pega_yui_connection - forked from YUI 2.5.1
Changes related to performance, memory leaks, browser support for iframe
Fixes for CSRF and hijack prevention
Changes made to send CSRF token in browser fingerprint
Fixes to handle URL tampering issues
pega_yui_event - forked from YUI 2.5.1
Added Edge browser support
Checks added for IE scroll
Specific handling for Focus and Blur for Firefox browser
getListenerArrayLength new method added
pega_yui_tabview - forked from YUI 2.5.1
Changes to support the Accordion Layout
pega_yui_utilities - forked from YUI 2.5.2
Mashup support when CSRF is enabled
pega_yui_layout - forked from YUI 2.5.2
Layout related resize issues fixes
pega_yui_resize - forked from YUI 2.5.2
Width and height issues fixes
pega_yui_container - forked from YUI 2.5.2
Updated "Center()" API to calculate TOP style property appropriately
pega_yui_yahoo - forked from YUI 2.5.1
Added additional browser checks
pega_yui_dragdrop - forked from YUI 2.5.1
pega_yui_dom - forked from YUI 2.5.1
Internet Explorer check, added CSS props, altered setStyle()
pega_yui_menu - forked from YUI 2.5.2
Removed some resize calls
pega_yui_event_profile - forked from YUI 2.5.1
Added additional logs for better debugging
Added helper method to obtain listeners array length
Providing for bubblable focus and blur in Firefox by using the capturing option
pega_yui_editor - forked from YUI 2.5.2
Added support for Pega-related features support in RTE
pega_yui_dragdrop - forked from YUI 2.5.1
pega_yui_button - forked from YUI 2.5.2
Menu option in switch case
In Destroy function, added call to purgeElement recursively to purge the child elements as well
pzPega_yui_dualSlider - forked from YUI 2.7.0
Changed to separate module in Pega. Dualslider is part of slider in YUI.