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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 8, 2024. It is now read-only.


Adam edited this page Jul 24, 2024 · 2 revisions

This page is intended for developers.

How to add a new recipe to the prototype

  1. Fork the repository and clone it into your local environment.
  2. In the recipes directory, create a new directory for your recipe.
  3. In that directory, run the following:
composer init --name=drupal/YOUR_RECIPE_NAME --type=drupal-recipe --description="A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE RECIPE" --require="drupal/core:>=10.3"
composer config version dev-main
  1. At the top level of the repository, run the following:
composer config repositories.YOUR_RECIPE_NAME '{"type": "path", "url": "recipes/YOUR_RECIPE_NAME", "options": {"symlink": false}}'
composer require --no-update --working-dir=recipes/starshot "drupal/YOUR_RECIPE_NAME:*"
  1. Edit recipes/starshot/recipe.yml, and add the name of your recipe to the recipes list, like so:
  1. At the top level of the repository, run composer drupal:rebuild to reinstall all dependencies and reinstall Drupal. (If you're using DDEV, you should run ddev composer drupal:rebuild.) Do this every time you make a change to your recipe, to see the changes take effect. (Pro tip: you only need to run drupal:rebuild if you add or remove a dependency. If you only change the recipe, drupal:install is faster.)
  2. Build out your recipe however you want, then when it's ready, open a pull request!
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