This document should be a one-stop-shop for new users of the quantum prototype. It should pull together much of the other documentation into a single guide. Prototype users that go through the Beginner's Guide will be given some background on the project and software, walked through the installation process, shown the basics of the API, and given a small example problem to solve.
Give a succinct statement about the project and what problems this software aims to solve. Give light mathematical/scientific justification for the solution, but save the gory details for the project overview document.
Provide users detailed instructions on how to install prototype dependencies and the prototype itself.
Give a brief but thorough overview of the basic API. What does the user need to know to use this software?
To help pull all the concepts together, provide a small problem and solve it using the API.
This document is designed to pull together the highlights from the rest of the documentation into a single document. New users should be able to quickly spin up on the prototype software using this document alone.