All notable changes to Pixano will be documented in this file.
0.3.1 - 2024-03-18
- Add new GroundingDINO model for semantic segmentation with text prompts (#6)
- Update README badges with PyPI release
- Remove top-level imports for GitHub models to prevent import errors (#6)
- Fix preannotation with SAM and MobileSAM (#6)
- Add type hints for Image PixanoType (#6)
- Update Pixano requirement from 0.5.0 beta to 0.5.0 stable
0.3.0 - 2024-02-29
- Publish Pixano Inference on PyPI
- Add new MobileSAM model as a lighter alternative to SAM (#2)
- Add GitHub actions to format and lint code
- Add GitHub action to publish docs and PyPI package (#9)
- Add issue and pull request templates on GitHub repository
- Add for installation information and contribution guidelines
- Breaking: Remove SAM and MobileSAM dependencies to allow publishing to PyPI (#14)
- Breaking: Update to Pixano 0.5.0
- Breaking: Update InferenceModel
attribute tomodel_id
to stop redefining built-inid
- Breaking: Update submodule names to
, andgithub
- Update README with a small header description listing main features and more detailed installation instructions
- Generate API reference on documentation website automatically
- Add cross-references to Pixano, TensorFlow, and Hugging Face Transformers in the API reference
- Update documentation deployment (#9)
- Fix links to Pixano notebooks
- Fix internal cross-references in the API reference of the documentation website
- Update deprecated GitHub actions (#11)
- Prevent CUDA installation in lint GitHub action action
- Fix ignored members in linting CI configuration
- Specify black version in formatting CI configuration
- Fix GitHub version and documentation links in README
0.2.1 - 2023-11-13
- Add CLIP model for semantic search on images
0.2.0 - 2023-10-26
- Breaking: Update models to the new PixanoTypes and lancedb storage format of Pixano 0.4.0
0.1.6 - 2023-07-10
- Create documentation website
- Update CHANGELOG format
0.1.5 - 2023-07-07
- Fix README logo and links
0.1.4 - 2023-07-07
- Fix export to ONNX for SAM
0.1.3 - 2023-07-07
- Breaking: Update models to the new InferenceModel class and Image type of Pixano 0.3.0
0.1.2 - 2023-06-12
- Add release notes in new file
- Update project description in README
- Update Python version requirement and License classifier in pyproject.toml
0.1.1 - 2023-06-08
- Update COCO 80 labels to COCO 91 labels function name for consistency with Pixano API
- Update README badges
0.1.0 - 2023-06-02
- Breaking: Merge inference generation and embedding precomputing into a single InferenceModel class
- Improve README file
- Order all image transforms args to height first and width second for consistency
- Fix COCO labels mismatch between YOLO predictions on 80 labels and ground truth on 91 labels
- Convert TensorFlow models bounding box coordinates from yxyx to xyxy before xywh conversion
0.0.1 - 2023-05-11
- Create first public release