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Ebernacher90 edited this page Dec 27, 2019 · 11 revisions

How To Add A New Item

This tutorial will go over how to add a new normal item. As an example, we'll be adding the pearl.


  1. Define a ITEM Constant
  2. Give the ITEM a Name
  3. Give the ITEM a Price
  4. Give the ITEM a effect

1. Define a ITEM Constant

Edit constants/item_constants.asm:

     const_value = 1

	const MASTER_BALL   ; $01
	const ULTRA_BALL    ; $02
	const GREAT_BALL    ; $03
        const FLOOR_B4F     ; $61
+       const PEARL         ; $62

2. Give the ITEM a Name

Edit text/item_names.asm:

       db "MASTER BALL@"
       db "ULTRA BALL@"
       db "B4F@"
+      db "PEARL@"

3. Give the ITEM a Price

Edit data/item_prices.asm:

       money 0     ; MASTER_BALL
       money 1200  ; ULTRA_BALL
       money 0     ; FLOOR_B4F
+      money 1400  ; PEARL

4. Give the ITEM a effect

Edit engine/item/items.asm:

	       ld a, 1
	       ld [wActionResultOrTookBattleTurn], a ; initialise to success value
	       dw ItemUseBall       ; MASTER_BALL
	       dw ItemUseBall       ; ULTRA_BALL
               dw ItemUsePPRestore  ; MAX_ELIXER
+              dw UnusableItem      ; FLOOR_B2F
+              dw UnusableItem      ; FLOOR_B1F
+              dw UnusableItem      ; FLOOR_1F
+              dw UnusableItem      ; FLOOR_2F
+              dw UnusableItem      ; FLOOR_3F
+              dw UnusableItem      ; FLOOR_4F
+              dw UnusableItem      ; FLOOR_5F
+              dw UnusableItem      ; FLOOR_6F
+              dw UnusableItem      ; FLOOR_7F
+              dw UnusableItem      ; FLOOR_8F
+              dw UnusableItem      ; FLOOR_9F
+              dw UnusableItem      ; FLOOR_10F
+              dw UnusableItem      ; FLOOR_11F
+              dw UnusableItem      ; FLOOR_B4F
+              dw UnusableItem      ; PEARL

And that's it! You've added a new normal ITEM into the game.