#Local i14y setup
For a general overview of i14y drawers, start with the manual and the technical documentation.
##Set up i14y To get it hooked into your local usasearch, follow these steps:
- Clone the i14y repo, and follow the setup instructions on the i14y readme.
- Fire it up:
rails s -p 8081
(the port just needs to match the port in the i14y entry for usasearch's config/secrets.yml)
##Enable i14y in usasearch The development database is seeded with an i14-enabled affiliate. To create additional i14y affiliates manually, follow these steps:
- In usasearch, navigate to the Super Admin editing page for your site (/admin/affiliates).
- In the Enable/disable Settings section, check 'Gets i14y results'. Save changes.
- Follow the steps in https://search.gov/manual/i14y-drawers.html to add a drawer to your site.
To view the secret token for a drawer, run 'i14y_drawer.token' in the console, or navigate to /sites/5/i14y_drawers > Show.
##Add some i14y content Issue curl commands to your i14y port per https://gsa.github.io/slate/#create-a-document to add some documents to your drawer.
curl "http://localhost:8081/api/v1/documents" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-u "your_drawer_handle":"your_secret_token" \
-d '{"document_id":"2",
"title":"Another doc about rutabagas",
"path": "http://www.gov.gov/cms/doc2.html",
"created": "2015-05-12T22:35:09Z",
"description":"Lots of very important info on rutabagas",
"promote": false,
"language" : "en",
"tags" : "tag1, another tag"
##Profit Searches for 'rutabaga' for that affiliate should now return results.