With this extension you can use protobuf types everywhere in @var
, @param
, @return
phpdocs including lists, arrays and array shapes.
The following example will produce no errors:
final class Request
* @param array{id: int32} $info
public function __construct(
public readonly array $info,
) {}
$request = new Request(['id' => 1]);
But if you change id
to a negative number, you get an error from PHPStan:
------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Line ...
------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 Parameter #1 $info of class Request constructor expects array{id: int<0, 4294967295>}, array{id: -1} given.
🪪 argument.type
💡 Offset 'id' (int<0, 4294967295>) does not accept type -1.
PHPDoc Type | PHPStan Type |
int32 |
int<0, 4294967295> |
uint32 |
int<0, 4294967295> |
fixed32 |
int<0, 4294967295> |
sint32 |
int<-2147483648, 2147483647> |
sfixed32 |
int<-2147483648, 2147483647> |
int64 |
int<0, max> |
uint64 |
int<0, max> |
fixed64 |
int<0, max> |
sint64 |
int |
sfixed64 |
int |
bytes |
string |
To use this extension, require it in Composer:
composer require --dev prototype/phpstan-extension
If you also install phpstan/extension-installer then you're all set!
Manual installation
If you don't want to use phpstan/extension-installer
, include extension.neon in your project's PHPStan config:
- vendor/prototype/phpstan-extension/extension.neon