This document contains all the steps required to make a new release of pmemkv-java.
#define $VERSION = current full version (e.g. 1.0.2); $VER = major+minor only version (e.g. 1.0)
Make a release locally:
- add an entry to ChangeLog, remember to change the day of the week in the release date
- for major/minor releases mention compatibility with the previous release
- update "pmemkv-java" project's version in all pom.xml files
- update version tested in the
script - git commit -a -S -m "common: $VERSION release"
- git tag -a -s -m "pmemkv-java version $VERSION" $VERSION
Make a package:
- mvn package
- verify created packages:
- .jar's (with java code and docs) and
- .so (JNI, C++ code)
Publish changes:
- for major/minor release:
- git push upstream HEAD:master $VERSION
- create and push to upstream stable-$VERSION branch:
- git checkout -b stable-$VER
- git push upstream HEAD:stable-$VER
- for patch release:
- git push upstream HEAD:stable-$VER $VERSION
- create PR from stable-$VER to next stable (or master, if release is from most recent stable branch)
Publish package and make it official:
- go to GitHub's releases tab:
- tag version: $VERSION, release title: pmemkv-java version $VERSION, description: copy entry from ChangeLog and format it with no tabs and no characters limit in line
- announce the release on pmem group
- publish package to mvn central repository
Later, for major/minor release:
- once 'docs' branch contains new documentation, move its content to and add $VER entry in docs links and in "Releases' support status" table (and update any status if needed)