Ansible Installation on Linux
- Install EPEL Repo
sudo yum install epel-release
Note : Ansible needs python to be installed.
- Install Ansible on Linux distribution
sudo yum install python
sudo yum install -y ansible
- Install Ansible on Mac OS.
pip install ansible
- Create a directory
mkdir /etc/ansible
- Create a configuration file named "hosts"
vi hosts
- Add the following line
[server] ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/Users/shubham/Documents/aws-keys/devops-ec2.pem
Note : is the ip address of the aws ec2 machine and devops-ec2.pem is the key file that you have downloaded while launching the ec2 instance.
- Run the below command to check the connectivity.
ansible all -m ping -u ec2-user
- Running Ansible playbook
In order to run ansible playbook, please make sure you have installed the python boto package in your system. it offers the packages for aws connectivity.
To Install Boto3
pip Install boto3
9 Post installation of boto, go to user home directory /Users// and create a file as below.
vi .boto
- Add the following linds and credentials provided by AWS and save.
aws_access_key_id=Access key provided by AWS
aws_secret_access_key=Access key secret provided by AWS
> scp -i <pem file> <source pem file to to copied to master node> ubuntu@<ip of the master>:/home/ubuntu/
> ssh -i <pem file> ubuntu@<ip of the master node>
> sudo hostnamectl set-hostname master
> bash
> sudo service ssh start
> eval `ssh-agent -s`
> chmod 400 devops-ec2.pem
> ssh-add devops-ec2.pem
> ssh ubuntu@<private ip of node>
> ls -al
> sudo vi .bashrc.
- add eval `ssh-agent -s` and ssh-add devops-ec2.pem towards the last of the file] [passsord less authentication]
> exit
> ssh [email protected]
> sudo apt update
> sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
> sudo apt install ansible
> ansible --version
> sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts
- add the private IP address of the slave node in the last]
> ansible -m ping all
- Go to the directory /etc/ansible/
cd /etc/ansible/
12 Create a ansible playbook file using below command.
vi task.yml
- name : ec2-launcher
hosts : localhost
connection : local
tasks :
- name : launch ec2
ec2 :
instance_type : t2.micro
key_name : devops-ec2
image : ami-097834fcb3081f51a
region : us-east-2
group : launch-wizard-1
count : 1
vpc_subnet_id : subnet-9f5562e5
wait : yes
assign_public_ip : yes
13 To run the ansible playbook, execute below command.
ansible-playbook task.yml
this will create an ec2 instance for us and install the necessary softwares like docker.
14 Create another ansible playbook to install softwares.
vi install-playbook.yml
- hosts: all
become: true
- name: install maven
pkg: maven
state: present
- run update
- name: install tomcat
pkg: tomcat9
state: present
- name: uninstall git
pkg: git
state: absent
- name: start tomcat service
name: tomcat9
state: started
enabled: true
- name: install docker
state: present
- name: start docker service
name: docker
state: started
enabled: true
- name: run docker image
command: sudo docker run -it -d -p 8085:8080 shubhamkushwah123/addressbook:1.0
- name: run update
update_cache: yes
15 To run the ansible playbook, execute below command.
ansible-playbook install-playbook.yml
this will install all the requested software and deploy the docker application on the nodes.