This demo project offer a simple Object oriented implementation of a calculator with only the four basic operations. As it is a Java EE application, the operation are logged in a Derby database to offer a persistence layer for the demonstration. A REST API offer the possibility to submit operation to solve and another one to retrieve the logged operations submitted.
- Java 7+
- Maven 3.1
- Run the application via maven with
MAVEN_OPTS=-XX:MaxPermSize=256m mvn clean install
in project folder. This will start the embedded Glassfish Server.
Note: The MaxPermSize is to let Maven to run Glassfish Embedded and the demo application.
- You will the possibility to send an operation on
POST http://localhost:8282/jee-stack/api/calculator
. There is an example of a sendable payload:
"type": "add",
"left": 2,
"rightOperation": {
"type": "sub",
"left": 10,
"rightOperation": {
"type": "mul",
"leftOperation": {
"type": "div",
"left": 15,
"right": 3
"right": 4
The result of this operation should be:
"result": -8
You can see that we have only add
, mul
, div
and sub
operations. An operation can be simple integers for left
or right
or it can be other operation as leftOperation
and rightOperation
- You can retrieve the list of all submitted operations by calling
GET http://localhost:8282/jee-stack/api/calculator
. There is an example of the result retrieved:
"id": 1,
"executionDate": 1445416786522,
"result": -8,
"operation": "( 2 + ( 10 - ( ( 15 / 3 ) * 4 ) ) )"
- So the application is not so complex but already contained:
- Persistence layer (DAO)
- Business services layer
- Converter layer
- Transfer objects (TO)
- REST API layer
And nothing is automated tested at this stage.
Note: In this demo, we also re-use another demo. The Probe Dock Demo JUnit. Therefore, the Operation
part is already unit tested in this project.
- The project probedock-demo-jee-stack-unit will introduce the unit tests.