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Releases: paul-buerkner/brms

brms 2.14.0

09 Oct 08:49
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New Features

  • Experimentally support within-chain parallelizaion via reduce_sum
    using argument threads in brm thanks to Sebastian Weber. (#892)
  • Add algorithm fixed_param to sample from fixed parameter values. (#973)
  • No longer remove NA values in data if there are unused because of
    the subset addition argument. (#895)
  • Combine by variables and within-group correlation matrices
    in group-level terms. (#674)
  • Add argument robust to the summary method. (#976)
  • Parallelize evaluation of the posterior_predict and log_lik
    methods via argument cores. (#819)
  • Compute effective number of parameters in kfold.
  • Show prior sources and vectorization in the print output
    of brmsprior objects. (#761)
  • Store unused variables in the model's data frame via
    argument unused of function brmsformula.
  • Support posterior mean predictions in emmeans via
    dpar = "mean" thanks to Russell V. Lenth. (#993)
  • Improve control of which parameters should be saved via
    function save_pars and corresponding argument in brm. (#746)
  • Add method posterior_smooths to computing predictions
    of individual smooth terms. (#738)
  • Allow to display grouping variables in conditional_effects
    using the effects argument. (#1012)

Other Changes

  • Improve sampling efficiency for a lot of models by using Stan's
    GLM-primitives even in non-GLM cases. (#984)
  • Improve sampling efficiency of multilevel models with
    within-group covariances thanks to David Westergaard. (#977)
  • Deprecate argument probs in the conditional_effects method
    in favor of argument prob.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a problem in pp_check inducing wronger observation
    orders in time series models thanks to Fiona Seaton. (#1007)
  • Fix multiple problems with loo_moment_match that prevented
    it from working for some more complex models.

brms 2.13.5

03 Aug 07:53
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New Features

  • Support the Cox proportional hazards model for
    time-to-event data via family cox. (#230, #962)
  • Support method loo_moment_match, which can be used to
    update a loo object when Pareto k estimates are large.

Other Changes

  • Improve the prediction behavior in post-processing methods
    when sampling new levels of grouping factors via
    sample_new_levels = "uncertainty". (#956)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix minor problems with MKL on CRAN.

brms 2.13.3

14 Jul 16:16
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brms 2.13.3

New Features

  • Fix shape parameters across multiple monotonic terms via argument
    id in function mo to ensure conditionally monotonic effects. (#924)
  • Support package rtdists as additional backend of wiener
    distribution functions thanks to the help of Henrik Singmann. (#385)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix generated Stan Code of models with improper global priors and
    constant priors on some coefficients thanks to Frank Weber. (#919)
  • Fix a bug in conditional_effects occuring for categorical
    models with matrix predictors thanks to Jamie Cranston. (#933)

Other Changes

  • Adjust behavior of the rate addition term so that it also
    affects the shape parameter in negbinomial models thanks to
    Edward Abraham. (#915)
  • Adjust the default inverse-gamma prior on length-scale parameters
    of Gaussian processes to be less extreme in edge cases thanks
    to Topi Paananen.

brms 2.13.0

27 May 21:27
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New Features

  • Constrain ordinal thresholds to sum to zero via argument
    threshold in ordinal family functions thanks to the help of
    Marta Kołczyńska.
  • Support posterior_linpred as method in conditional_effects.
  • Use std_normal in the Stan code for improved efficiency.
  • Add arguments cor, id, and cov to the functions gr and
    mm for easy specification of group-level correlation structures.
  • Improve workflow to feed back brms-created models which were
    fitted somewhere else back into brms. (#745)
  • Improve argument int_conditions in conditional_effects to
    work for all predictors not just interactions.
  • Support multiple imputation of data passed via data2 in
    brm_multiple. (#886)
  • Fully support the emmeans package thanks to the help
    of Russell V. Lenth. (#418)
  • Control the within-block position of Stan code added via
    stanvar using the position argument.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue in Stan code of models with multiple me terms
    thanks to Chris Chatham. (#855, #856)
  • Fix scaling problems in the estimation of ordinal models with
    multiple threshold vectors thanks to Marta Kołczyńska and
    Rok Češnovar.
  • Allow usage of std_normal in set_prior thanks to Ben Goodrich. (#867)
  • Fix Stan code of distributional models with weibull, frechet,
    or inverse.gaussian families thanks to Brian Huey and Jack Caster. (#879)
  • Fix Stan code of models which are truncated and weighted at the
    same time thanks to Michael Thompson. (#884)
  • Fix Stan code of multivariate models with custom families and
    data variables passed to the likelihood thanks to Raoul Wolf. (#906)

Other Changes

  • Reduce minimal scale of several default priors from 10 to 2.5.
    The resulting priors should remain weakly informative.
  • Automatically group observations in gp for increased efficiency.
  • Rename parse_bf to brmsterms and deprecate the former function.
  • Rename extract_draws to prepare_predictions and deprecate
    the former function.
  • Deprecate using a model-dependent rescor default.
  • Deprecate argument cov_ranef in brm and related functions.
  • Improve several internal interfaces. This should not have any
    user-visible changes.
  • Simplify the parameterization of the horseshoe prior thanks
    to Aki Vehtari. (#873)
  • Store fixed distributional parameters as regular draws so that
    they behave as if they were estimated in post-processing methods.

brms 2.12.0

26 Feb 15:24
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New Features

  • Fix parameters to constants via the prior argument. (#783)
  • Specify autocorrelation terms directly in the model formula. (#708)
  • Translate integer covariates in non-linear formulas to integer
    arrays in Stan.
  • Estimate sigma in combination with fixed correlation matrices
    via autocorrelation term fcor.
  • Use argument data2 in brm and related functions to pass
    data objects which cannot be passed via data. The usage of data2
    will be extended in future versions.
  • Compute pointwise log-likelihood values via log_lik for
    non-factorizable Student-t models. (#705)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix output of posterior_predict for multinomial models
    thanks to Ivan Ukhov.
  • Fix selection of group-level terms via re_formula in
    multivariate models thanks to Maxime Dahirel. (#834)
  • Enforce correct ordering of terms in re_formula
    thanks to @ferberkl. (#844)
  • Fix post-processing of multivariate multilevel models
    when multiple IDs are used for the same grouping factor
    thanks to @lott999. (#835)
  • Store response category names of ordinal models in the
    output of posterior_predict again thanks to Mattew Kay. (#838)
  • Handle NA values more consistently in posterior_table
    thanks to Anna Hake. (#845)
  • Fix a bug in the Stan code of models with multiple monotonic
    varying effects across different groups thanks to Julian Quandt.

Other Changes

  • Rename offset variables to offsets in the generated Stan
    code as the former will be reserved in the new stanc3 compiler.

brms 2.11.1

20 Jan 06:56
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix version requirement of the loo package.
  • Fix effective sample size note in the summary output. (#824)
  • Fix an edge case in the handling of covariates in
    special terms thanks to Andrew Milne. (#823)
  • Allow restructuring objects multiple times with different
    brms versions thanks to Jonathan A. Nations. (#828)
  • Fix validation of ordered factors in newdata
    thanks to Andrew Milne. (#830)

brms 2.11.0

15 Jan 23:07
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New Features

  • Support grouped ordinal threshold vectors via addition
    argument resp_thres. (#675)
  • Support method loo_subsample for performing approximate
    leave-one-out cross-validation for large data.
  • Allow storing more model fit critera via add_criterion. (#793)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix prediction uncertainties of new group levels for
    sample_new_levels = "uncertainty" thanks to Dominic Magirr. (#779)
  • Fix problems when using pp_check on
    censored models thanks to Andrew Milne. (#744)
  • Fix error in the generated Stan code of multivariate
    zero_inflated_binomial models thanks to Raoul Wolf. (#756)
  • Fix predictions of spline models when using addition
    argument subset thanks to Ruben Arslan.
  • Fix out-of-sample predictions of AR models when predicting
    more than one step ahead.
  • Fix problems when using reloo or kfold with CAR models.
  • Fix problems when using fitted(..., scale = "linear") with
    multinomial models thanks to Santiago Olivella. (#770)
  • Fix problems in the as.mcmc method for thinned models
    thanks to @hoxo-m. (#811)
  • Fix problems in parsing covariates of special effects terms
    thanks to Riccardo Fusaroli (#813)

Other Changes

  • Rename marginal_effects to conditional_effects and
    marginal_smooths to conditional_smooths. (#735)
  • Rename stanplot to mcmc_plot.
  • Add method pp_expect as an alias of fitted. (#644)
  • Model fit criteria computed via add_criterion are now
    stored in the brmsfit$criteria slot.
  • Deprecate resp_cat in favor of resp_thres.
  • Deprecate specifying global priors on regression coefficients
    in categorical and multivariate models.
  • Improve names of weighting methods in model_weights.
  • Deprecate reserved variable intercept in favor of Intercept.
  • Deprecate argument exact_match in favor of fixed.
  • Deprecate functions add_loo and add_waic
    in favor of add_criterion.

brms 2.10.0

03 Sep 06:26
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New Features

  • Improve convergence diagnostics in the summary output. (#712)
  • Use primitive Stan GLM functions whenever possible. (#703)
  • Pass real and integer data vectors to custom families via
    the addition arguments vreal and vint. (#707)
  • Model compound symmetry correlations via cor_cosy. (#403)
  • Predict sigma in combination with several
    autocorrelation structures. (#403)
  • Use addition term rate to conveniently handle
    denominators of rate responses in log-linear models.
  • Fit BYM2 CAR models via cor_car thanks to the case study
    and help of Mitzi Morris.

Other Changes

  • Substantially improve the sampling efficiency of SAR models
    thanks to the GitHub user aslez. (#680)
  • No longer allow changing the boundaries
    of autocorrelation parameters.
  • Set the number of trials to 1 by default in
    marginal_effects if not specified otherwise. (#718)
  • Use non-standard evaluation for addition terms.
  • Name temporary intercept parameters more consistently
    in the Stan code.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix problems in the post-processing of me terms with
    grouping factors thanks to the GitHub user tatters. (#706)
  • Allow grouping variables to start with a dot
    thanks to Bruno Nicenboim. (#679)
  • Allow the horseshoe prior in categorical and
    related models thanks to the Github user tatters. (#678)
  • Fix extraction of prior samples for overall intercepts in
    prior_samples thanks to Jonas Kristoffer Lindelov. (#696)
  • Allow underscores to be used in category names
    of categorical responses thanks to Emmanuel Charpentier. (#672)
  • Fix Stan code of multivariate models with multi-membership
    terms thanks to the Stan discourse user Pia.
  • Improve checks for non-standard variable names
    thanks to Ryan Holbrook. (#721)
  • Fix problems when plotting facetted spaghetti plots
    via marginal_smooths thanks to Gavin Simpson. (#740)

brms 2.9.0

23 May 05:07
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New Features

  • Specify non-linear ordinal models. (#623)
  • Allow to fix thresholds in ordinal mixture models (#626)
  • Use the softplus link function in various families. (#622)
  • Use QR decomposition of design matrices via argument decomp of brmsformula thanks to the help of Ben Goodrich. (#640)
  • Define argument sparse separately for each model formula.
  • Allow using bayes_R2 and loo_R2 with ordinal models. (#639)
  • Support cor_arma in non-normal models. (#648)

Other Changes

  • Change the parameterization of monotonic effects to improve their interpretability. (#578)
  • No longer support the cor_arr and cor_bsts correlation structures after a year of deprecation.
  • Refactor internal evaluation of special predictor terms.
  • Improve penality of splines thanks to Ben Goodrich and Ruben Arslan.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a problem when applying marginal_effects to measurement error models thanks to Jonathan A. Nations. (#636)
  • Fix computation of log-likelihood values for weighted mixture models.
  • Fix computation of fitted values for truncated lognormal and weibull models.
  • Fix checking of response boundaries for models with missing values thanks to Lucas Deschamps.
  • Fix Stan code of multivariate models with both residual correlations and missing value terms thanks to Solomon Kurz.
  • Fix problems with interactions of special terms when extracting variable names in marginal_effects.
  • Allow compiling a model in brm_multiple without sampling thanks to Will Petry. (#671)

brms 2.8.0

21 Mar 15:05
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New Features

  • Fit multinomial models via family multinomial. (#463)
  • Fit Dirichlet models via family dirichlet. (#463)
  • Fit conditional logistic models using the categorical and
    multinomial families together with non-linear formula syntax. (#560)
  • Choose the reference category of categorical and related
    families via argument refcat of the corresponding family functions.
  • Use different subsets of the data in different univariate parts
    of a multivariate model via addition argument subset. (#360)
  • Control the centering of population-level design matrices
    via argument center of brmsformula and related functions.
  • Add an update method for brmsfit_multiple objects. (#615)
  • Split folds after group in the kfold method. (#619)

Other changes

  • Deprecate compare_ic and instead recommend loo_compare for the
    comparison of loo objects to ensure consistency between packages. (#414)
  • Use the glue package in the Stan code generation. (#549)
  • Introduce mvbind to eventually replace cbind
    in the formula syntax of multivariate models.
  • Validate several sampling-related arguments in
    brm before compiling the Stan model. (#576)
  • Show evaluated vignettes on CRAN again. (#591)
  • Export function get_y which is used to extract response
    values from brmsfit objects.

Bug fixes

  • Fix an error when trying to change argument re_formula
    in bayes_R2 thanks to the GitHub user emieldl. (#592)
  • Fix occasional problems when running chains in parallel
    via the future package thanks to Jared Knowles. (#579)
  • Ensure correct ordering of response categories in ordinal
    models thanks to Jonas Kristoffer Lindelov. (#580)
  • Ignore argument resp of marginal_effects in
    univariate models thanks to Vassilis Kehayas. (#589)
  • Correctly disable cell-mean coding in varying effects.
  • Allow to fix parameter ndt in drift diffusion models.
  • Fix Stan code for t-distributed varying effects
    thanks to Ozgur Asar.
  • Fix an error in the post-processing of monotonic effects
    occuring for multivariate models thanks to James Rae. (#598)
  • Fix lower bounds in truncated discrete models.
  • Fix checks of the original data in kfold thanks to
    the GitHub user gcolitti. (#602)
  • Fix an error when applying the VarCorr method to
    meta-analytic models thanks to Michael Scharkow. (#616)