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366 lines (245 loc) · 14.4 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
366 lines (245 loc) · 14.4 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

[1.7.1] = 2020-05-5

Bug Fixes

  • Time sync tests were failing because of removed content. Tests were running only on nightly.
  • Notebook tests failing on nightly because of down server, switched tests to production server.

[1.7.0] = 2020-04-29


  • Internal users can now access eye_tracking ellipse fit data from behavior + ophys Session objects
  • A new mixin for managing processing parameters for Session objects
  • Added support for additional sync file line labels


  • Monitor delay calculation is updated to properly handle photodiode streams that end on a rising edge. We are no longer providing a default delay value in case of error.

Bug Fixes

  • experiment_table from behavior project cache has NaNs in the 'imaging_depth' column for MultiScope experiments due to incorrect join in and 4 other places where ophys_sessions was incorrectly queried for imaging_depth_id
  • get_keys method for sync datasets was returning the wrong line labels and creating incorrect key, value pairs for data loading from sync files

[1.6.0] = 2020-03-23


  • tutorial for optotagging for ecephys notebook
  • get_receptive_field() method in ecephys receptive field mapping


  • remove redundant sham_change column in behavior sessions.trials table
  • versions for NWB output for ecephys and ophys behavior.
  • monitor delay is now calculated for BehaviorOphysLimsApi rather than defaulting to 0.0351

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where auto-rewarded trials were not properly attributed in the rewards property of a visual behavior
  • return None rather than raise exception if no container id was returned from lims id for given ophys id
  • Project caches no longer accept arbitrary keywords
  • matplotloib.pyplot.hist parameter normed no longer supported

[1.5.0] = 2020-02-10


  • Users have an option to provide credentials for accessing the database either explicitly via public API or by setting up the environment variables


  • Allow users to modify BehaviorDataSession and BehaviorOphysSession data

Bug Fixes

  • morphology.apply_affine correctly rescales radii
  • invalid extracellular electrophysiology spikes no longer show up as spikes at time -1
  • (internal) When loading a behavior session, behavior and eye tracking video frame times are assessed from the correct lines

[1.3.0] = 2019-12-12


  • Improved Neuropixels data download performance by enabling asynchronous transfers. Data downloads will now raise timeout errors when data cannot be retrieved in a reasonable timeframe.


  • Updated AllenSDK readme and contributing documentation

Bug Fixes

[1.0.0] = 2019-10-3


  • Support for Brain Observatory - Visual Coding Neuropixels data.
  • AllenInstitute#447 Implemented improved eye tracking module based on DeepLabCut


  • Python 2.x is no longer supported.
  • statsmodels is now pinned at 0.9.0

Bug Fixes

[0.16.3] = 2019-5-22

Bug Fixes

[0.16.2] = 2019-4-23



Bug Fixes

[0.16.1] = 2019-3-12



  • Update pytest version number (now requires pytest>=4.1.1)
  • Update numpy version number (now requires numpy>=1.15.1)
  • Removed deprecated functions from BrainObservatoryNwbDataSet
  • Updated documentation

Bug Fixes

[0.16.0] = 2018-10-04


  • BrainObservatoryCache.get_ophys_experiment_events
  • BrainObservatoryCache.get_ophys_experiments and get_experiment_containers accept reporter_lines argument
  • BrainObservatoryCache.ge_ophys_experiment_analysis
  • Cache subclasses can have their manifest locations set via environment variable

[0.14.5] = 2018-06-14


  • bumped lower limit of pandas to 0.17, removed upper limit
  • changed CellTypesCache cell data structure to be less nested, more flat. Requires update to manifest and re-download of cells.json.
  • simplified MouseConnectivityCache data structure. Requires update to manifest and re-download of experiments.json.
  • stopped using deprecated function in SimpleTree


  • regression tests for Brain Observatory analysis

[0.14.4] - 2018-01-30


  • Numerous Python 2/3 compatibility fixes
  • Improved spike filtering in ephys.ephys_features

[0.14.3] - 2017-10-19


  • CellTypesCache.get_cells has a new species argument.


  • MouseConnectivityCache downloads structure masks instead of computing them.

[0.14.2] - 2017-08-17


  • ABS-64; Jupyterhub Dockerfiles
  • PR #13; Manifest error check


ABS-132; changed to Allen Institute Software License ABS-129; StructureTree converts color hex triplet to 8-bit color triplet ABS-125; update expected data for unmocked tests PBS-358; update extract_trace module to deal with motion border case ABS-85; allow variable long square start time in ephys feature extractor

[0.13.2] - 2017-06-15


  • BrainObservatoryNwbDataSet.get_demixed_traces
  • BrainObservatoryNwbDataSet.get_pupil_location
  • BrainObservatoryNwbDataSet.get_pupil_size
  • BrainObservatoryApi.get_cell_specimen_id_mapping
  • allensdk.brain_observatory.receptive_field_analysis
  • allensdk.brain_observatory.demixer


  • BrainObservatoryCache.get_ophys_experiments returns "acquisition_age_days" instead of "age_days". The new field describes the age of the animal on the day of experiment acquisition.
  • BrainObservatoryCache.get_experiment_containers no longer returns "age_days".
  • BrainObservatoryCache.get_ophys_experiments accepts a list of cell_specimen_ids for additional filtering
  • json_utilities uses simplejson for better NaN handling

[0.13.1] - 2017-03-20


  • issue #42: Caching behavior in MouseConnectivityCache for CCF volumes fixed
  • GLIF examples, documentation fixed

[0.13.0] - 2017-03-16


  • ReferenceSpace is a new class for relating structure graphs and annotation volumes.
  • Standardized caching and paging decorators


  • Ontology has been deprecated in favor of StructureTree.
  • MouseConnectivityCache uses StructureTree internally (ontology-based methods are deprecated)
  • CellTypesCache and MouseConnectivityCache use cacher decorator
  • GlifApi has stateless methods now. Old methods are deprecated.


  • Github issue #35 - MouseConnectivityCache's manifest now uses CCF-version- and resolution-specific file names for masks. The masks now live inside the CCF version directory. Users must download a new manifest.

[0.12.4] - 2016-10-28


  • Github issues #23, #28 - added a new dependency "requests_toolbelt" and upgraded API database for more reliable large file downloads.
  • Github issue #26 - better documentation for structure unionize records.
  • Github issue #25 - documentation errors in brain observatory analysis.


  • New CCF annotation volume with complete cortical areas and layers.
  • Mouse Connectivity structure unionize records have been computed for new CCF. Previous records are available here:
  • Github issue #27 - MouseConnectivityCache.get_structure_unionizes returns only requested structures, not all descendants. Added a separate argument for descendant inclusion.


  • MouseConnectivityCache has a new constructor argument for specifying CCF version.

[0.12.2] - 2016-9-1


  • Github issue #16 (jinja2 requirement)
  • Github pull request #21 (spurious "i" typo) in

[0.12.1] - 2016-8-17


  • neuropil subtraction algorithm (brain_observatory.r_neuropil) faster and more robust
  • formatting changes for better PEP8 compliance
  • preparation for Python 3 support
  • updated Dockerfiles


  • Github issue #17 (scipy requirement)

[0.12.0] - 2016-6-9


  • Support for the Allen Brain Observatory data (BrainObservatoryCache and BrainObservatoryApi classes).
  • Code for neurpil subtraction, dF/F estimation, and tuning analysis.
  • New ephys feature extractor (, The old one is still there ( but should be considered deprecated.

[0.11.0] - 2016-3-3


  • CellTypesCache.get_cells has a new argument 'reporter_status', which accepts one or more ReporterStatus values.
  • CellTypesApi.save_reconstruction_marker and CellTypesCache.get_reconstruction_marker download and open files containing positions that mark special points in reconstruction (truncation, early termination of reconstruction, etc).
  • swc.read_marker_file for reading in marker files
  • Morphology has new methods for manipulating the morphology tree structure
  • allensdk.model.biophysical package supports active and passive models


  • Morphology compartments are now Compartment objects that behave like dictionaries
  • Compartment.children stores references to immediate descendant Compartments
  • spike times in NWB files are stored in "analysis/spike_times" instead of "analysis/aibs_spike_times"
  • NwbDataSet looks for spike times in both locations ("spike_times" first)
  • function names have been changed to be more standardized
  • allensdk.model.biophysical_perisomatic package renamed to allensdk.model.biophysical
  • NEURON dependency updated to 7.4 release 1370


  • MouseConnectivityCache.get_structure_mask bug fixed (github issue 8)
  • CellTypesApi.get_ephys_sweeps returns sweeps in sweep number order (github issue 11)
  • NwbDataSet.set_spike_times added maxshape(None,) to create_dataset (github issue 7)

[0.10.1] - 2015-9-24


  • MouseConnectivityCache.get_projection_matrix, method for building a signal matrix from injection structure to projection structure.
  • CellTypesCache.get_morphology_features, method for retrieving morphology features for all cells
  • CellTypesCache.get_all_features, method for retrieving both morphology and ephys features for all cells in a single table
  • new RmaTemplate class enables construction of queries with jinja2 template library.
  • Jupyter notebook examples added to documentation.


  • Api.retrieve_parsed_json_over_http respects post parameter.
  • improved installation of dependencies.


  • Ontology.get_child_ids and Ontology.get_descendant_ids accept a list of ids instead of a variable length argument list.
  • API Access/Data API Client documentation better reflects new 0.10.x allensdk.api.query modules.
  • Cache.wrap method defaults to save_as_json=False.
  • Cache.wrap method defaults to returning json rather than a pandas dataframe (new parameter return_dataframe=False).
  • BiophysicalApi.cache_data throws an exception if no data is found for a neuronal model id.
  • Replaced brainscales Dockerfile with neuralenseble Dockerfiles.

[0.10.1] - 2015-x-x


  • MouseConnectivityCache.get_projection_matrix, method for building a signal matrix from injection structure to projection structure.
  • CellTypesCache.get_morphology_features, method for retrieving morphology features for all cells
  • CellTypesCache.get_all_features, method for retrieving both morphology and ephys features for all cells in a single table


  • Ontology.get_child_ids and Ontology.get_descendant_ids accept a list of ids instead of a variable length argument list.

[0.10.0] - 2015-8-20


  • Manifest and Cache classes for keeping track of files
  • MouseConnectivityApi class for downloading data from the Mouse Connectivity Atlas
  • MouseConnectivityCache fclass or keeping track of files
  • CellTypesCache for keeping track of cell types files
  • Ontology class for manipulating structures
  • Rma class for formalizing API queries
  • GridDataApi for downloading expression and projection grid volumes
  • EphysFeatureExtractor module for computing ephys features used in Cell Types Database


  • json_utilities has better numpy data type serialization support

[0.9.1] - 2015-5-13


  • Documentation updated


  • Installation/Makefile bug

[0.9.0] - 2015-5-12


  • Everything: initial release!