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GLSL Snippets

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Prefix Name Description
main func Main Function Entry function called upon shader initialization.
Fractal Teapot Credit Fractal Teapot Credit Deep breath... And... Begin.


Prefix Name Description
*rnd S Small Random Float Base 10 random number of form 0.000######.
*rnd, *rnd float Random Float Base 10 random number of form 0.######.
*rnd L Large Random Float Base 10 random number of form ######.######.
*rnd 2, *rnd vec2 Random Vector 2 Pair of base 10 random numbers, each of form 0.######.
*rnd 3, *rnd vec3 Random Vector 3 Triplet of base 10 random numbers, each of form 0.######.
*rnd 4, *rnd vec4 Random Vector 4 Quadruplet of base 10 random numbers, each of form 0.######.


Prefix Name Description
vec2, -v2 vec2 Constructs a vec2 object.
vec3, -v3 vec3 Constructs a vec3 object.
vec4, -v4 vec4 Constructs a vec4 object.
mat2, -m2 mat2 Constructs a mat2 object.
mat3, -m3 mat3 Constructs a mat3 object.


Prefix Name Description
mix, -x mix mix(start, end, value)


Prefix Name Description
_tex0 tex0 Uniform variable.
_texBB texBB Uniform variable.
_p1 param1 Uniform variable.
_p[1-4] param[1-4] Uniform variable.
_p[1-8] param[1-8] Uniform variable.
_p[1-16] param[1-16] Uniform variable.
_pos1 pos1 Uniform variable.
_vpos1 vpos1 Uniform variable.
_apos1 apos1 Uniform variable.
_uRes uRes Uniform variable.
_uSeed uSeed Uniform variable.
_uTime uTime Uniform variable.
_color1 color1 Uniform variable.

Blend Modes

Prefix Name Description
All Blend Modes All Additive blend mode.
Add Blend Mode Add Additive blend mode.
Average Blend Mode Average Average blend mode.
Color Burn Blend Mode Color Burn Color burn blend mode.
Color Dodge Blend Mode Color Dodge Color dodge blend mode.
Darken Blend Mode Darken Darken blend mode.
Difference Blend Mode Difference Difference blend mode.
Exclusion Blend Mode Exclusion Exclusion blend mode.
Glow Blend Mode Glow Glow blend mode.
Hard Light Blend Mode Hard Light Hard light blend mode.
Hard Mix Blend Mode Hard Mix Hard mix blend mode.
Lighten Blend Mode Lighten Lighten blend mode.
Linear Burn Blend Mode Linear Burn Linear burn blend mode.
Linear Dodge Blend Mode Linear Dodge Linear dodge blend mode.
Linear Light Blend Mode Linear Light Linear light blend mode.
Multiply Blend Mode Multiply Multiply blend mode.
Negation Blend Mode Negation Negation blend mode.
Normal Blend Mode Normal Normal blend mode.
Overlay Blend Mode Overlay Overlay blend mode.
Phoenix Blend Mode Phoenix Phoenix blend mode.
Pin Light Blend Mode Pin Light Pin light blend mode.
Reflect Blend Mode Reflect Reflect blend mode.
Screen Blend Mode Screen Screen blend mode.
Soft Light Blend Mode Soft Light Soft light blend mode.
Subtract Blend Mode Subtract Subtract blend mode.
Vivid Light Blend Mode Vivid Light Vivid light blend mode.


Prefix Name Description
2 Pass Smoothstep Blur 2 Pass Smoothstep Entry function called upon shader initialization.


Prefix Name Description
Film Grading - ACES ACES Film Grading Academy Color Encoding System.
Film Grading - Reinhard Reinhard Film Grading Academy Color Encoding System.
Blackbody Temperature to Color Blackbody Converts a temperature to a color.
Expand Colors, _expandColors Expand Colors Expands color range from limited [16-235] to full [0-255].
HSV to RGB Color Space, _hsv2rgb HSV to RGB Converts from HSV to RGB color space.
HSV to RGB Color Space Smoothed, _hsv2rgb_smooth HSV to RGB Smooth Converts from HSV to RGB color space with smoother color distrubution.
RGB to HSV Color Space RGB to HSV Converts from HSV to RGB color space.
Linear sRGB to sRGB Color Space Linear sRGB to sRGB Converts from linear sRGB to sRGB color space.
sRGB to Linear sRGB Color Space sRGB to Linear sRGB Converts from sRGB to linear sRGB color space.
Linear sRGB to Oklab Color Space Linear sRGB to Oklab Converts from linear sRGB to Oklab color space.
Oklab to Linear sRGB Color Space Oklab to Linear sRGB Converts from Oklab color space to linear sRGB.


Prefix Name Description
Composite Straight Alpha Straight With straight alpha, the RGB components represent the color of the object or pixel, disregarding its opacity.
Composite Premultiplied Alpha Premultiply With premultiplied alpha, the RGB components represent the emission of the object or pixel, and the alpha represents the occlusion.


Prefix Name Description
Gaussian Curve 2D Gaussian With straight alpha, the RGB components represent the color of the object or pixel, disregarding its opacity.


Prefix Name Description
Sky Environment Sky Generates basic sky toning for a given ray direction.


Prefix Name Description
Edge Detection Filter Edge Detection w/ Width Draws edges along sharp transitions.


Prefix Name Description
Hash 1 to 1 1 to 1 Hash without sine by Dave Hoskins:
Hash 1 to 2 1 to 2 Hash without sine by Dave Hoskins:
Hash 1 to 3 1 to 3 Hash without sine by Dave Hoskins:
Hash 1 to 4 1 to 4 Hash without sine by Dave Hoskins:
Hash 2 to 1 2 to 1 Hash without sine by Dave Hoskins:
Hash 2 to 2 2 to 2 Hash without sine by Dave Hoskins:
Hash 2 to 3 2 to 3 Hash without sine by Dave Hoskins:
Hash 2 to 4 2 to 4 Hash without sine by Dave Hoskins:
Hash 3 to 1 3 to 1 Hash without sine by Dave Hoskins:
Hash 3 to 2 3 to 2 Hash without sine by Dave Hoskins:
Hash 3 to 3 3 to 3 Hash without sine by Dave Hoskins:
Hash 3 to 4 3 to 4 Hash without sine by Dave Hoskins:
Hash 4 to 4 4 to 4 Hash without sine by Dave Hoskins:
Trigonmetric Hash 2D, Trigonmetric Random 2D Dirty Trig 2D Basic random - probably don't use.
Trigonmetric Hash 1D (vec3), Trigonmetric Random 1D (vec3) Dirty Trig 1D - 3 Component Basic trig hash.
Golden Hash 2D Golden 2D (dcerisano) Noise based on the Golden Ratio. Uniform normalized distribution. Fastest static noise generator function (also runs at low precision).
Integer Hash 1D, Integer Random 3D Integer Hash 1D (Hugo Elias) Integer hash noise functions by Hugo Elias via IQ.
Integer Hash 1D Implementation, Integer Random 1D Implementation Integer Hash Implementation 1D (Hugo Elias) Example of a Hugo Elias integer hash noise call.
Integer Hash 3D IQ, Integer Random 3D IQ Integer 3D (IQ) 3D Integer hash noise function by IQ.
Integer Hash 1D (IQ), Integer Random 1D (IQ) Integer 1D (IQ) 1D Integer hash noise function by IQ.
Integer Hash 1D Low Bias 32, Integer Random 1D Low Bias 32 Integer 1D Low Bias 32 High quality integer hash discovered by Chris Wellons
Integer Hash 1D Triple 32, Integer Random 1D Low Bias 32 Integer Triple 32 Statistically indistinguishable from a random permutation of all 32-bit integers. Discovered by Chris Wellons
Integer Hash 1D Triple 32, Integer Random 1D Low Bias 32 Tileable Noise that tiles by a scale parameter. By Dave Hoskins:


Prefix Name Description
Double Smoothstep Interpolation, Double Smoothstep Mix Double Smoothstep Double smoothstep with midpoint.
Catmull Rom Interpolation, Catmull Rom Mix Catmull Rom Centripetal Catmull–Rom spline interpolatation between 4 values.
Oklab Interpolation, Oklab Mix Oklab Mix Cosine interpolatation between two values.
Trigonometric Interpolation, Trigonometric Mix Trigonometric Cosine interpolatation between two values.
Cubic Interpolation, Cubic Mix Cubic Cosine interpolatation between two values.
Spline Interpolation, Spline Mix Spline Third order spline interpolatation between 4 values.


Prefix Name Description
Ambient Occlusion Calculation Ambient Occlusion Ambient Occlusion by IQ.
Soft Shadow Calculation Soft Shadow Soft Shadow by IQ.


Prefix Name Description
Phong Light Phong Phong light model (
Phong Rig Example Phong Rig Example Two phong lights rotating around.


Prefix Name Description
Complex Divide, Imaginary Divide, Math Complex Divide Divide one complex number by another.
Complex Multiply, Imaginary Multiply, Math Complex Multiply Multiple two complex numbers.
Complex Power, Imaginary Power, Math Complex Power Raise a complex number to a (real) power.
Complex Square Root, Imaginary Square Root, Math Complex Square Root Square root of a complex number.
Complex Conjugate Root, Imaginary Conjugate Root, Math Complex Conjugate The complex conjugate.
Remap, Math Remap Remap a {type} value from an input range to an output range.
Remap From 0-1, Math Remap From [0 - 1] Remap a float value from an input range to an output range of [0 - 1].
Remap To 0-1, Math Remap To [0 - 1] Remap a float value from an input range to an output range of [0 - 1].


Prefix Name Description
Estimate Normal Calculate Normal Estimate normal at a point on a signed distance field. Assumes scene function is labelled 'map'.
Estimate Normal 2 Calculate Normal 2 Estimate normal at a point on a signed distance field. Assumes scene function is labelled 'map'.
Estimate Normal 3 Calculate Normal 3 'Tetrehedral' normal by IQ. Estimate normal at a point on a signed distance field. Assumes scene function is labelled 'map'.
Estimate Normal wo. Unroll Calculate Normal wo. Unroll Estimate normal at a point on a signed distance field. IQ: 'inspired by klems - a way to prevent the compiler from inlining map() 4 times'. Assumes scene function is labelled 'map'.
Ray March Distance, Ray March Intersect Distance March along a ray. Returns the shortest distance from a position to the scene of a sfd along a marching direction.


Prefix Name Description
Cylinder Ray Direction Cylinder Cylindrical camera projection.
Fulldome Ray Direction Fulldome Hemispherical camera projection from texture coordinate. (Previously the normalize was missing, this is now fixed.)
Simple Perspective Ray Direction Perspective Perspective ray direction from texture coordinate.

View Matrixs

Prefix Name Description
LookAt View Matrix LookAt Lookat view matrix.


Prefix Name Description
Basic Renderer Example Example Basic Marching A simple ray marching renderer setup.


Prefix Name Description
Fractal Brownian Motion Noise, FBM Noise Fractal Brownian Motion Fractal Brownian Motion
Gradient Noise 1D Glitch 3D 3D Glitch noise by DJDoomz:
Gradient Noise 1D Gradient 1D Gradient noise 1D by IQ
Gradient Noise 2D Gradient 2D Gradient noise 2D by IQ -
Gradient Noise 2D + Derivatives Gradient 2D + Derivatives Gradient noise 2D with derivatives by IQ -
Gradient Noise 3D Gradient 3D Gradient noise 3D by IQ -
Gradient Noise 3D + Derivatives Gradient 3D + Derivatives Gradient noise 3D with derivatives by IQ -
Simplex Noise 2D Simplex 2D Simplex noise 2D by IQ -
Value Noise 2D Value 2D Value noise 2D by IQ -
Value Noise 2D + Derivatives Value 2D + Derivatives Value noise 2D with derivatives by IQ -
Value Noise 3D Value 3D Value noise 3D by IQ -
Value Noise 3D + Derivatives Value 3D + Derivatives Value noise 3D with derivatives by IQ -
Vernoni Noise 2D Vernoni Noise 2D (IQ) Veroni noise 2D by IQ -
Wave Noise 2D Wave 2D Wave noise 2D by IQ -


Prefix Name Description
Color Palettes from IQ IQ Some color palettes by IQ.


Prefix Name Description
SDF Circle Circle Signed distance field of a circle.
SDF Equilateral Triangle Equilateral Triangle Signed distance field of an equilateral triangle .
SDF Line Segment Line Segment Signed distance field of a line segment.
SDF Parallelogram Parallelogram Signed distance field of a parallelogram .
SDF Polygon Polygon Signed distance field of an n-sided star / polygon.
SDF Polystar, SDF Star Polygon / Star Signed distance field of an n-sided star / polygon.
SDF Isosceles Trapezium Isosceles Trapezium Signed distance field of an isosceles trapezium.
SDF Isosceles Triangle Isosceles Triangle Signed distance field of a isosceles triangle.
SDF Rectangle Rectangle Signed distance field of a rectangle.
SDF Rectangle Rectangle w. Orientation Signed distance field of a rectangle with arbitary orientation.
SDF Rounded Rectangle Rectangle - Rounded Signed distance field of a rounded rectangle.
SDF 2D Rhombus Rhombus Signed distance field of a rhombus.
SDF Triangle Triangle Signed distance field of a triangle.


Prefix Name Description
SDF Map Empty Function Map Empty function for the total scene of signed distance field operations.
SDF Empty Empty A combined group of signed distance field operations.
SDF Box Primitive, Signed Distance Field, Cuboid Primitive Box Signed distance field of a box.
SDF Wireframe Box Primitive, Signed Distance Field Box Wireframe Signed distance field of a bounding box / box wireframe.
SDF Rounded Box Primitive, Signed Distance Field Box - Rounded Signed distance field of a rounded box.
SDF Capsule Primitive, SDF Line Primitive, Signed Distance Field Capsule Signed distance field of a vertial capsule
SDF Capsule Primitive, SDF Line Primitive, Signed Distance Field Capsule w. Orientation Signed distance field of a capsule at an arbitary orientation.
SDF Chain Link Primitive, Signed Distance Field Chain Link Signed distance field of a hexagonal prism.
SDF Cone Primitive, Signed Distance Field Cone Signed distance field of a vertical cone.
SDF Capped Cone Primitive, Signed Distance Field Cone - Capped Signed distance field of a capped cone.
SDF Capped Cone Primitive, Signed Distance Field Cone - Capped w. Orientation Signed distance field of a capped cone at an arbitary orientation.
SDF Infinite Cone Primitive, Signed Distance Field Cone - Infinite Signed distance field of an infinite cone.
SDF Fast Cone Primitive, Signed Distance Field Cone - Not Exact Signed distance field of a cone (not exact).
SDF Rounded Cone Primitive, Signed Distance Field Cone - Rounded Signed distance field of a round cone.
SDF Rounded / Tilted Cone Primitive, Signed Distance Field Cone - Rounded & Tilted Signed distance field of a round cone.
SDF Cylinder Primitive, Signed Distance Field Cylinder Signed distance field of a vertical cylinder.
SDF Infinite Cylinder Primitive, Signed Distance Field Cylinder - Infinite Signed distance field of an infinite cylinder.
SDF Rounded Cylinder Primitive, Signed Distance Field Cylinder - Rounded Signed distance field of a rounded cylinder.
SDF Rotated Cylinder Primitive, Signed Distance Field Cylinder w. Orientation Signed distance field of a vertical cylinder at an arbitary orientation.
SDF Ellipsoid Primitive, Signed Distance Field Ellipsoid Signed distance field (approx) of an ellipsoid.
SDF Hexagonal Prism Primitive, Signed Distance Field Hexagonal Prism Signed distance field of a hexagonal prism.
SDF Menger Fractal Cube Menger Cube Signed distance field of a menger cube. IQ:
SDF Octagonal Prism Primitive, Signed Distance Field Octagonal Prism Signed distance field of a octagonal prism.
SDF Octahedron Primitive, Signed Distance Field Octahedron Signed distance field of an octahedron.
SDF Fast Octahedron Primitive, Signed Distance Field Octahedron - Not Exact Signed distance field of an octahedron (not exact).
SDF Plane Primitive, Signed Distance Field Plane Signed distance field of a plane.
SDF Rotated Plane Primitive, Signed Distance Field Plane w. Orientation Signed distance field of a plane at an arbitary orientation.
SDF Quad Primitive, Signed Distance Field Quad Signed distance field of a quad.
SDF 3D Rhombus Primitive, Signed Distance Field Rhombus Signed distance field of a rhombus.
SDF Solid Angle Primitive, Signed Distance Field Solid Angle Signed distance field of a solid angle.
SDF Sphere Primitive, Signed Distance Field Sphere Signed distance field of a sphere.
SDF Square Pyramid Primitive, Signed Distance Field Square Pyramid Signed distance field of a square based pyramid.
SDF Torus Primitive, SDF Doughnut Primitive, Signed Distance Field Torus Signed distance field of a torus.
SDF Capped Torus Primitive, SDF Capped Doughnut Primitive, Signed Distance Field Torus Capped Signed distance field of a capped torus.
SDF Triangle Primitive, Signed Distance Field Triangle Signed distance field of a triangle.
SDF Triangular Prism Primitive, Signed Distance Field Triangular Prism Signed distance field of a triangular prism.
SDF Tunnel Primitive, SDF Tube Primitive, Signed Distance Field Tunnel Signed distance field of a vertical cylinder.

SDF Booleans

Prefix Name Description
SDF Boolean Intersection, Signed Distance Field Intersection Intersection Calculate the intersection of two signed distance fields.
SDF Boolean Smooth Intersection, Signed Distance Field Smooth Intersection Intersection - Smooth Calculate the smooth intersection of two signed distance fields.
SDF Boolean Subtraction, Signed Distance Field Subtraction Subtraction Calculate the subtraction of two signed distance fields.
SDF Boolean Smooth Subtraction, Signed Distance Field Smooth Subtraction Subtraction - Smooth Calculate the smooth subtraction of two signed distance fields.
SDF Boolean Union, Signed Distance Field Union Union Calculate the union of two signed distance fields.
SDF Boolean Smooth Union, Signed Distance Field Smooth Union Union - Smooth Calculate the smooth union of two signed distance fields.

SDF Operations

Prefix Name Description
SDF Operation Elongate Elongate Elongate a signed distance field.
SDF Operation Extrude Extrude Elongate a signed distance field.
SDF Operation Onion Onion Calculate onion skins of a signed distance field.
SDF Operation Repeat Radially, SDF Operation Array 3D Repeat Radial Radially repeat a signed distance field around the y-zis.
SDF Operation Repeat 3D, SDF Operation Array 3D Repeat 3D Infinitely repeat a signed distance field periodically across a domain.
SDF Operation Repeat 2D, SDF Operation Array 2D Repeat 2D Infinitely repeat a signed distance field periodically across a domain.
SDF Operation Repeat 1D, SDF Operation Array 1D Repeat 1D Infinitely repeat a signed distance field periodically across a domain.
SDF Operation Repeat (Bound), SDF Operation Array (Bound) Repeat Bound Repeat a signed distance field periodically within a bound domain.
SDF Operation Revolve Revolve Elongate a signed distance field.
SDF Operation Round, SDF Operation Smooth Round Round a signed distance field.


Prefix Name Description
Sphere Ambient Occulsion Analytic Ambient Occulsion (Analytic) Calculate the ambient occulsion of a sphere analytically.
Sphere Density Analytic Density (Analytic) Calculates the density of a sphere analytically.
Sphere Intersection Analytic Intersection (Analytic) Calculates the intersection of a sphere with a ray analytically.
Sphere Motion Blur Analytic Motion Blur (Analytic) Calculate the motion blur of a sphere analytically.
Sphere Projection Analytic Projection (Analytic) Analytically project a sphere onto a camera view.
Sphere Soft Shadow Analytic Soft Shadow (Analytic) Calculate the soft shadow of a sphere analytically.
Sphere Visibility Analytic Visibility (Analytic) Calculate the overlap between two spheres analytically.

Texture Maps

Prefix Name Description
Tri-Planar Texture Map Tri-Planar Tri-Planar blending function by Shane - 'Based on an old Nvidia tutorial'.

Bump Maps

Prefix Name Description
Tri-Planar Bump Map Tri-Planar Tri-Planar bump map by Shane.

Normal Maps

Prefix Name Description
Normal Map from Bump From Bump Tri-Planar bump map by Shane.

Vector 2s

Prefix Name Description
Affine Transform Affine Transform Correctly scale an image texture.
Scale Image Coordinates Scale Image Correctly scale an image texture.
Scale Image Coordinates Centered Scale Image Centered Correctly scale an image texture.
2D Rotatation Matrix Rotation Matrix 2D Rotation matrix.

Vector 3s

Prefix Name Description
Spherical Coordinates Cartesian to Spherical Convert cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates
Rotate 3D Rotate Axes Efficiently rotates a point around an arbitary axis using Rodrigues' rotation formula.
X Rotate 3D Rotate X Rotate a point around the X axis by an angle.
Y Rotate 3D Rotate Y Rotate a point around the Y axis by an angle.
Z Rotate 3D Rotate Z Rotate a point around the Z axis by an angle.
X Rotatation Matrix Rotation Matrix X Rotation matrix around the X axis.
Y Rotatation Matrix Rotation Matrix Y Rotation matrix around the Y axis.
Z Rotatation Matrix Rotation Matrix Z Rotation matrix around the Z axis.


Prefix Name Description
Boilderplate Ray March Scene Ray March Scene Boilderplates a complete ray march scene with lighting rig and simple sdf.