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Remove the redundant move grammar table

Rangi edited this page Nov 11, 2018 · 9 revisions

In Japanese, there are five ways to say "POKéMON used MOVE!":

  • "POKéMONの MOVE つかった!" ("POKéMON used MOVE!")
  • "POKéMONの MOVEした!" ("POKéMON did MOVE!")
  • "POKéMONの MOVE した!" ("POKéMON did MOVE!" for long move names)
  • "POKéMONの MOVE こうげき!" ("POKéMON's MOVE attack!")
  • "POKéMONの MOVE!" ("POKéMON's MOVE!")

These are all redundant in the English localization. This tutorial will show you how to remove them, which saves space and simplifies the code.


  1. Delete the MoveGrammar table
  2. Simplify the move text
  3. Simplify the text printer

1. Delete the MoveGrammar table

Simply delete data/moves/grammar.asm.

2. Simplify the move text

Edit data/text/common_2.asm:

 	text "<USER>@@"

 	line "used @@"
-	text_start
-	line "used @@"

	text "instead,"
	cont "@@"

	text_from_ram wStringBuffer2
-	db "@@"
-	text "!"
-	done
-	text "!"
-	done
-	text "!"
-	done
-	text "!"
-	done
 	text "!"

3. Simplify the text printer

Edit engine/battle/used_move_text.asm:

 ; this is a stream of text and asm from 105db9 to 105ef6
 	text_far _ActorNameText
 	ldh a, [hBattleTurn]
 	and a
 	jr nz, .start
 	ld a, [wPlayerMoveStruct + MOVE_ANIM]
 	call UpdateUsedMoves
 	call GetBattleVarAddr
 	ld d, h
 	ld e, l
 	call GetBattleVarAddr
 	call GetBattleVar
-	ld [wMoveGrammar], a
+	ld [wTempByteValue], a
 	push hl
 	farcall CheckUserIsCharging
 	pop hl
-	jr nz, .grammar
+	jr nz, .ok

 	; update last move
-	ld a, [wMoveGrammar]
+	ld a, [wTempByteValue]
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld [de], a

-	call GetMoveGrammar
-; wMoveGrammar now contains MoveGrammar
-; everything except 'instead' made redundant in localization
-	; check obedience
-	ld a, [wAlreadyDisobeyed]
-	and a
-	ld hl, UsedMove2Text
-	ret nz
-	; check move grammar
-	ld a, [wMoveGrammar]
-	cp $3
-	ld hl, UsedMove2Text
-	ret c
-	ld hl, UsedMove1Text
+	ld hl, UsedMoveInsteadText

-	text_far _UsedMove1Text
-	start_asm
-	jr UsedMoveText_CheckObedience
-	text_far _UsedMove2Text
+	text_far _UsedMoveText
 ; check obedience
 	ld a, [wAlreadyDisobeyed]
 	and a
 	jr z, .GetMoveNameText
 ; print "instead,"
 	ld hl, .UsedInsteadText
 	text_far _UsedInsteadText
 	ld hl, MoveNameText
 	text_far _MoveNameText
-	start_asm
-; get start address
-	ld hl, .endusedmovetexts
-; get move id
-	ld a, [wMoveGrammar]
-; 2-byte pointer
-	add a
-; seek
-	push bc
-	ld b, $0
-	ld c, a
-	add hl, bc
-	pop bc
-; get pointer to usedmovetext ender
-	ld a, [hli]
-	ld h, [hl]
-	ld l, a
-	ret
-; entries correspond to MoveGrammar sets
-	dw EndUsedMove1Text
-	dw EndUsedMove2Text
-	dw EndUsedMove3Text
-	dw EndUsedMove4Text
-	dw EndUsedMove5Text
-	text_far _EndUsedMove1Text
-	db "@"
-	text_far _EndUsedMove2Text
-	db "@"
-	text_far _EndUsedMove3Text
-	db "@"
-	text_far _EndUsedMove4Text
-	db "@"
-	text_far _EndUsedMove5Text
	db "@"
-; store move grammar type in wMoveGrammar
-	push bc
-; wMoveGrammar contains move id
-	ld a, [wMoveGrammar]
-	ld c, a ; move id
-	ld b, 0 ; grammar index
-; read grammar table
-	ld hl, MoveGrammar
-	ld a, [hli]
-; end of table?
-	cp -1
-	jr z, .end
-; match?
-	cp c
-	jr z, .end
-; advance grammar type at 0
-	and a
-	jr nz, .loop
-; next grammar type
-	inc b
-	jr .loop
-; wMoveGrammar now contains move grammar
-	ld a, b
-	ld [wMoveGrammar], a
-; we're done
-	pop bc
-	ret
-INCLUDE "data/moves/grammar.asm"

(If you're using an older version of pokecrystal that has wd265 instead of wMoveGrammar, you don't need to replace wd265 with wTempByteValue, but do need to make the other changes.)

Now moves will still print correctly, but without wasting time and space on using certain grammar.


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