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Onchain Passport Attestation


The purpose of this document is to describe the EAS schema used to store Gitcoin Passports onchain, how to get a users Passport attestation and how to use it in integrations (for example how to score a Passport).

For details about the process of bringing Passport data on chain please see: Onchain Data.

Passport EAS Schema

Following is the EAS schema to store a Passport onchain. This will allow capturing a snapshot of a users Passport onchain.

new SchemaEncoder(
  "uint256[] providers, bytes32[] hashes, uint64[] issuanceDates, uint64[] expirationDates, uint16 providerMapVersion"



  • this field shall indicate which stamps (i. e. which providers) a user has in their Passport. This field is declared as an array of uint256 but it shall be used as a array of bits, meaning:
  • we will use an ordered list of providers, and we will assign each of the providers a position in the bytes32 array and a bit, for example:
    • position 0, bit 0 (0x0000000000000001): Brightid
    • position 0, bit 1 (0x0000000000000002): unityStakingBronze
    • position 0, bit 2 (0x0000000000000004): CommunityStakingGold
    • position 0, bit 3 (0x0000000000000008): CommunityStakingSilver
    • position 0, bit 4 (0x0000000000000010): Coinbase
    • position 0, bit 5 (0x0000000000000020): Discord
  • we will set the corresponding bit of the element in the providers field to 0, if a user does have the stamp for the providers who is assigned that bit


  • this field shall record the individual hashes for each stamp a user owns:
  • this will be an ordered list, the hashes will be written in the order of the providers as defined for the providers field (i.e. hashes[0] corresponds to the provider at the rightmost bit)
  • this field will only record the hashes for the stamps that a user owns, meaning we will skip any elements where the provider bit is set to 0 in the providers field


  • (unix timestamp - the number of seconds since epoch, the beginning of January 1, 1970, UTC) individual issuance dates for the stamps. Similar to the hashes field, this is an ordered array. The issuance date can be different form the EAS creation timestamp.


  • (unix timestamp) individual expiration dates for the stamps. Similar to the hashes field, this is an ordered array, containing th expiration date for each stamp.

Considering the list of providers above if a user has the BrightId, CommunityStakingSilver and Discord stamps, their attestation will look like:


  • this field will be used to indicate the version of the provider map used to encode the providers field. This will allow us to version the provider map if there are a large amount of stamps that need to be replaced/removed in the future. If new providers are only added, the providerMapVersion does not change.
  "providers": ["12983612785124"],
  "hashes": ["0x0000000000000001", "0x0000000000000002", "0x0000000000000003"],
  "issuanceDates": ["123456789", "123456789", "123456789"],
  "expirationDates": ["123456789", "123456789", "123456789"]

The 3 bits corresponding to each position of the providers will be set to 1 in the first element in providers, and we record the 3 hashes in the hashes field.

Score EAS Schema

Following is the EAS schema to store a score onchain.

new SchemaEncoder(
  "uint256 score,uint32 scorer_id,uint8 score_decimals"



The score as an unsigned integer, similar to an ERC-20 balance


ID of the scorer that issued this score.


Number of decimals in score, similar to an ERC-20 balance


For our use-case it is important that given an ETH address of a user, we are able to determine all the stamps that the user owns. The EAS smart contract does not offer this functionality. However, we can create a resolver smart contract that stores the latest Passport attestation for a particular recipient using a particular schema:

recipient => schema UUID => attestation UUID

In solidity this would translate to:

mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => bytes32)) public userAttestations;

Given this structure, we would be able to retrieve the UUID for the latest Passport attestation of a particular recipient.

As also mentioned in On Chain Data, the resolver smart contract will:

  • only allow calls from a trusted EAS smart contract
  • only accept data coming from a trusted attester

Updating Passport

A Passport attestation will always record a snapshot of a user's Passport. Whenever the user makes changes to their Passport (deleting, renewing or claiming new stamps) in the Passport App, a new attestation needs to be created in EAS in order to record the latest state of the Passport onchain. Optionally, the previous attestation can be revoked.


How to Score a Passport Onchain

Please see the implementation of the GitcoinScorer smart contract for an example of how to load and check a user's Passport attestation.

How to Load a Passport/Score Off-Chain

Please see the implementation of the onChainStamps utils file in the Passport app for an example of how to load a user's Passport and attestations.

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