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The main goal of this project is to build, run and deploy the OpenSource Bacula 9+ project inside a docker micro-service environment. You can read more about bacula here
The docker-compose tool and the provided docker-compose file must be used in order to start all containers.
The project consists in:
Director Container Mysql Catalog Container An optional Dashboard (Bacula-web Project) An optional GUI (Web-Bacula Project)
The following components are required for this setup:
Docker >= 1.9.0
Docker Compose >= 1.21.0
You can modify the docker-compose.yml file to add Network configuration, presuming the containers can see each other. You can encapsulate the catalog in a default docker network and create valid interfaces for the web-services, if you want to.
More in docker-docs.
docker-compose pull
When this has successfully completed you can start the containers:
docker-compose up
To run all containers in the background:
docker-compose start
To stop all containers one can simple hit ^C if they run in the foreground, or when running the background:
docker-compose stop
Configuration files for the director are stored inside $PWD/director/data (Relative to docker-compose.yml location),this is the volume that represents /etc/bacula. You can create this directory ($PWD/director/data) by hand or use the tree provided with this project. The bacula-director.conf file has been modified so new conf (such as client for example) are stored in /data/clients/client-XYZ.conf, the same for pools, storages, schedules and so on.
Catalog data persistence (AKA mysql datafiles) follows the same procedure. All data inside /var/lib/mysql is stored in $PWD/catalog/data (Relative to docker-compose.yml location).
In order to access the bconsole, you can open a TTY session with the director's container and then run "bconsole", as you normally would do.
You can also configure an instance of the bconsole program in any machine on the same network.
In order to apply new configuration to the director, you should reload bacula console.
To do that you can:
Get to the director TTY and type:
echo "reload" | bconsole
docker exec -ti bacula-dir bconsole
To make changes to the director's configuration, or to add new clients / storages, you must add the resource files with the .conf extension within the subdirectories of the director's persistence volume.
The bacula-director.conf file has been modified to read all the files in the subfolders (/ storages, / clients, / schedules, / pools, etc) and concatenate its contents in the director's configuration, this facilitates the addition / removal of features and allows the automation of some configurations.
To add a new pool resource, instead of editing the bacula-director.conf file, you can create a file name_pool.conf into the subfolder / pools / and then reload the director with the 'reload' command inside the bconsole.
An example file of this resource could be:
Pool {
Name = example_pool
Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes
AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
Volume Retention = 365 days # one year
Maximum Volume Bytes = 50G # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
Maximum Volumes = 100
Label Format = "example_vol-" # Limit number of Volumes in Pool
The same goes for every resource, for clients and storages the process can be automated.
Use these Ansible roles to automate client/storage configuration/communication.
With Ansible you can simply run playbooks and it will ensure that the configuration and communication between a client and the director will be performed, as well as running handlers which will reload the director. This is, without a doubt, the best way to configure new resources.
Simply run the playbook, grab a cup of coffee and behold the automated way of doing configuration!
To learn more about this amazing technology read the docs.
The Catalog is configured the first time you run the compose and creates two users:
bacula | bacula and root | root.
Raises the default bacula Catalog database and creates extra tables for the Bacula-WEB GUI.
These images are provided free of charge by POP-PR RNP. Various security measures (such as TLS) have not been implemented or added in these images. Feel free to modify them and create a pull request.
You can see the raw file here.
version: '2.3'
container_name: bacula_catalog
image: popprrnp/bacula-catalog:latest
- ./catalog/data:/var/lib/mysql
restart: always
container_name: bacula_director
image: popprrnp/bacula-dir:latest
tty: true
- type: bind
source: ./director/data
target: /etc/bacula
- catalog
restart: always
container_name: webacula
image: popprrnp/web-bacula-gui:latest
tty: true
- 9002:80
- director
- catalog
restart: always
container_name: bdashboard
image: popprrnp/bacula-dashboard:latest
tty: true
- 9001:80
- director
- catalog
restart: always
Provided containers uses the bacula-web for the Dashboard and web-bacula for the WEB-GUI. you can map the ports in docker-compose file as you want, or use Network features to give them Ipv4 addresses.
If you used the provided docker-compose file you can access them at http://localhost:9001/bdashboard and http://localhost:9002/webacula/.
General Public License
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Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
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