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Lose money proportional to badges and level

Rangi edited this page Apr 8, 2019 · 7 revisions

In RBY, GSC, and RSE, if you lost a battle you would simply lose half of your money. Starting in FRLG, you lose an amount proportional to how many badges you have and the maximum level of your party Pokémon. This tutorial ports that feature to pokecrystal.

(The code for this feature was adapted from Twitch Plays Pokémon: Anniversary Crystal.)


  1. Prepare to print how much money you lost in wild and trainer battles
  2. Save whether the battle was with a trainer or a wild Pokémon
  3. Implement the Gen 3+ money loss formula

1. Prepare to print how much money you lost in wild and trainer battles

Edit data/text/common_2.asm:

 	text "<PLAYER> is out of"
 	line "useable #MON!"

 	para "<PLAYER> whited"
 	line "out!"
+	text "<PLAYER> is out of"
+	line "useable #MON!"
+	para "<PLAYER> panicked"
+	line "and dropped"
+	cont "¥@"
+	text_decimal hMoneyTemp, 3, 6
+	text "…"
+	para "<……><……><……>"
+	line "<……><……><……>"
+	para "<PLAYER> whited"
+	line "out!"
+	done
+	text "<PLAYER> is out of"
+	line "useable #MON!"
+	para "<PLAYER> paid"
+	line "¥@"
+	text_decimal hMoneyTemp, 3, 6
+	text " to the"
+	cont "winner…"
+	para "<……><……><……>"
+	line "<……><……><……>"
+	para "<PLAYER> whited"
+	line "out!"
+	done

2. Save whether the battle was with a trainer or a wild Pokémon

Edit wram.asm:

-	ds 1
+wWildBattlePanic:: db
 wWildEncounterCooldown:: db ; d452
 wXYComparePointer:: dw ; d453
 	ds 4

 wBattleScriptFlags:: dw ; d459

And edit engine/overworld/scripting.asm:

 ; script command 0x60
 	ld hl, wBattleScriptFlags
 	ld d, [hl]
 	ld [hl], 0
+	ld hl, wWildBattlePanic
+	ld [hl], d

We have to cache the value of [wBattleScriptFlags] in [wWildBattlePanic] since [wBattleScriptFlags] gets reset to 0 here.

3. Implement the Gen 3+ money loss formula

Edit engine/events/whiteout.asm:

+	iftrue .bug_contest
+	callasm LoseWhiteOutMoney
+	iffalse .plain_whiteout_text
+	callasm CheckWildBattlePanic
+	iffalse .wild_whiteout_text
+	writetext .WhitedOutToTrainerText
+	sjump .text_done
+	writetext .WhitedOutToWildMonText
+	sjump .text_done
 	writetext .WhitedOutText
 	special FadeOutPalettes
 	pause 40
 	special HealParty
-	iftrue .bug_contest
-	callasm HalveMoney
 	callasm GetWhiteoutSpawn
 	farscall Script_AbortBugContest
 	special WarpToSpawnPoint
 	newloadmap MAPSETUP_WARP
+	writetext .WhitedOutText
+	waitbutton
+	special FadeOutPalettes
+	pause 40
+	special HealParty
 	jumpstd bugcontestresultswarp
 	; is out of useable #MON!  whited out!
 	text_far UnknownText_0x1c0a4e
+	text_far _WhitedOutToWildMonText
+	text_end
+	text_far _WhitedOutToTrainerText
+	text_end

Here we determine which message to print. Note that we don't lose any money during the Bug-Catching Contest.

-	farcall StubbedTrainerRankings_WhiteOuts
-; Halve the player's money.
-	ld hl, wMoney
-	ld a, [hl]
-	srl a
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	rra
-	ld [hli], a
-	ld a, [hl]
-	rra
-	ld [hl], a
-	ret
+; Lose money proportional to your badges and highest-level Pokémon.
+	ld hl, wMoney
+; Check if you have any money
+	ld a, [hli]
+	or [hl]
+	inc hl
+	or [hl]
+	jr z, .done
+; Count your badges (capped at 8)
+	ld hl, wBadges
+	ld b, 2
+	call CountSetBits
+	cp 9
+	jr c, .got_badge_count
+	ld c, 8
+; Get the payout factor for your badge count
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, .PayoutBadgeFactors
+	add hl, bc
+	ld a, [hl]
+	ldh [hMultiplier], a
+; Get your highest party mon level
+	ld a, [wPartyCount]
+	ld c, a
+	ld hl, wPartyMon1Level
+	ld a, [hl]
+	cp b
+	jr c, .next
+	ld b, a
+	add hl, de
+	dec c
+	jr nz, .loop
+; Multiply the badge factor by the max level
+	xor a
+	ldh [hMultiplicand + 0], a
+	ldh [hMultiplicand + 1], a
+	ld a, b
+	ldh [hMultiplicand + 2], a
+	call Multiply
+; Save the amount (capped at your total) in hMoneyTemp to print
+	ld de, hMoneyTemp
+	ld hl, hProduct + 1
+	ld bc, 3
+	call CopyBytes
+	ld de, wMoney
+	ld bc, hMoneyTemp
+	push bc
+	push de
+	farcall CompareMoney
+	jr nc, .not_enough
+	ld hl, wMoney
+	ld de, hMoneyTemp
+	ld bc, 3
+	call CopyBytes
+	pop de
+	pop bc
+	farcall TakeMoney
+; Return TRUE in [wScriptVar] if you had any money to lose
+	ld a, TRUE
+	ld [wScriptVar], a
+	ret
+	db   8 ; 0
+	db  16 ; 1
+	db  24 ; 2
+	db  36 ; 3
+	db  48 ; 4
+	db  64 ; 5
+	db  80 ; 6
+	db 100 ; 7
+	db 120 ; 8+
+	ld hl, wWildBattlePanic
+	ld a, [hl]
+	and 1
+	ld [wScriptVar], a
+	xor a
+	ld [hl], a
+	ret

The HalveMoney routine is completely replaced by LoseWhiteOutMoney, and we also implement CheckWildBattlePanic for use in Script_Whiteout. It makes use of various helper routines that already exist, like CountSetBits and CompareMoney, so we don't have to do everything in raw assembly instructions.

(Note that in Gen 3 and 4 the base payout for five badges was ¥60, not ¥64.)


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