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Convenience 🤝

Make the common case straightforward and natural. Avoid surprising behavior leading to frustration. Support beginners in graph theory on their journey. All this applies to the contributors too.

Versatility 🔨

Offer simplicity as well as flexibility and strive for a good balance if in conflict. Do not close the door on potential extensions. Unleash the fantasies about all possible use cases and environments that we can support.

Correctness ✅

Use extensive fuzzing and property-based testing to increase confidence about correctness, because unit tests are not enough. Unsafe code is only the last resort.

Performance 🔥

Write the code with performance and memory efficiency in mind. Design the interfaces such that their implementations can be efficient or made so in the future. Incorporate parallel algorithms.


The following text is more like a vision than a description of the current state of being. Some of the concepts are implemented and under review ( 🔍 ) or under construction ( 🚧 ), while others are solely on a wish list ( 🔮 ).

Problems instead of algorithms

Users without much experience or knowledge in graph theory and algorithms may feel intimidated and overwhelmed when seeing a long list of all algorithms implemented by a library. It could be not obvious which algorithm should (or even can) be used to solve given problem at hand, and in order to find that out they need to consult the documentation or do their own research.

In gryf, the algorithms are organized into the problem they solve represented by a single type ( 🔍 ). So instead of exposing dijkstra and bellman_ford functions, we have ShortestPaths type. Unless explicitly specified, the actual algorithm used is even chosen by the library given the properties of the graph. For instance, dijkstra algorithm is preferred, especially if there is a goal vertex, but bellman ford is chosen when the edge weight can be negative (dijkstra requires non-negative weights). The user does not need to care about these "details".

This brings benefits on all our goals. It is very convenient ( 🤝 ), especially for a beginner, who does not (and should not) care about the actual algorithm, as they only want a solution to their problem. Moreover, by getting a value of specific type instead of a generic one such as Vec or HashMap, they get an additional functionality (e.g., path reconstruction on shortest paths or additional queries like "is perfect?" on matching), which would need to be coded manually otherwise. For gryf development, the convenience lies mainly in the opportunity to tweak internals of the algorithms and outputs without breaking the public API.

This abstraction has also many nice consequences in regards of performance ( 🔥 ). First and foremost, there is an automatic algorithm selection, which makes the decision based on the dynamic properties (e.g., vertex or edge count) and static properties (e.g., graph being bipartite or connected, or edge weight guaranteed to be positive) of the graph ( 🔍 ). Second, implementations of new, faster algorithms can be started to be used under the hood so that the user gets better performance after update without any work on their side.

Nevertheless, it is still possible to choose a specific algorithm. Therefore, this organization does not prevent versatility ( 🔨 ). The reasons why enforcing an algorithm might be needed are these:

  • The user knows for sure that the specific algorithm is the best option for their use case.
  • The graph at hand lacks some features that are needed by the common entrypoint (which takes the union of requirements for the graph from all available algorithms), and the specific choice relaxes some of these constraints (enforced by traits).
  • The specific algorithm provides an output that has richer API than the common entrypoint (which provides as much as each and every available algorithm can).

Regarding correctness ( ✅ ), it is mainly about avoiding misuse by the user. Automatic selection makes sure to choose an algorithm that is supposed to work correctly on the graph given known properties (for example, negative weights aware algorithm when weights are not guaranteed to be positive or generic algorithm when graph is not guaranteed to have certain structural properties). Rich API on the output also encourages user to use it instead of implementing it on their own, which should avoid subtle bugs.

Builder pattern for algorithms

Specifying arguments for algorithms is done using the builder pattern ( 🔍 ). This is convenient ( 🤝 ) because the user does not need to deal with optional parameters that they do not need/use. On the other hand, it also brings versatility ( 🔨 ) because the user can specify these optional parameters if it is useful/necessary for the situation. It is also valuable for development of new capabilities, because new parameters can be added in a backwards compatible way. As a concrete example, shortest path algorithm allows to specify goal vertex, but None is used by default. In future, a heuristic parameter builder method could be added for heuristic-based algorithms without breaking any existing code.

The general template for an algorithm builder is on(&graph) constructor, followed by optional parameters, and ended with run(self, required arguments) call which executes the algorithm. Having the on(&graph) constructor allows to constrain builder methods based on the capabilities of given graph. This improves error feedback (causing errors to be located right at the problematic builder methods, not at the run method which is too late, making the cause less obvious). For the same reason, all builder methods must specify all the constraints that will be needed for running the algorithm. All this helps convenience ( 🤝 ) by leading to better error messages produced by the compiler.

Separation of graph storage and semantics

In gryf, high-level semantics provided by user-facing types are strictly separated from the underlying storage/representation ( 🔍 ). The graph data can be stored in a common representation such as adjacency list or adjacency matrix, but it can as well be stored in or represented by a custom, problem-tailored implementation, as long as it implements provided interfaces. This helps versatility ( 🔨 ), a default storage might be fine in most cases, but where it truly matters the user can choose whichever representation is most suitable given the trade-offs. This idea can be stretched to use cases where the representation wraps user's graph-like data, encodes the structure implicitly or happens to be in a particular environment (e.g., embedded device or distributed system) ( 🔍 ).

On top of a storage, there is an encapsulation with clear semantics. The most general is a generic graph, but restricted forms include simple graph (without parallel edges), path, bipartite graph and so on ( 🚧 ). Each of these encapsulations provide access and manipulation APIs that guarantee imposed restrictions on the structure. A little convenience ( 🤝 ) benefit is that, in documentation, available API is listed and easily discoverable under Methods list, instead of hidden under Trait Implementations, which should help newcomers.

Among the advantages of restricted semantics (tree, bipartite, ...) are:

  • The type of graph clearly communicates the intention and structure.
  • The API is limited such that it is impossible to make a graph that violates user-desired class of graph.
  • For some problems, there exist (significantly) more efficient/less complicated algorithms for particular classes of graphs. Guaranteed property of a restricted graph can be utilized in choosing such an algorithm for better performance ( 🔥 ).

The separation also benefits the development as it allows to focus on limited scope when implementing the encapsulation with specific semantics or the graph storage, and not both at the same time. To some extent, it help to avoid N x M implementations problem, where N is the number of classes of graphs (path, bipartite, ...) and M is the number of graph representations.

Graph access and manipulation interface

There are two extremes in regards of a graph interface: (a) single trait covering everything, or (b) single trait per aspect/behavior. The goal is to find the ~right spot on the spectrum. The core of the gryf's trait hierarchy ( 🔍 ) is the following:

  classDef finite fill:#1679ab
  classDef nogen stroke:#ff8225,stroke-width:3px
  classDef gen stroke:#508d4e,stroke-width:3px
  classDef finite-nogen fill:#1679ab,stroke:#ff8225,stroke-width:3px
  classDef finite-gen fill:#1679ab,stroke:#508d4e,stroke-width:3px
  classDef invisible fill:transparent,stroke:transparent,width:200px


  GraphBase --> VertexSet
  GraphBase --> EdgeSet
  GraphBase --> Neighbors

  VertexSet --> GraphRef
  EdgeSet --> GraphRef
  GraphBase --> GraphWeak

  GraphRef --> GraphMut
  GraphMut --> GraphAdd
  GraphAdd --> GraphFull

  subgraph structural [Structural properties]

  subgraph readonly [Readonly access]

  subgraph mutable [Mutable access]
    d1[ ]:::invisible

  subgraph add [Adding vertices/edges]
    d2[ ]:::invisible

  subgraph remove [Removing vertices/edges]
    d3[ ]:::invisible

  subgraph legend [Legend]
    finite[Finite graphs]:::finite
    nogen[No generics]:::nogen

    finite ~~~ nogen ~~~ gen

  remove ~~~ legend
  1. The Structural properties level provides information about the graph's structure (graph size, queries like "contains vertex/edge", neighbors of a vertex, etc.). This level is already useful for graphs without attributes and hence has no generics representing the attributes.
  2. The Readonly access level brings the possibility to attach attributes to vertices and edges. We use the term attributes instead of weights here, because the values attached to vertices and edges can be of any type from which a weight can be "extracted" (using our GetWeight trait).
  3. The Mutable access level adds possibility to change the attributes in the graph, but not its structure.
  4. The Adding vertices/edges level unlocks the possibility to add new vertices and edges to the graph. Splitting this from the mutable access may be beneficial for semantic or practical reasons. For the former, there might be use case for fixed, predetermined graph of which the structure can't be changed, but the mutable access to attributes is still desired. For the latter, implementing the vertex/edge insertion is unnecessary effort if it's not useful for the use case.
  5. The Removing vertices/edges level is the final step for a full-fledged graph implementation. Separating insertion and removal is mainly practical, because implementing removal is usually even harder than insertion and is less common than building a graph from scratch.

One of the goals is to require only a core minimum of methods on these traits and provide default implementations of others on top of that (similarly to what standard traits like Iterator or Read do). For example, replace_vertex(id) can be expressed using vertex_mut(id) and mem::replace; or remove_edge_any_between(from, to) by combining edge_id_any(from, to) and remove_edge(id). Sometimes, such default implementation may be (significantly) inefficient, but must still be semantically correct. To improve performance, the storage can provide overriding implementations. This enables having wide API surface on the graph available regardless of the storage, while keeping the requirements for the storage implementation at minimum.

In order to preserve versatility ( 🔨 ), we strictly separate traits that are require finiteness of the graph and traits that don't. The latter could be implemented by implicit graphs, which do not store the structure and data explicitly, but produce them on demand instead.


Graphs are complicated data structures, especially if the implementation strives to be efficient, and algorithms on them can be very complex with many corner cases. For that reason, a high level of confidence in correctness cannot be achieved by using just unit tests. Instead, gryf heavily utilizes fuzzing and property-based testing ( ✅ ).

There are two main areas for these testing techniques: graph storages and algorithms. These two require a little bit different approaches.

For graph storages, fuzzing with stateful modeling of graph semantics is employed ( 🚧 ). The idea is to generate sequences of graph manipulating operations that are then applied on the graph. Crucially, these include removing operations too. There are three levels of what fuzz targets test:

  1. The graph does not panic while applying the operation ( 🔍 ).
  2. The graph is in a consistent state after applying the operation ( 🔍 ). See check_consistency function for details.
  3. The graph exhibits the same behavior as a model of graph semantics when applying the operation ( 🚧 ). Such model is an implementation of the graph API, not necessarily efficient, which is simpler and easier to reason about, thus having higher confidence in correctness.

For algorithms, property-based testing with fast and customizable generation of the inputs graphs is used. The faster the generation is, the more inputs are tested. Being able to customize the generation (acyclic, tree-like, ...) enables to test more inputs which produce a valid output of an algorithm on which the properties can be tested and not wasting cycles on inputs for which the algorithm returns an error.

A considerable amount of effort was put into making the testing infrastructure convenient ( 🤝 ) for gryf developers. On a crash, fuzz targets print Rust code that can be copy&pasted and ran in order to get almost complete, copy&pastable reproduction as a unit test. Property-based tests try hard to shrink the failing graphs into minimal reproducing examples and these are printed in Graphviz/DOT language for immediate, effortless visualization.

Statically guaranteed semantics

The goal is to communicate various guarantees on graph semantics (such as being loop-free or path) ( 🚧 ). These can be then used in algorithms (e.g., choosing a more efficient algorithm for bipartite graphs) ( 🔥 ). In order to minimize runtime performance penalty, these guarantees must be known "statically". The properties must be either maintained by the graph type by restricting the mutation, or determined dynamically just once when creating the wrapper type.

The current mechanics for providing the guarantees about properties statically is having traits with associated functions (not taking self as parameter) that return boolean value. A nice thing is that the Rust compiler can often (always?) optimize out the tests for these properties (e.g., in automatic algorithm selection) thanks to monomorphization and dead code elimination.

See Guarantee trait ( 🚧 ) or Weight::is_unsigned ( 🔍 ) for examples.

Iteration over recursion

Iterative traversals are preferred over recursive traversals. The main advantage is that iterative traversals are lazy, thus allowing to stop the traversal without "hacking" the control flow semantics into callback's return type, and can be "detached" from the graph so that the graph can be manipulated during traversal (:handshake: :hammer:). Iterative traversal is also not limited by the size of the program stack. However, in some cases this choice imposes an efficiency penalty. See implementation of RawDfsExtra for the most notable example.

The current implementation is split into "raw" base and high-level wrappers ( 🔍 ). The raw base provides implementations of fundamental types of traversal (BFS, a few variations on DFS) ( 🚧 ), whereas the wrappers use them to offer variety of traversals with different capabilities and semantics (BFS, DFS, DFS events, DFS without backtracking, post order DFS). Raw base can also be used to implement specialized traversals in algorithms.

Parallel algorithms

Parallel algorithms exist for many problems in graph theory. Such algorithms can significantly speed up getting the result, especially on large graphs ( 🔥 ). The goal is to integrate parallel algorithms into the interface of gryf in a seamless way ( 🔮 ).