ASCII Art: GlassGiant.com
DCEP is the complex event processor in PLAY. Our approach is based on declarative (logic) rules. We will bring this approach to the cloud creating a large-scale, elastic CEP service which dynamically adapts to fluctuating event frequencies.
DCEP is a native RDF event processor, which means RDF can be used directly for events and there is no need to model mappings to binary formats.
Tested on CentOS release 6.3 (Final) 64bit
yum install readline-devel libjpeg
cd /tmp
wget http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/packages/pl/5.10.2/3.fc15/x86_64/pl-static-5.10.2-3.fc15.x86_64.rpm
wget http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/packages/pl/5.10.2/3.fc15/x86_64/pl-jpl-5.10.2-3.fc15.x86_64.rpm
wget http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/packages/pl/5.10.2/3.fc15/x86_64/pl-5.10.2-3.fc15.x86_64.rpm
rpm -i pl-*.rpm
Add --nodeps
to the rpm command if there is a problem with an old version of libjpeg which is actually on your system already.
Add JPL library (libjpl.so
(do this permanently by adding to /etc/profile.d/swipl.sh
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib64/swipl-jpl:/usr/lib/
I created an SRPM based on 6.1.6 myself using instructions from http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/RebuildSRPM
# Install build dependencies as root:
sudo yum install gperf htmldoc pkgconfig pkgconfig mock libxml2-devel libiodbc-devel
sudo useradd -s /sbin/nologin mockbuild
# Build Virtuoso as non-root user:
mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS}
echo '%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild' > ~/.rpmmacros
rpm -i http://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/updates/16/SRPMS/virtuoso-opensource-6.1.6-1.fc16.src.rpm
# Replace content of tarball ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES with latest code from https://github.com/openlink/virtuoso-opensource branch develop/6 and then:
cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
rpmbuild -ba virtuoso-opensource.spec
cd ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/
# Install Virtuoso as root:
sudo rpm -Uvh */virtuoso-opensource-conductor-6.1.6*.rpm */virtuoso-opensource-6.1.6*.rpm */virtuoso-opensource-utils-6.1.6*.rpm
If the newer Virtuoso builds should appear e.g. in EPEL then the procedure becomes easier:
rpm -i http://ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
yum install virtuoso-opensource virtuoso-opensource-conductor virtuoso-opensource-utils
Use the init.d start script from here: RedHat, CentOS, Debian
chkconfig virtuoso on
See http://4store.org/trac/wiki/Download or build 4store form source to get the newest bugfixes and SPARQL 1.1 features.
yum install mhash yajl mpfr redland rasqal avahi-glib
rpm --import http://repo.sparql.pro/RPM-GPG-KEY-SPARQL-PRO
rpm -Uvh http://repo.sparql.pro/centos/6/x86_64/4store-1.1.5-4.x86_64.rpm
can be added to the last command if the dependencies are not properly recognized.- This might also be needed to fix the dependencies:
ln -s /usr/lib64/libyajl.so.2 /usr/lib64/libyajl.so.1
ln -s /usr/lib64/libmpfr.so.4 /usr/lib64/libmpfr.so.1
To build DCEP in /tmp
cd /tmp
git clone https://github.com/play-project/play-dcep.git
cd play-dcep/
mvn install -DskipTests
The installer package dcep-install.zip
will be in /tmp/play-dcep/play-dcep-distribution/target/
- Download or build (see above) the file
- Unzip
cd dcep
- Edit
for endpoints where events can be received and sent. Adapt the file from these defaults: default properties - Edit
for startup behaviour. Adapt the file from these defaults: default properties
- Run
bin/dcep start
on Unix - The program can be terminated using
bin/dcep stop
- The log file can be found in
, see also README.logging.md