Go CLI gathering statistics around the distribution of types, average number of buckets (and more) across your Prometheus metrics/series.
The main usage allows to take resource (from stdin, file or HTTP /metrics endpoint) and calculate type statistics e.g.:
go install github.com/prometheus-community/avalanche/cmd/mtypes@latest # or locally: alias mtypes="go run ./cmd/mtypes"
$ mtypes -resource=http://localhost:9090/metrics
$ mtypes -resource=./cmd/mtypes/exampleprometheustarget.txt
$ cat ./cmd/mtypes/exampleprometheustarget.txt | mtypes
Metric Type Metric Families Series (adjusted) Series (adjusted) % Average Buckets/Objectives
GAUGE 76 93 (93) 31.958763 (16.909091) -
COUNTER 96 157 (157) 53.951890 (28.545455) -
HISTOGRAM 8 14 (186) 4.810997 (33.818182) 11.285714
SUMMARY 15 27 (114) 9.278351 (20.727273) 2.222222
--- --- --- --- ---
* 195 291 (550) 100.000000 (100.000000) -
NOTE: "Adjusted" series, means actual number of individual series stored in Prometheus. Classic histograms and summaries are stored as a set of counters. This is relevant as the cost of indexing new series is higher than storing complex values (this is why we slowly move to native histograms).
Additionally, you can pass --avalanche-flags-for-adjusted-series=10000
to print Avalanche v0.6.0+ flags to configure, for avalanche to generate metric target with the given amount of adjusted series, while maintaining a similar distribution e.g.
cat ./cmd/mtypes/exampleprometheustarget.txt | mtypes --avalanche-flags-for-adjusted-series=1000
Metric Type Metric Families Series (adjusted) Series (adjusted) % Average Buckets/Objectives
GAUGE 76 93 (93) 31.958763 (16.909091) -
COUNTER 96 157 (157) 53.951890 (28.545455) -
HISTOGRAM 8 14 (186) 4.810997 (33.818182) 11.285714
SUMMARY 15 27 (114) 9.278351 (20.727273) 2.222222
--- --- --- --- ---
* 195 291 (550) 100.000000 (100.000000) -
Avalanche flags for the similar distribution to get to the adjusted series goal of: 1000
--value-interval=300 # Changes values every 5m.
--series-interval=3600 # 1h series churn.
This should give the total adjusted series to: 900