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Virtual Museum (2019)

A museum of graphics rendering techniques by Peter Gagliardi

This is my Honors Option project for CS 432 Interactive Computer Graphics at Drexel University under Professor Breen.


This website uses the graphics card extensively, so it will only work on a laptop/desktop.

Simply visit to start exploring!


WASD to move around, mouse to move the cursor.

Make sure to click the screen once to hide the cursor.

Exhibit List

Toon Shaded Super Seashells

Toon Shading

The first exhibit I made was to try out Toon Shading (also known as Cel Shading).

This is but one of a couple ways to implement a cartoon-looking model with an outline.

The method I used starts with normal Lambert shading (though any lighting model would work). Next, the colors are bucketed into just a few levels, this gives it a posterized look.

Second, silhouette edges are computed, and pixels close to this edge are colored black. This puts an outline around the object, which completes the cartoony look.

Super Seashells

Looking for some interesting objects to toon shade, I decided to try parametric surfaces. I made a vertex shader that distorts a quad with UV coordinates into what I call "super seashells".

I designed this family of parametric surfaces as a generalization of several types of shapes:

  • Supertoroids
  • Helices
  • Seashell Surfaces (helices that taper either linearly or logarithmically)

For the full equations, see the included article Super Seashells

While working on this project, Professor Breen did inform me that this family of shapes is reminiscent of the shapes shown in Alan Barr's 1984 paper "Global and local deformations of solid primitives" (see Bibliography for link)

Barr's method of producing shapes is much a much more general technique. However, this approach of generating shapes is quite different. Barr takes a primitive and applies a transformation to distort it (e.g. by scaling, twisting or bending). In contrast, super seashells can be imagined by extruding a cross-section around a coiling path. The cross section is superelliptical and may change in size, shape or relative orientation along the path. Furthermore, the coiling path may be planar or helical, and its overall shape is a superelliptical. It may vary in shape or taper from bottom to top.

Julia Set Fractal Sphere

About Julia Sets

Julia Sets are a type of fractal defined in the complex plane. Given any function

f :: Complex -> Complex
f(z) = P(z)/Q(z)

where P(z) and Q(z) are complex polynomials. We can compute orbits of some point z0 in the complex plane by finding z0, f(z0), f^2(z0), ... Depending on f, some of these orbits will diverge, others will spiral in towards the origin or even oscillate between points. The Julia Set is the set of points that remain bounded as the number of iterations goes to infinity.

The typical algorithhm for plotting a Julia Set is the Escape Time Algorithm, described in the book Fractals Everywhere by Michael F. Barnsley. In short, for each point in the complex plane, iterate the funnction up to MAX_ITERATIONS times. If it leaves a circle (usually radius 2, but this does not matter) within this time, it is considered outside the set. If it does not leave the circle, the original point is considered close enough to be in the set.

The coloring is the interesting part. Usually the color corresponds to the iteration count. However, this means all the points inside the set will have the same color since they all took MAX_ITERATIONS steps to compute. I used a hybrid coloring scheme that treats points inside the set differently:

  1. Points inside the set are colored by the length of a polygonal line through all the points on the orbit. This gives a rough picture of distance traveled
  2. Points outside the set are colored not by iteration count, but by the angle the point makes with the horizontal upon exiting the circle. I found this method on a website about "An algorithmic taxonomy of fractals" by Dan Ashlock and Liz Blakenship, though they mention it came from Clifford Pickover.
  3. The iteration count is used to add alternating bands of darker shading. Again, this is only for points outside the Julia Set.

As far as the colors, I used Íñigo Quílez's Cosine palettes (see bibliography for a link). This method of coloring is simple to use and looks nicer than most RGB or even HSL palettes.

Wrapping up the Complex Plane

I've made Julia Sets and their close cousin, the Mandelbrot set, before. To do something different, I recalled something else from Fractals Everywhere by Barnsley: The set was described not on the complex plane but on the Riemann Sphere. This is just the complex plane wrapped up onto a sphere so infinity is the north pole and 0 is the south pole.

Other Notes

  • Unfortunately, Julia sets have a tradeoff between performance and detail. I reduced the commplexity of my polynomial and reduced the max iteration count to address this, but it still lags on some graphics cards.
  • The coefficients of the polynomial oscillate over time. However, an added constant is determined by the user's position in the room. The floor is essentially a complex plane! the center of the floor is the origin, and the walls are a distance 2 from the origin.


Raymarching is one of several methods of rendering a 3D scene on a 2D screen. Or in this case, I render a 3D scene on a 2D screen in the 3D world of the virtual musem on your 2D monitor in a 3D world. Dizzy yet?

For an in-depth overview on the topic, see this article by Jamie Wong.

Box Camera

Unlike most raymarchers that lie on a flat quad in a 2D world, I chose to render my raymarcher on the wall. Furthermore, I wanted this fancy 3D wallpaper to react to the player's movement. Thus, the eye and image plane are passed into the shader dynamically. This allows the player to move around and see the scene.

Constructive Solid Geometry

My raymarchers use CSG operations to define the scene:

  • For the sphere lattice room, I start with an infinite lattice of spheres and a slightly denser lattice of cylinders along all three directions. I subtract the cylinders from the sphere to make the holes.
  • For the tubes and cubes room, I start with an infinite lattice of cubes and union it with 2D lattices of cylinders. I then subtract out thinner cylinders to turn the cylinders into tubes. Finally, I cut the top of the first layer by subtracting an infinite slab so it looks like a halfpipe

Mirror Sphere

The mirror sphere is my first attempt at working with environment maps. This exhibit was made last-minute, so I only used built-in Three.js classes. The CubeCamera is used to generate a cubemap, and this is passed to a MeshBasicMaterial as a texture.

There are two scenes: One scene has a room with a ring of colored cubes. This is the scene used to generate the cubemap each frame.

The second scene contains the same objects, except they are in grayscale. It also has an additional object: a mirrored ball which uses the cubemap to produce a reflective surface.


This museum provides a map and compass to the user. The compass always points to the north side of the room, while the map shows you which room you are in and where the other rooms are.

Code Overview

Third party code:

  • scripts/three.js -- a Copy of Three.js r100

JavaScript Code:

  • scripts/main.js -- This is the entry point for the application
  • scripts/museum.js -- This defines the Museum class, which is a high level collection of exhibits. This is where the positioning of each room is configured, so this file changes the most frequently
  • scripts/museum_layout.js -- This is a lower-level data structure that represents a 2D array of Exhibits
  • scripts/first_person_camera.js -- This class defines how the user interacts with the camera with keyboard and mouse.
  • hud.js -- handles rendering 2D overlay for the map and compass
  • sign_maker.js -- This class handles making signs for thhe doors
  • utils.js -- miscellaneous helper functions
  • exhibits/*.js -- look here for the exhibit-specific code

GLSL Code:

Vertex Shaders:

  • uv_quad.vert -- Vertex shader for simple objects that need UV coords
  • super_seashell.vert -- Vertex shader that defines the super seashell geometry

Fragment Shaders:

  • compass.frag -- Compass HUD component
  • minimap.frag -- Map HUD component
  • sign.frag -- Text shader for the door
  • toon.frag -- Toon shader for the super seashells
  • escape_time_sphere.frag -- Partial shader for rendering with the escape time algorithm on the Riemann Sphere. Used with julia_sphere.frag
  • julia_sphere.frag -- Partial shader for rendering a Julia set on the riemann sphere. Requires prepending escape_time_sphere.frag
  • raymarch_infinite.frag -- Partial shader for raymarching scenes
  • sphere_lattice.frag -- raymarcher for infinite sphere latice with holes
  • tubes.frag -- raymarcheer for infinite grid of cubes and tubes

Special Thanks

I would like to thank Professor Breen for letting me do this Honors Option project and for taking the time to discuss the progress throughout the term!

I would also like to thank some of my friends for testing my project in advance and providing useful feedback along the way!

  • Khanh N. -- First one to note the lag in the Julia sphere room, and provided feedback on choices of colors for some of the exhibits.
  • Zacharia T. -- Provided detailed feedback at each major revision
  • Ashley C. -- Provided feedback on how to light the super seashell room properly.
  • Royce R. -- Informed me my FOV was a bit cramped.

Annotated Bibliography

  • Ashlock, Dan and Blakenship, Liz. Cosine coloring part of the website "An Algorithmic taxonomy of fractals" -- This method of coloring Mandelbrot and Julia sets was used for part of the Julia sphere exhibit. The article in turn credits Clifford Pickover's website for the idea.
  • Barnsley, M. F. Fractals Everywhere 2nd ed. Elsevier, 1993 -- This book is a wonderful reference when it comes to all sorts of iterated function system fractals, including Julia sets.
  • Barr, Alan H. Global and local deformations of solid primitives. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1984, ACM SIGGRAPH 1984, pp. 21-30. -- this paper about making interesting shapes by transforming primitives is discussed in the above section about superseashells. However, it was not used for anything in this project.
  • Haugo, Simen. Raymarching Distance Fields -- one of the sites I refer to when recalling details about raymarching
  • Quílez, Íñigo. distance functions 2008. -- this was a helpful reference for designing both raymarched scenes.
  • Quílez, Íñigo. palettes 1999. -- Cosine color palettes, not to be confused with the cosine coloring method mentioned above for Julia sets. This is my go-to for nice color palettes when writing shaders.
  • Rost, Randi J. and Licea-Kane, Bill. OpenGl Shading Language 3rd Edition. Addison Wesley, 2010 -- This textbook on GLSL inspired the mirror sphere shader and many many more ideas I didn't have time to include in this project.
  • Wong, Jamie. Ray Marching and Signed Distance Functions -- Another site I reference when working on raymarched scenes.