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Python implementation of the HPatches benchmark protocols

This repository contains the python code for evaluating feature descriptors on the HPatches dataset. For more information on the methods and the evaluation protocols please check [1].


To install the required packages on Ubuntu, run the following commands:

pip install -r utils/requirements.txt --user
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev python-opencv

For other Linux distributions or macOS please see the guide.

Downloading the HPatches dataset

The rest of this document assumes you have already downloaded the HPatches dataset. For information on how to get it, please check the guide.

Loading/visualising the dataset

An example of how to load a sequence and visualise the patches can be found in the file included in the repository:


Evaluating descriptors

We provide code for evaluating descriptors in the three different tasks described on [1]. Details about the task definition files, can be found here.

Note that that task definition files are saved in ../tasks/ and are shared between the python and matlab implementations of the HPatches benchmark.

Running evaluation tasks

The script expects two required arguments which are the root folder of the saved .csv files (--descr-dir), and the task to perform [verification, matching, retrieval], for example:

python --descr-name=sift --task=verification --delimiter=";"

gets the verification results for the sift descriptor.

You can perform several tasks at once by repeating the --task argument:

python --descr-dir=descrs/sift/ --task=verification --task=matching --delimiter=";"

There are also several optional arguments (e.g. delimiter for the .csv files, split to perform the evaluation). For a full list and a more detailed explanation, run the following:

python --h
Results caching

Results are cached in the results folder, for each task and for each descriptor. If you want to re-compute the results for your descriptor, simply manually delete the respective files in the results sub-folder.

Training/test splits

We provide several pre-computed splits to encourage reproducibility. Current available splits are [a (ECCV),b,c,illum,view,full]. More information can be found here.

Some usage examples of the evaluation script
python --descr-dir=descrs/sift/ --task=matching --delimiter=";"
python --descr-dir=descrs/misigma/ --task=retrieval  --split=b
python --descr-dir=descrs/deepdesc/ --task=verification --task=matching --task=retrieval
Evaluating your descriptor

To evaluate your descriptor, assuming that the root folder containing the .csv files for your descriptor is descrs/DESC/ simply input to the --descr argument your path:

python --descr-dir=descrs/DESC/ --task=retrieval 

Printing evaluation results

An example script that shows how to read and print the evaluation results from already cached result files can be found in Required parameters are --descr descriptor name (e.g. sift), --results-dir results root folder (e.g. results/), --task task name (e.g. {verification,matching,retrieval}). For example:

python --descr=sift --results-dir=results/ --task=verification

Note that as the previous scripts, it can accept multiple descriptors and multiple tasks e.g.

python --results-dir=results/ --descr=sift --descr=deepdesc  --task=verification --task=retrieval


[1] HPatches: A benchmark and evaluation of handcrafted and learned local descriptors, Vassileios Balntas*, Karel Lenc*, Andrea Vedaldi and Krystian Mikolajczyk, CVPR 2017. *Authors contributed equally.