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Releases: r-lib/vctrs

vctrs 0.3.0

12 May 10:29
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This version features an overhaul of the coercion system to make it
more consistent and easier to implement. See the Breaking changes
and Type system sections for details.

There are three new documentation topics if you'd like to learn how to
implement coercion methods to make your class compatible with
tidyverse packages like dplyr:

Reverse dependencies troubleshooting

The following errors are caused by breaking changes.

  • "Can't convert <character> to <list>."

    vec_cast() no longer converts to list. Use vec_chop() or
    as.list() instead.

  • "Can't convert <integer> to <character>."

    vec_cast() no longer converts to character. Use as.character()to
    deparse objects.

  • "names for target but not for current"

    Names of list-columns are now preserved by vec_rbind(). Adjust
    tests accordingly.

Breaking changes

  • Double-dispatch methods for vec_ptype2() and vec_cast() are no
    longer inherited (#710). Class implementers must implement one set
    of methods for each compatible class.

    For example, a tibble subclass no longer inherits from the
    vec_ptype2() methods between tbl_df and data.frame. This means
    that you explicitly need to implement vec_ptype2() methods with
    tbl_df and data.frame.

    This change requires a bit more work from class maintainers but is
    safer because the coercion hierarchies are generally different from
    class hierarchies. See the S3 dispatch section of ?vec_ptype2 for
    more information.

  • vec_cast() is now restricted to the same conversions as
    vec_ptype2() methods (#606, #741). This change is motivated by
    safety and performance:

    • It is generally sloppy to generically convert arbitrary inputs to
      one type. Restricted coercions are more predictable and allow your
      code to fail earlier when there is a type issue.

    • When unrestricted conversions are useful, this is generally
      towards a known type. For example, glue::glue() needs to convert
      arbitrary inputs to the known character type. In this case, using
      double dispatch instead of a single dispatch generic like
      as.character() is wasteful.

    • To implement the useful semantics of coercible casts (already used
      in vec_assign()), two double dispatch were needed. Now it can be
      done with one double dispatch by calling vec_cast() directly.

  • stop_incompatible_cast() now throws an error of class
    vctrs_error_incompatible_type rather than vctrs_error_incompatible_cast.
    This means that vec_cast() also throws errors of this class, which better
    aligns it with vec_ptype2() now that they are restricted to the same

  • The y argument of stop_incompatible_cast() has been renamed to to to
    better match to_arg.

Type system

  • Double-dispatch methods for vec_ptype2() and vec_cast() are now
    easier to implement. They no longer need any the boiler plate.
    Implementing a method for classes foo and bar is now as simple as:

    #' @export <- function(x, y, ...) new_foo()

    vctrs also takes care of implementing the default and unspecified
    methods. If you have implemented these methods, they are no longer
    called and can now be removed.

    One consequence of the new dispatch mechanism is that NextMethod()
    is now completely unsupported. This is for the best as it never
    worked correctly in a double-dispatch setting. Parent methods must
    now be called manually.

  • vec_ptype2() methods now get zero-size prototypes as inputs. This
    guarantees that methods do not peek at the data to determine the
    richer type.

  • vec_is_list() no longer allows S3 lists that implement a vec_proxy()
    method to automatically be considered lists. A S3 list must explicitly
    inherit from "list" in the base class to be considered a list.

  • vec_restore() no longer restores row names if the target is not a
    data frame. This fixes an issue where POSIXlt objects would carry
    a row.names attribute after a proxy/restore roundtrip.

  • vec_cast() to and from data frames preserves the row names of

  • The internal function vec_names() now returns row names if the
    input is a data frame. Similarly, vec_set_names() sets row names
    on data frames. This is part of a general effort at making row names
    the vector names of data frames in vctrs.

    If necessary, the row names are repaired verbosely but without error
    to make them unique. This should be a mostly harmless change for
    users, but it could break unit tests in packages if they make
    assumptions about the row names.

Compatibility and fallbacks

  • With the double dispatch changes, the coercion methods are no longer
    inherited from parent classes. This is because the coercion
    hierarchy is in principle different from the S3 hierarchy. A
    consequence of this change is that subclasses that don't implement
    coercion methods are now in principle incompatible.

    This is particularly problematic with subclasses of data frames for
    which throwing incompatible errors would be too incovenient for
    users. To work around this, we have implemented a fallback to the
    relevant base data frame class (either data.frame or tbl_df) in
    coercion methods (#981). This fallback is silent unless you set the
    vctrs:::warn_on_fallback option to TRUE.

    In the future we may extend this fallback principle to other base
    types when they are explicitly included in the class vector (such as

  • Improved support for foreign classes in the combining operations
    vec_c(), vec_rbind(), and vec_unchop(). A foreign class is a
    class that doesn't implement vec_ptype2(). When all the objects to
    combine have the same foreign class, one of these fallbacks is invoked:

    • If the class implements a base::c() method, the method is used
      for the combination. (FIXME: vec_rbind() currently doesn't use
      this fallback.)

    • Otherwise if the objects have identical attributes and the same
      base type, we consider them to be compatible. The vectors are
      concatenated and the attributes are restored (#776).

    These fallbacks do not make your class completely compatible with
    vctrs-powered packages, but they should help in many simple cases.

  • vec_c() and vec_unchop() now fall back to base::c() for S4 objects if
    the object doesn't implement vec_ptype2() but sets an S4 c()
    method (#919).

Vector operations

  • vec_rbind() and vec_c() with data frame inputs now consistently
    preserve the names of list-columns, df-columns, and matrix-columns
    (#689). This can cause some false positives in unit tests, if they
    are sensitive to internal names (#1007).

  • vec_rbind() now repairs row names silently to avoid confusing
    messages when the row names are not informative and were not created
    on purpose.

  • vec_rbind() gains option to treat input names as row names. This
    is disabled by default (#966).

  • New vec_rep() and vec_rep_each() for repeating an entire vector
    and elements of a vector, respectively. These two functions provide
    a clearer interface for the functionality of vec_repeat(), which
    is now deprecated.

  • vec_cbind() now calls vec_restore() on inputs emptied of their
    columns before computing the common type. This has
    consequences for data frame classes with special columns that
    devolve into simpler classes when the columns are subsetted
    out. These classes are now always simplified by vec_cbind().

    For instance, column-binding a grouped data frame with a data frame
    now produces a tibble (the simplified class of a grouped data

  • vec_match() and vec_in() gain parameters for argument tags (#944).

  • The internal version of vec_assign() now has support for assigning
    names and inner names. For data frames, the names are assigned

  • vec_assign() gains x_arg and value_arg parameters (#918).

  • vec_group_loc(), which powers dplyr::group_by(), now has more
    efficient vector access (#911).

  • vec_ptype() gained an x_arg argument.

  • New list_sizes() for computing the size of every element in a list.
    list_sizes() is to vec_size() as lengths() is to length(), except
    that it only supports lists. Atomic vectors and data frames result in an

  • new_data_frame() infers size from row names when n = NULL (#894).

  • vec_c() now accepts rlang::zap() as .name_spec input. The
    returned vector is then always unnamed, and the names do not cause
    errors when they can't be combined. They are still used to create
    more informative messages when the inputs have incompatible types (#232).


  • vctrs now supports the data.table class. The common type of a data
    frame and a data table is a data table.

  • new_vctr() now always appends a base "list" class to list .data to
    be compatible with changes to vec_is_list(). This affects new_list_of(),
    which now returns an object with a base class of "list".

  • dplyr methods are now implemented for vec_restore(),
    vec_ptype2(), and vec_cast(). The user-visible consequence (and
    breaking change) is that row-binding a grouped data frame and a data
    frame or tibble now returns a grouped data frame. It would
    previously return a tibble.

  • The<-() method for vctrs_vctr now supp...

Read more

vctrs 0.2.4

10 Mar 16:54
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  • Factors and dates methods are now implemented in C for efficiency.

  • new_data_frame() now correctly updates attributes and supports merging
    of the "names" and "row.names" arguments (#883).

  • vec_match() gains an na_equal argument (#718).

  • vec_chop()'s indices argument has been restricted to positive integer
    vectors. Character and logical subscripts haven't proven useful, and this
    aligns vec_chop() with vec_unchop(), for which only positive integer
    vectors make sense.

  • New vec_unchop() for combining a list of vectors into a single vector. It
    is similar to vec_c(), but gives greater control over how the elements
    are placed in the output through the use of a secondary indices argument.

  • Breaking change: When .id is supplied, vec_rbind() now creates
    the identifier column at the start of the data frame rather than at
    the end.

  • numeric_version and package_version lists are now treated as
    vectors (#723).

  • vec_slice() now properly handles symbols and S3 subscripts.

  • vec_as_location() and vec_as_subscript() are now fully
    implemented in C for efficiency.

  • num_as_location() gains a new argument, zero, for controlling whether
    to "remove", "ignore", or "error" on zero values (#852).

vctrs 0.2.3

22 Feb 10:06
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  • The main feature of this release is considerable performance
    improvements with factors and dates.

  • vec_c() now falls back to base::c() if the vector doesn't
    implement vec_ptype2() but implements c(). This should improve
    the compatibility of vctrs-based functions with foreign classes

  • new_data_frame() is now faster.

  • New vec_is_list() for detecting if a vector is a list in the vctrs sense.
    For instance, objects of class lm are not lists. In general, classes need
    to explicitly inherit from "list" to be considered as lists by vctrs.

  • Unspecified vectors of NA can now be assigned into a list (#819).

    x <- list(1, 2)
    vec_slice(x, 1) <- NA
    #> [[1]]
    #> NULL
    #> [[2]]
    #> 2
  • vec_ptype() now errors on scalar inputs (#807).

  • vec_ptype_finalise() is now recursive over all data frame types, ensuring
    that unspecified columns are correctly finalised to logical (#800).

  • vec_ptype() now correctly handles unspecified columns in data frames, and
    will always return an unspecified column type (#800).

  • vec_slice() and vec_chop() now work correctly with bit64::integer64()
    objects when an NA subscript is supplied. By extension, this means that
    vec_init() now works with these objects as well (#813).

  • vec_rbind() now binds row names. When named inputs are supplied
    and names_to is NULL, the names define row names. If names_to
    is supplied, they are assigned in the column name as before.

  • vec_cbind() now binds row names if they are congruent across
    inputs. If the row names are not identical that's an error.

  • The c() method for vctrs_vctr now throws an error when
    recursive or use.names is supplied (#791).

vctrs 0.2.2

25 Jan 10:31
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  • New vec_as_subscript() function to cast inputs to the base type
    of a subscript (logical, numeric, or character). vec_as_index()
    has been renamed to vec_as_location(). Use num_as_location() if
    you need more options to control how numeric subscripts are
    converted to a vector of locations.

  • New vec_as_subscript2(), vec_as_location2(), and
    num_as_location2() variants for validating scalar subscripts and
    locations (e.g. for indexing with [[).

  • vec_as_location() now preserves names of its inputs if possible.

  • vec_ptype2() methods for base classes now prevent
    inheritance. This makes sense because the subtyping graph created by
    vec_ptype2() methods is generally not the same as the inheritance
    relationships defined by S3 classes. For instance, subclasses are
    often a richer type than their superclasses, and should often be
    declared as supertypes (e.g. vec_ptype2() should return the

    We introduced this breaking change in a patch release because
    new_vctr() now adds the base type to the class vector by default,
    which caused vec_ptype2() to dispatch erroneously to the methods
    for base types. We'll finish switching to this approach in vctrs
    0.3.0 for the rest of the base S3 classes (dates, data frames, ...).

  • vec_equal_na() now works with complex vectors.

  • vctrs_vctr class gains an as.POSIXlt() method (#717).

  • vec_is() now ignores names and row names (#707).

  • vec_slice() now support Altvec vectors (@jimhester, #696).

  • vec_proxy_equal() is now applied recursively across the columns of
    data frames (#641).

  • vec_split() no longer returns the val column as a list_of. It is now
    returned as a bare list (#660).

  • Complex numbers are now coercible with integer and double (#564).

  • zeallot has been moved from Imports to Suggests, meaning that %<-% is no
    longer re-exported from vctrs.

  • vec_equal() no longer propagates missing values when comparing list
    elements. This means that vec_equal(list(NULL), list(NULL)) will continue to
    return NA because NULL is the missing element for a list, but now
    vec_equal(list(NA), list(NA)) returns TRUE because the NA values are
    compared directly without checking for missingness.

  • Lists of expressions are now supported in vec_equal() and functions that
    compare elements, such as vec_unique() and vec_match(). This ensures that
    they work with the result of modeling functions like glm() and mgcv::gam()
    which store "family" objects containing expressions (#643).

  • new_vctr() gains an experimental inherit_base_type argument
    which determines whether or not the class of the underlying type
    will be included in the class.

  • list_of() now inherits explicitly from "list" (#593).

  • vec_ptype() has relaxed default behaviour for base types; now if two
    vectors both inherit from (e.g.) "character", the common type is also
    "character" (#497).

  • vec_equal() now correctly treats NULL as the missing value element for
    lists (#653).

  • vec_cast() now casts data frames to lists rowwise, i.e. to a list of
    data frames of size 1. This preserves the invariant of
    vec_size(vec_cast(x, to)) == vec_size(x) (#639).

  • Positive and negative 0 are now considered equivalent by all functions that
    check for equality or uniqueness (#637).

  • New experimental functions vec_group_rle() for returning run
    length encoded groups; vec_group_id() for constructing group
    identifiers from a vector; vec_group_loc() for computing the
    locations of unique groups in a vector (#514).

  • New vec_chop() for repeatedly slicing a vector. It efficiently captures
    the pattern of map(indices, vec_slice, x = x).

  • Support for multiple character encodings has been added to functions that
    compare elements within a single vector, such as vec_unique(), and across
    multiple vectors, such as vec_match(). When multiple encodings are
    encountered, a translation to UTF-8 is performed before any comparisons are
    made (#600, #553).

  • Equality and ordering methods are now implemented for raw and
    complex vectors (@romainfrancois).

vctrs 0.2.1

18 Dec 08:38
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Maintenance release for CRAN checks.

vctrs 0.2.0

09 Jul 06:56
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With the 0.2.0 release, many vctrs functions have been rewritten with
native C code to improve performance. Functions like vec_c() and
vec_rbind() should now be fast enough to be used in packages. This
is an ongoing effort, for instance the handling of factors and dates
has not been rewritten yet. These classes still slow down vctrs

The API in 0.2.0 has been updated, please see a list of breaking
changes below. vctrs has now graduated from experimental to a maturing
package (see the lifecycle of tidyverse packages).
Please note that API changes are still planned for future releases,
for instance vec_ptype2() and vec_cast() might need to return a
sentinel instead of failing with an error when there is no common type
or possible cast.

Breaking changes

  • Lossy casts now throw errors of type vctrs_error_cast_lossy.
    Previously these were warnings. You can suppress these errors
    selectively with allow_lossy_cast() to get the partial cast
    results. To implement your own lossy cast operation, call the new
    exported function maybe_lossy_cast().

  • vec_c() now fails when an input is supplied with a name but has
    internal names or is length > 1:

    vec_c(foo = c(a = 1))
    #> Error: Can't merge the outer name `foo` with a named vector.
    #> Please supply a `.name_spec` specification.
    vec_c(foo = 1:3)
    #> Error: Can't merge the outer name `foo` with a vector of length > 1.
    #> Please supply a `.name_spec` specification.

    You can supply a name specification that describes how to combine
    the external name of the input with its internal names or positions:

    # Name spec as glue string:
    vec_c(foo = c(a = 1), .name_spec = "{outer}_{inner}")
    # Name spec as a function:
    vec_c(foo = c(a = 1), .name_spec = function(outer, inner) paste(outer, inner, sep = "_"))
    vec_c(foo = c(a = 1), .name_spec = ~ paste(.x, .y, sep = "_"))
  • vec_empty() has been renamed to vec_is_empty().

  • vec_dim() and vec_dims() are no longer exported.

  • vec_na() has been renamed to vec_init(), as the primary use case
    is to initialize an output container.

  • vec_slice<- is now type stable (#140). It always returns the same
    type as the LHS. If needed, the RHS is cast to the correct type, but
    only if both inputs are coercible. See examples in ?vec_slice.

  • We have renamed the type particle to ptype:

    • vec_type() => vec_ptype()
    • vec_type2() => vec_ptype2()
    • vec_type_common() => vec_ptype_common()

    Consequently, vec_ptype() was renamed to vec_ptype_show().

New features

  • New vec_proxy() generic. This is the main customisation point in
    vctrs along with vec_restore(). You should only implement it when
    your type is designed around a non-vector class (atomic vectors,
    bare lists, data frames). In this case, vec_proxy() should return
    such a vector class. The vctrs operations will be applied on the
    proxy and vec_restore() is called to restore the original
    representation of your type.

    The most common case where you need to implement vec_proxy() is
    for S3 lists. In vctrs, S3 lists are treated as scalars by
    default. This way we don't treat objects like model fits as
    vectors. To prevent vctrs from treating your S3 list as a scalar,
    unclass it from the vec_proxy() method. For instance here is the
    definition for list_of:

    #' @export
    vec_proxy.vctrs_list_of <- function(x) {

    If you inherit from vctrs_vctr or vctrs_rcrd you don't need to
    implement vec_proxy().

  • vec_c(), vec_rbind(), and vec_cbind() gain a .name_repair
    argument (#227, #229).

  • vec_c(), vec_rbind(), vec_cbind(), and all functions relying
    on vec_ptype_common() now have more informative error messages
    when some of the inputs have nested data frames that are not

    df1 <- tibble(foo = tibble(bar = tibble(x = 1:3, y = letters[1:3])))
    df2 <- tibble(foo = tibble(bar = tibble(x = 1:3, y = 4:6)))
    vec_rbind(df1, df2)
    #> Error: No common type for `..1$foo$bar$y` <character> and `..2$foo$bar$y` <integer>.
  • vec_cbind() now turns named data frames to packed columns.

    data <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:3, y = letters[1:3])
    data <- vec_cbind(data, packed = data)
    # A tibble: 3 x 3
          x y     packed$x $y
      <int> <chr>    <int> <chr>
    1     1 a            1 a
    2     2 b            2 b
    3     3 c            3 c

    Packed data frames are nested in a single column. This makes it
    possible to access it through a single name:

    # A tibble: 3 x 2
          x y
      <int> <chr>
    1     1 a
    2     2 b
    3     3 c

    We are planning to use this syntax more widely in the tidyverse.

  • New vec_is() function to check whether a vector conforms to a
    prototype and/or a size. Unlike vec_assert(), it doesn't throw
    errors but returns TRUE or FALSE (#79).

    Called without a specific type or size, vec_assert() tests whether
    an object is a data vector or a scalar. S3 lists are treated as
    scalars by default. Implement a vec_is_vector() for your class to
    override this property (or derive from vctrs_vctr).

  • New vec_order() and vec_sort() for ordering and sorting
    generalised vectors.

  • New .names_to parameter for vec_rbind(). If supplied, this
    should be the name of a column where the names of the inputs are
    copied. This is similar to the .id parameter of

  • New vec_seq_along() and vec_init_along() create useful sequences (#189).

  • vec_slice() now preserves character row names, if present.

  • New vec_split(x, by) is a generalisation of split() that can divide
    a vector into groups formed by the unique values of another vector. Returns
    a two-column data frame containing unique values of by aligned with
    matching x values (#196).

Other features and bug fixes

  • Using classed errors of class "vctrs_error_assert" for failed
    assertions, and of class "vctrs_error_incompatible" (with
    subclasses _type, _cast and _op) for errors on incompatible
    types (#184).

  • Character indexing is now only supported for named objects, an error
    is raised for unnamed objects (#171).

  • Predicate generics now consistently return logical vectors when
    passed a vctrs_vctr class. They used to restore the output to
    their input type (#251).

  • list_of() now has an as.character() method. It uses
    vec_ptype_abbr() to collapse complex objects into their type
    representation (tidyverse/tidyr#654).

  • New stop_incompatible_size() to signal a failure due to mismatched sizes.

  • New validate_list_of() (#193).

  • vec_arith() is consistent with base R when combining difftime
    and date, with a warning if casts are lossy (#192).

  • vec_c() and vec_rbind() now handle data.frame columns properly
    (@yutannihilation, #182).

  • vec_cast(x, data.frame()) preserves the number of rows in x.

  • vec_equal() now handles missing values symmetrically (#204).

  • vec_equal_na() now returns TRUE for data frames and records when
    every component is missing, not when any component is missing

  • vec_init() checks input is a vector.

  • vec_proxy_compare() gains an experimental relax argument, which
    allows data frames to be orderable even if all their columns are not

  • vec_size() now works with positive short row names. This fixes
    issues with data frames created with jsonlite (#220).

  • vec_slice<- now has a vec_assign() alias. Use vec_assign()
    when you don't want to modify the original input.

  • vec_slice() now calls vec_restore() automatically. Unlike the
    default [ method from base R, attributes are preserved by default.

  • vec_slice() can correct slice 0-row data frames (#179).

  • New vec_repeat() for repeating each element of a vector the same number
    of times.

  • vec_type2(x, data.frame()) ensures that the returned object has
    names that are a length-0 character vector.

vctrs 0.1.0

02 Dec 22:18
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Fix obvious description issue