Rancher is used to manage multiple kubernetes clusters for the organisation. You will typically need one Rancher installation for an organisaton/project. Install Rancher before installation of MOSIP cluster. It is important to install Rancher in high availablity mode which is achived by installing it on a Kubernetes cluster. The same cluster houses IAM Keycloak.
- Install following command line utilities:
- kubectl
- helm
- istioctl (istioctl version: 1.15.0)
- Add Helm repos:
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami helm repo add mosip https://mosip.github.io/mosip-helm
- Install Rancher using Helm. For more details see Rancher-ui guide.
On Cloud hosted cluster, like AWS, built-in persistent storage options are available. Like AWS's EBS. However, on an on-prem cluster, a persistent storage provider needs to be installed. Install Longhorn for persistence using this.
Refer here for installation of Keycloak.
Login as "admin" user in Keycloak and make sure an email id, and first name field is populated for "admin" user. This is important for Rancher authentication as given below.
Enable authentication with Keycloak using the steps given here.
In Keycloak add another Mapper for the rancher client (in Master realm) with following fields:
- Protocol: saml
- Name: username
- Mapper Type: User Property
- Property: username
- Friendly Name: username
- SAML Attribute Name: username
- SAML Attribute NameFormat: Basic
Specify the following mappings in Rancher's Authentication Keycloak form:
- Display Name Field: givenName
- User Name Field: email
- UID Field: username
- Entity ID Field: https://your-rancher-domain/v1-saml/keycloak/saml/metadata
- Rancher API Host: https://your-rancher-domain
- Groups Field: member
- For users in Keycloak assign roles in Rancher - cluster and project roles. Under
project add all the namespaces. Then, to a non-admin user you may provide Read-Only role (under projects). - If you want to create custom roles, you can follow the steps given here.
- Add a member to cluster/project in Rancher:
- Give member name exactly as
in Keycloak - Assign appropriate role like Cluster Owner, Cluster Viewer etc.
- You may create new role with fine grained acccess control.
- Give member name exactly as
In case you see certificate expiry message while adding users, on local cluster run these commands: