This is an opinionated starter template for new .NET solutions with a focus on strictness and consistency. It encompasses frequently used files and settings that you would typcially expect in a large scale (enterprise) project.
- Includes commonly needed files like Directory.Build.props in "Solution Items" for easy access, eliminating the need to navigate through file explorers for edits.
- Enables the Central Package Management feature.
- Enables the RestorePackagesWithLockFile feature.
- Adds a global.json file for consistent SDK and runtime settings.
- Enforces
and sets the analysis level to "Recommended" for non-test projects.
This template is adaptable but not one-size-fits-all. I encourage you to fork it and modify as per your project requirements.
Install the template by running:
dotnet new install .
To generate a new solution:
dotnet new qsln --name MySolution
Changes made to the template can be tested by running the test.ps1
script. This will generate a new solution to the testoutput directory.