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pulb edited this page Sep 19, 2014 · 25 revisions

Version 1.0.0 (2014-06-28):

  • Mailnag is desktop-independent now (was GNOME3-only)
  • Added plugin system to allow easy extensibility
  • Cut down the core daemon functionality to mail checking only and moved everything else to plugins
  • Released GNOME 3/Ubuntu Unity extension/plugin for a tighter desktop integration
  • Added account assistants for popular email providers like Gmail
  • Added DBUS service (for remote control/integration in other apps)
  • Redesigned and simplified config UI
  • Added propper logging (log messages are sent to stdout and the system log now)
  • Heavy code cleanup & refactoring
  • Reduced disk write access, other performance improvements
  • Fixes for various major and minor bugs
  • New icon by Reda Lazri

IMPORTANT NOTES: The fileformat of the config file has changed.
It's highly recommended to rename/backup your current config file (~/.config/mailnag/mailnag.cfg).

Version 0.5.2 (2013-01-06):

  • Fixed path of the autstart file
  • Minor other fixes

Version 0.5.1 (2012-12-23):

  • Restored translated strings (previously available in mailnag <= 0.4.3)
    that were removed due to a bug in the gen_po_template script
  • Fixed a race condition that can lead to mutliple mailnag instances

Version 0.5.0 (2012-12-05):

  • Bugfix: (really) don't crash on session start if the notification DBUS interface isn't available yet
  • Migrated to the new keyring gir binding
  • Removed evolution account import (not working anymore)
  • Minor other fixes
  • Updated translations


  • Packagers should incorporate the new dependecy list.
  • The new keyring binding stores credentials in ~/.local/share/keyrings instead of in ~/.gnome2/keyrings.
    So you probably have to fire up mailnag_config and re-enter your mail account password(s).

Version 0.4.4 (2012-10-20):

  • Bugfix: don't crash on session start if the notification DBUS interface isn't available yet
  • Bugfix: fix notification sound playback in GNOME 3.6
  • Removed messagetray-label configuration since gnome-shell no longer shows labels in the messagetray

Version 0.4.3 (2012-09-22):

  • Added installation script (
  • IMAP related bugfixes
  • Updated translations

Version 0.4.2 (2012-07-10):

  • Bugfix: enable gettext fallback language
  • Updated translations

Version 0.4.1 (2012-05-21):

  • Fixed some crashes and connection issues
  • Use unicode for translated strings
  • Don't play notification sounds when GNOME Shell notifications are disabled
  • Updated translations

Version 0.4 (2012-01-15):

  • Much improved IMAP IDLE support
  • Reconnect if a connection has been lost (e.g. after standby)
  • Use GNOMEs default mail client
  • Enable SSL by default
  • Use a meaningful messagetray label by default
  • Added version info to the about tab
  • Refactoring, removed unused code
  • Updated translations
  • Bugfixes

Version 0.3 (2011-11-27):

  • Support for IMAP-Push notifications (thanks tony747!)
  • Single/summary notification modes
  • Support for GNOME 3.2 notification counters (single mode only)
  • Mails can be marked as read
  • Explicit SSL encryption
  • Autostart in GNOME sessions only
  • Detection of default email client
  • Notification sound playback via GStreamer (ogg)
  • Removed GTK2 workaround code
  • Lots of bugfixes, rewritten code and refactoring
  • New translations

Please note that this release breaks existing config files (for the first and last time),
so make sure to delete ~/.config/mailnag/mailnag.cfg before upgrading.

Version 0.2 (2011-10-17):

  • Added many new translations
  • Bugfixes

Version 0.1 (2011-07-06):

  • Initial release
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