diff --git a/dev/index.html b/dev/index.html
index 49972a3..560e335 100644
--- a/dev/index.html
+++ b/dev/index.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
- The PDFObject utility is © 2008-2023 Philip Hutchison. Released with an MIT license.
+ The PDFObject utility is © 2008-2024 Philip Hutchison. Released with an MIT license.
@@ -75,35 +75,38 @@ Tests
The following pages are test cases for PDF embeds. They are configured to use the beta version of PDFObject (currently 2.3).
diff --git a/dev/pdfobject.2.2.12.js b/dev/pdfobject.2.2.12.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f6738a8..0000000
--- a/dev/pdfobject.2.2.12.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
- * PDFObject v2.2.12
- * https://github.com/pipwerks/PDFObject
- * @license
- * Copyright (c) 2008-2023 Philip Hutchison
- * MIT-style license: http://pipwerks.mit-license.org/
- * UMD module pattern from https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/templates/returnExports.js
- */
-(function (root, factory) {
- if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
- // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
- define([], factory);
- } else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) {
- // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
- // only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
- // like Node.
- module.exports = factory();
- } else {
- // Browser globals (root is window)
- root.PDFObject = factory();
- }
-}(this, function () {
- "use strict";
- //PDFObject is designed for client-side (browsers), not server-side (node)
- //Will choke on undefined navigator and window vars when run on server
- //Return boolean false and exit function when running server-side
- if( typeof window === "undefined" ||
- window.navigator === undefined ||
- window.navigator.userAgent === undefined ||
- window.navigator.mimeTypes === undefined){
- return false;
- }
- let pdfobjectversion = "2.2.12";
- let nav = window.navigator;
- let ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
- //Time to jump through hoops -- browser vendors do not make it easy to detect PDF support.
- /*
- IE11 still uses ActiveX for Adobe Reader, but IE 11 doesn't expose window.ActiveXObject the same way
- previous versions of IE did. window.ActiveXObject will evaluate to false in IE 11, but "ActiveXObject"
- in window evaluates to true.
- MS Edge does not support ActiveX so this test will evaluate false
- */
- let isIE = ("ActiveXObject" in window);
- /*
- There is a coincidental correlation between implementation of window.promises and native PDF support in desktop browsers
- We use this to assume if the browser supports promises it supports embedded PDFs
- Is this fragile? Sort of. But browser vendors removed mimetype detection, so we're left to improvise
- */
- let isModernBrowser = (window.Promise !== undefined);
- //Older browsers still expose the mimeType
- let supportsPdfMimeType = (nav.mimeTypes["application/pdf"] !== undefined);
- //Safari on iPadOS doesn't report as 'mobile' when requesting desktop site, yet still fails to embed PDFs
- let isSafariIOSDesktopMode = ( nav.platform !== undefined &&
- nav.platform === "MacIntel" &&
- nav.maxTouchPoints !== undefined &&
- nav.maxTouchPoints > 1 );
- //Quick test for mobile devices.
- let isMobileDevice = (isSafariIOSDesktopMode || /Mobi|Tablet|Android|iPad|iPhone/.test(ua));
- //Safari desktop requires special handling
- let isSafariDesktop = ( !isMobileDevice &&
- nav.vendor !== undefined &&
- /Apple/.test(nav.vendor) &&
- /Safari/.test(ua) );
- //Firefox started shipping PDF.js in Firefox 19. If this is Firefox 19 or greater, assume PDF.js is available
- let isFirefoxWithPDFJS = (!isMobileDevice && /irefox/.test(ua) && ua.split("rv:").length > 1) ? (parseInt(ua.split("rv:")[1].split(".")[0], 10) > 18) : false;
- /* ----------------------------------------------------
- Supporting functions
- ---------------------------------------------------- */
- let createAXO = function (type){
- var ax;
- try {
- ax = new ActiveXObject(type);
- } catch (e) {
- ax = null; //ensure ax remains null
- }
- return ax;
- };
- //If either ActiveX support for "AcroPDF.PDF" or "PDF.PdfCtrl" are found, return true
- //Constructed as a method (not a prop) to avoid unneccesarry overhead -- will only be evaluated if needed
- let supportsPdfActiveX = function (){ return !!(createAXO("AcroPDF.PDF") || createAXO("PDF.PdfCtrl")); };
- //Determines whether PDF support is available
- let supportsPDFs = (
- //As of Sept 2020 no mobile browsers properly support PDF embeds
- !isMobileDevice && (
- //We're moving into the age of MIME-less browsers. They mostly all support PDF rendering without plugins.
- isModernBrowser ||
- //Modern versions of Firefox come bundled with PDFJS
- isFirefoxWithPDFJS ||
- //Browsers that still support the original MIME type check
- supportsPdfMimeType ||
- //Pity the poor souls still using IE
- (isIE && supportsPdfActiveX())
- )
- );
- //Create a fragment identifier for using PDF Open parameters when embedding PDF
- let buildURLFragmentString = function(pdfParams){
- let string = "";
- let prop;
- if(pdfParams){
- for (prop in pdfParams) {
- if (pdfParams.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
- string += encodeURIComponent(prop) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(pdfParams[prop]) + "&";
- }
- }
- //The string will be empty if no PDF Params found
- if(string){
- string = "#" + string;
- //Remove last ampersand
- string = string.slice(0, string.length - 1);
- }
- }
- return string;
- };
- let embedError = function (msg, suppressConsole){
- if(!suppressConsole){
- console.log("[PDFObject] " + msg);
- }
- return false;
- };
- let emptyNodeContents = function (node){
- while(node.firstChild){
- node.removeChild(node.firstChild);
- }
- };
- let getTargetElement = function (targetSelector){
- //Default to body for full-browser PDF
- let targetNode = document.body;
- //If a targetSelector is specified, check to see whether
- //it's passing a selector, jQuery object, or an HTML element
- if(typeof targetSelector === "string"){
- //Is CSS selector
- targetNode = document.querySelector(targetSelector);
- } else if (window.jQuery !== undefined && targetSelector instanceof jQuery && targetSelector.length) {
- //Is jQuery element. Extract HTML node
- targetNode = targetSelector.get(0);
- } else if (targetSelector.nodeType !== undefined && targetSelector.nodeType === 1){
- //Is HTML element
- targetNode = targetSelector;
- }
- return targetNode;
- };
- let generatePDFObjectMarkup = function (embedType, targetNode, url, pdfOpenFragment, width, height, id, title, omitInlineStyles, customAttribute, PDFJS_URL){
- //Ensure target element is empty first
- emptyNodeContents(targetNode);
- let source = url;
- if(embedType === "pdfjs"){
- //If PDFJS_URL already contains a ?, assume querystring is in place, and use an ampersand to append PDFJS's file parameter
- let connector = (PDFJS_URL.indexOf("?") !== -1) ? "&" : "?";
- source = PDFJS_URL + connector + "file=" + encodeURIComponent(url) + pdfOpenFragment;
- } else {
- source += pdfOpenFragment;
- }
- let el_type = (embedType === "pdfjs" || embedType === "iframe") ? "iframe" : "embed";
- let el = document.createElement(el_type);
- el.className = "pdfobject";
- el.type = "application/pdf";
- el.title = title;
- el.src = source;
- if(id){
- el.id = id;
- }
- if(el_type === "iframe"){
- el.allow = "fullscreen";
- el.frameborder = "0";
- }
- if(!omitInlineStyles){
- let style = (el_type === "embed") ? "overflow: auto;" : "border: none;";
- if(targetNode !== document.body){
- //assign width and height to target node
- style += "width: " + width + "; height: " + height + ";";
- } else {
- //this is a full-page embed, use CSS to fill the viewport
- style += "position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;";
- }
- el.style.cssText = style;
- }
- //Allow developer to insert custom attribute on embed/iframe element, but ensure it does not conflict with attributes used by PDFObject
- let reservedTokens = ["className", "type", "title", "src", "style", "id", "allow", "frameborder"];
- if(customAttribute && customAttribute.key && reservedTokens.indexOf(customAttribute.key) === -1){
- el.setAttribute(customAttribute.key, (typeof customAttribute.value !== "undefined") ? customAttribute.value : "");
- }
- targetNode.classList.add("pdfobject-container");
- targetNode.appendChild(el);
- return targetNode.getElementsByTagName(el_type)[0];
- };
- let embed = function(url, targetSelector, options){
- //If targetSelector is not defined, convert to boolean
- let selector = targetSelector || false;
- //Ensure options object is not undefined -- enables easier error checking below
- let opt = options || {};
- //Get passed options, or set reasonable defaults
- let id = (typeof opt.id === "string") ? opt.id : "";
- let page = opt.page || false;
- let pdfOpenParams = opt.pdfOpenParams || {};
- let fallbackLink = (typeof opt.fallbackLink === "string" || typeof opt.fallbackLink === "boolean") ? opt.fallbackLink : true;
- let width = opt.width || "100%";
- let height = opt.height || "100%";
- let title = opt.title || "Embedded PDF";
- let assumptionMode = (typeof opt.assumptionMode === "boolean") ? opt.assumptionMode : true;
- let forcePDFJS = (typeof opt.forcePDFJS === "boolean") ? opt.forcePDFJS : false;
- let supportRedirect = (typeof opt.supportRedirect === "boolean") ? opt.supportRedirect : false;
- let omitInlineStyles = (typeof opt.omitInlineStyles === "boolean") ? opt.omitInlineStyles : false;
- let suppressConsole = (typeof opt.suppressConsole === "boolean") ? opt.suppressConsole : false;
- let forceIframe = (typeof opt.forceIframe === "boolean") ? opt.forceIframe : false;
- let PDFJS_URL = opt.PDFJS_URL || false;
- let targetNode = getTargetElement(selector);
- let fallbackHTML = "";
- let pdfOpenFragment = "";
- let customAttribute = opt.customAttribute || {};
- let fallbackHTML_default = "This browser does not support inline PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: Download PDF
- //Ensure URL is available. If not, exit now.
- if(typeof url !== "string"){ return embedError("URL is not valid", suppressConsole); }
- //If target element is specified but is not valid, exit without doing anything
- if(!targetNode){ return embedError("Target element cannot be determined", suppressConsole); }
- //page option overrides pdfOpenParams, if found
- if(page){ pdfOpenParams.page = page; }
- //Stringify optional Adobe params for opening document (as fragment identifier)
- pdfOpenFragment = buildURLFragmentString(pdfOpenParams);
- // --== Do the dance: Embed attempt #1 ==--
- //If the forcePDFJS option is invoked, skip everything else and embed as directed
- if(forcePDFJS && PDFJS_URL){
- return generatePDFObjectMarkup("pdfjs", targetNode, url, pdfOpenFragment, width, height, id, title, omitInlineStyles, customAttribute, PDFJS_URL);
- }
- // --== Embed attempt #2 ==--
- //Embed PDF if traditional support is provided, or if this developer is willing to roll with assumption
- //that modern desktop (not mobile) browsers natively support PDFs
- if(supportsPDFs || (assumptionMode && !isMobileDevice)){
- //Should we use