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64 lines (45 loc) · 2.52 KB


The Nix package derivation is currently defined for all default systems, and it can be integrated into NixOS and Home-Manager configurations as below.


Here's how to reference the package derivation (and explicitly pin it) in your flake.nix:

  inputs.gauntlet.url = github:project-gauntlet/gauntlet/<gauntlet_version_repository_tag>;
  inputs.gauntlet.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

The package can then be referenced directly with gauntlet.packages.${system}.default or integrated as an overlay with gauntlet.overlays.default.


Under programs.gauntlet, the options provide the following:

  1. enable: adds executable to system path
  2. service.enable: runs daemon with systemd (MacOS launchd not yet supported)

The examples below assume flake inputs are passed to nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem and home-manager.lib.mkHomeManagerConfiguration respectively as inputs parameter.


{inputs, ...}: {
  imports = [inputs.gauntlet.nixosModules.default];
  programs.gauntlet = {
    enable = true;
    service.enable = true;


Once config.toml is supported, Home-Manager can populate its contents with programs.gauntlet.config.

{inputs, ...}: {
  imports = [inputs.gauntlet.homeManagerModules.default];
  programs.gauntlet = {
    enable = true;
    service.enable = true;
    config = {};


When updating dependencies or bumping the project version, please follow these steps to adjust the relevant values at the top of ./nix/overlay.nix:

  1. If there is a new package release, set version to that upcoming version tag.
  2. If package-lock.json has changed, set npmDepsHash to "" and rebuild with nix build, copying the actual value back into npmDepsHash. This is necessary for fetchNpmDeps because importNpmLock doesn't work with git:// dependencies like for @project-gauntlet/tools.
  3. If Cargo.lock has changed, run nix run .#fetch-rusty-v8-hashes and replace RUSTY_V8_ARCHIVE as instructed if different. Because building librusty_v8 takes forever, we follow nixpkgs precedent and fetch binaries in a fixed-output-derivation.

When making any changes to nix code, please format with nix fmt when done.

When running the project in development, .#devShells.default will provide access to all repository tooling. You can access this by running nix develop, or direnv allow if you have direnv + nix-direnv.