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Rangi edited this page May 12, 2018 · 27 revisions

This tutorial is for how to add a new species of Pokémon, allowing up to 253 species. As an example, we'll add Munchlax.


  1. Define a species constant
  2. Give it a name
  3. Define its base data
  4. Define its evolutions and level-up learnset
  5. Define its egg moves
  6. Define its cry
  7. Define its icon
  8. Define its Pokédex entry
  9. Define its footprint
  10. Define its sprites and animation
  11. Include and point to the sprite and animation data
  12. Adding up to 253 Pokémon

1. Define a species constant

Edit constants/pokemon_constants.asm:

 ; pokemon ids
 ; indexes for:
 ; - PokemonNames (see data/pokemon/names.asm)
 ; - BaseData (see data/pokemon/base_stats.asm)
 ; - EvosAttacksPointers (see data/pokemon/evos_attacks_pointers.asm)
 ; - EggMovePointers (see data/pokemon/egg_move_pointers.asm)
 ; - PokemonCries (see data/pokemon/cries.asm)
 ; - MonMenuIcons (see data/pokemon/menu_icons.asm)
 ; - PokemonPicPointers (see data/pokemon/pic_pointers.asm)
 ; - PokemonPalettes (see data/pokemon/palettes.asm)
 ; - PokedexDataPointerTable (see data/pokemon/dex_entry_pointers.asm)
 ; - AlphabeticalPokedexOrder (see data/pokemon/dex_order_alpha.asm)
 ; - EZChat_SortedPokemon (see data/pokemon/ezchat_order.asm)
 ; - NewPokedexOrder (see data/pokemon/dex_order_new.asm)
 ; - Pokered_MonIndices (see data/pokemon/gen1_order.asm)
 ; - AnimationPointers (see gfx/pokemon/anim_pointers.asm)
 ; - AnimationIdlePointers (see gfx/pokemon/idle_pointers.asm)
 ; - BitmasksPointers (see gfx/pokemon/bitmask_pointers.asm)
 ; - FramesPointers (see gfx/pokemon/frame_pointers.asm)
 ; - Footprints (see gfx/footprints.asm)
 	const_def 1
 	const BULBASAUR  ; 01
 	const MEW        ; 97
 JOHTO_POKEMON EQU const_value
 	const CHIKORITA  ; 98
 	const CELEBI     ; fb
+	const MUNCHLAX   ; fc
 NUM_POKEMON EQU const_value + -1
-	const MON_FC     ; fc
 	const EGG        ; fd
 	const MON_FE     ; fe

Some things to notice here:

  • Species constants are in national dex order; in fact, they're used as Pokédex IDs, so Munchlax is going to appear as #252.
  • JOHTO_POKEMON is defined right before the first Johto Pokémon, and NUM_POKEMON is defined right after the last non-Egg Pokémon.
  • There are a lot of data tables associated with Pokémon species! We'll go over them one by one.

2. Give it a name

Edit data/pokemon/names.asm:

 	db "CELEBI@@@@"
-	db "?????@@@@@"
+	db "MUNCHLAX@@"
 	db "EGG@@@@@@@"
 	db "?????@@@@@"
 	db "?????@@@@@"
 	db "?????@@@@@"

All the names are exactly 10 characters long, with "@" as padding. Names that are 10 characters long anyway, like "CHARMELEON", don't have any padding.

(Aside: if you make names lowercase, be careful—going from "FARFETCH'D" to "Farfetch'd" will lower the character count by 1 since "'d" is a single character, so that would need to become "Farfetch'd@".)

3. Define its base data

Edit data/pokemon/base_stats.asm:

 INCLUDE "data/pokemon/base_stats/bulbasaur.asm"
 INCLUDE "data/pokemon/base_stats/celebi.asm"
+INCLUDE "data/pokemon/base_stats/munchlax.asm"

Then create data/pokemon/base_stats/munchlax.asm; you can start with data/pokemon/base_stats/snorlax.asm as a guide.

There's a lot of base data here:

+	db MUNCHLAX ; 252
+	db 135,  85,  40,   5,  40,  85
+	;   hp  atk  def  spd  sat  sdf
+	db NORMAL, NORMAL ; type
+	db 50 ; catch rate
+	db 94 ; base exp
+	db GENDER_F12_5 ; gender ratio
+	db 100 ; unknown 1
+	db 40 ; step cycles to hatch
+	db 5 ; unknown 2
+	INCBIN "gfx/pokemon/munchlax/front.dimensions"
+	db 0, 0, 0, 0 ; padding
+	db GROWTH_SLOW ; growth rate
+	dn EGG_NONE, EGG_NONE ; egg groups
+	; tm/hm learnset
+	; end

From top to bottom, what it all means:

  • species: This is just used for declaring which ROM bank the Pokédex entry is stored it. It's arguably a design flaw, since the exact species ID is insignificant, but it's not a big deal; just put the correct species here and move on.
  • base stats: HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, Special Attack, and Special Defense, each from 1 to 255.
  • type: The primary and secondary types. Single-type Pokémon just repeat their type twice.
  • catch rate: A factor in the formula for capturing wild Pokémon. Lower rates are harder to capture. The highest value, 255, is used for common Pokémon like Hoothoot and Rattata; legendaries like Mewtwo and Ho-Oh get as low as 3.
  • base experience yield: A factor in the formula for awarding experience. Higher values give more experience. As usual, since this is a single byte (db), its maximum is 255. (Chansey and Blissey both have 255 base exp.)
  • items: A common item (23% chance) and a rare item (2% chance) that might be held by this Pokémon in the wild.
  • gender ratio: The likelihood that an Egg of this Pokémon will be female. Lower values are more likely to be male, with 0 being 100% male, 254 being 100% female, and 255 being genderless (like Magnemite or Staryu). There are named constants for the few values that get officially used:
    • GENDER_F0: 100% male
    • GENDER_F12_5: 7/8 male, 1/8 female
    • GENDER_F25: 3/4 male, 1/4 female
    • GENDER_F50: 1/2 male, 1/2 female
    • GENDER_F75: 1/4 male, 3/4 female
    • GENDER_F100: 100% female
    • GENDER_UNKNOWN: genderless
  • unknown 1: An unused value that's always 100.
  • step cycles to hatch: How many step cycles it takes for an Egg of this Pokémon to hatch. Each step cycle is 256 steps long.
  • unknown 2: An unused value that's always 5.
  • front.dimensions: The size of the Pokémon's front sprite. The front.dimensions file contains a single byte that's one of three valid values: $55 for a 40x40-pixel (5x5-tile) sprite, $66 for 48x48 pixels (6x6 tiles), or $77 for 56x56 pixels (7x7 tiles). It's automatically generated from the front.png sprite image (we'll get to this later).
  • padding: Four unused bytes that are always 0s.
  • growth rate: The formula that's used to determine experience point thresholds for reaching each level. (The formula coefficients are defined in data/growth_rates.asm.) Valid values:
    • GROWTH_MEDIUM_FAST: exp = L³ (1,000,000 exp = level 100)
    • GROWTH_SLIGHTLY_FAST: exp = (3/4)L³ + 10L² − 30 (849,970 exp = level 100); unused
    • GROWTH_SLIGHTLY_SLOW: exp = (3/4)L³ + 20L² − 70 (949,930 exp = level 100); unused
    • GROWTH_MEDIUM_SLOW: exp = (6/5)L³ − 15L² + 100L − 140 (1,059,860 exp = level 100)
    • GROWTH_FAST: exp = (4/5)L³ (800,000 exp = level 100)
    • GROWTH_SLOW: exp = (5/4)L³ (1,250,000 exp = level 100)
  • egg groups: The two egg groups this Pokémon is in. Two Pokémon have to share an Egg group to breed. The 15 valid Egg groups (including EGG_NONE for sterile Pokémon like babies and legendaries) are defined in constants/pokemon_data_constants.asm.
  • TM/HM learnset: A list of which TMs, HMs, and tutor moves this Pokémon can learn, passed to the tmhm macro. Valid values are defined in constants/item_constants.asm with the add_tm, add_hm, and add_mt macros.

4. Define its evolutions and level-up learnset

Edit data/pokemon/evos_attacks_pointers.asm:

 EvosAttacksPointers:: ; 0x425b1
 	dw BulbasaurEvosAttacks
 	dw CelebiEvosAttacks
+	dw MunchlaxEvosAttacks
 ; 0x427a7

Then edit data/pokemon/evos_attacks.asm:

+	db 0 ; no more evolutions
+	db 1, TACKLE
+	db 8, AMNESIA
+	db 22, BELLY_DRUM
+	db 29, HEADBUTT
+	db 36, SCREECH
+	db 36, REST
+	db 43, BODY_SLAM
+	db 50, ROLLOUT
+	db 57, HYPER_BEAM
+	db 0 ; no more level-up moves

The comment at the top of evos_attacks.asm explains the data structure:

; Evos+attacks data structure:
; - Evolution methods:
;    * db EVOLVE_LEVEL, level, species
;    * db EVOLVE_ITEM, used item, species
;    * db EVOLVE_TRADE, held item (or -1 for none), species
;    * db EVOLVE_HAPPINESS, TR_* constant (ANYTIME, MORNDAY, NITE), species
;    * db EVOLVE_STAT, level, ATK_*_DEF constant (LT, GT, EQ), species
; - db 0 ; no more evolutions
; - Learnset (in increasing level order):
;    * db level, move
; - db 0 ; no more level-up moves

Munchlax evolves into Snorlax through happiness; and its level-up moves are copied from Snorlax, with a couple replacements (Metronome and Screech).

Note that the order of the EvosAttacksPointers matters, since the entries pair up with the species constants, but the EvosAttacks data is unordered. I just put Munchlax's data at the end of the file.

5. Define its egg moves

Edit data/pokemon/egg_move_pointers.asm:

 EggMovePointers:: ; 0x23b11
 	dw BulbasaurEggMoves
 	dw AerodactylEggMoves
-	dw SnorlaxEggMoves
+	dw NoEggMoves
 	dw NoEggMoves
 	dw NoEggMoves
+	dw MunchlaxEggMoves
 ; 0x23d07

Then edit data/pokemon/egg_moves.asm:

 	db LICK
-	db CHARM
 	db -1 ; end

Note that since Snorlax will now lay Munchlax eggs, it doesn't need Egg moves of its own, and its set of Egg moves can just be reused for Munchlax. Like the level-up moves, this data is unordered, since the EggMovePointers table is used to access particular sets.

6. Define its cry

Edit data/pokemon/cries.asm:

 PokemonCries:: ; f2787
 ; entries correspond to constants/pokemon_constants.asm
 	mon_cry CRY_BULBASAUR,   $080,  $081 ; BULBASAUR
 	mon_cry CRY_ENTEI,       $14a,  $111 ; CELEBI
-	mon_cry CRY_NIDORAN_M,      0,     0 ; 252
+	mon_cry CRY_GRIMER,      $065,  $080 ; MUNCHLAX
 	mon_cry CRY_NIDORAN_M,      0,     0 ; 253
 	mon_cry CRY_NIDORAN_M,      0,     0 ; 254
 	mon_cry CRY_NIDORAN_M,      0,     0 ; 255

The three values passed to mon_cry are a cry index, a pitch, and a length. Defining your own cries is similar to writing original music, and well beyond the scope of this tutorial. So just pick a cry from constants/cry_constants.asm and tweak the pitch and length until it sounds okay. I simply copied Snorlax's cry for Munchlax, with a slightly higher pitch and shorter length.

7. Define its icon

Edit data/pokemon/menu_icons.asm:

 MonMenuIcons: ; 8eac4
 ; 8ebbf

Valid icons are in constants/icon_constants.asm. They're used in the party menu and Day-Care.

If you want a custom icon, you can define a new ICON_* constant, create a two-frame icon PNG in gfx/icons, INCBIN it as a 2bpp in gfx/icons.asm, and update the corresponding pointer table in data/icon_pointers.asm. Note that you can't simply add a unique icon for each Pokémon because they're all in one bank, and that's only large enough for 128 icons, not 251+. Updating the code to allow loading icons from multiple banks is left as an exercise for the reader (for now).

8. Define its Pokédex entry

Edit data/pokemon/dex_entry_pointers.asm:

 PokedexDataPointerTable: ; 0x44378
 ; entries correspond to constants/pokemon_constants.asm
 	dw BulbasaurPokedexEntry
 	dw CelebiPokedexEntry
+	dw MunchlaxPokedexEntry
 ; 0x4456e

Then edit data/pokemon/dex_entries.asm:

 SECTION "Pokedex Entries 193-251", ROMX

 YanmaPokedexEntry::      INCLUDE "data/pokemon/dex_entries/yanma.asm"
 CelebiPokedexEntry::     INCLUDE "data/pokemon/dex_entries/celebi.asm"
+MunchlaxPokedexEntry::   INCLUDE "data/pokemon/dex_entries/munchlax.asm"

Each of the four sections in dex_entries.asm holds 64 Pokédex entries. Each section is in a different ROM bank, decided by which range the Pokémon's species ID is in: 1–64, 65–128, 129–192, or 193–256. The order of entries within each section doesn't actually matter, since they're accessed directly via PokedexDataPointerTable, but avoid confusion and just keep them in numerical order.

Create data/pokemon/dex_entries/munchlax.asm:

+	db "BIG EATER@" ; species name
+	dw 200, 2315 ; height, weight
+	db   "In its desperation"
+	next "to gulp down food,"
+	next "it forgets about"
+	page "the food it has"
+	next "hidden under its"
+	next "fur.@"
  • The species name can be up to 10 characters (technically 11 will still fit in the Pokédex window). Be sure to end it with a "@".
  • The height and weight values are in imperial units. 200 = 2 feet 0 inches; 2315 = 231.5 pounds.
  • The entry text is in two pages; the first starts with db, the second with page. Each page can fit three lines with 18 characters each. Here it's visual size that matters—"#MON" counts as 7 characters because it prints as "POKéMON". Again, be sure to end it with a "@".

Now the Pokédex entry exists, and will be listed correctly in "Old Pokédex Mode" (the Gen 2 equivalent of national order). But we need to define the new Pokémon's place in "New Pokédex Mode (regional order) and "A to Z Mode" (alphabetical order).

Edit data/pokemon/dex_order_new.asm:

 NewPokedexOrder: ; 0x40d60
 ; 0x40e5b

Then edit data/pokemon/dex_order_new.asm:

 AlphabeticalPokedexOrder: ; 0x40c65
 	db ABRA
 	db MUK
 	db ZUBAT
 ; 0x40d60

That's all for the Pokédex.

9. Define its footprint

Edit gfx/footprints.asm:

 ; Footprints are 2x2 tiles each, but are stored as a 16x64-tile image
 ; (32 rows of 8 footprints per row).
 ; That means there's a row of the top two tiles for eight footprints,
 ; then a row of the bottom two tiles for those eight footprints.
 ; These macros help extract the first and the last two tiles, respectively.
 footprint_top    EQUS "0,                 2 * LEN_1BPP_TILE"
 footprint_bottom EQUS "2 * LEN_1BPP_TILE, 2 * LEN_1BPP_TILE"
 ; Entries correspond to Pokémon species, two apiece, 8 tops then 8 bottoms
 ; 249-256 top halves
 INCBIN "gfx/footprints/lugia.1bpp",      footprint_top
 INCBIN "gfx/footprints/ho_oh.1bpp",      footprint_top
 INCBIN "gfx/footprints/celebi.1bpp",     footprint_top
-INCBIN "gfx/footprints/252.1bpp",        footprint_top
+INCBIN "gfx/footprints/munchlax.1bpp",   footprint_top
 INCBIN "gfx/footprints/253.1bpp",        footprint_top
 INCBIN "gfx/footprints/254.1bpp",        footprint_top
 INCBIN "gfx/footprints/255.1bpp",        footprint_top
 INCBIN "gfx/footprints/256.1bpp",        footprint_top
 ; 249-256 bottom halves
 INCBIN "gfx/footprints/lugia.1bpp",      footprint_bottom
 INCBIN "gfx/footprints/ho_oh.1bpp",      footprint_bottom
 INCBIN "gfx/footprints/celebi.1bpp",     footprint_bottom
-INCBIN "gfx/footprints/252.1bpp",        footprint_bottom
+INCBIN "gfx/footprints/munchlax.1bpp",   footprint_bottom
 INCBIN "gfx/footprints/253.1bpp",        footprint_bottom
 INCBIN "gfx/footprints/254.1bpp",        footprint_bottom
 INCBIN "gfx/footprints/255.1bpp",        footprint_bottom
 INCBIN "gfx/footprints/256.1bpp",        footprint_bottom

Notice how the footprints are broken into top and bottom halves; you may want to correct this design flaw. (It won't have a visible consequence on the game, but it makes for cleaner code and data.)

Create gfx/footprints/munchlax.png:


Running make will automatically create munchlax.1bpp from munchlax.png. Since it's a 1bpp file (one bit per pixel) you can only use black and white in the image.

10. Define its sprites and animation

This is a bit complicated. We need a front sprite with an animation sequence; a back sprite; and normal and shiny color palettes for both.

Create gfx/pokemon/munchlax/front.png:


And gfx/pokemon/munchlax/back.png:


front.png is a vertical strip of unique animation frames. Frames are all the same size; valid sizes are 40x40, 48x48, or 56x56. Here we have five frames, each 48x48 pixels. back.png is always 48x48. Both sprites have to use the same four colors: white, black, and the same two arbitrary hues.

Next create gfx/pokemon/munchlax/anim.asm:

+	frame 0, 08
+	frame 1, 08
+	frame 0, 08
+	frame 2, 24
+	frame 3, 08
+	frame 4, 08
+	frame 3, 08
+	frame 3, 08
+	frame 0, 16
+	endanim

And gfx/pokemon/munchlax/anim_idle.asm:

+	frame 1, 08
+	frame 0, 08
+	frame 1, 08
+	endanim

anim.asm defines the main sprite animation sequence; anim_idle.asm defines an extra one that gets played in some contexts (notably not when a Pokémon is encountered in battle). A full description of the animation script commands is at docs/

This Munchlax animation was designed by SCMidna. But you're more likely to have a single static front sprite than a whole animated sequence of frames. In that case, you can save the one sprite as front.png (so it will be a single square frame, not a vertical strip of them), and just put endanim as the full contents of anim.asm and anim_idle.asm.

Now create gfx/pokemon/munchlax/shiny.pal:

+	RGB 22, 22, 12
+	RGB 07, 15, 25

These two colors will be used for shiny Munchlax, along with the standard black and white. The lighter color should come first.

When you make the ROM, a number of sprite-related files will be automatically generated for you:

  • normal.pal: Like shiny.pal, but with the normal colors, derived from front.png.
  • front.dimensions: The size of the still sprite from front.png.
  • front.animated.2bpp.lz: The compressed tiles needed to animate the sprite. Animation frames tend to have lots of duplicate tiles, since only parts of a Pokémon move at a time, so each unique tile only exists once.
  • bitmask.asm: A sequence of masks that define which spots in each frame are changed from the still sprite.
  • frames.asm: A sequence of lists that declare the tile IDs with which to fill in the changed spots in each frame.

There are two main reasons to pay attention to these auto-generated files. One, you want to make sure that normal.pal got its colors in the right order, and have shiny.pal match it. Two, if your animation appears corrupt, you want to make sure that frames.asm isn't using too high tile IDs. A 40x40 sprite can use IDs $00 to $31; a 48x48 sprite can use up to $47; a 56x56 sprite can use up to $61. If you see IDs above those limits, edit your front.png frames so they use fewer unique tiles.

Anyway, all that's left is to INCLUDE and point to to the new data!

11. Include and point to the sprite and animation data

Edit data/pokemon/pic_pointers.asm:

 ; entries correspond to Pokémon species, two apiece
 	dba_pic BulbasaurFrontpic
 	dba_pic BulbasaurBackpic
 	dba_pic CelebiFrontpic
 	dba_pic CelebiBackpic
-	dbw -1, -1 ; unused
-	dbw -1, -1 ; unused
+	dba_pic MunchlaxFrontpic
+	dba_pic MunchlaxBackpic
 	dba_pic EggPic
 	dbw -1, -1 ; unused

We have to use dba_pic here instead of a standard dba—declaring the bank and address of MunchlaxFrontpic and MunchlaxBackpic—because of another design flaw. I strongly recommend removing the whole FixPicBank routine from engine/gfx/load_pics.asm, including both calls to it in that file, and just using dba here; then you'll be able to INCBIN sprites in arbitrary banks.

Edit gfx/pics.asm:

 SECTION "Pics 19", ROMX

-; Seems to be an accidental copy of the previous bank
-INCBIN "gfx/pokemon/spinarak/back.2bpp.lz"
-INCBIN "gfx/pokemon/unown_r/back.2bpp.lz"
+MunchlaxFrontpic: INCBIN "gfx/pokemon/munchlax/front.animated.2bpp.lz"
+MunchlaxBackpic:  INCBIN "gfx/pokemon/munchlax/back.2bpp.lz"

(If you don't fix the dba_pic design flaw, you'll have to put your sprites in the "Pics" sections, which are compatible with dba_pic. "Pics 19" isn't used for anything useful—all its contents are unused duplicates of "Pics 18"—so it's the easiest place to start adding new sprites. But if you have a lot of new sprites to add, you risk overflowing the banks, and it's hard to fit sprites within fixed bank limits. By using just dba, you can create new SECTIONs with a few sprites each, that will automatically be placed wherever they can fit in the ROM.)

Edit data/pokemon/palettes.asm:

 PokemonPalettes: ; a8ce
 ; entries correspond to Pokémon species, two apiece
 ; 000
 	RGB 30, 22, 17
 	RGB 16, 14, 19
 ; 000 shiny
 	RGB 30, 22, 17
 	RGB 16, 14, 19
 INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/bulbasaur/normal.pal"
 INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/bulbasaur/shiny.pal"
 INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/celebi/normal.pal"
 INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/celebi/shiny.pal"
-; 252
-	RGB 30, 26, 11
-	RGB 23, 16, 00
-; 252 shiny
-	RGB 30, 26, 11
-	RGB 23, 16, 00
+INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/munchlax/normal.pal"
+INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/munchlax/shiny.pal"
 INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/egg/normal.pal"
 INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/egg/shiny.pal"
 ; 254
 	RGB 30, 26, 11
 	RGB 23, 16, 00
 ; 254 shiny
 	RGB 30, 26, 11
 	RGB 23, 16, 00
 ; 255
 	RGB 23, 23, 23
 	RGB 17, 17, 17
 ; 255 shiny
 	RGB 23, 23, 23
 	RGB 17, 17, 17
 ; b0ce

Edit gfx/pokemon/anim_pointers.asm:

 	dw BulbasaurAnimation
 	dw CelebiAnimation
+	dw MunchlaxAnimation

Edit gfx/pokemon/anims.asm:

 BulbasaurAnimation:  INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/bulbasaur/anim.asm"
 CelebiAnimation:     INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/celebi/anim.asm"
+MunchlaxAnimation:   INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/munchlax/anim.asm"
 EggAnimation:        INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/egg/anim.asm"

Edit gfx/pokemon/idle_pointers.asm:

 	dw BulbasaurAnimationIdle
 	dw CelebiAnimationIdle
+	dw MunchlaxAnimationIdle

Edit gfx/pokemon/idles.asm:

 BulbasaurAnimationIdle:  INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/bulbasaur/anim_idle.asm"
 CelebiAnimationIdle:     INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/celebi/anim_idle.asm"
+MunchlaxAnimationIdle:   INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/munchlax/anim_idle.asm"
 EggAnimationIdle:        INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/egg/anim_idle.asm"

Edit gfx/pokemon/bitmask_pointers.asm:

 	dw BulbasaurBitmasks
 	dw CelebiBitmasks
+	dw MunchlaxBitmasks

Edit gfx/pokemon/bitmasks.asm:

 BulbasaurBitmasks:  INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/bulbasaur/bitmask.asm"
 CelebiBitmasks:     INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/celebi/bitmask.asm"
+MunchlaxBitmasks:   INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/munchlax/bitmask.asm"
 EggBitmasks:        INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/egg/bitmask.asm"

Edit gfx/pokemon/frame_pointers.asm:

	dw BulbasaurFrames
	dw CelebiFrames
+	dw MunchlaxFrames

Finally, edit gfx/pokemon/johto_frames.asm:

ChikoritaFrames:  INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/chikorita/frames.asm"
CelebiFrames:     INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/celebi/frames.asm"
+MunchlaxFrames:   INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/munchlax/frames.asm"
EggFrames:        INCLUDE "gfx/pokemon/egg/frames.asm"

Note that we edited johto_frames.asm, not kanto_frames.asm, because MUNCHLAX comes after JOHTO_POKEMON in constants/pokemon_constants.asm.

That's it—we're done! Munchlax works just like every other Pokémon.


12. Adding up to 253 Pokémon


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