- Comparison bar graph for all shop owners with days filter by quantity and value (handle on frontend)
- Comparison bar graph for all shops with days filter by quantity and value (to be handle on frontend)
- Total orders by value by quantity
- Graph of product ordered by quantity by value over days and product
- Graph of product orderd from shops over days by quantity and by value
- overall bestseller product, trending product
- overall bestseller shop, trending shop
- overall bestseller product by shop, trending product by shop
- Phone, email verification
- Address using google map (to get long,lat and address to give distance between shop and selected address)
- Store images in webp format
- Add filters for product and shops like veg, non veg
- Contacts :- reply to support messages on email or on webapp
- Persist cart value across sessions and browser
- Handle only one session at a time
- Pagination in frontend and backend both
- Upgrade data dialog ui
- Explore use of useMemo to optimise the performance
- Explore possibility of ssr in all pages -- done
- Delete, Edit btn in data dialog
- Reply to contacts by admin in data dialog
- Add share button