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Amazon Ion Schema |
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Amazon Ion Schema defines a grammar and constraints for narrowing the universe of Ion values. A schema consists of zero or more types, and a type is a collection of zero or more constraints over the Ion data model. Aspects of a value not constrained by a type ("open content") are considered valid, which enables loosely-coupled systems to evolve independently.
Once defined, a type can be used to:
- assert that a value meets specific expectations,
- generate developer-friendly APIs for working with data,
- enable efficient analysis over data that conforms to a type,
- and more!
For more information, see the Ion Schema Specification.
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Visit the News page for more announcements related to Ion Schema.
name: Person,
type: struct,
fields: {
title: {
type: symbol,
valid_values: [Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Mx, Dr],
firstName: { type: string, occurs: required },
middleName: string,
lastName: { type: string, occurs: required },
age: { type: int, valid_values: range::[0, 130] },
The following values are valid for the type Person
firstName: "Susan",
lastName: "Jones",
title: Mr,
firstName: "Jonah",
middleName: "Q.",
lastName: "Smith",
age: 34,
The following values are not valid for the type Person
firstName: "Cathy", // lastName is required
title: Prof, // Prof is not a valid value for the title field
firstName: "Jasmine",
lastName: "Bradford",
firstName: "Shami",
lastName: "Ahmed",
age: 131, // age must be between 0 and 130, inclusive