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File metadata and controls

2703 lines (2176 loc) · 74.4 KB

Setting up load scenarios

A load scenario is defined in a JSON file with a number of sections.



Connection settings section

This section of the JSON file contains connection information.

JSON Web Token (JWT), an open standard for creation of access tokens, or WebSocket can be used for authentication. When using JWT, the private key must be available in the path defined by jwtsettings.keypath.

  • mode: Authentication mode
    • jwt: JSON Web Token
    • ws: WebSocket
  • jwtsettings: (JWT only) Settings for the JWT connection.
    • keypath: Local path to the JWT key file.
    • jwtheader: JWT headers as an escaped JSON string. Custom headers to be added to the JWT header.
    • claims: JWT claims as an escaped JSON string.
    • alg: The signing method used for the JWT. Defaults to RS512, if omitted.
      • For keyfiles in RSA format, supports RS256, RS384 or RS512.
      • For keyfiles in EC format, supports ES256, ES384 or ES512.
  • wssettings: (WebSocket only) Settings for the WebSocket connection.
  • server: Qlik Sense host.
  • virtualproxy: Prefix for the virtual proxy that handles the virtual users.
  • rawurl: Define the connect URL manually instead letting the openapp action do it. Note: The protocol must be wss:// or ws://.
  • port: Set another port than default (80 for http and 443 for https).
  • security: Use TLS (SSL) (true / false).
  • allowuntrusted: Allow untrusted (for example, self-signed) certificates (true / false). Defaults to false, if omitted.
  • appext: Replace app in the connect URL for the openapp action. Defaults to app, if omitted.
  • headers: Headers to use in requests.
  • maxframesize: (Default 0 - No limit). Max size in bytes allowed to be read on sense websocket.


JWT authentication

"connectionSettings": {
    "server": "",
    "mode": "jwt",
    "virtualproxy": "jwt",
    "security": true,
    "allowuntrusted": false,
    "jwtsettings": {
        "keypath": "mock.pem",
        "claims": "{\"user\":\"{{.UserName}}\",\"directory\":\"{{.Directory}}\"}"
  • jwtsettings:

The strings for reqheader, jwtheader and claims are processed as a GO template where the User struct can be used as data:

struct {
	UserName  string
	Password  string
	Directory string

There is also support for the time.Now method using the function now.

  • jwtheader:

The entries for message authentication code algorithm, alg, and token type, typ, are added automatically to the header and should not be included.

Example: To add a key ID header, kid, add the following string:

	"jwtheader": "{\"kid\":\"myKeyId\"}"
  • claims:

Example: For on-premise JWT authentication (with the user and directory set as keys in the QMC), add the following string:

	"claims": "{\"user\": \"{{.UserName}}\",\"directory\": \"{{.Directory}}\"}"

Example: To add the time at which the JWT was issued, iat ("issued at"), add the following string:

	"claims": "{\"iat\":{{now.Unix}}"

Example: To add the expiration time, exp, with 5 hours expiration (time.Now uses nanoseconds), add the following string:

	"claims": "{\"exp\":{{(now.Add 18000000000000).Unix}}}"

Static header authentication

connectionSettings": {
	"server": "",
	"mode": "ws",
	"security": true,
	"virtualproxy" : "header",
	"headers" : {
		"X-Sense-User" : "{{.UserName}}"


Hooks section

This section contains the possibility to define hooks, which will send requests to a defined endpoint before and after a test execution.

  • preexecute: Pre execution hook. Can be used to send a request to an endpoint before a test starts.
    • url: Url to send a request towards.
    • method: Method of request, defaults to none.
    • payload: (optional) Content of request.
    • respcodes: Accepted response codes, defaults to 200.
    • contenttype: Request content-type header. Defaults to application/json.
    • extractors: Extractors, can be used to extract a value from the response to be used on subsequent hook, or to validate that a that part of a response has a specific value.
      • Name: Name of extractor, this name is what is later used to when accessing the extracted data in a template such as {{ .Vars.MyExtractorName }}.
      • path: Path to data to extract, e.g. /id to extract the data my-id from from a parameter id in JSON root.
      • faillevel: Defines how to report data extraction or validation failure.
        • none: Do nothing.
        • info: Log an info log row.
        • warning: Log a warning log row.
        • error: Log a error row and abort script.
      • validator: Validate that part of the response has a specific value
        • type: Value should be of this type.
          • none: Default type, no validation of value will be done.
          • bool: Value should be a boolean.
          • number: Value should be a number.
          • string: Value should be a string.
        • value: Validate the value is exactly equal to this.
    • headers: Custom headers to add to the request.
      • name: Name of header.
      • value: Value of header.
  • postexecute: Post execution hook. Can be used to send a request to an endpoint after a test is done.
    • url: Url to send a request towards.
    • method: Method of request, defaults to none.
    • payload: (optional) Content of request.
    • respcodes: Accepted response codes, defaults to 200.
    • contenttype: Request content-type header. Defaults to application/json.
    • extractors: Extractors, can be used to extract a value from the response to be used on subsequent hook, or to validate that a that part of a response has a specific value.
      • Name: Name of extractor, this name is what is later used to when accessing the extracted data in a template such as {{ .Vars.MyExtractorName }}.
      • path: Path to data to extract, e.g. /id to extract the data my-id from from a parameter id in JSON root.
      • faillevel: Defines how to report data extraction or validation failure.
        • none: Do nothing.
        • info: Log an info log row.
        • warning: Log a warning log row.
        • error: Log a error row and abort script.
      • validator: Validate that part of the response has a specific value
        • type: Value should be of this type.
          • none: Default type, no validation of value will be done.
          • bool: Value should be a boolean.
          • number: Value should be a number.
          • string: Value should be a string.
        • value: Validate the value is exactly equal to this.
    • headers: Custom headers to add to the request.
      • name: Name of header.
      • value: Value of header.


Send a request to slack that a test is starting.

"hooks": {
    "preexecute": {
        "url": "",
        "method": "POST",
        "payload": "{ \"text\": \"Running test with {{ .Scheduler.ConcurrentUsers }} concurrent users and {{ .Scheduler.Iterations }} iterations towards {{ .ConnectionSettings.Server }}.\"}",
        "contenttype": "application/json"
    "postexecute": {
        "url": "",
        "method": "POST",
        "payload": "{ \"text\": \"Test finished with {{ .Counters.Errors }} errors and {{ .Counters.Warnings }} warnings. Total Sessions: {{ .Counters.Sessions }}\"}"

This will send a message on test startup such as:

Running test with 10 concurrent users and 2 iterations towards

And a message on test finished such as:

Test finished with 4 errors and 12 warnings. Total Sessions: 20.

Ask an endpoint before execution if test is ok to run

"hooks": {
    "preexecute": {
        "url": "http://myserver:8080/oktoexecute",
        "method": "POST",
        "headers": [
                "name" : "someheader",
                "value": "headervalue"
        "payload": "{\"testID\": \"12345\",\"startAt\": \"{{now.Format \"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00\"}}\"}",
        "extractors": [
                "name": "oktorun",
                "path" : "/oktorun",
                "faillevel": "error",
                "validator" : {
                    "type": "bool",
                    "value": "true"

This will POST a request to http://myserver:8080/oktoexecute with the body:

    "testID": "12345",
    "startAt": "2021-05-06T08:00:00Z01:00"

For a test started at 2021-05-06T08:00:00 in timezone UTC+1.

Let's assume the response from this endpoint is:

    "oktorun": false

The validator with path /oktorun will extract the value false and compare to the value defined in the validator, in this case true. Since the they are not equal the test will stop with error before starting exection.


Login settings section

This section of the JSON file contains information on the login settings.

  • type: Type of login request
    • prefix: Add a prefix (specified by the prefix setting below) to the username, so that it will be prefix_{session}.
    • userlist: List of users as specified by the userList setting below.
    • fromfile: List of users from a file with 1 user per row and the format username;directory;password
    • none: Do not add a prefix to the username, so that it will be {session}.
  • settings:
    • userList: List of users for the userlist login request type. Directory and password can be specified per user or outside the list of usernames, which means that they are inherited by all users.
    • filename: Path to file with users.
    • prefix: Prefix to add to the username, so that it will be prefix_{session}.
    • directory: Directory to set for the users.


Prefix login request type

"loginSettings": {
   "type": "prefix",
   "settings": {
       "directory": "anydir",
       "prefix": "Nunit"

Userlist login request type

"loginSettings": {
  "type": "userlist",
  "settings": {
    "userList": [
        "username": "[email protected]",
        "directory": "anydir1",
        "password": "MyPassword1"
        "username": "[email protected]"
    "directory": "anydir2",
    "password": "MyPassword2"

Fromfile login request type

Reads a user list from file. 1 User per row of the and with the format username;directory;password. directory and password are optional, if none are defined for a user it will use the default values on settings (i.e. defaultdir and defaultpassword). If the used authentication type doesn't use directory or password these can be omitted.

Definition with default values:

"loginSettings": {
  "type": "fromfile",
  "settings": {
    "filename": "./myusers.txt",
    "directory": "defaultdir",
    "password": "defaultpassword"

Definition without default values:

"loginSettings": {
  "type": "fromfile",
  "settings": {
    "filename": "./myusers.txt"

This is a valid format of a file.


testuser1 will get default directory and password, testuser3 and testuser5 will get default directory.


Scenario section

This section of the JSON file contains the actions that are performed in the load scenario.

Structure of an action entry

All actions follow the same basic structure:

  • action: Name of the action to execute.
  • label: (optional) Custom string set by the user. This can be used to distinguish the action from other actions of the same type when analyzing the test results.
  • disabled: (optional) Disable action (true / false). If set to true, the action is not executed.
  • settings: Most, but not all, actions have a settings section with action-specific settings.


    "action": "actioname",
    "label": "custom label for analysis purposes",
    "disabled": false,
    "settings": {
Common actions

Common actions

These actions are applicable for most types of Qlik Sense deployments.

Note: It is recommended to prepend the actions listed here with an openapp action as most of them perform operations in an app context (such as making selections or changing sheets).


ApplyBookmark action

Apply a bookmark in the current app.

Note: Specify either title or id, not both.

  • title: Name of the bookmark (supports the use of variables).
  • id: ID of the bookmark.
  • selectionsonly: Apply selections only.


    "action": "applybookmark",
    "settings": {
        "title": "My bookmark"


AskHubAdvisor action

Perform a query in the Qlik Sense hub insight advisor.

  • querysource: The source from which queries will be randomly picked.
    • file: Read queries from file defined by file.
    • querylist: Read queries from list defined by querylist.
  • querylist: A list of queries. Plain strings are supported and will get a weight of 1.
    • weight: A weight to set probablility of query being peformed.
    • query: A query sentence.
  • lang: Query language.
  • maxfollowup: The maximum depth of followup queries asked. A value of 0 means that a query from querysource is performed without followup queries.
  • file: Path to query file.
  • app: Optional name of app to pick in followup queries. If not set, a random app is picked.
  • saveimages: Save images of charts to file.
  • saveimagefile: File name of saved images. Defaults to server side file name. Supports Session Variables.
  • thinktime: Settings for the thinktime action, which is automatically inserted before each followup. Defaults to a uniform distribution with mean=8 and deviation=4.
    • type: Type of think time
      • static: Static think time, defined by delay.
      • uniform: Random think time with uniform distribution, defined by mean and dev.
    • delay: Delay (seconds), used with type static.
    • mean: Mean (seconds), used with type uniform.
    • dev: Deviation (seconds) from mean value, used with type uniform.
  • followuptypes: A list of followup types enabled for followup queries. If omitted, all types are enabled.
    • app: Enable followup queries which change app.
    • measure: Enable followups based on measures.
    • dimension: Enable followups based on dimensions.
    • recommendation: Enable followups based on recommendations.
    • sentence: Enable followup queries based on bare sentences.


Pick queries from file

    "action": "AskHubAdvisor",
    "settings": {
        "querysource": "file",
        "file": "queries.txt"

The file queries.txt contains one query and an optional weight per line. The line format is [WEIGHT;]QUERY.

show sales per country
5; what is the lowest price of shoes

Pick queries from list

    "action": "AskHubAdvisor",
    "settings": {
        "querysource": "querylist",
        "querylist": ["show sales per country", "what is the lowest price of shoes"]

Perform followup queries if possible (default: 0)

    "action": "AskHubAdvisor",
    "settings": {
        "querysource": "querylist",
        "querylist": ["show sales per country", "what is the lowest price of shoes"],
        "maxfollowup": 3

Change lanuage (default: "en")

    "action": "AskHubAdvisor",
    "settings": {
        "querysource": "querylist",
        "querylist": ["show sales per country", "what is the lowest price of shoes"],
        "lang": "fr"

Weights in querylist

    "action": "AskHubAdvisor",
    "settings": {
        "querysource": "querylist",
        "querylist": [
                "query": "show sales per country",
                "weight": 5,
            "what is the lowest price of shoes"

Thinktime before followup queries

See detailed examples of settings in the documentation for thinktime action.

    "action": "AskHubAdvisor",
    "settings": {
        "querysource": "querylist",
        "querylist": [
            "what is the lowest price of shoes"
        "maxfollowup": 5,
        "thinktime": {
            "type": "static",
            "delay": 5

Ask followups only based on app selection

    "action": "AskHubAdvisor",
    "settings": {
        "querysource": "querylist",
        "querylist": [
            "what is the lowest price of shoes"
        "maxfollowup": 5,
        "followuptypes": ["app"]

Save chart images to file

    "action": "AskHubAdvisor",
    "settings": {
        "querysource": "querylist",
        "querylist": [
            "show price per shoe type"
        "maxfollowup": 5,
        "saveimages": true

Save chart images to file with custom name

The saveimagefile file name template setting supports Session Variables. You can apart from session variables include the following action local variables in the saveimagefile file name template:

  • .Local.ImageCount - the number of images written to file
  • .Local.ServerFileName - the server side name of image file
  • .Local.Query - the query sentence
  • .Local.AppName - the name of app, if any app, where query is asked
  • .Local.AppID - the id of app, if any app, where query is asked
    "action": "AskHubAdvisor",
    "settings": {
        "querysource": "querylist",
        "querylist": [
            "show price per shoe type"
        "maxfollowup": 5,
        "saveimages": true,
        "saveimagefile": "{{.Local.Query}}--app-{{.Local.AppName}}--user-{{.UserName}}--thread-{{.Thread}}--session-{{.Session}}"


ChangeSheet action

Change to a new sheet, unsubscribe to the currently subscribed objects, and subscribe to all objects on the new sheet.

The action supports getting data from the following objects:

  • Listbox

  • Filter pane

  • Bar chart

  • Scatter plot

  • Map (only the first layer)

  • Combo chart

  • Table

  • Pivot table

  • Line chart

  • Pie chart

  • Tree map

  • Text-Image

  • KPI

  • Gauge

  • Box plot

  • Distribution plot

  • Histogram

  • Auto chart (including any support generated visualization from this list)

  • Waterfall chart

  • id: GUID of the sheet to change to.


     "label": "Change Sheet Dashboard",
     "action": "ChangeSheet",
     "settings": {
         "id": "TFJhh"


ClearAll action

Clear all selections in an app.


    "action": "clearall",
    "label": "Clear all selections (1)"


ClearField action

Clear selections in a field.

  • name: Name of field to clear.


    "action": "clearfield",
    "label": "Clear selections in Alpha",
    "settings" : {
        "name": "Alpha"


ClickActionButton action

A ClickActionButton-action simulates clicking an action-button. An action-button is a sheet item which, when clicked, executes a series of actions. The series of actions contained by an action-button begins with any number generic button-actions and ends with an optional navigation button-action.

Supported button-actions

Generic button-actions

  • Apply bookmark
  • Move backward in all selections
  • Move forward in all selections
  • Lock all selections
  • Clear all selections
  • Lock field
  • Unlock field
  • Select all in field
  • Select alternatives in field
  • Select excluded in field
  • Select possible in field
  • Select values matching search criteria in field
  • Clear selection in field
  • Toggle selection in field
  • Set value of variable

Navigation button-actions

  • Change to first sheet
  • Change to last sheet
  • Change to previous sheet
  • Change sheet by name
  • Change sheet by ID
  • id: ID of the action-button to click.


     "label": "ClickActionButton",
     "action": "ClickActionButton",
     "settings": {
         "id": "951e2eee-ad49-4f6a-bdfe-e9e3dddeb2cd"


Containertab action

A Containertab action simulates switching the active object in a container object.

  • mode: Mode for container tab switching, one of: objectid, random or index.
    • objectid: Switch to tab with object defined by objectid.
    • random: Switch to a random visible tab within the container.
    • index: Switch to tab with zero based index defined but index.
  • containerid: ID of the container object.
  • objectid: ID of the object to set as active, used with mode objectid.
  • index: Zero based index of tab to switch to, used with mode index.


  "label": "Switch to object qwerty in container object XYZ",
  "action": "containertab",
  "settings": {
    "containerid": "xyz",
    "mode": "id",
    "objectid" : "qwerty"
  "label": "Switch to random object in container object XYZ",
  "action": "containertab",
  "settings": {
    "containerid": "xyz",
    "mode": "random"
  "label": "Switch to object in first tab in container object XYZ",
  "action": "containertab",
  "settings": {
    "containerid": "xyz",
    "mode": "index",
    "index": 0


CreateBookmark action

Create a bookmark from the current selection and selected sheet.

Note: Both title and id can be used to identify the bookmark in subsequent actions.

  • title: Name of the bookmark (supports the use of variables).
  • id: ID of the bookmark.
  • description: (optional) Description of the bookmark to create.
  • nosheet: Do not include the sheet location in the bookmark.
  • savelayout: Include the layout in the bookmark.


    "action": "createbookmark",
    "settings": {
        "title": "my bookmark",
        "description": "This bookmark contains some interesting selections"


CreateSheet action

Create a new sheet in the current app.

  • id: (optional) ID to be used to identify the sheet in any subsequent changesheet, duplicatesheet, publishsheet or unpublishsheet action.
  • title: Name of the sheet to create.
  • description: (optional) Description of the sheet to create.


    "action": "createsheet",
    "settings": {
        "title" : "Generated sheet"


DeleteBookmark action

Delete one or more bookmarks in the current app.

Note: Specify either title or id, not both.

  • title: Name of the bookmark (supports the use of variables).
  • id: ID of the bookmark.
  • mode:
    • single: Delete one bookmark that matches the specified title or id in the current app.
    • matching: Delete all bookmarks with the specified title in the current app.
    • all: Delete all bookmarks in the current app.


    "action": "deletebookmark",
    "settings": {
        "mode": "single",
        "title": "My bookmark"


DeleteSheet action

Delete one or more sheets in the current app.

Note: Specify either title or id, not both.

  • mode:
    • single: Delete one sheet that matches the specified title or id in the current app.
    • matching: Delete all sheets with the specified title in the current app.
    • allunpublished: Delete all unpublished sheets in the current app.
  • title: (optional) Name of the sheet to delete.
  • id: (optional) GUID of the sheet to delete.


    "action": "deletesheet",
    "settings": {
        "mode": "matching",
        "title": "Test sheet"


DisconnectApp action

Disconnect from an already connected app.


    "label": "Disconnect from server",
    "action" : "disconnectapp"


DisconnectEnvironment action

Disconnect from an environment. This action will disconnect open websockets towards sense and events. The action is not needed for most scenarios, however if a scenario mixes different types of environmentsor uses custom actions towards external environment, it should be used directly after the last action towards the environment.

Since the action also disconnects any open websocket to Sense apps, it does not need to be preceeded with a disconnectapp action.


    "label": "Disconnect from environment",
    "action" : "disconnectenvironment"


DoSave action

DoSave issues a command to engine to save the currently open app. If the simulated user does not have permission to save the app it will result in an error.


    "label": "Save MyApp",
    "action" : "dosave"


DuplicateSheet action

Duplicate a sheet, including all objects.

  • id: ID of the sheet to clone.
  • changesheet: Clear the objects currently subscribed to and then subribe to all objects on the cloned sheet (which essentially corresponds to using the changesheet action to go to the cloned sheet) (true / false). Defaults to false, if omitted.
  • save: Execute saveobjects after the cloning operation to save all modified objects (true / false). Defaults to false, if omitted.
  • cloneid: (optional) ID to be used to identify the sheet in any subsequent changesheet, duplicatesheet, publishsheet or unpublishsheet action.


    "action": "duplicatesheet",
    "label": "Duplicate sheet1",
        "id" : "mBshXB",
        "save": true,
        "changesheet": true


GetScript action

Get the load script for the app.

  • savelog: Save load script to log file under the INFO log labelled LoadScript


Get the load script for the app

    "action": "getscript"

Get the load script for the app and save to log file

    "action": "getscript",
    "settings": {
        "savelog" : true


Iterated action

Loop one or more actions.

Note: This action does not require an app context (that is, it does not have to be prepended with an openapp action).

  • iterations: Number of loops.
  • actions: Actions to iterate
    • action: Name of the action to execute.
    • label: (optional) Custom string set by the user. This can be used to distinguish the action from other actions of the same type when analyzing the test results.
    • disabled: (optional) Disable action (true / false). If set to true, the action is not executed.
    • settings: Most, but not all, actions have a settings section with action-specific settings.


//Visit all sheets twice
     "action": "iterated",
     "label": "",
     "settings": {
         "iterations" : 2,
         "actions" : [
                 "action": "sheetchanger"
                "action": "thinktime",
                "settings": {
                    "type": "static",
                    "delay": 5


ListBoxSelect action

Perform list object specific selectiontypes in listbox.

  • id: ID of the listbox in which to select values.
  • type: Selection type.
    • all: Select all values.
    • alternative: Select alternative values.
    • excluded: Select excluded values.
    • possible: Select possible values.
  • accept: Accept or abort selection after selection (only used with wrap) (true / false).
  • wrap: Wrap selection with Begin / End selection requests (true / false).


     "label": "ListBoxSelect",
     "action": "ListBoxSelect",
     "settings": {
         "id": "951e2eee-ad49-4f6a-bdfe-e9e3dddeb2cd",
         "type": "all",
         "wrap": true,
         "accept": true


ObjectSearch action

Perform a search select in a listbox, field or master dimension.

  • id: Identifier for the object, this would differ depending on type.
    • listbox: Use the ID of listbox object
    • field: Use the name of the field
    • dimension: Use the title of the dimension masterobject.
  • searchterms: List of search terms to search for.
  • type: Type of object to search
    • listbox: (Default) id is the ID of a listbox.
    • field: id is the name of a field.
    • dimension: id is the title of a master object dimension.
  • source: Source of search terms
    • fromlist: (Default) Use search terms from searchterms array.
    • fromfile: Use search term from file defined by searchtermsfile
  • erroronempty: If set to true and the object search yields an empty result, the action will result in an error. Defaults to false.
  • searchtermsfile: Path to search terms file when using source of type fromfile. File should contain one term per row.


Search a listbox object, all users searches for same thing and gets an error if no result found

    "label": "Search and select Sweden in listbox",
    "action": "objectsearch",
    "settings": {
        "id": "maesVjgte",
        "searchterms": ["Sweden"],
        "type": "listbox",
        "erroronempty": true

Search a field. Users use one random search term from the searchterms list.

    "label": "Search field",
    "action": "objectsearch",
    "disabled": false,
    "settings": {
        "id": "Countries",
        "searchterms": [
        "type": "field"

Search a master object dimension using search terms from a file.

    "label": "Search dimension",
    "action": "objectsearch",
    "disabled": false,
    "settings": {
        "id": "Dim1M",
        "type": "dimension",
        "erroronempty": true,
        "source": "fromfile",
        "searchtermsfile": "./resources/objectsearchterms.txt"


OpenApp action

Open an app.

Note: If the app name is used to specify which app to open, this action cannot be the first action in the scenario. It must be preceded by an action that can populate the artifact map, such as openhub.

  • appmode: App selection mode
    • current: (default) Use the current app, selected by an app selection in a previous action
    • guid: Use the app GUID specified by the app parameter.
    • name: Use the app name specified by the app parameter.
    • random: Select a random app from the artifact map, which is filled by e.g. openhub
    • randomnamefromlist: Select a random app from a list of app names. The list parameter should contain a list of app names.
    • randomguidfromlist: Select a random app from a list of app GUIDs. The list parameter should contain a list of app GUIDs.
    • randomnamefromfile: Select a random app from a file with app names. The filename parameter should contain the path to a file in which each line represents an app name.
    • randomguidfromfile: Select a random app from a file with app GUIDs. The filename parameter should contain the path to a file in which each line represents an app GUID.
    • round: Select an app from the artifact map according to the round-robin principle.
    • roundnamefromlist: Select an app from a list of app names according to the round-robin principle. The list parameter should contain a list of app names.
    • roundguidfromlist: Select an app from a list of app GUIDs according to the round-robin principle. The list parameter should contain a list of app GUIDs.
    • roundnamefromfile: Select an app from a file with app names according to the round-robin principle. The filename parameter should contain the path to a file in which each line represents an app name.
    • roundguidfromfile: Select an app from a file with app GUIDs according to the round-robin principle. The filename parameter should contain the path to a file in which each line represents an app GUID.
  • app: App name or app GUID (supports the use of session variables). Used with appmode set to guid or name.
  • list: List of apps. Used with appmode set to randomnamefromlist, randomguidfromlist, roundnamefromlist or roundguidfromlist.
  • filename: Path to a file in which each line represents an app. Used with appmode set to randomnamefromfile, randomguidfromfile, roundnamefromfile or roundguidfromfile.
  • externalhost: (optional) Sets an external host to be used instead of server configured in connection settings.
  • unique: Create unqiue engine session not re-using session from previous connection with same user. Defaults to false.


     "label": "OpenApp",
     "action": "OpenApp",
     "settings": {
         "appmode": "guid",
         "app": "7967af99-68b6-464a-86de-81de8937dd56"
     "label": "OpenApp",
     "action": "OpenApp",
     "settings": {
         "appmode": "randomguidfromlist",
         "list": ["7967af99-68b6-464a-86de-81de8937dd56", "ca1a9720-0f42-48e5-baa5-597dd11b6cad"]


ProductVersion action

Request the product version from the server and, optionally, save it to the log. This is a lightweight request that can be used as a keep-alive message in a loop.

  • log: Save the product version to the log (true / false). Defaults to false, if omitted.


//Keep-alive loop
    "action": "iterated",
    "settings" : {
        "iterations" : 10,
        "actions" : [
                "action" : "productversion"
                "action": "thinktime",
                "settings": {
                    "type": "static",
                    "delay": 30


PublishBookmark action

Publish a bookmark.

Note: Specify either title or id, not both.

  • title: Name of the bookmark (supports the use of variables).
  • id: ID of the bookmark.


Publish the bookmark with id "bookmark1" that was created earlier on in the script.

    "label" : "Publish bookmark 1",
    "action": "publishbookmark",
    "disabled" : false,
    "settings" : {
        "id" : "bookmark1"

Publish the bookmark with the title "bookmark of testuser", where "testuser" is the username of the simulated user.

    "label" : "Publish bookmark 2",
    "action": "publishbookmark",
    "disabled" : false,
    "settings" : {
        "title" : "bookmark of {{.UserName}}"


PublishSheet action

Publish sheets in the current app.

  • mode:
    • allsheets: Publish all sheets in the app.
    • sheetids: Only publish the sheets specified by the sheetIds array.
  • sheetIds: (optional) Array of sheet IDs for the sheetids mode.
  • includePublished: Try to publish already published sheets.


     "label": "PublishSheets",
     "action": "publishsheet",
     "settings": {
       "mode": "sheetids",
       "sheetIds": ["qmGcYS", "bKbmgT"]


RandomAction action

Randomly select other actions to perform. This meta-action can be used as a starting point for your testing efforts, to simplify script authoring or to add background load.

randomaction accepts a list of action types between which to randomize. An execution of randomaction executes one or more of the listed actions (as determined by the iterations parameter), randomly chosen by a weighted probability. If nothing else is specified, each action has a default random mode that is used. An override is done by specifying one or more parameters of the original action.

Each action executed by randomaction is followed by a customizable thinktime.

Note: The recommended way to use this action is to prepend it with an openapp and a changesheet action as this ensures that a sheet is always in context.

  • actions: List of actions from which to randomly pick an action to execute. Each item has a number of possible parameters.
    • type: Type of action
      • thinktime: See the thinktime action.
      • sheetobjectselection: Make random selections within objects visible on the current sheet. See the select action.
      • changesheet: See the changesheet action.
      • clearall: See the clearall action.
    • weight: The probabilistic weight of the action, specified as an integer. This number is proportional to the likelihood of the specified action, and is used as a weight in a uniform random selection.
    • overrides: (optional) Static overrides to the action. The overrides can include any or all of the settings from the original action, as determined by the type field. If nothing is specified, the default values are used.
  • thinktimesettings: Settings for the thinktime action, which is automatically inserted after every randomized action.
    • type: Type of think time
      • static: Static think time, defined by delay.
      • uniform: Random think time with uniform distribution, defined by mean and dev.
    • delay: Delay (seconds), used with type static.
    • mean: Mean (seconds), used with type uniform.
    • dev: Deviation (seconds) from mean value, used with type uniform.
  • iterations: Number of random actions to perform.

Random action defaults

The following default values are used for the different actions:

  • thinktime: Mirrors the configuration of thinktimesettings
  • sheetobjectselection:
         "id": <UNIFORMLY RANDOMIZED>,
         "type": "RandomFromAll",
         "min": 1,
         "max": 2,
         "accept": true
  • changesheet:
  • clearall:


Generating a background load by executing 5 random actions

    "action": "RandomAction",
    "settings": {
        "iterations": 5,
        "actions": [
                "type": "thinktime",
                "weight": 1
                "type": "sheetobjectselection",
                "weight": 3
                "type": "changesheet",
                "weight": 5
                "type": "clearall",
                "weight": 1
        "thinktimesettings": {
            "type": "uniform",
            "mean": 10,
            "dev": 5

Making random selections from excluded values

    "action": "RandomAction",
    "settings": {
        "iterations": 1,
        "actions": [
                "type": "sheetobjectselection",
                "weight": 1,
                "overrides": {
                  "type": "RandomFromExcluded",
                  "min": 1,
                  "max": 5
        "thinktimesettings": {
            "type": "static",
            "delay": 1


Reload action

Reload the current app by simulating selecting Load data in the Data load editor. To select an app, preceed this action with an openapp action.

  • mode: Error handling during the reload operation
    • default: Use the default error handling.
    • abend: Stop reloading the script, if an error occurs.
    • ignore: Continue reloading the script even if an error is detected in the script.
  • partial: Enable partial reload (true / false). This allows you to add data to an app without reloading all data. Defaults to false, if omitted.
  • log: Save the reload log as a field in the output (true / false). Defaults to false, if omitted. Note: This should only be used when needed as the reload log can become very large.
  • nosave: Do not send a save request for the app after the reload is done. Defaults to saving the app.


    "action": "reload",
    "settings": {
        "mode" : "default",
        "partial": false


Select action

Select random values in an object.

See the Limitations section in the file for limitations related to this action.

  • id: ID of the object in which to select values.
  • type: Selection type
    • randomfromall: Randomly select within all values of the symbol table.
    • randomfromenabled: Randomly select within the white and light grey values on the first data page.
    • randomfromexcluded: Randomly select within the dark grey values on the first data page.
    • randomdeselect: Randomly deselect values on the first data page.
    • values: Select specific element values, defined by values array.
  • accept: Accept or abort selection after selection (only used with wrap) (true / false).
  • wrap: Wrap selection with Begin / End selection requests (true / false).
  • min: Minimum number of selections to make.
  • max: Maximum number of selections to make.
  • dim: Dimension / column in which to select.
  • values: Array of element values to select when using selection type values. These are the element values for a selection, not the values seen by the user.


Randomly select among all the values in object RZmvzbF.

     "label": "ListBox Year",
     "action": "Select",
     "settings": {
         "id": "RZmvzbF",
         "type": "RandomFromAll",
         "accept": true,
         "wrap": false,
         "min": 1,
         "max": 3,
         "dim": 0

Randomly select among all the enabled values (a.k.a "white" values) in object RZmvzbF.

     "label": "ListBox Year",
     "action": "Select",
     "settings": {
         "id": "RZmvzbF",
         "type": "RandomFromEnabled",
         "accept": true,
         "wrap": false,
         "min": 1,
         "max": 3,
         "dim": 0

Statically selecting specific values

This example selects specific element values in object RZmvzbF. These are the values which can be seen in a selection when e.g. inspecting traffic, it is not the data values presented to the user. E.g. when loading a table in the following order by a Sense loadscript:


which might be presented to the user sorted as


The element values will be Beta=0, Alpha=1 and Gamma=2.

To statically select "Gamma" in this case:

     "label": "Select Gammma",
     "action": "Select",
     "settings": {
         "id": "RZmvzbF",
         "type": "values",
         "accept": true,
         "wrap": false,
         "values" : [2],
         "dim": 0


SetScript action

Set the load script for the current app. To load the data from the script, use the reload action after the setscript action.

  • script: Load script for the app (written as a string).


    "action": "setscript",
    "settings": {
        "script" : "Characters:\nLoad Chr(RecNo()+Ord('A')-1) as Alpha, RecNo() as Num autogenerate 26;"


SetScriptVar action

Sets a variable which can be used within the same session. Cannot be accessed across different simulated users.

  • name: Name of variable to set. Will overwrite any existing variable with same name.
  • type: Type of the variable.
    • string: Variable of type string e.g. my var value.
    • int: Variable of type integer e.g. 6.
    • array: Variable of type array e.g. 1,2,3.
  • value: Value to set to variable (supports the use of session variables).
  • sep: Separator to use when separating string into array. Defaults to ,.


Create a variable containing a string and use it in openapp.

    "action": "setscriptvar",
    "settings": {
        "name": "mylocalvar",
        "type": "string",
        "value": "My app Name with number for session {{ .Session }}"
    "action": "openapp",
    "settings": {
        "appmode": "name",
        "app": "{{ .ScriptVars.mylocalvar }}"

Create a variable containing an integer and use it in a loop creating bookmarks numbered 1 to 5. Then in a different loop reset variable and delete the bookmarks.

    "action": "setscriptvar",
    "settings": {
        "name": "BookmarkCounter",
        "type": "int",
        "value": "0"
    "action": "iterated",
    "settings": {
        "iterations": 5,
        "actions": [
                "action": "setscriptvar",
                "settings": {
                    "name": "BookmarkCounter",
                    "type": "int",
                    "value": "{{ add .ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter 1 }}"
                "action": "createbookmark",
                "settings": {
                    "title": "Bookmark {{ .ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter }}",
                    "description": "This bookmark contains some interesting selections"
    "action": "setscriptvar",
    "settings": {
        "name": "BookmarkCounter",
        "type": "int",
        "value": "0"
    "action": "iterated",
    "disabled": false,
    "settings": {
        "iterations": 3,
        "actions": [
                "action": "setscriptvar",
                "settings": {
                    "name": "BookmarkCounter",
                    "type": "int",
                    "value": "{{ .ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter | add 1}}"
                "action": "deletebookmark",
                "settings": {
                    "mode": "single",
                    "title": "Bookmark {{ $element:=range.ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter }} {{ $element }}{{ end }}"

Combine two variables MyArrayVar and BookmarkCounter to create 3 bookmarks with the names Bookmark one, Bookmark two and Bookmark three.

    "action": "setscriptvar",
    "settings": {
        "name": "MyArrayVar",
        "type": "array",
        "value": "one,two,three,four,five",
        "sep": ","
    "action": "setscriptvar",
    "settings": {
        "name": "BookmarkCounter",
        "type": "int",
        "value": "0"
    "action": "iterated",
    "disabled": false,
    "settings": {
        "iterations": 3,
        "actions": [
                "action": "createbookmark",
                "settings": {
                    "title": "Bookmark {{ index .ScriptVars.MyArrayVar .ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter }}",
                    "description": "This bookmark contains some interesting selections"
                "action": "setscriptvar",
                "settings": {
                    "name": "BookmarkCounter",
                    "type": "int",
                    "value": "{{ .ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter | add 1}}"

A more advanced example.

Create a bookmark "BookmarkX" for each iteration in a loop, and add this to an array "MyArrayVar". After the first iterated action this will look like "Bookmark1,Bookmark2,Bookmark3". The second iterated action then deletes these bookmarks using the created array.

Dissecting the first array construction action. The join command takes the elements .ScriptVars.MyArrayVar and joins them together into a string separated by the separtor ,. So with an array of [ elem1 elem2 ] this becomes a string as elem1,elem2. The if statement checks if the value of .ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter is 0, if it is 0 (i.e. the first iteration) it sets the string to Bookmark1. If it is not 0, it executes the join command on .ScriptVars.MyArrayVar, on iteration 3, the result of this would be Bookmark1,Bookmark2 then it appends the fixed string ,Bookmark, so far the string is Bookmark1,Bookmark2,Bookmark. Lastly it takes the value of .ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter, which is now 2, and adds 1 too it and appends, making the entire string Bookmark1,Bookmark2,Bookmark3.

   "action": "setscriptvar",
   "settings": {
       "name": "BookmarkCounter",
       "type": "int",
       "value": "0"
   "action": "iterated",
   "disabled": false,
   "settings": {
       "iterations": 3,
       "actions": [
               "action": "setscriptvar",
               "settings": {
                   "name": "MyArrayVar",
                   "type": "array",
                   "value": "{{ if eq 0 .ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter }}Bookmark1{{ else }}{{ join .ScriptVars.MyArrayVar \",\" }},Bookmark{{ .ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter | add 1 }}{{ end }}",
                   "sep": ","
               "action": "createbookmark",
               "settings": {
                   "title": "{{ index .ScriptVars.MyArrayVar .ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter }}",
                   "description": "This bookmark contains some interesting selections"
               "action": "setscriptvar",
               "settings": {
                   "name": "BookmarkCounter",
                   "type": "int",
                   "value": "{{ .ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter | add 1}}"
   "action": "setscriptvar",
   "settings": {
       "name": "BookmarkCounter",
       "type": "int",
       "value": "0"
   "action": "iterated",
   "disabled": false,
   "settings": {
       "iterations": 3,
       "actions": [
               "action": "deletebookmark",
               "settings": {
                   "mode": "single",
                   "title": "{{ index .ScriptVars.MyArrayVar .ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter }}"
               "action": "setscriptvar",
               "settings": {
                   "name": "BookmarkCounter",
                   "type": "int",
                   "value": "{{ .ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter | add 1}}"


SetSenseVariable action

Sets a Qlik Sense variable on a sheet in the open app.

  • name: Name of the Qlik Sense variable to set.
  • value: Value to set the Qlik Sense variable to. (supports the use of session variables)


Set a variable to 2000

     "name": "vSampling",
     "value": "2000"


SheetChanger action

Create and execute a changesheet action for each sheet in an app. This can be used to cache the inital state for all objects or, by chaining two subsequent sheetchanger actions, to measure how well the calculations in an app utilize the cache.


    "label" : "Sheetchanger uncached",
    "action": "sheetchanger"
    "label" : "Sheetchanger cached",
    "action": "sheetchanger"


SmartSearch action

Perform a Smart Search in Sense app to find suggested selections.

  • searchtextsource: Source for list of strings used for searching.
    • searchtextlist (default)
    • searchtextfile
  • searchtextlist: List of of strings used for searching.
  • searchtextfile: File path to file with one search string per line.
  • pastesearchtext:
    • true: Simulate pasting search text.
    • false: Simulate typing at normal speed (default).
  • makeselection: Select a random search result.
    • true
    • false
  • selectionthinktime: Think time before selection if makeselection is true, defaults to a 1 second delay.
    • type: Type of think time
      • static: Static think time, defined by delay.
      • uniform: Random think time with uniform distribution, defined by mean and dev.
    • delay: Delay (seconds), used with type static.
    • mean: Mean (seconds), used with type uniform.
    • dev: Deviation (seconds) from mean value, used with type uniform.


Search with one search term

    "action": "smartsearch",
    "label": "one term search",
    "settings": {
        "searchtextlist": [

Search with two search terms

    "action": "smartsearch",
    "label": "two term search",
    "settings": {
        "searchtextlist": [
            "term1 term2"

Search with random selection of search text from list

    "action": "smartsearch",
    "settings": {
        "searchtextlist": [

Search with random selection of search text from file

    "action": "smartsearch",
    "settings": {
        "searchtextsource": "searchtextfile",
        "searchtextfile": "data/searchtexts.txt"
search text
"quoted search text"
another search text

Simulate pasting search text

The default behavior is to simulate typing at normal speed.

    "action": "smartsearch",
    "settings": {
        "pastesearchtext": true,
        "searchtextlist": [

Make a random selection from search results

    "action": "smartsearch",
    "settings": {
        "searchtextlist": [
        "makeselection": true,
        "selectionthinktime": {
            "type": "static",
            "delay": 2

Search with one search term including spaces

    "action": "smartsearch",
    "settings": {
        "searchtextlist": [
            "\"word1 word2\""

Search with two search terms, one of them including spaces

    "action": "smartsearch",
    "label": "two term search, one including spaces",
    "settings": {
        "searchtextlist": [
            "\"word1 word2\" term2"

Search with one search term including double quote

    "action": "smartsearch",
    "label": "one term search including spaces",
    "settings": {
        "searchtextlist": [


Subscribeobjects action

Subscribe to any object in the currently active app.

  • clear: Remove any previously subscribed objects from the subscription list.
  • ids: List of object IDs to subscribe to.


Subscribe to two objects in the currently active app and remove any previous subscriptions.

    "action" : "subscribeobjects",
    "label" : "clear subscriptions and subscribe to mBshXB and f2a50cb3-a7e1-40ac-a015-bc4378773312",
     "disabled": false,
    "settings" : {
        "clear" : true,
        "ids" : ["mBshXB", "f2a50cb3-a7e1-40ac-a015-bc4378773312"]

Subscribe to an additional single object (or a list of objects) in the currently active app, adding the new subscription to any previous subscriptions.

    "action" : "subscribeobjects",
    "label" : "add c430d8e2-0f05-49f1-aa6f-7234e325dc35 to currently subscribed objects",
     "disabled": false,
    "settings" : {
        "clear" : false,
        "ids" : ["c430d8e2-0f05-49f1-aa6f-7234e325dc35"]


ThinkTime action

Simulate user think time.

Note: This action does not require an app context (that is, it does not have to be prepended with an openapp action).

  • type: Type of think time
    • static: Static think time, defined by delay.
    • uniform: Random think time with uniform distribution, defined by mean and dev.
  • delay: Delay (seconds), used with type static.
  • mean: Mean (seconds), used with type uniform.
  • dev: Deviation (seconds) from mean value, used with type uniform.


ThinkTime uniform

This simulates a think time of 10 to 15 seconds.

     "label": "TimerDelay",
     "action": "thinktime",
     "settings": {
         "type": "uniform",
         "mean": 12.5,
         "dev": 2.5

ThinkTime constant

This simulates a think time of 5 seconds.

     "label": "TimerDelay",
     "action": "thinktime",
     "settings": {
         "type": "static",
         "delay": 5


UnpublishBookmark action

Unpublish a bookmark.

Note: Specify either title or id, not both.

  • title: Name of the bookmark (supports the use of variables).
  • id: ID of the bookmark.


Unpublish the bookmark with id "bookmark1" that was created earlier on in the script.

    "label" : "Unpublish bookmark 1",
    "action": "unpublishbookmark",
    "disabled" : false,
    "settings" : {
        "id" : "bookmark1"

Unpublish the bookmark with the title "bookmark of testuser", where "testuser" is the username of the simulated user.

    "label" : "Unpublish bookmark 2",
    "action": "unpublishbookmark",
    "disabled" : false,
    "settings" : {
        "title" : "bookmark of {{.UserName}}"


UnpublishSheet action

Unpublish sheets in the current app.

  • mode:
    • allsheets: Unpublish all sheets in the app.
    • sheetids: Only unpublish the sheets specified by the sheetIds array.
  • sheetIds: (optional) Array of sheet IDs for the sheetids mode.


     "label": "UnpublishSheets",
     "action": "unpublishsheet",
     "settings": {
       "mode": "allsheets"        


Unsubscribeobjects action

Unsubscribe to any currently subscribed object.

  • ids: List of object IDs to unsubscribe from.
  • clear: Remove any previously subscribed objects from the subscription list.


Unsubscribe from a single object (or a list of objects).

    "action" : "unsubscribeobjects",
    "label" : "unsubscribe from object maVjt and its children",
    "disabled": false,
    "settings" : {
        "ids" : ["maVjt"]

Unsubscribe from all currently subscribed objects.

    "action" : "unsubscribeobjects",
    "label" : "unsubscribe from all objects",
    "disabled": false,
    "settings" : {
        "clear": true


StepDimension action

Cycle a step in a cyclic dimension

  • id: library ID of the cyclic dimension


Cycle one step in the dimension with library ID aBc123.

    "action": "stepdimension",
        "id": "aBc123"

Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows (QSEoW) actions

Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows (QSEoW) actions

These actions are only applicable to Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows (QSEoW) deployments.


DeleteOdag action

Delete all user-generated on-demand apps for the current user and the specified On-Demand App Generation (ODAG) link.

  • linkname: Name of the ODAG link from which to delete generated apps. The name is displayed in the ODAG navigation bar at the bottom of the selection app.


    "action": "DeleteOdag",
    "settings": {
        "linkname": "Drill to Template App"


GenerateOdag action

Generate an on-demand app from an existing On-Demand App Generation (ODAG) link.

  • linkname: Name of the ODAG link from which to generate an app. The name is displayed in the ODAG navigation bar at the bottom of the selection app.


    "action": "GenerateOdag",
    "settings": {
        "linkname": "Drill to Template App"


OpenHub action

Open the hub in a QSEoW environment. This also makes the apps included in the response for the users myspace available for use by subsequent actions. The action changestream can be used to only select from apps in a specific stream.


     "action": "OpenHub",
     "label": "Open the hub"


ChangeStream action

Change to specified stream. This makes the apps in the specified stream selectable by actions such as openapp.

  • mode: Decides what kind of value the stream field contains. Defaults to name.
    • name: stream is the name of the stream.
    • id: stream is the ID if the stream.
  • stream:


Make apps in stream Everyone selectable by subsequent actions.

     "label": "ChangeStream Everyone",
     "action": "changestream",
     "settings": {
         "mode": "name",
         "stream" : "Everyone"

Make apps in stream with id ABSCDFSDFSDFO1231234 selectable subsequent actions.

     "label": "ChangeStream Test1",
     "action": "changestream",
     "settings": {
         "mode": "id",
         "stream" : "ABSCDFSDFSDFO1231234"

Session variables

This section describes the session variables that can be used with some of the actions.

Session variables

Some action parameters support session variables. A session variable is defined by putting the variable, prefixed by a dot, within double curly brackets, such as {{.UserName}}.

The following session variables are supported in actions:

  • UserName: The simulated username. This is not the same as the authenticated user, but rather how the username was defined by Login settings.
  • Session: The enumeration of the currently simulated session.
  • Thread: The enumeration of the currently simulated "thread" or "concurrent user".
  • ScriptVars: A map containing script variables added by the action setscriptvar.
  • Artifacts:
    • GetIDByTypeAndName: A function that accepts the two string arguments, artifactType and artifactName, and returns the resource id of the artifact.
    • GetNameByTypeAndID: A function that accepts the two string arguments, artifactType and artifactID, and returns the name of the artifact.

The following variable is supported in the filename of the log file:

  • ConfigFile: The filename of the config file, without file extension.

The following functions are supported:

  • now: Evaluates Golang time.Now().
  • hostname: Hostname of the local machine.
  • timestamp: Timestamp in yyyyMMddhhmmss format.
  • uuid: Generate an uuid.
  • env: Retrieve a specific environment variable. Takes one argument - the name of the environment variable to expand.
  • add: Adds two integer values together and outputs the sum. E.g. {{ add 1 2 }}.
  • join: Joins array elements together to a string separated by defined separator. E.g. {{ join .ScriptVars.MyArray \",\" }}.
  • modulo: Returns modulo of two integer values and output the result. E.g. {{ modulo 10 4 }} (will return 2)


    "label" : "Create bookmark",
    "action": "createbookmark",
    "settings": {
        "title": "my bookmark {{.Thread}}-{{.Session}} ({{.UserName}})",
        "description": "This bookmark contains some interesting selections"
    "label" : "Publish created bookmark",
    "action": "publishbookmark",
    "disabled" : false,
    "settings" : {
        "title": "my bookmark {{.Thread}}-{{.Session}} ({{.UserName}})",
  "action": "createbookmark",
  "settings": {
    "title": "{{env \"TITLE\"}}",
    "description": "This bookmark contains some interesting selections"
    "action": "setscriptvar",
    "settings": {
        "name": "BookmarkCounter",
        "type": "int",
        "value": "1"
  "action": "createbookmark",
  "settings": {
    "title": "Bookmark no {{ add .ScriptVars.BookmarkCounter 1 }}",
    "description": "This bookmark will have the title Bookmark no 2"
  "action": "setscriptvar",
  "settings": {
    "name": "MyAppId",
    "type": "string",
    "value": "{{.Artifacts.GetIDByTypeAndName \"app\" (print \"an-app-\" .Session)}}"

Let's assume the case there are 4 apps to be used in the test, all ending with number 0 to 3. The use of modulo in the example will cycle through the app suffix number in following order: 1, 2, 3, 0.

  "action": "elastictriggersubscription",
  "label": "trigger reporting task",
  "settings": {
    "subscriptiontype": "template-sharing",
    "limitperpage": 100,
    "appname": "PS-18566_Test_Levels_Pages- {{ modulo .Session 4}}",
    "subscriptionmode": "random",

Very similar case as above but apps have number suffix from 1 to 4. This can be handled combining modulo and add functions. The cycle through the suffix number will be done in following order: 2, 3, 4, 1.

  "action": "elastictriggersubscription",
  "label": "trigger reporting task",
  "settings": {
    "subscriptiontype": "template-sharing",
    "limitperpage": 100,
    "appname": "PS-18566_Test_Levels_Pages- {{ modulo .Session 4 | add 1 }}",
    "subscriptionmode": "random",


Scheduler section

This section of the JSON file contains scheduler settings for the users in the load scenario.


Simple scheduler

Settings specific to the simple scheduler.

  • type: Type of scheduler
    • simple: Standard scheduler
  • iterationtimebuffer:
    • mode: Time buffer mode. Defaults to nowait, if omitted.
      • nowait: No time buffer in between the iterations.
      • constant: Add a constant time buffer after each iteration. Defined by duration.
      • onerror: Add a time buffer in case of an error. Defined by duration.
      • minduration: Add a time buffer if the iteration duration is less than duration.
    • duration: Duration of the time buffer (for example, 500ms, 30s or 1m10s). Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h.
  • instance: Instance number for this instance. Use different instance numbers when running the same script in multiple instances to make sure the randomization is different in each instance. Defaults to 1.
  • reconnectsettings: Settings for enabling re-connection attempts in case of unexpected disconnects.
    • reconnect: Enable re-connection attempts if the WebSocket is disconnected. Defaults to false.
    • backoff: Re-connection backoff scheme. Defaults to [0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4.0, 8.0, 12.0, 16.0], if left empty. An example backoff scheme could be [0.0, 1.0, 10.0, 20.0]:
      • 0.0: If the WebSocket is disconnected, wait 0.0s before attempting to re-connect
      • 1.0: If the previous attempt to re-connect failed, wait 1.0s before attempting again
      • 10.0: If the previous attempt to re-connect failed, wait 10.0s before attempting again
      • 20.0: If the previous attempt to re-connect failed, wait 20.0s before attempting again
  • settings:
    • executionTime: Test execution time (seconds). The sessions are disconnected when the specified time has elapsed. Allowed values are positive integers. -1 means an infinite execution time.
    • iterations: Number of iterations for each 'concurrent' user to repeat. Allowed values are positive integers. -1 means an infinite number of iterations.
    • rampupDelay: Time delay (seconds) scheduled in between each concurrent user during the startup period.
    • concurrentUsers: Number of concurrent users to simulate. Allowed values are positive integers.
    • reuseUsers:
      • true: Every iteration for each concurrent user uses the same user and session.
      • false: Every iteration for each concurrent user uses a new user and session. The total number of users is the product of concurrentusers and iterations.
    • onlyinstanceseed: Disable session part of randomization seed. Defaults to false, if omitted.
      • true: All users and sessions have the same randomization sequence, which only changes if the instance flag is changed.
      • false: Normal randomization sequence, dependent on both the instance parameter and the current user session.

Using reconnectsettings

If reconnectsettings.reconnect is enabled, the following is attempted:

  1. Re-connect the WebSocket.
  2. Get the currently opened app in the re-attached engine session.
  3. Re-subscribe to the same object as before the disconnection.
  4. If successful, the action during which the re-connect happened is logged as a successful action with action and label changed to Reconnect(action) and Reconnect(label).
  5. Restart the action that was executed when the disconnection occurred (unless it is a thinktime action, which will not be restarted).
  6. Log an info row with info type WebsocketReconnect and with a semicolon-separated details section as follows: "success=X;attempts=Y;TimeSpent=Z"
    • X: True/false
    • Y: An integer representing the number of re-connection attempts
    • Z: The time spent re-connecting (ms)


Simple scheduler settings:

"scheduler": {
   "type": "simple",
   "settings": {
       "executiontime": 120,
       "iterations": -1,
       "rampupdelay": 7.0,
       "concurrentusers": 10
   "iterationtimebuffer" : {
       "mode": "onerror",
       "duration" : "5s"
   "instance" : 2

Simple scheduler set to attempt re-connection in case of an unexpected WebSocket disconnection:

"scheduler": {
   "type": "simple",
   "settings": {
       "executiontime": 120,
       "iterations": -1,
       "rampupdelay": 7.0,
       "concurrentusers": 10
   "iterationtimebuffer" : {
       "mode": "onerror",
       "duration" : "5s"
    "reconnectsettings" : {
      "reconnect" : true


Settings section

This section of the JSON file contains timeout and logging settings for the load scenario.

  • timeout: Timeout setting (seconds) for requests.
  • logs: Log settings
    • traffic: Log traffic information (true / false). Defaults to false, if omitted. Note: This should only be used for debugging purposes as traffic logging is resource-demanding.
    • debug: Log debug information (true / false). Defaults to false, if omitted.
    • metrics: Log traffic metrics (true / false). Defaults to false, if omitted. Note: This should only be used for debugging purposes as traffic logging is resource-demanding.
    • regression: Log regression data (true / false). Defaults to false, if omitted. Note: Do not log regression data when testing performance. Note With regression logging enabled, the the scheduler is implicitly set to execute the scenario as one user for one iteration.
    • filename: Name of the log file (supports the use of variables).
    • format: Log format. Defaults to tsvfile, if omitted.
      • tsvfile: Log to file in TSV format and output status to console.
      • tsvconsole: Log to console in TSV format without any status output.
      • jsonfile: Log to file in JSON format and output status to console.
      • jsonconsole: Log to console in JSON format without any status output.
      • console: Log to console in color format without any status output.
      • combined: Log to file in TSV format and to console in JSON format.
      • no: Default logs and status output turned off.
      • onlystatus: Default logs turned off, but status output turned on.
    • summary: Type of summary to display after the test run. Defaults to simple for minimal performance impact.
      • 0 or undefined: Simple, single-row summary
      • 1 or none: No summary
      • 2 or simple: Simple, single-row summary
      • 3 or extended: Extended summary that includes statistics on each unique combination of action, label and app GUID
      • 4 or full: Same as extended, but with statistics on each unique combination of method and endpoint added
    • summaryFilename: Name of summary file, only used when using summary type file. Defaults to summary.json
  • outputs: Used by some actions to save results to a file.
    • dir: Directory in which to save artifacts generated by the script (except log file).
  • maxerrors: Break execution if max errors exceeded. 0 - Do not break. Defaults to 0.


"settings": {
	"timeout": 300,
	"logs": {
		"traffic": false,
		"debug": false,
		"filename": "logs/{{.ConfigFile}}-{{timestamp}}.log"
"settings": {
	"timeout": 300,
	"logs": {
		"filename": "logs/scenario.log"
	"outputs" : {
	    "dir" : "./outputs"