- Initial Release
- Added more documentation
- Reduced logging
- Added flexibility to schema naming
- Added Kinesis Data Streams usage examples
- Added integration tests
- Added Support for JSONSchema Format.
- Added Validation logic while using encode method for calls through KPL.
- Generalized Kafka Specific Serializer/Deserializer to a data format agnostic classes like GlueSchemaRegistryKafkaSerializer/GlueSchemaRegistryKafkaDeserializer.
- Generalized AWSKafkaAvroSerDe to GlueSchemaRegistryKafkaSerDe for it to be used for multiple data formats.
- Using better convention for poms and maven inheritance.
- Added JSON Kafka Converter.
- Improved integration tests to run with local dockerized streaming systems.
- Fixed checkstyle errors with maven build in integration-tests folder.
- Reduced number of Canaries tests.
- Removed jitpack as a repo for everit and using maven central to pull everit.
- Introduce cache to improve serialization performance
- Add DatumReader Cache to improve de-serialization performance
- Reduce logging
- Add additional examples of configuring Kafka Connect and clarification on what property names are expected
- Fix resource clean up in Kafka integration test
- Modify UserAgent to emit usage metrics
- Add tests to include key and value schemas both
- Upgrade Apache Kafka version to 2.8.1
- Fix security vulnerability in transitive dependencies
- Remove configuration logging information
- Added Support for Protobuf Format
- Improved the caching mechanism to improve availability of the serializer and deserializer
- Fix bug for missing Protobuf wellknown types
- Fix Json schema converter NPEs due to missing connect.index and connect.type for sink only cases
- Add AWS SDK dependency to allow irsa service account
- Add support for Kafka Connect Protobuf converter
- Upgraded Avro Version to prevent a CVE
- Upgraded kotlin dependency versions to prevent a CVE
- Upgraded Protobuf dependency version to prevent a CVE
- Upgraded everit-json-schema dependency version to prevent a CVE