This repo is used to tag and untag AWS organization resources such as Aws accounts
New Tag setup aws organizations tag-resource --resource-id 489370314745 --tags Key=env,Value=qa Key=product-owner,Value=IT_Cloud Key=bill-to,Value=IT_Cloud Key=cost-center,Value=IT_Cloud Key=operation-group,Value=IT_Cloud
add new tag aws organizations tag-resource --resource-id 489370314745 --tags Key=test,Value=test Key=tag2,Value=tag2
Untag/Remove/Delete any Tag aws organizations untag-resource --resource-id Accountnumber --tag-keys tagkey1 tagkey2 tagkey3 tagkey4 tagkey5 aws organizations untag-resource --resource-id 489370314745 --tag-keys Env newtag cost-center test Product-owner