diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c0558e4..0a52157 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -159,6 +159,47 @@ The configuration for a new Volto site is:
+#### How to add an add-on
+If you want to add a Plone backend add-on to your Plone distribution, then you must perform the following steps.
+Add your add-on, such as `collective.person`, to your `setup.py`:
+ install_requires=[
+ "setuptools",
+ "Plone",
+ "plone.distribution>=1.0.0b2",
+ "plone.api",
+ "collective.person",
+ ],
+Add it to your `dependencies.zcml`:
+Add it to your `profiles.json`:
+ "base": [
+ "plone.app.contenttypes:default",
+ "plone.app.caching:default",
+ "plone.restapi:default",
+ "plone.volto:default",
+ "collective.person:default",
+ "plonetheme.barceloneta:default"
+ ],
### `schema.json`
In case you require additional input from the user during site creation, you can customize the form using the `schema.json` file.