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File metadata and controls

254 lines (213 loc) · 12.7 KB


The role filetree_create is intended to be used as the first step to begin using the Configuration as Code on Ansible Tower or Ansible Automation Platform, when you already have a running instance of any of them. Obviously, you also could start to write your objects as code from scratch, but the idea behind the creation of that role is to simplify your lives and make that task a little bit easier.


This role requires the awx.awx or ansible.controller ansible collection.

Role Variables

The following variables are required for that role to work properly:

Variable Name Default Value Required Type Description
controller_api_plugin ansible.controller yes str Full path for the controller_api_plugin to be used.
Can have two possible values:
  - awx.awx.controller_api # For the community Collection version
  - ansible.controller.controller_api # For the Red Hat Certified Collection version
organization_filter N/A no str Exports only the objects belonging to the specified organization (applies to all the objects that can be assigned to an organization).
organization_id N/A no int Alternative to organization_filter, but specifiying the current organization's ID to filter by. Exports only the objects belonging to the specified organization (applies to all the objects that can be assigned to an organization).
project_id N/A no int Specifiying the project id to filter by. Exports the project belonging to the specified organization.
job_template_id N/A no int Specifiying the job template id to filter by. Exports the job template belonging to the specified organization.
inventory_id N/A no int Specifiying the inventory id to filter by. Exports the inventory belonging to the specified organization.
workflow_job_template_id N/A no int Specifiying the workflow job template id to filter by. Exports the workflow job template belonging to the specified organization.
schedule_id N/A no int Specifiying the schedule id to filter by. Exports the schedule belonging to the specified object.
output_path /tmp/filetree_output yes str The path to the output directory where all the generated yaml files with the corresponding Objects as code will be written to.
input_tag ['all'] no List of Strings The tags which are applied to the 'sub-roles'. If 'all' is in the list (the default value) then all roles will be called. Valid tags include ['all', 'labels', 'applications', 'instance_groups', 'settings', 'inventory', 'credentials', 'credential_types', 'notification_templates', 'users', 'teams', 'roles', 'organizations', 'projects', 'execution_environments', 'job_templates', 'workflow_job_templates', 'workflow_job_template_nodes', 'schedules']
flatten_output N/A no bool Whether to flatten the output in single files per each object type instead of the normal exportation structure
show_encrypted N/A no bool Whether to remove the string '$encrypted$' in credentials output (not the actual credential value)
omit_id N/A no bool Whether to create output files without objects id.
organization N/A no str Default organization for all objects that have not been set in the source controller.
export_related_objects False no bool Whether to export related objects (job templates related to certain workflows and the projects associated with these job templates) when a single JT or a single WFJT are being exported.
update_project_state False no bool Whether the project should be updated after import to the target controller.
skip_inventory_sources False no bool Whether the inventory sources should be exported with inventory.
skip_inventory_hosts False no bool Whether the inventory hosts should be exported with inventory.
skip_inventory_groups False no bool Whether the inventory groups should be exported with inventory.
templates_overrides_resources N/A no dict Whether the certain objects should be modified during the export
templates_overrides_global N/A no dict Whether the all objects should be modified during the export


A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles.

Example Playbook - export everything without modifications

- hosts: all
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false
    aap_username: "{{ vault_aap_username | default(lookup('env', 'CONTROLLER_USERNAME')) }}"
    aap_password: "{{ vault_aap_password | default(lookup('env', 'CONTROLLER_PASSWORD')) }}"
    aap_hostname: "{{ vault_aap_hostname | default(lookup('env', 'CONTROLLER_HOST')) }}"
    aap_validate_certs: "{{ vault_aap_validate_certs | default(lookup('env', 'CONTROLLER_VERIFY_SSL')) }}"

    - name: "Setup authentication (block)"
        - name: "Get the Authentication Token for the future requests"
            url: "https://{{ aap_hostname }}/api/gateway/v1/tokens/"
            user: "{{ aap_username }}"
            password: "{{ aap_password }}"
            method: POST
            force_basic_auth: true
            validate_certs: "{{ aap_validate_certs }}"
            status_code: 201
          register: authtoken_res

        - name: "Set the oauth token to be used since now"
            aap_oauthtoken: "{{ authtoken_res.json.token }}"
            aap_oauthtoken_url: "{{ authtoken_res.json.url }}"
      no_log: "{{ controller_configuration_filetree_create_secure_logging | default('false') }}"
      when: aap_oauthtoken is not defined
        - always

    - infra.aap_configuration_extended.filetree_create

    - name: "Delete the Authentication Token used"
        url: "https://{{ aap_hostname }}{{ aap_oauthtoken_url }}"
        user: "{{ aap_username }}"
        password: "{{ aap_password }}"
        method: DELETE
        force_basic_auth: true
        validate_certs: "{{ aap_validate_certs }}"
        status_code: 204
      when: aap_oauthtoken_url is defined

This role can generate output files in two different ways:

  • Structured output:

    The output files are distributed in separate directories, by organization first, and then by object type. Into each of these directories, one file per object is generated. This way allows to organize the files using different criteria, for example, by funcionalities or applications.

    The export can be triggered with the following command:

    ansible-playbook -i localhost, filetree_create.yml -e '{aap_validate_certs: false, aap_hostname: localhost:8443, aap_username: admin, aap_password: password}'

    One example of this approach follows:

    ├── current_credential_types.yaml
    ├── current_execution_environments.yaml
    ├── current_instance_groups.yaml
    ├── current_settings.yaml
    ├── Default
    │   ├── applications
    │   │   ├── 23_controller_application-app2.yaml
    │   │   └── 24_controller_application-app3.yaml
    │   ├── credentials
    │   │   ├── 82_Demo Credential.yaml
    │   │   └── 84_Demo Custom Credential.yaml
    │   ├── current_organization.yaml
    │   ├── inventories
    │   │   ├── Demo Inventory
    │   │   │   └── 81_Demo Inventory.yaml
    │   │   └── Test Inventory - Smart
    │   │       ├── 78_Test Inventory - Smart.yaml
    │   │       └── current_hosts.yaml
    │   ├── job_templates
    │   │   ├── 177_test-template-1.yaml
    │   │   └── 190_Demo Job Template.yaml
    │   ├── labels
    │   │   ├── 52_Prod.yaml
    │   │   ├── 53_differential.yaml
    │   ├── notification_templates
    │   │   ├── Email notification differential.yaml
    │   │   └── Email notification.yaml
    │   ├── projects
    │   │   ├── 169_Test Project.yaml
    │   │   ├── 170_Demo Project.yaml
    │   ├── teams
    │   │   ├── 28_satellite-qe.yaml
    │   │   └── 29_tower-team.yaml
    │   └── workflow_job_templates
    │       ├── 191_Simple workflow schema.yaml
    │       └── 200_Complicated workflow schema.yaml
    │   ├── credentials
    │   │   ├── 2_Ansible Galaxy.yaml
    │   │   └── 3_Default Execution Environment Registry Credential.yaml
    │   └── users
    │       ├── admin.yaml
    │       ├── controller_user.yaml
    ├── schedules
    │   ├── 1_Cleanup Job Schedule.yaml
    │   ├── 2_Cleanup Activity Schedule.yaml
    │   ├── 4_Cleanup Expired Sessions.yaml
    │   ├── 52_Demo Schedule.yaml
    │   ├── 53_Demo Schedule 2.yaml
    │   └── 5_Cleanup Expired OAuth 2 Tokens.yaml
    ├── team_roles
    │   ├── current_roles_satellite-qe.yaml
    │   └── current_roles_tower-team.yaml
    └── user_roles
        └── current_roles_controller_user.yaml
  • Flatten files:

    The output files are all located in the same directory. Each file contains a YAML list with all the objects belonging to the same object type. This output format allows to load all the objects both from the standard Ansible group_vars and from the infra.aap_configuration_extended.filetree_read role.

    The expotation can be triggered with the following command:

    ansible-playbook -i localhost, filetree_create.yml -e '{aap_validate_certs: false, aap_hostname: localhost:8443, aap_username: admin, aap_password: password, flatten_output: true}'

    One example of this approach follows:

    ├── applications.yaml
    ├── credentials.yaml
    ├── current_credential_types.yaml
    ├── current_execution_environments.yaml
    ├── current_instance_groups.yaml
    ├── current_settings.yaml
    ├── groups.yaml
    ├── hosts.yaml
    ├── inventories.yaml
    ├── inventory_sources.yaml
    ├── job_templates.yaml
    ├── labels.yaml
    ├── notification_templates.yaml
    ├── organizations.yaml
    ├── projects.yaml
    ├── schedules.yaml
    ├── team_roles.yaml
    ├── teams.yaml
    ├── user_roles.yaml
    ├── users.yaml
    └── workflow_job_templates.yaml

A playbook to convert from the structured output to the flattened one is provided, and can be executed with the following command:

ansible-playbook infra.aap_configuration_extended.flatten_filetree_create_output.yaml -e '{filetree_create_output_dir: /tmp/filetree_output}'

Example Playbook - export object with modifications

This example will export all object but some with modifications:

  • job template called job_template_example will be exported with the dev branch, while the rest of the job templates will use the main branch — the resources dictionary takes precedence over the global dictionary.
  • all projects will have a Jinja2 expression assigned to the scm_branch.
  • all schedules enabled state will be set as false.
- hosts: all
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false
    aap_username: "{{ vault_aap_username | default(lookup('env', 'CONTROLLER_USERNAME')) }}"
    aap_oauthtoken : "{{ vault_aap_password | default(lookup('env', 'CONTROLLER_OAUTHTOKEN')) }}"
    aap_hostname: "{{ vault_aap_hostname | default(lookup('env', 'CONTROLLER_HOST')) }}"
    aap_validate_certs: "{{ vault_aap_validate_certs | default(lookup('env', 'CONTROLLER_VERIFY_SSL')) }}"

          scm_branch: "dev"

        scm_branch: "main"
        scm_branch: !unsafe  "{{ 'true' if AAP.environment == 'PROD' else 'false' }}"
        enabled: false

    - infra.aap_configuration_extended.filetree_create




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