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Job Control and Monitoring APIs


Provide APIs by which applications and tools can issue job control directives (e.g., pause and signal) to the local PMIx server and host system management stack, and request monitoring for application processes





Copyright Notice

Copyright 2017 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved

This document is subject to all provisions relating to code contributions to the PMIx community as defined in the community's LICENSE file. Code Components extracted from this document must include the License text as described in that file.


As HPC systems grow in size and capability, applications have increasingly needed a mechanism by which they can actively participate in "steering" the overall execution. This RFC deals with one aspect of this requirement by providing the application with the ability to communicate job control and monitoring directives to the host system management stack (SMS). While a few specific directives have been identified, it is expected that this capability will grow "organically" in response to evolving requirements. Thus, care has been taken to make the APIs in this RFC as generic as possible to avoid modifying them going forward.

Job Control

As applications take more control over their operation, they will increasingly need an ability to respond to reported changes in application execution and/or their environment. One dimension of the response involves requesting control operations from the host SMS - e.g., to restart a specified set of processes.

There is one proposed new client-side API for this purpose:

pmix_status_t PMIx_Job_control_nb(const pmix_proc_t targets[], size_t ntargets,
                                  const pmix_info_t directives[], size_t ndirs,
                                  pmix_info_cbfunc_t cbfunc, void *cbdata);

The targets array identifies the processes to which the requested job control action is to be applied. A NULL value can be used to indicate all processes in the caller's nspace. The use of PMIX_RANK_WILDARD in a target pmix_proc_t can also be used to indicate that all processes in the given nspace are to be included.

The callback function provides a status to indicate whether or not the request was granted, and to provide some information as to the reason for any denial in the pmix_info_cbfunc_t array of pmix_info_t structures.

Currently identified attributes (and their associated data type) that can be used to steer behavior via the directives array include:

/* job control attributes */
#define PMIX_JOB_CTRL_ID                    ""         // (char*) provide a string identifier for this request
#define PMIX_JOB_CTRL_PAUSE                 "pmix.jctrl.pause"      // (bool) pause the specified processes
#define PMIX_JOB_CTRL_RESUME                "pmix.jctrl.resume"     // (bool) "un-pause" the specified processes
#define PMIX_JOB_CTRL_CANCEL                "pmix.jctrl.cancel"     // (char*) cancel the specified request
                                                                    //         (NULL => cancel all requests from this requestor)
#define PMIX_JOB_CTRL_KILL                  "pmix.jctrl.kill"       // (bool) forcibly terminate the specified processes and cleanup
#define PMIX_JOB_CTRL_RESTART               "pmix.jctrl.restart"    // (char*) restart the specified processes using the given checkpoint ID
#define PMIX_JOB_CTRL_CHECKPOINT            "pmix.jctrl.ckpt"       // (char*) checkpoint the specified processes and assign the given ID to it
#define PMIX_JOB_CTRL_CHECKPOINT_EVENT      "pmix.jctrl.ckptev"     // (pmix_status_t) use given event code to trigger process checkpoint
#define PMIX_JOB_CTRL_CHECKPOINT_SIGNAL     "pmix.jctrl.ckptsig"    // (int) use the given signal to trigger process checkpoint
#define PMIX_JOB_CTRL_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT    "pmix.jctrl.ckptsig"    // (int) time in seconds to wait for checkpoint to complete
#define PMIX_JOB_CTRL_SIGNAL                "pmix.jctrl.sig"        // (int) send given signal to specified processes
#define PMIX_JOB_CTRL_PROVISION             "pmix.jctrl.pvn"        // (char*) regex identifying nodes that are to be provisioned
#define PMIX_JOB_CTRL_PROVISION_IMAGE       "pmix.jctrl.pvnimg"     // (char*) name of the image that is to be provisioned
#define PMIX_JOB_CTRL_PREEMPTIBLE           "pmix.jctrl.preempt"    // (bool) declare that job can be pre-empted

Requests use arrays of attributes to fully describe the request - e.g., the directives array might contain the following:

pmix_info_t directives[2];
PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&directives[0], PMIX_JOB_CTRL_CHECKPOINT, "mycheckpoint.1", PMIX_STRING)

which directs the host RM to checkpoint the specified processes, naming the checkpoint "mycheckpoint.1", and to send the SIGUSR2 signal to each process to trigger the checkpoint operation.

Each job control request can specify a user-created "request ID" string. This allows the initiator to issue follow-on requests (e.g., for status updates via the PMIx_Query function), or to issue a subsequent PMIx_Job_control call to cancel the request. A request to cancel job control requests that does not specify an ID will result in cancellation of all outstanding requests associated with the requestor.

The server-side callback function is defined as follows:

typedef pmix_status_t (*pmix_server_job_control_fn_t)(const pmix_proc_t *requestor,
                                                      const pmix_proc_t targets[], size_t ntargets,
                                                      const pmix_info_t directives[], size_t ndirs,
                                                      pmix_info_cbfunc_t cbfunc, void *cbdata);

The local PMIx server essentially passes all information provided by the client, plus the identifier of the requestor, to the host environment for processing. Return of an error status indicates that the host environment is unable to perform the requested operation, with the value of the status indicating the reason for the rejection. In this case, the callback function will not be executed, and the local PMIx server must return the error to the requestor to avoid hanging.

If the host environment accepts the request, then the provided callback function will be executed upon completion. Note that this does not mean that success is guaranteed - it only means that the host environment has at least accepted the request for processing (i.e., there are no immediately obvious errors). The lack of required authorities or other factors may still cause a request to ultimately fail.

In addition to the job control APIs and attributes, several supporting definitions are provided, including the following status codes:

/* status code for notification of checkpoint events */
#define PMIX_JCTRL_CHECKPOINT                 (PMIX_ERR_V2X_BASE - 6)    // monitored by client to trigger checkpoint operation
#define PMIX_JCTRL_CHECKPOINT_COMPLETE        (PMIX_ERR_V2X_BASE - 7)    // sent by client and monitored by server to notify that requested
                                                                         //     checkpoint operation has completed
#define PMIX_JCTRL_PREEMPT_ALERT              (PMIX_ERR_V2X_BASE - 8)    // monitored by client to detect RM intends to preempt

An application can register for event notifications to receive alerts of intended preemptions, or to see that a checkpoint is being requested. Similarly, the host SMS can register for an event notifying it that the application process has completed its checkpoint operation, and thus is ready to either be terminated or preempted.

Tools, of course, have no way of knowing what method and/or signal an application is using for checkpoint support. Accordingly, this RFC includes an attribute by which an application can register its checkpoint support methods with the local server:

#define PMIX_JOB_CTRL_CHECKPOINT_METHOD     "pmix.jctrl.ckmethod"   // (pmix_data_array_t) array of pmix_info_t declaring each
                                                                    //      method and value supported by this application

Tools can then simply issue a job control request to PMIX_JOB_CTRL_CHECKPOINT and the server will use the first registered method that it supports. If an application has not registered a checkpoint method, then the server will return an error to the tool as it cannot know if and how the application supports that operation.

Users may also wish to know when job control operations have been requested and/or performed. Accordingly, new log attributes have been added to support user notifications. These include:

/* log attributes */
#define PMIX_LOG_EMAIL                      ""        // (pmix_data_array_t) log via email based on pmix_info_t
                                                                    //       containing directives
#define PMIX_LOG_EMAIL_ADDR                 "pmix.log.emaddr"       // (char*) comma-delimited list of email addresses that are to recv msg
#define PMIX_LOG_EMAIL_SUBJECT              "pmix.log.emsub"        // (char*) subject line for email
#define PMIX_LOG_EMAIL_MSG                  "pmix.log.emmsg"        // (char*) msg to be included in email


Parallel applications sometimes deadlock or block indefinitely without making progress. This problem can arise from race conditions in the application code as well as bugs in system software or hardware. Such jobs waste compute resources, especially on large-scale systems.

There is one proposed new client-side API that defines an interface to enable the system to automatically detect and act on such jobs. It is inspired by the development of and experiences with io-watchdog and on prior work that used changes in a "canary" file as a marker of progress. The proposed client-side API is:

pmix_status_t PMIx_Process_monitor_nb(const pmix_info_t *monitor, pmix_status_t error,
                                      const pmix_info_t directives[], size_t ndirs,
                                      pmix_info_cbfunc_t cbfunc, void *cbdata);

The monitor parameter declares the type of monitoring being requested (e.g., heartbeat). The error parameter indicates the status code to be used when generating an event notification alerting that the monitor has been triggered. The range of the notification defaults to PMIX_RANGE_NAMESPACE - this can be changed by providing a PMIX_RANGE directive. The directives array characterizes the monitoring request (e.g., monitor file size) and frequency of checking to be done. Finally, the cbfunc provides a status to indicate whether or not the request was granted, and to provide some information as to the reason for any denial in the pmix_info_cbfunc_t array of pmix_info_t structures.

The server-side callback function simply adds the identity of the requesting process so that the host SMS knows which process is to be monitored:

/* Request that a client be monitored for activity */
typedef pmix_status_t (*pmix_server_monitor_fn_t)(const pmix_proc_t *requestor,
                                                  const pmix_info_t *monitor, pmix_status_t error,
                                                  const pmix_info_t directives[], size_t ndirs,
                                                  pmix_info_cbfunc_t cbfunc, void *cbdata);

Monitoring is a little different than other PMIx features in that PMIx actually contains its own internal (rather limited) monitoring capability. This was provided both as a means of ensuring broad availability of a few key features, and to help offload the SMS (heartbeats, for example, are easily handled by the PMIx client-server messaging system). However, PMIx will defer operations to the host SMS unless requested otherwise by including the PMIX_SERVER_ENABLE_MONITORING attribute to PMIx_server_init. The attributes and status codes defined to support monitoring include:

/* server initialization attributes */
#define PMIX_SERVER_ENABLE_MONITORING       "pmix.srv.monitor"      // (bool) Enable PMIx internal monitoring by server

/* monitoring event codes */
#define PMIX_MONITOR_FILE_ALERT             (PMIX_ERR_V2X_BASE - 10)

/* monitoring attributes */
#define PMIX_MONITOR_ID                     ""       // (char*) provide a string identifier for this request
#define PMIX_MONITOR_CANCEL                 "pmix.monitor.cancel"   // (char*) identifier to be canceled (NULL = cancel all
                                                                    //         monitoring for this process
#define PMIX_MONITOR_APP_CONTROL            "pmix.monitor.appctrl"  // (bool) the application desires to control the response to
                                                                    //        a monitoring event
#define PMIX_MONITOR_HEARTBEAT              "pmix.monitor.mbeat"    // (void) register to have the server monitor the requestor for heartbeats
#define PMIX_SEND_HEARTBEAT                 "pmix.monitor.beat"     // (void) send heartbeat to local server
#define PMIX_MONITOR_HEARTBEAT_TIME         "pmix.monitor.btime"    // (uint32_t) time in seconds before declaring heartbeat missed
#define PMIX_MONITOR_HEARTBEAT_DROPS        "pmix.monitor.bdrop"    // (uint32_t) number of heartbeats that can be missed before
                                                                    //            generating the event (defaults to alert on first drop)
#define PMIX_MONITOR_FILE                   "pmix.monitor.fmon"     // (char*) register to monitor file for signs of life
#define PMIX_MONITOR_FILE_SIZE              "pmix.monitor.fsize"    // (bool) monitor size of given file is growing to determine app is running
#define PMIX_MONITOR_FILE_ACCESS            "pmix.monitor.faccess"  // (char*) monitor time since last access of given file to determine app is running
#define PMIX_MONITOR_FILE_MODIFY            "pmix.monitor.fmod"     // (char*) monitor time since last modified of given file to determine app is running
#define PMIX_MONITOR_FILE_CHECK_TIME        "pmix.monitor.ftime"    // (uint32_t) time in seconds between checking file
#define PMIX_MONITOR_FILE_DROPS             "pmix.monitor.fdrop"    // (uint32_t) number of file checks that can be missed before
                                                                    //            generating the event

The monitoring event codes can be used by the SMS itself to trigger a defined response. However, application developers may prefer that the application register for these events so that the application can (via the job control API) determine the desired response. In this case, the application will provide the PMIX_MONITOR_APP_CONTROL attribute in the directives to request that the SMS not respond on its own behalf.

Since sending of a heartbeat will be a common operation, a macro is provided to simplify the call:

/* define a special macro to simplify sending of a heartbeat */
#define PMIx_Heartbeat()                                                    \
    do {                                                                    \
        pmix_info_t _in;                                                    \
        PMIX_INFO_CONSTRUCT(&_in);                                          \
        PMIx_Process_monitor_nb(&_in, PMIX_SUCCESS, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);   \
        PMIX_INFO_DESTRUCT(&_in);                                           \
    } while(0)


#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <pmix.h>

static pmix_proc_t myproc;

/* this is the event notification function we pass down below
 * when registering for general events - i.e.,, the default
 * handler. We don't technically need to register one, but it
 * is usually good practice to catch any events that occur */
static void notification_fn(size_t evhdlr_registration_id,
                            pmix_status_t status,
                            const pmix_proc_t *source,
                            pmix_info_t info[], size_t ninfo,
                            pmix_info_t results[], size_t nresults,
                            pmix_event_notification_cbfunc_fn_t cbfunc,
                            void *cbdata)
    if (NULL != cbfunc) {
        cbfunc(PMIX_EVENT_ACTION_COMPLETE, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, cbdata);

/* event handler registration is done asynchronously because it
 * may involve the PMIx server registering with the host RM for
 * external events. So we provide a callback function that returns
 * the status of the request (success or an error), plus a numerical index
 * to the registered event. The index is used later on to deregister
 * an event handler - if we don't explicitly deregister it, then the
 * PMIx server will do so when it see us exit */
static void evhandler_reg_callbk(pmix_status_t status,
                                 size_t evhandler_ref,
                                 void *cbdata)
    volatile int *active = (volatile int*)cbdata;

    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != status) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Client %s:%d EVENT HANDLER REGISTRATION FAILED WITH STATUS %d, ref=%lu\n",
                   myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, status, (unsigned long)evhandler_ref);
    *active = status;

static void infocbfunc(pmix_status_t status,
                       pmix_info_t *info, size_t ninfo,
                       void *cbdata,
                       pmix_release_cbfunc_t release_fn,
                       void *release_cbdata)
    volatile int *active = (volatile int*)cbdata;

    /* release the caller */
    if (NULL != release_fn) {

    *active = status;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int rc;
    pmix_value_t value;
    pmix_value_t *val = &value;
    pmix_proc_t proc;
    uint32_t nprocs, n;
    pmix_info_t *info, *iptr;
    bool flag;
    volatile int active;
    pmix_data_array_t *dptr;

    /* init us - note that the call to "init" includes the return of
     * any job-related info provided by the RM. */
    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Init(&myproc, NULL, 0))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Client ns %s rank %d: PMIx_Init failed: %d\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, rc);
    fprintf(stderr, "Client ns %s rank %d: Running\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank);

    /* register our default event handler - again, this isn't strictly
     * required, but is generally good practice */
    active = -1;
    PMIx_Register_event_handler(NULL, 0, NULL, 0,
                                notification_fn, evhandler_reg_callbk, (void*)&active);
    while (-1 == active) {
    if (0 != active) {
        fprintf(stderr, "[%s:%d] Default handler registration failed\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank);

    /* job-related info is found in our nspace, assigned to the
     * wildcard rank as it doesn't relate to a specific rank. Setup
     * a name to retrieve such values */
    (void)strncpy(proc.nspace, myproc.nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN);
    proc.rank = PMIX_RANK_WILDCARD;

    /* get our universe size */
    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Get(&proc, PMIX_UNIV_SIZE, NULL, 0, &val))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Client ns %s rank %d: PMIx_Get universe size failed: %d\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, rc);
        goto done;
    nprocs = val->data.uint32;
    fprintf(stderr, "Client %s:%d universe size %d\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, nprocs);

    /* inform the RM that we are preemptible, and that our checkpoint methods are
     * "signal" on SIGUSR2 and event on PMIX_JCTRL_CHECKPOINT */
    PMIX_INFO_CREATE(info, 2);
    flag = true;
    /* can't use "load" to load a pmix_data_array_t */
    (void)strncpy(info[1].key, PMIX_JOB_CTRL_CHECKPOINT_METHOD, PMIX_MAX_KEYLEN);
    info[1].value.type = PMIX_DATA_ARRAY;
    dptr = (pmix_data_array_t*)malloc(sizeof(pmix_data_array_t));
    info[1] = dptr;
    dptr->type = PMIX_INFO;
    dptr->size = 2;
    PMIX_INFO_CREATE(dptr->array, dptr->size);
    rc = SIGUSR2;
    iptr = (pmix_info_t*)dptr->array;

    /* since this is informational and not a requested operation, the target parameter
     * doesn't mean anything and can be ignored */
    active = -1;
    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Job_control_nb(NULL, 0, info, 2, infocbfunc, (void*)&active))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Client ns %s rank %d: PMIx_Job_control_nb failed: %d\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, rc);
        goto done;
    while (-1 == active) {
    PMIX_INFO_FREE(info, 2);
    if (0 != active) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Client ns %s rank %d: PMIx_Job_control_nb failed: %d\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, rc);

    /* now request that this process be monitored using heartbeats */
    PMIX_INFO_CREATE(iptr, 1);

    PMIX_INFO_CREATE(info, 3);
    n = 5;  // require a heartbeat every 5 seconds
    n = 2;  // two heartbeats can be missed before declaring us "stalled"

    /* make the request */
    active = -1;
    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Process_monitor_nb(iptr, PMIX_MONITOR_HEARTBEAT_ALERT,
                                                      info, 3, infocbfunc, (void*)&active))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Client ns %s rank %d: PMIx_Process_monitor_nb failed: %d\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, rc);
        goto done;
    while (-1 == active) {
    PMIX_INFO_FREE(iptr, 1);
    PMIX_INFO_FREE(info, 3);
    if (0 != active) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Client ns %s rank %d: PMIx_Process_monitor_nb failed: %d\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, rc);

    /* send a heartbeat */

    /* call fence to synchronize with our peers - no need to
     * collect any info as we didn't "put" anything */
    PMIX_INFO_CREATE(info, 1);
    flag = false;
    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Fence(&proc, 1, info, 1))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Client ns %s rank %d: PMIx_Fence failed: %d\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, rc);
        goto done;
    PMIX_INFO_FREE(info, 1);

    /* finalize us */
    fprintf(stderr, "Client ns %s rank %d: Finalizing\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank);
    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Finalize(NULL, 0))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Client ns %s rank %d:PMIx_Finalize failed: %d\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, rc);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Client ns %s rank %d:PMIx_Finalize successfully completed\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank);

Protoype Implementation

The PMIx library implementation is covered in the Implement the PMIx_Job_control_nb support pull request. The prototype was introduced into Open MPI as part of this PR.


Ralph H. Castain
Intel, Inc.
Github: rhc54