1. Provisioning
2. Staging
3. Running
4. Stopped (Terminated) VM
Before an instance enters the Stopped/Terminated phase you have the option to run shutdown scripts
No charge for stopped VM
Charged for attached disks and IPs
Change machine type (but not the image) or Modify custom VM
Migrate the VM to another network
Add/remove attached disks
Remove or set a new static IP
Modify VM availability policy (can also be done while instance is in the running state)
Cant change the image of a stopped VM
- reset (instance remains running) - console, gcloud, API , OS
- reboot (running -> running) - OS: sudo reboot
- stop (running -> terminated) - console, gcloud, API
- shutdown (running -> terminated) - OS: sudo shutdown
- restart (terminated -> running) - console, gcloud, API, OS
- delete (running/terminated -> N/A) - console, gcloud, API
- preemption - automatic command by Compute Engine, 30s shutdown script time. If it takes any longer Compute Engine sends an ACPI mechanical power off signal to the OS
Also known as "Scheduling options" in the SDK/API
Compute Engine can live migrate to another host due to a maintenance event
Maintenance behaviors
Live Migrate (Default)
Automatic restart - due to a crash or maintenance event (not preemption or user-initiated terminate)
Terminate - You can set the behavior to terminate your instances during maintenance events
Configuration of Maintenance behavior and Availability policies can be done before launching an instance / after launch by configuring the On host maintenence and Automatic restart