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Migration Guides

Stacks.js (>=5.x.x) → (7.x.x)

Breaking Changes

  • The @stacks/network new StacksNetwork() objects were removed. Instead @stacks/network now exports the objects STACKS_MAINNET, STACKS_TESNET, and STACKS_DEVNET, which are static (and shouldn't be changed for most use-cases). Read more...
  • Most fetch (aka networking) methods were renamed to indicate they send HTTP requests. The new methods are named fetchXyz and are compatible with the old Xyz interfaces. Read more...
  • Reducing wrapper types, which create annoyances for the developer, rather than being able to use values directly. Read more...
  • The ClarityType enum was replaced by a human-readable version. The previous (wire format compatible) enum is still available as ClarityWireType. Read more...
  • The previous post-conditions types and create.. methods were replaced with a human-readable representation. Read more...
  • StacksTransaction.serialize and other serializeXyz methods were changed to return string (hex-encoded) instead of Uint8Array. Compatible serializeXzyBytes methods were added to ease the migration. Read more...
  • The AssetInfo type was renamed to Asset for accuracy. The Asset helper methods were also renamed to to remove the Info suffix. Read more...
  • Remove legacy CLI methods.
  • Disable legacy triplesec mnemonic encryption support.
  • Advanced: Rename MessageType and related concepts to WireType. Read more...
  • Advanced: Removes two's complement compatibilty from intToBigInt parser method. Read more...
  • Advanced: Refactorings and less visible updates.

Reducing Wrapper Types

With this release we are aiming to reduce unnecessary "wrapper" types, which are used in the internals of the codebase, but shouldn't be pushed onto the user/developer.

This breaks the signatures of many functions:

  • signMessageHashRsv, signWithKey now return the message signature as a string directly.
  • nextSignature, nextVerification, publicKeyFromSignatureVrs, publicKeyFromSignatureRsv now take in the message signature as a string.

Stacks Network

From now on "network" objects are static (aka constants) and don't require instantiation.

The @stacks/network package exports the following network objects:

import { STACKS_MAINNET } from '@stacks/network';
import { STACKS_TESTNET } from '@stacks/network';
import { STACKS_DEVNET } from '@stacks/network';

// {
//   chainId: 1,
//   transactionVersion: 0,
//   peerNetworkId: 385875968,
//   magicBytes: 'X2',
//   bootAddress: 'SP000000000000000000002Q6VF78',
//   addressVersion: { singleSig: 22, multiSig: 20 },
//   client: { baseUrl: '' }
// }

After importing the network object (e.g. STACKS_MAINNET here), you can use it in other functions as the network parameter. Most of the time it's easier to just set the network parameter to a string literal ('mainnet', 'testnet', or 'devnet').

As part of the network object, the client property was added. This contains a baseUrl property and can optionally contain a fetch property.

For easing the transition, the functions which depended on a network instance now accept an optional client parameter. The client parameter can be any object containing a baseUrl and fetch property.

The following diffs show examples of how to migrate to the new pattern.

import { makeSTXTokenTransfer } from '@stacks/transactions';

- import { StacksTestnet } from '@stacks/network';
+ import { STACKS_TESTNET } from '@stacks/network';

const transaction = await makeSTXTokenTransfer({
  // ...
- network: new StacksTestnet(),
+ network: STACKS_TESTNET,


String literal network names are still supported and the recommended way to specify the network.

const transaction = await makeSTXTokenTransfer({
  // ...
- network: new StacksTestnet(),
+ network: 'testnet',


Custom URLs and fetch functions are still supported via the client parameter or via network.client.

const transaction = await makeSTXTokenTransfer({
  // ...
- network: new StacksTestnet({ url: "", fetchFn: myFetch }), // optional options
+ network: STACKS_TESTNET,
+ client: { baseUrl: "", fetch: myFetch } // optional params
const transaction = await makeSTXTokenTransfer({
  // ...
- network: new StacksTestnet({ url: "", fetchFn: myFetch }), // optional options
+ network: {
+  client: { baseUrl: "", fetch: myFetch } // optional params
+ },


  • @stacks/bns: BnsContractAddress was removed, since .bootAddress is now a part of the network objects.
  • @stacks/transactions: AddressVersion was moved to @stacks/network.

Clarity Representation

The ClarityType enum was replaced by a readable version. The previous (wire format compatible) enum is still available as ClarityWireType. These types are considered somewhat internal and shouldn't cause breaking changes for most use-cases.

The property holding the value of the data type is now called value in all cases. Previously, there was a mix of value, list, buffer etc. For bigint values, the type of the value property is a now string, for better serialization compatibility.

-  type: 1,
+  type: "uint",
-  value: 12n,
+  value: "12",
-  type: 11,
+  type: "list",
-  list: [ ... ],
+  value: [ ... ],


The old PostCondition type was renamed to PostConditionWire. A new human-readable PostCondition type was introduced in its place.

Below is an example of the new PostCondition types.

// STX post-condition
const stxPostCondition: StxPostCondition = {
  type: 'stx-postcondition',
  condition: 'gte',
  amount: '100',

// Fungible token post-condition
const ftPostCondition: FungiblePostCondition = {
  type: 'ft-postcondition',
  condition: 'eq',
  amount: '100',
  asset: '',

// Non-fungible token post-condition
const nftPostCondition: NonFungiblePostCondition = {
  type: 'nft-postcondition',
  condition: 'sent',
  asset: '',
  assetId: Cl.uint(602),

Fetch Methods

The following methods were renamed:

  • estimateFeefetchFeeEstimate
  • estimateTransferfetchFeeEstimateTransfer
  • estimateTransactionfetchFeeEstimateTransaction
  • getAbifetchAbi
  • getNoncefetchNonce
  • getContractMapEntryfetchContractMapEntry
  • callReadOnlyFunctionfetchCallReadOnlyFunction

broadcastTransaction wasn't renamed to highlight the uniqueness of the method. Namely, the node/API it is sent to will "broadcast" the transaction to the mempool.

serialize methods

Most users shouldn't need to use serializeXyz methods. Concepts in Stacks.js have helpers like postConditionToHex instead. Serialization is meant for internal representations in transactions, mostly not for user-facing data.

Existing methods now take or return hex-encoded strings instead of Uint8Arrays.

If you were already converting returned bytes to hex-strings in your code, you can now skip the conversion step — hex-strings are the new default.

For easier migrating, renaming the following methods is possible to keep the previous behavior:

  • StacksTransaction.serializeStacksTransaction.serializeBytes
  • serializeAddressserializeAddressBytes
  • serializeAuthorizationserializeAuthorizationBytes
  • serializeCVserializeCVBytes
  • serializeLPListserializeLPListBytes
  • serializeLPStringserializeLPStringBytes
  • serializeMemoStringserializeMemoStringBytes
  • serializeMessageSignatureserializeMessageSignatureBytes
  • serializeMultiSigSpendingConditionserializeMultiSigSpendingConditionBytes
  • serializePayloadserializePayloadBytes
  • serializePostConditionserializePostConditionBytes
  • serializePublicKeyserializePublicKeyBytes
  • serializeSingleSigSpendingConditionserializeSingleSigSpendingConditionBytes
  • serializeSpendingConditionserializeSpendingConditionBytes
  • serializeStacksMessageserializeStacksMessageBytes
  • serializeStacksMessageserializeStacksWireBytes
  • serializeTransactionAuthFieldserializeTransactionAuthFieldBytes

Asset Helper Methods

The following interfaces and methods were renamed:

  • AssetInfoAsset
  • StacksWireType.AssetInfoStacksWireType.Asset
  • createAssetInfocreateAsset
  • parseAssetInfoStringparseAssetString


  • Removed the authenticator method for legacy Blockstack authentication.


Support for encrypting/decrypting mnemonics with triplesec was removed. This impacts the methods: decrypt, decryptMnemonic, and decryptLegacy. Make sure to update your code to if mnemonics are stored somewhere encrypted using the legacy method.

Advanced: WireType

Renamed internals to avoid confusion between "message" and wire-format for serialization. This is only used for advanced serialization use-cases internally and should not be needed for most users.

  • StacksMessageStacksWire
  • StacksMessageTypeStacksWireType
  • serializeStacksMessageserializeStacksWireBytes

More types were renamed to indicate use for serialization to wire-format:

  • MessageSignatureMessageSignatureWire
  • StacksPublicKeyPublicKeyWire
  • TransactionAuthFieldTransactionAuthFieldWire
  • AssetAssetWire
  • AddressAddressWire
  • PostConditionPostConditionWire
  • PostConditionPrincipalPostConditionPrincipalWire
  • STXPostConditionSTXPostConditionWire
  • FungiblePostConditionFungiblePostConditionWire
  • NonFungiblePostConditionNonFungiblePostConditionWire
  • LengthPrefixedStringLengthPrefixedStringWire
  • CoinbasePayloadCoinbasePayloadWire
  • PoisonPayloadPoisonPayloadWire
  • SmartContractPayloadSmartContractPayloadWire
  • TokenTransferPayloadTokenTransferPayloadWire
  • VersionedSmartContractPayloadVersionedSmartContractPayloadWire
  • NakamotoCoinbasePayloadNakamotoCoinbasePayloadWire
  • TenureChangePayloadTenureChangePayloadWire
  • StandardPrincipalStandardPrincipalWire
  • ContractPrincipalContractPrincipalWire

Advanced: Signed BigInt

The intToBigInt method no longer supports two's complement signed integers and removed the signed boolean parameter. This likely was a misunderstood and unused feature.

Advanced: Refactorings

  • The StacksTransaction was renamed to StacksTransactionWire and its class constructor was updated to take in an options object instead of individual parameters. In the future a new StacksTransaction may be introduced to replace it, with more human-readable properties.
  • postConditionMode now also accepts string literals: 'deny', 'allow' (in addition to the imported PostConditionMode enum).
  • anchorMode and related items were deprecated, since they no longer change behavior on-chain.
  • pubKeyfromPrivKey was renamed privateKeyToPublic
  • encodeStructuredData now returns a hex-encoded string instead of a Uint8Array (use encodeStructuredDataBytes if you need the raw bytes).
  • decodeStructuredDataSignature now returns a hex-encoded string instead of a Uint8Array (use decodeStructuredDataSignatureBytes if you need the raw bytes). Also fixes a bug that previously tried to parse input strings as UTF-8 bytes instead of hex-encoded strings.
  • hashStructuredData now returns a hex-encoded string instead of a Uint8Array (use hashStructuredDataBytes if you need the raw bytes).
  • AddressHashMode: The Serialize prefixes were removed for brevity.
  • makeRandomPrivKey was renamed to randomPrivateKey and now returns a compressed private key.
  • generateSecretKey was renamed to randomSeedPhrase.
  • nextYear, nextMonth, nextHour, makeUUID4, updateQueryStringParameter, getAesCbcOutputLength, getAPIUsageErrorMessage, isSameOriginAbsoluteUrl, isLaterVersion, getBase64OutputLength, were marked as deprecated.
  • encrypt and decrypt in @stacks/wallet-sdk (aliases of encryptMnemonic and decryptMnemonic in the @stacks/encryption package respectively) were removed.
  • makeECPrivateKey in @stacks/encryption was deprecated, use randomPrivateKey instead.
  • makeSigHashPreSign was renamed to sigHashPreSign and marked as internal.
  • makeSigHashPostSign was renamed to sigHashPostSign and marked as internal.
  • @stacks/wallet-sdk WalletConfig types and helpers were marked as deprecated.

Stacks.js (<=4.x.x) → (5.x.x)

Breaking Changes

  • To reduce the bundle sizes of applications using Stacks.js, we are switching from Buffer (a polyfill to match Node.js APIs) to Uint8Arrays (which Buffers use in the background anyway). Read more...
  • To allow message signing on Ledger hardware wallets, we are changing the message signing prefix. Read more...
  • Post-conditions for NFTs were renamed to be more clear: Owns to DoesNotSend, DoesNotOwn to Sends.

Buffer to Uint8Array

To make the switch easier we have introduced a bunch of methods for converting between strings and Uint8Arrays: hexToBytes, bytesToHex, utf8ToBytes, bytesToUtf8, asciiToBytes, bytesToAscii, and concatBytes. To migrate, switch Buffer code to instead use Uint8Array. The following code segments are the equivalent calls using Uint8Array rather than Buffers and assuming imports from @stacks/commonimport { hexToBytes, bytesToHex, utf8ToBytes, bytesToUtf8, asciiToBytes, bytesToAscii, concatBytes } from "@stacks/common"

// old:
Buffer.from('stacks Ӿ'); // <Buffer 73 74 61 63 6b 73 20 d3 be>

// new:
utf8ToBytes('stacks Ӿ'); // Uint8Array(9) [ 115, 116, 97, 99, 107, 115, 32, 211, 190 ];
// old:
Buffer.from([115, 116, 97, 99, 107, 115, 32, 211, 190]).toString(); // 'stacks Ӿ'

// new:
bytesToUtf8(Uint8Array.from([115, 116, 97, 99, 107, 115, 32, 211, 190])); // 'stacks Ӿ'
// old:
Buffer.from('stacks $', 'ascii'); // <Buffer 73 74 61 63 6b 73 20 24>

// new:
asciiToBytes('stacks $'); // Uint8Array(8) [ 115, 116, 97, 99, 107, 115, 32, 36 ]
// old:
Buffer.from([115, 116, 97, 99, 107, 115, 32, 36]).toString('ascii'); // 'stacks $'

// new:
bytesToAscii(Uint8Array.from([115, 116, 97, 99, 107, 115, 32, 36])); // 'stacks $'
// old:
Buffer.from('deadbeef', 'hex'); // <Buffer de ad be ef>

// new:
hexToBytes('deadbeef'); // Uint8Array(4) [ 222, 173, 190, 239 ]
// old:
Buffer.from([222, 173, 190, 239]).toString('hex'); // 'deadbeef'

// new:
bytesToHex(Uint8Array.from([222, 173, 190, 239])); // 'deadbeef'

Message Signing Prefix

The message signing prefix was changed from Stacks Message Signing to Stacks Signed Message. The change relates to the functions verifyMessageSignature, encodeMessage, decodeMessage, and hashMessage. The verifyMessageSignature functions was updated to verify against both the old and the new prefix (for unhashed message-input). This will generate a different hash/signature from the same input compared to previous versions of Stacks.js. If you have previously stored messages/signatures and compare to freshly generated ones, the messages/signatures will not match to previously stored.

blockstack.js → Stacks.js (1.x.x)

This guide will help migrate your Blockstack app from blockstack.js to the new Stacks.js packages and Connect.


The main change for auth is that the Stacks Connect library has replaced the redirectToSignIn function from blockstack.js. Instead of redirecting to the now deprecated Blockstack Browser, the authentication flow is completed within a popup window using the new authenticator app. You can still use the API in @stacks/auth to create custom auth requests manually if desired.

Using blockstack.js

import { UserSession, AppConfig } from 'blockstack';

// Configuring your app
const appConfig = new AppConfig();
const userSession = new UserSession({ appConfig });

// Initiating auth flow
if (!userSession.isUserSignedIn()) {

// Handling sign in
if (userSession.isSignInPending()) {
  userSession.handlePendingSignIn().then(userData => {
    window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, '/');
    this.setState({ userData: userData });

Using Blockstack Connect

// Configuring your app
const authOptions = {
  redirectTo: '/',
  finished: ({ userSession }) => {
  appDetails: {
    name: 'My Cool App',
    icon: '',

import { showBlockstackConnect } from '@stacks/connect';
import { UserSession, AppConfig } from '@stacks/auth';
import { Connect } from '@stacks/connect';

// Initiating auth flow - using the Connect component
const App = () => <Connect authOptions={authOptions}>// the rest of your app's components</Connect>;

// Initiating auth flow - alternatively

// Handling sign in
const appConfig = new AppConfig();
const userSession = new UserSession({ appConfig });

// ... call this code on page load
if (userSession.isSignInPending()) {
  const userData = await userSession.handlePendingSignIn();
  // your user is now logged in.


In Stacks.js, storage is now a separate package.

Using blockstack.js

import { UserSession, AppConfig } from 'blockstack';

const appConfig = new AppConfig();
const userSession = new UserSession({ appConfig });

userSession.putFile('my_file.json', my_content);
userSession.getFile('my_file.json').then(file => {});

Using @stacks/storage

import { UserSession } from '@stacks/auth';
import { Storage } from '@stacks/storage';

const appConfig = new AppConfig();
const userSession = new UserSession({ appConfig });
const storage = new Storage({userSession});

storage.putFile('my_file.json', my_content));
storage.getFile('my_file.json').then((file) => {



Encryption/Decryption functions have been moved into a separate @stacks/encryption library.

Using blockstack.js

import { encryptContent, decryptContent } from 'blockstack';

encryptContent(userSession, content, options);
decryptContent(userSession, encryptedContent, options);

Using @stacks/encryption or @stacks/auth

import { encryptContent, decryptContent } from '@stacks/encryption';
import { UserSession } from '@stacks/auth';

encryptContent(content, { privateKey });
decryptContent(encryptedContent, { privateKey });

// Using userSession
const appConfig = new AppConfig();
const userSession = new UserSession({ appConfig });
const storage = new Storage(userSession);
