQLValueType now distinguishes between Arbitrary Precision Decimal and Fixed Precision Decimal.
  • BREAKING Function Signature Changes. Now Function signature has two subclasses, Scalar and Aggregation.
  • BREAKING Plugin Changes. Only return one Connector.Factory, use Kotlin fields. JVM signature remains the same.
  • BREAKING In the produced plan:
    • The new plan is fully resolved and typed.
    • Operators will be converted to function call.
  • Changes the return type of filter_distinct to a list if input collection is list
  • Changes the PartiQLValue collections to implement Iterable rather than Sequence, allowing for multiple consumption.
  • BREAKING Moves PartiQLParserBuilder.standard().build() to be PartiQLParser.default().
  • BREAKING Changed modeling of EXCLUDE in partiql-ast



  • Fixes the CLI hanging on invalid queries. See issue #1230.
  • Fixes Timestamp Type parsing issue. Previously Timestamp Type would get parsed to a Time type.
  • Fixes PIVOT parsing to assign the key and value as defined by spec section 14.
  • Fixes the physical plan compiler to return list when DISTINCT used with ORDER BY


  • BREAKING Removed IR factory in favor of static top-level functions. Change
    to foo()
  • BREAKING Removed org.partiql.lang.planner.transforms.AstToPlan. Use org.partiql.planner.PartiQLPlanner.
  • BREAKING Removed org.partiql.lang.planner.transforms.PartiQLSchemaInferencer. In order to achieve the same functionality, one would need to use the org.partiql.planner.PartiQLPlanner.
    • To get the inferred type of the query result, one can do: (plan.statement as Statement.Query).root.type



Thank you to all who have contributed!


30 Sep 00:28
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v0.13.2-alpha Pre-release

Release v0.13.2-alpha


  • Adds overridden toString() method for Sprout-generated code.
  • Adds CURRENT_DATE session variable to PartiQL.g4 and PartiQLParser
  • Adds configurable AST to SQL pretty printer. Usage in Java AstKt.sql(ast) or in Kotlin ast.sql().
  • Support parsing, planning, and evaluation of Bitwise AND operator (&).
    • The Bitwise And Operator only works for integer operands.
    • The operator precedence may change based on the pending operator precedence RFC.
  • EXPERIMENTAL Adds EXCLUDE to parser, ast, plan, and plan schema inferencer


  • Fixes typing of scalar subqueries in the PartiQLSchemaInferencer. Note that usage of SELECT * in subqueries
    is not fully supported. Please make sure to handle InferenceExceptions.
  • Fixes schema inferencer behavior for ORDER BY


Thank you to all who have contributed!

List of commits: v0.13.1-alpha...v0.13.2-alpha


20 Sep 22:01
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v0.13.1-alpha Pre-release

Release v0.13.1-alpha


  • Adds isInterruptible property to CompileOptions. The default value is false. Please see the KDocs for more information.
  • Adds support for thread interruption in compilation and execution. If you'd like to opt-in to this addition, please see
    the isInterruptible addition above for more information.
  • Adds support for CLI users to use CTRL-C to cancel long-running compilation/execution of queries


  • Fix a bug in FilterScanToKeyLookup pass wherein it was rewriting primary key equality expressions with references
    to the candidate row on both sides. Now it will correctly ignore such expressions.
  • Fixes build failure for version 0.13.0 by publishing partiql-plan as an independent artifact. Please note that partiql-plan is experimental.


Thank you to all who have contributed!

List of commits: v0.13.0-alpha...v0.13.1-alpha


20 Sep 21:39
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v0.12.1-alpha Pre-release

Release v0.12.1-alpha


  • Fixes build failure for version 0.12.0 by publishing partiql-plan and partiql-parser as independent artifacts. Please note that partiql-plan and partiql-parser are experimental.


Thank you to all who have contributed!

List of commits: v0.12.0-alpha...v0.12.1-alpha


20 Sep 21:28
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v0.11.1-alpha Pre-release

Release v0.11.1-alpha


  • Fixes build failure for version 0.11.0 by publishing partiql-plan as an independent artifact. Please note that partiql-plan is experimental.

List of commits: v0.11.0-alpha...v0.11.1-alpha


20 Sep 21:12
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v0.10.1-alpha Pre-release

Release v0.10.1-alpha


  • Fixes build failure for version 0.10.0 by publishing partiql-plan as an independent artifact. Please note that partiql-plan is experimental.

List of commits: v0.10.0-alpha...v0.10.1-alpha


08 Sep 22:37
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v0.13.0-alpha Pre-release

Release v0.13.0-alpha


  • Adds org.partiql.value (experimental) package for reading/writing PartiQL values
  • Adds function overloading to the CompilerPipeline and experimental PartiQLCompilerPipeline.
  • Adds new method getFunctions() to org.partiql.spi.Plugin.
  • Adds PartiQLFunction interface.
  • Adds FunctionSignature and FunctionParameter class to org/partiql/types/function.
  • Adds a new flag --plugins to PartiQL CLI to allow users to specify the root of their plugins directory.
    The default is ~/.partiql/plugins . Each implementer of a plugin should place a directory under the
    plugins root containing the JAR corresponding with their plugin implementation.
    Example: ~/.partiql/plugins/customPlugin/customPlugin.jar
  • Adds serialization and deserialization between IonValue and org.partiql.value.
  • Adds org.partiql.ast package and usage documentation
  • Adds org.partiql.parser package and usage documentation
  • Adds PartiQL's Timestamp Data Model.
  • Adds support for Timestamp constructor call in Parser.
  • Parsing of label patterns within node and edge graph patterns now supports
    disjunction |, conjunction &, negation !, and grouping.
  • Adds default equals and hashCode methods for each generated abstract class of Sprout. This affects the generated
    classes in :partiql-ast and :partiql-plan.
  • Adds README to partiql-types package.
  • Initializes PartiQL's Code Coverage library
    • Adds support for BRANCH and BRANCH-CONDITION Coverage
    • Adds integration with JUnit5 for ease-of-use
    • For more information, see the "Writing PartiQL Unit Tests" article in our GitHub Wiki.
  • Adds new constructor parameters to all variants of PartiQLResult.
  • Adds two new methods to PartiQLResult: getCoverageData and getCoverageStructure.


  • Breaking: all product types defined by the internal Sprout tool no longer generate interfaces. They are now abstract
    classes due to the generation of equals and hashCode methods. This change impacts many generated interfaces exposed
    in :partiql-ast and :partiql-plan.
  • Standardizes org/partiql/cli/functions/QueryDDB and other built-in functions in org/partiql/lang/eval/builtins by the new ExprFunction format.
  • Breaking: Redefines org/partiql/lang/eval/ method by only invoking callWithRequired function.
  • Breaking: Redefines org/partiql/lang/eval/builtins/DynamicLookupExprFunction by merging variadicParameter into requiredParameters as a StaticType.LIST. callWithVariadic is now replaced by callWithRequired.
  • Upgrades ion-java to 1.10.2.
  • Breaking (within experimental graph features): As part of extending
    the language of graph label patterns:
    • Changed the type of the field label in AST nodes{Node,Edge},
      from SymbolPrimitive to new GraphLabelSpec.
    • Changed the names of subclasses of org.partiql.lang.graph.LabelSpec,
      from OneOf to Name, and from Whatever to Wildcard.
  • Breaking the package org.partiql.lang.errors has been moved to org.partiql.errors, moved classes include
    • org.partiql.lang.errors.ErrorCategory -> org.partiql.errors.ErrorCategory
    • org.partiql.lang.errors.Property -> org.partiql.errors.Property
    • org.partiql.lang.errors.PropertyValue -> org.partiql.errors.PropertyValue
    • org.partiql.lang.errors.PropertyType -> org.partiql.errors.PropertyType
    • org.partiql.lang.errors.PropertyValueMap -> org.partiql.errors.PropertyValueMap
    • org.partiql.lang.errors.ErrorCode -> org.partiql.errors.ErrorCode
    • org.partiql.lang.errors.Problem -> org.partiql.errors.Problem
    • org.partiql.lang.errors.ProblemDetails -> org.partiql.errors.ProblemDetails
    • org.partiql.lang.errors.ProblemSeverity -> org.partiql.errors.ProblemSeverity
    • org.partiql.lang.errors.ProblemHandler -> org.partiql.errors.ProblemHandler
  • Breaking the sourceLocation field of org.partiql.errors.Problem was changed from org.partiql.lang.ast.SoureceLocationMeta to org.partiql.errors.ProblemLocation.
  • Breaking removed redundant ValueParameter from FunctionParameter as all parameters are values.
  • Introduces isNullCall and isNullable properties to FunctionSignature.
  • Removed Nullable...Value implementations of PartiQLValue and made the standard implementations nullable.
  • Using PartiQLValueType requires optin; this was a miss from an earlier commit.
  • Modified timestamp static type to model precision and time zone.


  • Breaking: Deprecates the Arguments, RequiredArgs, RequiredWithOptional, and RequiredWithVariadic classes,
    along with the callWithOptional(), callWithVariadic(), and the overloaded call() methods in the ExprFunction class,
    marking them with a Deprecation Level of ERROR. Now, it's recommended to use
    call(session: EvaluationSession, args: List<ExprValue>) and callWithRequired() instead.
  • Breaking: Deprecates optionalParameter and variadicParameter in the FunctionSignature with a Deprecation
    Level of ERROR. Please use multiple implementations of ExprFunction and use the LIST ExprValue to
    represent variadic parameters instead.



  • Breaking: Removes optionalParameter and variadicParameter from org.partiql.lang.types.FunctionSignature. To continue support for evaluation of optionalParameters, please create another same-named function. To continue support for evaluation of variadicParameter, please use a StaticType.LIST to hold all previously variadic parameters.
    As this changes coincides with the addition of function overloading, only callWithRequired will be invoked upon execution of an ExprFunction. Note: Function overloading is now allowed, which is the reason for the removal of optionalParameter and variadicParameter.
  • Breaking: Removes unused class Arguments from org.partiql.lang.eval.
  • Breaking: Removes unused parameter args: Arguments from method.



Thank you to all who have contributed!

Commits: v0.12.0-alpha...v0.13.0-alpha